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UN chief calls for dialogue to bridge political differences: Thai politics


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UN chief calls for dialogue to bridge political differences

The Nation

United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon

NEW YORK: -- Concerned that some Thai people were unable to vote after national elections were reportedly disrupted by protests over the weekend, United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon called on all parties to resolve their differences through dialogue, and underscored that any actions that undermine democratic processes cannot be condoned.

"While he recognises the complexity of the situation and that some chose not to participate in the election, the Secretary-General is concerned that a number of Thai people were not able to exercise their right to vote,"said a note to correspondents issued by Ban's spokesperson last evening.

Noting that the UN chief is closely following the developments in Thailand, the note reiterated Ban's call for political differences to be solved through dialogue and in the best interest of the Thai people.

"Any action that undermines democratic processes and hinder the democratic right of the Thai people cannot be condoned," said the note, adding that the Secretary-General encourages all Thais and political leaders in particular to move towards a political solution based on dialogue, compromise and respect for democratic principles.

-- The Nation 2014-02-05

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The call for dialogue is about five years to late , the hate across Thai communities is wide spread and it will be decades before it subsides, pity , because Thailand is a great country and has so much of a future and that would be all these people can look forward to is the future, how they manage this will probably be dictated by the usual few , so that the good people of Thailand will always be down trodden and unless you have that bank account, forgotten , business as usual.coffee1.gif

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The UN chief is just reading a script applicable to probably at least a dozen different countries He was probably reading the daily script in country alphabetical order. What country comes after Thailand...just line through Thailand, enter the next country's name, maybe change a few words, reread the script....another hard day of work at the UN.

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Mr. Ban should also warn the judiciary against doing the Ruling Elite's dirty work for them by mounting a judicial coup. Which is what is going to happen again unless someone stops them.

This time PT is making it very easy for the " Ruling Elites" with all the billions that are disappearing because of their self serving policies.

Yes someone should stop PT/Thaksin if they don't want to dissolved. Yes I know it might be too late.

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I would not buy a used car from Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon. Just saying.

The stuff about building bridges is very nice, it is obvious really, but the problem is that the two groups have no interest in building political bridges, or even real world actual bridges either, which is half the problem. If they put their efforts into working on hard infrastructure projects instead of passports and amnesties etc. maybe we would get somewhere. I look forward to hopefully being able to say, before I die ; "I really like this politician, they are determined to improve Thailand's infrastructure and living standards." I really want to see a leader who I can cheer on lol. But I don't see anything in the current political smorgasbord that is worth sticking my fork into.


Edited by Yunla
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I would not buy a used car from Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon. Just saying.

The stuff about building bridges is very nice, it is obvious really, but the problem is that the two groups have no interest in building political bridges, or even real world actual bridges either, which is half the problem. If they put their efforts into working on hard infrastructure projects instead of passports and amnesties etc. maybe we would get somewhere. I look forward to hopefully being able to say, before I die ; "I really like this politician, they are determined to improve Thailand's infrastructure and living standards." I really want to see a leader who I can cheer on lol. But I don't see anything in the current political smorgasbord that is worth sticking my fork into.


The problem with looking for that elusive political hero in Thailand is similar to the reason why it's so difficult to find an honest policemen. In the words of an ex-national police chief if you're an honest decent man who wants to change the status quo you simply don't promoted to a position where you can make a difference.

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Here we go again rolleyes.gif just waiting for the mind your own business its got nothing to do with anyone else line....Im with Yunia the place has forgotten how to smile and jai yen yen seems a foreign language atm... maybe next decade we will get that special person instead of just ones with special needs.

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