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Suthep playing with Cambodian fire


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Yes, there's little to substantiate Suthep's allegations. It makes no sense to use Cambodians. There are plenty of angry Thais who are ready to attack the PDRC, in any case. However, going back to Tharit's suggestion of foreign involvement in the PDRC rallies. Apparently one protest leader, Issara Somchai, has hired some men who claim to be former French Foreign Legion as part of his security detail. Here is one of them:


There's no evidence these men have been involved in violence. I only point it out because I saw the suggestion that the FFL were involved - dismissed it as ridiculous - but then someone on Twitter claimed to have spoken to these men who told him that they'd been hired as 'security advisors' for Issara. I guess it's not that strange after all, I've heard that some other prominent Thais also have foreigners advising on security, ex special forces and the like. Presumably these guys are just there to give advice, not actually use weapons...

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Wasn't the Cambodian allegation/red herring started by the Commander of the Naval SEALS, after some armed SEALS were caught with weapons in BKK in the middle of the night?

If there really are Cambodian mercenaries in BKK, they've done a very good job at not being seen - a better job than the various Men in Black.

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Destabilising the home not enough, he moves on to upset the neighbours. Young people should be busy taking notes now, on the importance of tact and diplomacy, using Suthep as a life-class working model on how the absence of these things can prove disastrous. That can be Suthep's legacy, teaching the next generation the importance of maintaining decorum and restraint in the public sphere.

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Has the Cambodian army been the first to cast any stone during this 5 or 6 years of nonsense.

Seems Suthep is playing with thai fire.

Are you forgetting the border clashes before the 2011 election? Admittedly, they weren't stones being lobbed into eastern Thailand, who the instigators were is subject to dispute, but the timing was very convenient and beneficial to an "eternal friend".

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Has the Cambodian army been the first to cast any stone during this 5 or 6 years of nonsense.

Seems Suthep is playing with thai fire.

Are you forgetting the border clashes before the 2011 election? Admittedly, they weren't stones being lobbed into eastern Thailand, who the instigators were is subject to dispute, but the timing was very convenient and beneficial to an "eternal friend".

Agree that Suthep should not be playing the nationalist-card, but Hun Sen must also be wondering when he'll get movement on the offshore-oil, wouldn't be surprised if he were disappointed with progress on that since 2011. Certainly he must have an interest, in which side is in-power, in his neighbouring country.

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Has the Cambodian army been the first to cast any stone during this 5 or 6 years of nonsense.

Seems Suthep is playing with thai fire.

Are you forgetting the border clashes before the 2011 election? Admittedly, they weren't stones being lobbed into eastern Thailand, who the instigators were is subject to dispute, but the timing was very convenient and beneficial to an "eternal friend".

If I remember, it wasn't proven who started it, but I think safe to say, Thailand has more to gain than Cambodia.

Please send these nationalists down there to solve the problems. I'm sure the Cambodians would quake in their boots.

Scoundrels the lot of them.

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Yes, there's little to substantiate Suthep's allegations. It makes no sense to use Cambodians. There are plenty of angry Thais who are ready to attack the PDRC, in any case. However, going back to Tharit's suggestion of foreign involvement in the PDRC rallies. Apparently one protest leader, Issara Somchai, has hired some men who claim to be former French Foreign Legion as part of his security detail. Here is one of them:


There's no evidence these men have been involved in violence. I only point it out because I saw the suggestion that the FFL were involved - dismissed it as ridiculous - but then someone on Twitter claimed to have spoken to these men who told him that they'd been hired as 'security advisors' for Issara. I guess it's not that strange after all, I've heard that some other prominent Thais also have foreigners advising on security, ex special forces and the like. Presumably these guys are just there to give advice, not actually use weapons...

I very much doubt any reputable special forces operator would allow themselves to be in a situation where that type of photo can be taken. That farang looks like some walter mitty gym/steroid junkie by the size of him, with the objective of looking cool rather than doing anything substantive.

Yeah, of course, a lot of people claim to be ex special forces. Maybe just some wannabes in this case.

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Has the Cambodian army been the first to cast any stone during this 5 or 6 years of nonsense.

Seems Suthep is playing with thai fire.

Are you forgetting the border clashes before the 2011 election? Admittedly, they weren't stones being lobbed into eastern Thailand, who the instigators were is subject to dispute, but the timing was very convenient and beneficial to an "eternal friend".

If I remember, it wasn't proven who started it, but I think safe to say, Thailand has more to gain than Cambodia.

Please send these nationalists down there to solve the problems. I'm sure the Cambodians would quake in their boots.

Scoundrels the lot of them.

Chris Baker pointed the finger at nationalists for the clash. Suggested it was instigated by those who didn't want the election to go ahead. I don't know. Not sure how sparking up nationalist frenzy would've helped Thaksin though.

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"And, with the result of Thailand's election uncertain, Yingluck might have lost her chance to handle the Preah Vihear case altogether. Instead, we could see Suthep or his former Democrat Party colleagues installed in power and thereby in position to talk with Cambodia about the issue.

History might yet repeat itself. Suthep and the protest leaders must not burn their bridges with Cambodia. They might need them someday."

-- The Nation 2014-02-04



Hark, I hear a cannon roar...

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Well the Yellows have a past history of this right?

Creating the Preah Vihar Temple incident to descredit PT - where none existed. Cambodian Wizards in some of their mystical conspiracy theories (Robe ceremony, Erwana shrine smashing) , Navy claiming armed Cambodian infiltrators etc

Why wouldn't Suthep go back to the well one more time. It's not like he has anything to lose, or anybody besides his faithful actually believe these tall tales.

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Well; if you can't start a war in your own country then why not stir enough shit with a neighbour to start one with them ? Suthep is now a desperate Man but lets face it; it wasn't him who started the crap about Cambodians being involved it was the Thai Navy.

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lets face it; it wasn't him who started the crap about Cambodians being involved it was the Thai Navy.


Uh, there like on the same side ....

see what Happens when they do something - like that actress did so many years ago - wether true or not and then the cambos get riled up and go torch 35 million in Thai business and infrastructure.

No war, cause that would actually mean fighting and given the Thai armies track record - Laos 87/88 - not something they are good at

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Even with evidence, it's unusual that Suthep would name the actual country of origin for these gunmen. Maybe he's not planing for any future in Thai politics. Quite possibly the powerful person behind the scenes of the Anti-government demostrators, will soon see Suthep as a liability and he may soon "disappear" for other expendable political aspirants from the Demorat party.

Edited by Time Traveller
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