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Democrats ask to have Pheu Thai dissolved


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Democrats ask to have Pheu Thai dissolved

The Nation

BANGKOK: -- The Democrat Party yesterday lodged a complaint with the Constitutional Court against Pheu Thai Party, calling for dissolution of the ruling party for pushing the February 2 election to be held despite an Election Commission recommendation to delay the poll.

Party spokesman Chavanond Intarakomalyasut said caretaker premier and Pheu Thai party-list MP Yingluck Shinawatra had ignored the election agency's key recommendation, an act regarded as a violation of an important charter article.

It has requested dissolution of the Pheu Thai Party because executive authority was utilised, via government acts such as the declaring of a state of emergency, which afforded it control of political expression over others in the run-up to the poll.

Article 68 of the Constitution stipulates one's right to protect the Constitution. It also prohibits any act that would seek change or to obtain authority through unconstitutional means. The article also permits dissolution of political parties found to have done this, and can ban party executives from participation in political activities for five years.

However, Pheu Thai party-list MP Ruangkrai Leekitwattana said duty and decisions in regard to arranging or postponing elections did not belong to a government, and that neither Yingluck nor the caretaker government utilised executive authority to gain advantage over other parties.

The Democrat Party would also seek to impeach Yingluck and all members of her Cabinet for their "misconduct" and roles in arranging the February 2 poll, Chavanond said. This would be done through the National Anti-Corruption Commission, via a signature campaign seeking support from a minimum of 20,000 people.

He dismissed a Pheu Thai statement that the Democrats had no right to void the February 2 election results because it failed to field candidates.

Meanwhile, EC chairman Supachai Somcharoen said a new election would be arranged if rulings by the Constitutional Court or the Ombudsman's Office found that results of the February 2 poll were invalid. And a new royal decree may need to be issued by the caretaker government to fix problems in 28 constituencies in the South, as no candidates had registered for these seats.

Pheu Thai spokesman Prompong Nopparit said a complaint will be loged today with the EC to seek the dissolution of the Democrat Party, for former MPs' roles assisting in protest rallies, in violation of Article 68.

-- The Nation 2014-02-05

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Why should the Democrats be charged for something that former MPs did after they quit the party?

Sent from my phone ...

Abhisit never quit the party. He is the acting chairman of the Democrat Party, yet has publicly called for people not to go vote, joined protest stages that shut down the city and violated countless laws and he himself has violated the law again as well by not voting, which is mandatory under Thai law.

He couldn't vote anyway because his polling station was closed.

Sent from my phone ...

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The so called Dems are a bunch of losers who know there only chance of Government is through the back door if they had of been good whilst in office a couple of years ago the people would have voted for them when they held the election , this was not the case they are no better than the shin clan. The man in Dubai has got one over them it was he who gave the poor of Thailand the right to vote it was he that introduced the hospital treatment 30baht program that is why the poor love home and the elite hate him

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The so called Dems are a bunch of losers who know there only chance of Government is through the back door if they had of been good whilst in office a couple of years ago the people would have voted for them when they held the election , this was not the case they are no better than the shin clan. The man in Dubai has got one over them it was he who gave the poor of Thailand the right to vote it was he that introduced the hospital treatment 30baht program that is why the poor love home and the elite hate him

Thaksin IS the elite, my brilliant scholar. The supporters are daft and duped. How do you fall into such categories? Moaning that democrats are losers?! What have they done so wrong? Check into the programs they had going on to benefit people before the paid 'martyrs' burned up the city in 2010.

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There is something extremely insipid about the dems playing this crying game. No wonder they never get anywhere, such a bunch of weak ass losers

Can't even be bothered to go into the ridiculousness all. Mark has got to be the slimiest Thai politician around, probably learned how to be a skank in eatons dorms

The PM and cabinet ministers are the ones you ought to be talking about in this fashion, this anti Abhisit hatred of him and his education is worrying.

Being neutral and fair you are not. If the government have done wrong they deserve to be nailed along with any other MPs including Abhisit, but to slag the guy off in this fashion is out of order.

Get picking on the slime that has been doing great wrong to the country in the past 3 years. Are you not capable of prioritizing.

