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Farmers from 30 provinces to march into Bangkok


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Come on Democrats, now's your big chance, help the farmers organise and mount a meaningful protest to oust the criminal reds, the clone and all her idiot hanger-on's and the fugitive.

What an opportunity to rid the country of these parasites once and for all. At the end you can then discuss your differences with the rank and file of what should be the farmers political party, let them call themselves red if that's what they want, but without the influence of the criminal faction what has played them for far too long there should be ground for understanding enabling Thailand to get back on track once again.

Come on Democrats, now's your big chance, help the farmers organise and mount a meaningful protest to oust the criminal reds, the clone and all her idiot hanger-on's and the fugitive.

It is also a great opportunity for Democrats and others to show that they care about farmers and arrange no interest loans for the farmers, can anyone think of a better way to make PTP look even worse than they already do.

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The first is to demand for rice payment, and the second is to oust the caretaker prime minister, he added.

One way to oust the caretaker prime minister is not to vote for her. But what do you do? Most of the rice farmers continue to vote for her.

Memo for rice farmers: your threat is empty when you continue to vote this way....but you know this already.

You are correct , they talk a lot only, and they still elected the snake back in to govt.

How do you know any of the farmers who have not been paid voted for them this time round ?

The voter turn out has been way down in most places and as yet we don't know how many 'no votes' there were.

Quite likely the farmers who have not been paid or their families did not vote for them.

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The first is to demand for rice payment, and the second is to oust the caretaker prime minister, he added.

One way to oust the caretaker prime minister is not to vote for her. But what do you do? Most of the rice farmers continue to vote for her.

Memo for rice farmers: your threat is empty when you continue to vote this way....but you know this already.

You are correct , they talk a lot only, and they still elected the snake back in to govt.

How do you know any of the farmers who have not been paid voted for them this time round ?

The voter turn out has been way down in most places and as yet we don't know how many 'no votes' there were.

Quite likely the farmers who have not been paid or their families did not vote for them.

The results will be interesting as I believe Taksin got less votes, for a number of reasons, the main one being the rice farce, the failure to agree the amount paid for the votes, and local village elders standing up to Red mafia scum who came into the village to intimidate people into voting. These scum apparently were police from other districts..The single police officer at the polling station was useless.

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However he made clear that the arrival of farmers in the capital had nothing to do with the anti-government protests but just to ask when would the government pay them money.

and then ;

He added that farmers had two main objectives to wage their protest in Bangkok.

The first is to demand for rice payment, and the second is to oust the caretaker prime minister, he added.

Sounds like they have a similar agenda to the anti-government protesters to me.

Who will be next to demand her head ? The school children who did not receive the tablets they were promised ?

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The first is to demand for rice payment, and the second is to oust the caretaker prime minister, he added.

One way to oust the caretaker prime minister is not to vote for her. But what do you do? Most of the rice farmers continue to vote for her.

Memo for rice farmers: your threat is empty when you continue to vote this way....but you know this already.

Is it really that cut and dried?

In the meantime you have a family to feed, what do you do and who do you turn to?

I expect the vote paymaster knows exactly how a paid for vote is cast and woe betide those who try to cheat the paymaster......

The farmers are surely clutching at straws like a drowning man, thinking is likely not an option in these desperate times.

I expect it would be the same for a lot of us Farang if our home government said Oops, we're broke and can't pay your pension, what would we do and who would we turn to?

Desperate times require desperate measures?

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The rice farmers know that in order to get payment they have to create a fuss so every person in Thailand can hear them. Once their voice is heard then all heads will be banged together and told to complete payment as a priority, regardless of the politics.

The PDRC wants to turn them against PTP.

However, as the election showed, they pretty much all support PTP and elections were held without issue in the major rice growing areas. Once the PDRC realise that they cannot turn them, and once pressure from above is applied to tell the PDRC to stop interfering in the payment to poor Thai farmers by lobbying banks to not support fund raising, then they will be paid.

This is why the farmers are clearly saying that they only want their money, they are not anti-government. once this message sinks into the PDRC backers then the problem of payments will be able to be eliminated.

.............................."they are not anti-government".......................................

Did you even bother to read the op, or do you know everything there is to know about Thai rice farmers ? Read the following, and really concentrate on the second sentence -

He added that farmers had two main objectives to wage their protest in Bangkok.

The first is to demand for rice payment, and the second is to oust the caretaker prime minister, he added.

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Maybe the PDRC, particularly Suthep, should back off a bit a let these farmers take center stage for a bit. After all, one of their two main goals is the one they share with the PDRC; the resignation of Yingluck.

With a bunch of farmers on stage it might make it a bit harder for the usual Red Shirt/PTP apologists to rattle on with the usual BS about urban elites vs poor rural farmers.

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Apparently the ice farmers and their leaders do not understand the phrase "we have no money left to pay you"

While I feel sorry for the farmers, it was many of them who voted in the PTP and were suckered in by their lies and false promises. Thou shall not worship false Gods

Apparently you are satisfied with the government's explanation " we have no money left to pay you" !!

What a load of <deleted>.

What did they spend it on? Transport infrastructure? Education?

Doesn't anyone think as to where the rice or the money went?

We had a government in Australia that recently went public about "losing" 24 billion dollars.

Not one person in the whole country asked where it went.

Politicians with Alzheimer's, the new breed of wolves care taking sheep, who only bleat and never pry.

We all get the politicians we deserve, and the poor workers bear the brunt of it.

