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Pheu Thai Chief Warns Of 'Conspiracy' To Nullify Election

Lite Beer

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Sister-in-law just returned from voting in Ratchaburi - complained she only got 300 baht this time (someone is skimming off 200). Anyway, she voted NO. clap2.gif Politicians should not think their electorate is as stupid as they are.

So, said sister-in-law, who decided to vote NO (if I;m not mistaken, a NO vote is akin to an anti PT vote as PT is a corrupt govt) is very happy to accept money for her vote (corruption?) yet subsequently votes against that party that paid her (dishonest, as well as corrupt).


Your clap2.gif icon seems to suggest that you agreed with her actions

Are you trying to switch the accusation here? Only one party acted corruptly, the (PT) party offering the bribe, a criminal act.

AFAIK there is no law for taking money offered by corrupt fools, even if you consider it morally wrong. I wonder why?

There is supply without demand.

I understand that you need to find some justification for the acceptance of the bribe but in your heart of hearts, I think you know as well as I that the original poster has blundered by openly stating that his SIL willingly took a bribe. In many countries around the world, accepting a bribe is illegal. Do you think that those Chinese officials were executed for offering a bribe, or accepting one?

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With all the violence around this election, with parts of the country under an Emergency Decree, with an election to be stressed out over a four months period at would seem, with NO results or tallies to be made public before all is done, with boxes of cast votes to be 'secured' for so long, who would be surprised if these elections will be annulled.

Some of us think that's why the EC made only token efforts to run these elections, to give the appearance of compliance with their job under the law.

Hence they're saying an election, which should take 60 days under the constitutiion may take another 4 months, for a total of 180 days = the time to run 3 full elections!!

Why 180 days? Perhaps because if they take 181, they can then annul the election under the 180 day rule.

Even if they ran another full election, it should only take 60 days according to the constitution and to normal practice. Yet here they are saying just to run the by elections will take a further 2 election cycles length?!

Some us of think that the EC has made the effort one could except in the current situation which in a way was created by the not-so-caretaking government itself.

As for the 60 days, 4 months, 180 days or whatever, later in February new 'advance voting'; sessions are planned. now that tells a lot about the status of these elections. Bloody waste of money, but then what was to be expected with this defunct government.

At yesterdays fighting, the army came and cleared the area, even of PDRC protestors, yet the voting boxes were not released. This shows the army can clear the protestors when they choose to, but EC has not asked them to clear the protestors from any of the sites.

How difficult is for EC to ask the army to clear an election site? Not difficult at all, but it's never asked.

Why would EC fail to even take a simple step like that, if it wanted to do its job?

New advanced voting sessions may be planned, but there is no prospect of the EC actually doing these. Will it ask the army to clear Sutheps mini mob?! I don't think so, do you? It didn't last time, so why would it ask for the sites to be cleared this time?

EC is saying it will take another 4 months to finish elections, i.e. 2 60 day complete election processes!

"It's not the people who vote that count. It's the people who count the votes." Joseph Starlin

How can the EC ask the army anything? Isn't law enforcement the task of the police?

Interesting how people want to get the army involved in these elections rolleyes.gif

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With all the violence around this election, with parts of the country under an Emergency Decree, with an election to be stressed out over a four months period at would seem, with NO results or tallies to be made public before all is done, with boxes of cast votes to be 'secured' for so long, who would be surprised if these elections will be annulled.

In your homeland when election results are contested for a seat, the recount can go through several stages, and take some time, all the while the ballots are held by the election officials. I can think of a couple that ended up in the courts in Canada, the USA and the UK after months of arguing. Those countries were able to maintain the integrity of the ballot boxes. I think Thailand can do the same.

I saw on Channel3 yesterday how a polling station was doing the tallying. Some poster here suggested individual districts could make results known, but the EC could not. Sounds somewhat dishonest.

After closing time I walked around a bit in my district (5 Dusit). I watched how a ballot box was locked. A friendly police officer at the location said to me 'sealed, OK'. mind you not really sturdy boxes.

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I tell you what...the result of this election is going to decide everything.

At the end of the day, let's see how many voted, how many poll stations was blocked and most importantly, who won the majority of votes.

When will the EC start broadcasting the results?

This election will not stand up, too many problems and not enough seats will be filled. It would be interesting to see what the voter turnout was and how many stayed away. Of course the PT will win a majority since they were the only main party running, so it is impossible for them to have lost. The EC can't broadcast the results with so many polls unable to be opened, they should be held first. The PT idea that they can do it again in a week is wishful thinking. By rushing into an election where it was easy to see that there would be problems the PT has given the courts every reason they need to nullify it. I did enjoy the story of Yingluck putting her ballots in the wrong boxes, that's one clever leader they've got.

Well complimented by a Supreme Commander who left his national ID card behind..........

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I tell you what...the result of this election is going to decide everything.

At the end of the day, let's see how many voted, how many poll stations was blocked and most importantly, who won the majority of votes.

When will the EC start broadcasting the results?

This election will not stand up, too many problems and not enough seats will be filled. It would be interesting to see what the voter turnout was and how many stayed away. Of course the PT will win a majority since they were the only main party running, so it is impossible for them to have lost. The EC can't broadcast the results with so many polls unable to be opened, they should be held first. The PT idea that they can do it again in a week is wishful thinking. By rushing into an election where it was easy to see that there would be problems the PT has given the courts every reason they need to nullify it. I did enjoy the story of Yingluck putting her ballots in the wrong boxes, that's one clever leader they've got.

Well complimented by a Supreme Commander who left his national ID card behind..........

Oooh ... well he did, she said, they didn't......

Pointless finger pointing in the playground..... again.

If there was ever an entire nation that desperately needed to grow up, it's this one.

But if it suits you, carry on spitting the dummy out with the rest of the children.

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