I expected far more from Mark tbh having had a far better insight and education in a far more better system for most of his student life, so yes im being hard on him but no less than career politicians at home that have no concept or care for the common working man. He clearly learned nothing but the slimy antics and spin crap some have back at home.

These people are supposed to represent the people not a small slice of frosted cake, I dont care for the current gov ive made that clear enough times but the dems isnt a party worthy of any respect either and Mark is probably one of the weakest leaders ive seen here in my time. Even suthep god forbid stands for something at least, Mark i dont see stands for anything apart from to attn when fingers are snapped.

Guys a puppet and weak, sorry n all that but he is.

I don't think he is a bed of roses but in his 2 years as a PM until elections took place, we never had this S##T and scandals. How much money did his government lose through sticky fingers ?? he had 2 years, this government has near bankrupted the country in 3.

You must like the Thaksin style strong but utterly corrupt ???

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There is something extremely insipid about the dems playing this crying game. No wonder they never get anywhere, such a bunch of weak ass losers

Can't even be bothered to go into the ridiculousness all. Mark has got to be the slimiest Thai politician around, probably learned how to be a skank in eatons dorms

The PM and cabinet ministers are the ones you ought to be talking about in this fashion, this anti Abhisit hatred of him and his education is worrying.

Being neutral and fair you are not. If the government have done wrong they deserve to be nailed along with any other MPs including Abhisit, but to slag the guy off in this fashion is out of order.

Get picking on the slime that has been doing great wrong to the country in the past 3 years. Are you not capable of prioritizing.

I expected far more from Mark tbh having had a far better insight and education in a far more better system for most of his student life, so yes im being hard on him but no less than career politicians at home that have no concept or care for the common working man. He clearly learned nothing but the slimy antics and spin crap some have back at home.

These people are supposed to represent the people not a small slice of frosted cake, I dont care for the current gov ive made that clear enough times but the dems isnt a party worthy of any respect either and Mark is probably one of the weakest leaders ive seen here in my time. Even suthep god forbid stands for something at least, Mark i dont see stands for anything apart from to attn when fingers are snapped.

Guys a puppet and weak, sorry n all that but he is.

I don't think he is a bed of roses but in his 2 years as a PM until elections took place, we never had this S##T and scandals. How much money did his government lose through sticky fingers ?? he had 2 years, this government has near bankrupted the country in 3.

You must like the Thaksin style strong but utterly corrupt ???

1 the country isnt anywhere close to bankrupt

2 He had 2 years and did nothing, no reforms and heck of a lot of deaths on his hands, ( i dont forgive that no matter the colour )

3 To do anything remotely useful about any reform Thailand will need a strong leader who will say and do what needs to be done, and hes not even close to being it.

4 Read my words carefully because im not saying it again... I dont like Thaksin,never have and always known hes corrupt ( who isnt ) .... but he was/is a strong leader and did take the game by the horns, as an example that shows that things can be changed here. He showed that and still is in a way, however much people dislike him. Im talking about tenaciousness, strength and presence here not the corruption btw itll needs those first three qualities in any leader that affects real change here.

Now that brings us back to little ol Mark who has no strength at all, no convictions, no presence and no real policies... it is all borrowed or bolstered by others... he is not the one to lead the country to better times apart from for his string pullers and the sooner thats realised the better.

Be as focused on the present putz of a gov as you like I see no answer at present as an alternative whatsoever in Marky boy

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What world is Thailand in?

Dems violate every law, block registration and voting, and then claims that PT is to blame/ fault? Dilusional at best.

Actually, it wasn't the Democrats that blocked registration and voting. It was the protesters (which included some ex-Democrat MPs).

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Can't win an election fairly nor unfairly by preventing people from voting.. What's next then? I know, let's have a go at disbanding the winning team! Or how about banning anybody who doesn't vote dems from voting!. Just have a civil war and be done with it, democracy is never going to work here.

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1 the country isnt anywhere close to bankrupt

2 He had 2 years and did nothing, no reforms and heck of a lot of deaths on his hands, ( i dont forgive that no matter the colour )

3 To do anything remotely useful about any reform Thailand will need a strong leader who will say and do what needs to be done, and hes not even close to being it.