There is barely such a thing as a poor worker in Australia, but there are plenty here.

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And all farmers will come back with a tablet PC for each family member. Time to get rid of the rotten fish sauce at Bangkok's politicians with the red shirts.

Most people don't even realize how much tax we foreigners are paying, when we buy houses, Lamborghini's and several Lear Jets..

Will have to pay my annual tax soon.

Edited by lostinisaan
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Oh dear, will the red shirts be attacking the red shirts?

How will the TV Red Shirts handle this?

They will blame the the World bank or Moody's or UNHCR or Human Rights Watch or the DEMS or the Environmentalists or the corn farmer or academics or global economists or IMF or the EC or Suthep or the banks.

​Get ready….

They will start with blaming the "farangs" whistling.gif

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This time it will be harder as no one is funding them. Hope they get what they want before they all go bankrupt.

The scheme is so unwelcome by farmers.

It is time to cancel the project once and for all, to make the farmers happy.

It also make Bangkok tax-payer happy; win win.

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The first is to demand for rice payment, and the second is to oust the caretaker prime minister, he added.

One way to oust the caretaker prime minister is not to vote for her. But what do you do? Most of the rice farmers continue to vote for her.

Memo for rice farmers: your threat is empty when you continue to vote this way....but you know this already.

I think the majority of the unpaid farmers have not voted or cast a 'no vote'. The only rice farmers who would have voted for PTP this time are the ones who are already paid, and we all know what areas were paid first.

Strange how the vote has followed the same route as the money.

Wonder how they will feel when they realise that their little earner is now collapsed and this time next year will be in the same boat as those on their way to BKK today.

Sorry but I have to pick some holes in this. I can assure you 'we' do not all know who has already been paid. However is doesn't seem to have been done by Province, as all the reports over the past few weeks clearly indicated that some farmers in every province had received some money. So it's not a regional thing as you seem to suggest. However I would not be surprised if leading Red Shirt supporters were the ones who got paid.

Also when you say the vote followed the money, please elaborate, because as far as I am aware no results have been released.

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And all farmers will come back with a tablet PC for each family member. Time to get rid of the rotten fish sauce at Bangkok's politicians with the red shirts.

Most people don't even realize how much tax we foreigners are paying, when we buy houses, Lamborghini's and several Lear Jets..

Will have to pay my annual tax soon.

We actually pay a lot in the way of excise taxes, import duties, etc. If you do own a house and sell it, the tax on the profit is quite high.

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Isn't it about time that farmers as well as government realise that Vietnam and Cambodja deliver the same (rice-) quality at half price...Thai should start to think that Thailand just isn't the center of the World...

And above on that ...ASEAN is really approaching very fast...if Thai don't care about this they will be "Total Lost" in "no time"...

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It is simple. You can pay the ignorant to vote for you by paying them a few hundred baht because they know no better. You can confuse them with lies and red herrings whilst you scam them and you can use the law to persecute them when you renege on the deal - many a foreigner will relate - but eventually you run out of excuses and then, when realization sets in that what was promised was actually never intended to be delivered whilst others whoop it up on the profits of the scam - then beware the repurcussions because even ignorant people have pride.

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I wonder how many of these "farmers from 30 provinces" and their families last Sunday voted for PTP... again. If you burn your hand on a red hot stove once, you are forgiven and hopefully have learned a lesson. But if you deliberately touch the stove again, then it's to be considered plain ignorance and you deserve what you get.

After the second (or nth) time I consider it an inability to learn or stupidity

Edited by MaxYakov
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Apparently the ice farmers and their leaders do not understand the phrase "we have no money left to pay you"

While I feel sorry for the farmers, it was many of them who voted in the PTP and were suckered in by their lies and false promises. Thou shall not worship false Gods

I agree,

If it sounds to good to be true, it usually is.... God helps them whom help themselves.... The old ways are the beat ways, no regrets, no pain..

Hoping it gets better in Thailand......

KTF, kilosierra thumbsup.gifthumbsup.gifthumbsup.gif

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Maybe the corrupt polies can all pitch in from their own pockets to pay the poor farmers . This would be a great vote buying scheme for the next election

The problem with that scheme is that they will have to explain where the money came from in the first place.

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Maybe the corrupt polies can all pitch in from their own pockets to pay the poor farmers . This would be a great vote buying scheme for the next election

The problem with that scheme is that they will have to explain where the money came from in the first place.

No need to worry, just explain that the money belonged to the maid, gardener and driver. This excuse was certainly good enough for the fugitive some years back - so should be ok for the current team of corrupt pollie's.

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It's not just the corruption - corruption exists everywhere.
At demostrant leader Prasit - caretaker - police - bank etc. ...
corruption and it will stay there until the normal Thais will respect Thailand's laws. So I see no solution to this - perhaps about 200-300 years

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Apparently the ice farmers and their leaders do not understand the phrase "we have no money left to pay you"

While I feel sorry for the farmers, it was many of them who voted in the PTP and were suckered in by their lies and false promises. Thou shall not worship false Gods

the goverment can raise the debt level by printing more money to pay the farmers same as western country did, it would devalue the baht though that might improve exports with a weaker baht

Isn't the baht pegged to the US Dollar? Seems nothing moves it much as it seems to float up and down with the US.

It used to be pegged at 25 baht to the USD but it was floated in 1997. According to the news feed that comes across my MT4 the reason it isn't moving too much is every time it hits 33 to the USD the BOT interferes.

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