4 Read my words carefully because im not saying it again... I dont like Thaksin,never have and always known hes corrupt ( who isnt ) .... but he was/is a strong leader and did take the game by the horns, as an example that shows that things can be changed here. He showed that and still is in a way, however much people dislike him. Im talking about tenaciousness, strength and presence here not the corruption btw itll needs those first three qualities in any leader that affects real change here.

Now that brings us back to little ol Mark who has no strength at all, no convictions, no presence and no real policies... it is all borrowed or bolstered by others... he is not the one to lead the country to better times apart from for his string pullers and the sooner thats realised the better.

Be as focused on the present putz of a gov as you like I see no answer at present as an alternative whatsoever in Marky boy

The Democrats did change some things, but they couldn't do everything they wanted because they were in a coalition, and realistically, if they had tried to make more changes, they would have had another lot of riots on their hands. They did, however, put together a reform committee which produced a report which has been entirely ignored by the PTP government in the 2 & 1/2 years they have been in power.

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let me just rehash point 3 for you.

3 To do anything remotely useful about any reform Thailand will need a strong leader who will say and do what needs to be done, it will also need a party that can hold majority communicates its policies, inclusively, fairly and for the benefit of the majority not the few.... most of all without the scandals and as prepared to impeach or put in jail its own the same as anyone at any level or position in society.

that sound like any party you know here ?

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The PM and cabinet ministers are the ones you ought to be talking about in this fashion, this anti Abhisit hatred of him and his education is worrying.

Being neutral and fair you are not. If the government have done wrong they deserve to be nailed along with any other MPs including Abhisit, but to slag the guy off in this fashion is out of order.

Get picking on the slime that has been doing great wrong to the country in the past 3 years. Are you not capable of prioritizing.

I expected far more from Mark tbh having had a far better insight and education in a far more better system for most of his student life, so yes im being hard on him but no less than career politicians at home that have no concept or care for the common working man. He clearly learned nothing but the slimy antics and spin crap some have back at home.

These people are supposed to represent the people not a small slice of frosted cake, I dont care for the current gov ive made that clear enough times but the dems isnt a party worthy of any respect either and Mark is probably one of the weakest leaders ive seen here in my time. Even suthep god forbid stands for something at least, Mark i dont see stands for anything apart from to attn when fingers are snapped.

Guys a puppet and weak, sorry n all that but he is.

I don't think he is a bed of roses but in his 2 years as a PM until elections took place, we never had this S##T and scandals. How much money did his government lose through sticky fingers ?? he had 2 years, this government has near bankrupted the country in 3.

You must like the Thaksin style strong but utterly corrupt ???

1 the country isnt anywhere close to bankrupt

2 He had 2 years and did nothing, no reforms and heck of a lot of deaths on his hands, ( i dont forgive that no matter the colour )

3 To do anything remotely useful about any reform Thailand will need a strong leader who will say and do what needs to be done, and hes not even close to being it.

4 Read my words carefully because im not saying it again... I dont like Thaksin,never have and always known hes corrupt ( who isnt ) .... but he was/is a strong leader and did take the game by the horns, as an example that shows that things can be changed here. He showed that and still is in a way, however much people dislike him. Im talking about tenaciousness, strength and presence here not the corruption btw itll needs those first three qualities in any leader that affects real change here.

Now that brings us back to little ol Mark who has no strength at all, no convictions, no presence and no real policies... it is all borrowed or bolstered by others... he is not the one to lead the country to better times apart from for his string pullers and the sooner thats realised the better.

Be as focused on the present putz of a gov as you like I see no answer at present as an alternative whatsoever in Marky boy

You amaze me, your rant amounts to the same as your previous post.

1, The country is not far from being bankrupt, if not why have to borrow so much you don't do that when your purse in low you manage until you find a solution.

How doe's Thailand manage---as you say they are not bankrupt then sell some gold/rice/etc. problem Where has the money gone, follow the money ??

2, you are completely wrong and biased, look up what was achieved during that period. he didn't lie with promises, rice-tablets-rich in 6 months-rubber-floods management--your memory loss is apparent.

3. He is as clean as you will ever get here in Thai politics.

4. Sick comment re-strong tenacious- yes drug deaths come to mind--see human rights etc reports. He is not strong in the way you suggest, he is power crazy for his own ends, and publicity--drugs publicity--new airport publicity-and total corrupt construction. His only qualities were Limelight--ego---money---power, these are NOT qualities you want from a controller.

5. This is slightly off topic but has some truth, a football referee controlling a game well is rarely noticed. A referee that is shown on camera all the time is a bad one. When you do a job you do it well, quietly, efficiently, as per your job description---that is for the good of your country---NOT self.

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let me just rehash point 3 for you.

3 To do anything remotely useful about any reform Thailand will need a strong leader who will say and do what needs to be done, it will also need a party that can hold majority communicates its policies, inclusively, fairly and for the benefit of the majority not the few.... most of all without the scandals and as prepared to impeach or put in jail its own the same as anyone at any level or position in society.

that sound like any party you know here ?

3--Again YOU brought Abhisit to the forefront -- and tried to rubbish him.

We do need a strong leader, a fair leader. I can only think of Korn. we do not want a leader the same as Thaksin they have to be CLEAN--but no Magabi--thanks.

when you talk about being strong, there are 2 types---strong and fair---strong and totally corrupt---you choose.

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I expected far more from Mark tbh having had a far better insight and education in a far more better system for most of his student life, so yes im being hard on him but no less than career politicians at home that have no concept or care for the common working man. He clearly learned nothing but the slimy antics and spin crap some have back at home.

These people are supposed to represent the people not a small slice of frosted cake, I dont care for the current gov ive made that clear enough times but the dems isnt a party worthy of any respect either and Mark is probably one of the weakest leaders ive seen here in my time. Even suthep god forbid stands for something at least, Mark i dont see stands for anything apart from to attn when fingers are snapped.

Guys a puppet and weak, sorry n all that but he is.

I don't think he is a bed of roses but in his 2 years as a PM until elections took place, we never had this S##T and scandals. How much money did his government lose through sticky fingers ?? he had 2 years, this government has near bankrupted the country in 3.

You must like the Thaksin style strong but utterly corrupt ???

1 the country isnt anywhere close to bankrupt

2 He had 2 years and did nothing, no reforms and heck of a lot of deaths on his hands, ( i dont forgive that no matter the colour )

3 To do anything remotely useful about any reform Thailand will need a strong leader who will say and do what needs to be done, and hes not even close to being it.

4 Read my words carefully because im not saying it again... I dont like Thaksin,never have and always known hes corrupt ( who isnt ) .... but he was/is a strong leader and did take the game by the horns, as an example that shows that things can be changed here. He showed that and still is in a way, however much people dislike him. Im talking about tenaciousness, strength and presence here not the corruption btw itll needs those first three qualities in any leader that affects real change here.

Now that brings us back to little ol Mark who has no strength at all, no convictions, no presence and no real policies... it is all borrowed or bolstered by others... he is not the one to lead the country to better times apart from for his string pullers and the sooner thats realised the better.

Be as focused on the present putz of a gov as you like I see no answer at present as an alternative whatsoever in Marky boy

You amaze me, your rant amounts to the same as your previous post.

1, The country is not far from being bankrupt, if not why have to borrow so much you don't do that when your purse in low you manage until you find a solution.

How doe's Thailand manage---as you say they are not bankrupt then sell some gold/rice/etc. problem Where has the money gone, follow the money ??

2, you are completely wrong and biased, look up what was achieved during that period. he didn't lie with promises, rice-tablets-rich in 6 months-rubber-floods management--your memory loss is apparent.

3. He is as clean as you will ever get here in Thai politics.

4. Sick comment re-strong tenacious- yes drug deaths come to mind--see human rights etc reports. He is not strong in the way you suggest, he is power crazy for his own ends, and publicity--drugs publicity--new airport publicity-and total corrupt construction. His only qualities were Limelight--ego---money---power, these are NOT qualities you want from a controller.

5. This is slightly off topic but has some truth, a football referee controlling a game well is rarely noticed. A referee that is shown on camera all the time is a bad one. When you do a job you do it well, quietly, efficiently, as per your job description---that is for the good of your country---NOT self.

lol we are going to agree to disagree here, your not really getting past your hatred so its a pointless debate

1 its not close to bankrupt, it has very low borrowing to gdp its simple economics all countries run a deficit and Thailand's isnt large at all. Dont believe newspapers gin look at the real figures.

2 why the call for reforms then ? and no i dont think he did anything more than token sorry

3 clean ? mm i never said he was corrupt I said To do anything remotely useful about any reform Thailand will need a strong leader who will say and do what needs to be done, and hes not even close to being it.

​4 your not reading what i wrote but rather putting it into your own paradigm and loathing of the man and adding other words on. Im not going to labour the same point when you cant grasp the qualities i mentioned in a leader being needed without adding your own that i purposely avoided.

m8 John Major was probably a perfect example of a referee we had but he was grey.. and yes that was what we needed after thatcher ... but Thailand dosnt need a grey man right now it needs a firm hand ... no matter what, it needs a strong character or nothing will happen that lasts.. Thailand is about to lose thier father and they will badly need a strong shoulder to hold on to. Mark isnt it even though hes a cute poster boy hes not it and neither are the dems... OR the PTP

Edited by englishoak
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The so called Dems are a bunch of losers who know there only chance of Government is through the back door if they had of been good whilst in office a couple of years ago the people would have voted for them when they held the election , this was not the case they are no better than the shin clan. The man in Dubai has got one over them it was he who gave the poor of Thailand the right to vote it was he that introduced the hospital treatment 30baht program that is why the poor love home and the elite hate him

The Dems are standing for a solid, technocrats politics thats favour the country in a long therm. The PTP are thugs, surfing from one hub to the other and at last there is nothing else than a lot of dept for the country. Im boring this bla bla about what Taksin do for the poor, he do it for himself, and this popular schemes are a future problem. Taksin was not the originator of the healthcare scheme, and now a lot of people participate in this scheme who able to pay, until its not affordable. The rice pledging scheme is a joke and vote-buying, only 18% going to the small farmers. Dont forget, that the Isaan is the dessert of Thailand, one harvest a year while in the central are 3 harvest. Sorry, but its nature, and you bite the hand that feeds you. This problem can solved in a fair manner, with support and reforms, but not with feeding the Shin-clan-PTP Company. Believing in them is like not to know chalk from cheese.

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let me just rehash point 3 for you.

3 To do anything remotely useful about any reform Thailand will need a strong leader who will say and do what needs to be done, it will also need a party that can hold majority communicates its policies, inclusively, fairly and for the benefit of the majority not the few.... most of all without the scandals and as prepared to impeach or put in jail its own the same as anyone at any level or position in society.

that sound like any party you know here ?

3--Again YOU brought Abhisit to the forefront -- and tried to rubbish him.

We do need a strong leader, a fair leader. I can only think of Korn. we do not want a leader the same as Thaksin they have to be CLEAN--but no Magabi--thanks.

when you talk about being strong, there are 2 types---strong and fair---strong and totally corrupt---you choose.

Gin leave out the trying to convince me into liking the dems i simply dont consider them an option as a move forwards and leave Mark out im afraid hes rubbished himself these last few months beyond repair imo , Korn is ok but im not immersed in Thai politics to name a whole party im sure theres plenty from all parties with decent people in them.

So to answer your Q strong and fair ... Thailand has a few former but none of the latter... sad but hey a country moulds the people with its society perceptions and respect of law, it ultimately gets what it deserves, no one else to blame.

Guess im saying Thailand is up s**t creek with only half a paddle and will probably go round in circles for the foreseeable future.

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"Article 68 of the Constitution stipulates one's right to protect the Constitution. It also prohibits any act that would seek change or to obtain authority through unconstitutional means."

Hmmm... Let me see... that would be what, exactly....

Well, I suppose... maybe... possibly.... Do you think "obtaining authority through unconstitutional means" might actually be able to include... a COUP?

Do you mean to say that after all this time COUP's have been illegal in the constitution? blink.png

Oh my...

BUT luckily, there is a circular logic to this... If you obtain power through unconstitutional means in order to "protect" the constitution, it's ok. Right?

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I don't think he is a bed of roses but in his 2 years as a PM until elections took place, we never had this S##T and scandals. How much money did his government lose through sticky fingers ?? he had 2 years, this government has near bankrupted the country in 3.

You must like the Thaksin style strong but utterly corrupt ???

1 the country isnt anywhere close to bankrupt

2 He had 2 years and did nothing, no reforms and heck of a lot of deaths on his hands, ( i dont forgive that no matter the colour )

3 To do anything remotely useful about any reform Thailand will need a strong leader who will say and do what needs to be done, and hes not even close to being it.

4 Read my words carefully because im not saying it again... I dont like Thaksin,never have and always known hes corrupt ( who isnt ) .... but he was/is a strong leader and did take the game by the horns, as an example that shows that things can be changed here. He showed that and still is in a way, however much people dislike him. Im talking about tenaciousness, strength and presence here not the corruption btw itll needs those first three qualities in any leader that affects real change here.

Now that brings us back to little ol Mark who has no strength at all, no convictions, no presence and no real policies... it is all borrowed or bolstered by others... he is not the one to lead the country to better times apart from for his string pullers and the sooner thats realised the better.

Be as focused on the present putz of a gov as you like I see no answer at present as an alternative whatsoever in Marky boy

You amaze me, your rant amounts to the same as your previous post.

1, The country is not far from being bankrupt, if not why have to borrow so much you don't do that when your purse in low you manage until you find a solution.

How doe's Thailand manage---as you say they are not bankrupt then sell some gold/rice/etc. problem Where has the money gone, follow the money ??

2, you are completely wrong and biased, look up what was achieved during that period. he didn't lie with promises, rice-tablets-rich in 6 months-rubber-floods management--your memory loss is apparent.

3. He is as clean as you will ever get here in Thai politics.

4. Sick comment re-strong tenacious- yes drug deaths come to mind--see human rights etc reports. He is not strong in the way you suggest, he is power crazy for his own ends, and publicity--drugs publicity--new airport publicity-and total corrupt construction. His only qualities were Limelight--ego---money---power, these are NOT qualities you want from a controller.

5. This is slightly off topic but has some truth, a football referee controlling a game well is rarely noticed. A referee that is shown on camera all the time is a bad one. When you do a job you do it well, quietly, efficiently, as per your job description---that is for the good of your country---NOT self.

lol we are going to agree to disagree here, your not really getting past your hatred so its a pointless debate

1 its not close to bankrupt, it has very low borrowing to gdp its simple economics all countries run a deficit and Thailand's isnt large at all. Dont believe newspapers gin look at the real figures.

2 why the call for reforms then ? and no i dont think he did anything more than token sorry

3 clean ? mm i never said he was corrupt I said To do anything remotely useful about any reform Thailand will need a strong leader who will say and do what needs to be done, and hes not even close to being it.

​4 your not reading what i wrote but rather putting it into your own paradigm and loathing of the man and adding other words on. Im not going to labour the same point when you cant grasp the qualities i mentioned in a leader being needed without adding your own that i purposely avoided.

m8 John Major was probably a perfect example of a referee we had but he was grey.. and yes that was what we needed after thatcher ... but Thailand dosnt need a grey man right now it needs a firm hand ... no matter what, it needs a strong character or nothing will happen that lasts.. Thailand is about to lose thier father and they will badly need a strong shoulder to look to. Mark isnt it even though hes a cute poster boy hes not it and neither are the dems... OR the PTP

your first sentence ---MY HATRED ??? I despise the whole way the man is a control freak, and all the other truths, Hate HIM -I really would have to know him personally to do that.

1, Why would you want to borrow 2.3 trillion baht when the rail and other infrastructure would cost far less, you could do as Abhisit suggested get the money from other means. Unless you wanted the huge amounts for ill gotten gains---and having to pay it back over 50 years--good eh ???

4. Sorry you have to look at the whole picture, You do not choose a guy if he is not honest- you choose a decent one with values.

Quote-"you said, Thailand is about to lose their father" he ran off, skipped the boat, convicted, coward, because he could not get his own way.

We have covered as much as poss, I do not worship Abhisit but do not think he is at all bad, --I certainly do not worship Thaksin, his history taught me this not my hatred of him as you kindly put.

Your summing up shows--you would like to see the strong man back--as he is a born leader.

I am waiting for a leader such as the likes of Korn and company, to give us the Thailand everyone wants.

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