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Yingluck admits rice subsidies need revamp if re-introduced


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.......... She has been warned over and over from everybody ........

Well, the rice farmers too, they been warned that that scheme

wouldn't work but they believed what they wanted to believe.

The reply of the few people I talked to was: "You farang, you don't understand, Thailand different"

So, Sum Nam Naa, Na?

Oooooh... its the Rice Farmers fault now!?!?! gotcha wink.png

This is about balancing probabilities. What odds that the rest of the worlds rice suppliers would allow Thailand to hold the market ransom, or Thailand would end overpaying for tons of rice and sitting on rotting stocks?

Its not the farmers fault it is the entire structure of the system.

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they will not tolerate to lose face, even the whole riceberg scheme is nothing but a big scam

help the farmers? 55555

seriously (furby voice style)

give them free seeds, or free fertiliser or ... or.... free land ?

but these scams should stop

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.......... She has been warned over and over from everybody ........

Well, the rice farmers too, they been warned that that scheme

wouldn't work but they believed what they wanted to believe.

The reply of the few people I talked to was: "You farang, you don't understand, Thailand different"

So, Sum Nam Naa, Na?

Oooooh... its the Rice Farmers fault now!?!?! gotcha wink.png

This is about balancing probabilities. What odds that the rest of the worlds rice suppliers would allow Thailand to hold the market ransom, or Thailand would end overpaying for tons of rice and sitting on rotting stocks?

Its not the farmers fault it is the entire structure of the system.

Any who is responsible for creating this structured system in the first place?

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Yet another misleading thread.

Where does she say that in the article?

"She said the ruling Pheu Thai Party, if re-elected, may adjust the rice scheme in the wake of public criticism."

Of course she would never say "reform" or "improvement" because that would suggest there was something wrong with Thaksin's plan

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they will not tolerate to lose face, even the whole riceberg scheme is nothing but a big scam

help the farmers? 55555

seriously (furby voice style)

give them free seeds, or free fertiliser or ... or.... free land ?

but these scams should stop

Looks like the Thai-tanic is about to hit said Riceburg... and the band (PTP) keep playing...

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At this rate she'd better get used to the idea of living in Dubai alongside the other convicted criminal. The entire rice scheme was a scam from start to finish but the farmers are simply not educated to how markets or finance work.

Makes you wonder what keeps this country from going bust.

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The farmers keep talking about needing money to pay for farming stuff for the next crop as well as pay off loans for farming equipment, but I think the Wall Street Journal hit the nail on the head when they wrote the following in the above mentioned article.

"Thais started to buy new televisions, along with smart-phones to tap into the 3G networks springing up across the country. Household debt crept up past 80% of gross domestic product, a dangerously high level, according to the central bank.

Mr. Thongma, for his part, borrowed 400,000 baht, or about $12,000, from an agricultural cooperative to help pay for a minivan for his son-in-law to start a small transport business.

"We were confident about borrowing the money because the government program appeared to guarantee a stable income"

I don't see any money spent on farming at all, but a lot spent on cars, TVs and phones as I expected. Farmers should spend their money anyway they like, but they should stop crying on television about not being able to afford farming stuff for the next crop, when reality is that they cannot afford to pay off their new TV, phone or car!

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The farmers keep talking about needing money to pay for farming stuff for the next crop as well as pay off loans for farming equipment, but I think the Wall Street Journal hit the nail on the head when they wrote the following in the above mentioned article.

"Thais started to buy new televisions, along with smart-phones to tap into the 3G networks springing up across the country. Household debt crept up past 80% of gross domestic product, a dangerously high level, according to the central bank.

Mr. Thongma, for his part, borrowed 400,000 baht, or about $12,000, from an agricultural cooperative to help pay for a minivan for his son-in-law to start a small transport business.

"We were confident about borrowing the money because the government program appeared to guarantee a stable income"

I don't see any money spent on farming at all, but a lot spent on cars, TVs and phones as I expected. Farmers should spend their money anyway they like, but they should stop crying on television about not being able to afford farming stuff for the next crop, when reality is that they cannot afford to pay off their new TV, phone or car!

You seem to be struggling with the fact 'they have not been paid for the produce they have given to the governemnt rice pledging scheme'...

.. how the rural folk chose to spend their money is upto them, the fact here is they have done the work and handed over the produce, and the government hasnt paid them the promised amounts...

Previous loans/spending on items they wanted has nothing to do with this current mess.

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Wow, it's everyone else's fault the Rice Farmers are not getting paid, not those who dreamed up and implemented the idea and who had no funds to pay for it prior to dissolving the House when they chose to.

For pity's sake people, wake up, open your eyes, and see what a bunch of lying, thieving "people" you have in Govt right now.

@ Shinas gang : 1zgarz5.gif.pagespeed.ce.GJfs_tQOQ-.gif1zgarz5.gif.pagespeed.ce.GJfs_tQOQ-.gif1zgarz5.gif.pagespeed.ce.GJfs_tQOQ-.gif1zgarz5.gif.pagespeed.ce.GJfs_tQOQ-.gif1zgarz5.gif.pagespeed.ce.GJfs_tQOQ-.gif1zgarz5.gif.pagespeed.ce.GJfs_tQOQ-.gif

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So she has posted on her facebook page :

Caretaker PM posts on her Facebook page, expresses worry over plight of farmers; orders Finance Ministry to seek loans, Commerce Ministry to sell rice /MCOT

Perhaps if she had worried and given the orders before dissolving the house then she wouldn't be in this strife.

Bur she doesn't seem to understand that both ministries have tried and failed to sell rice and raise loans.

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.......... She has been warned over and over from everybody ........

Well, the rice farmers too, they been warned that that scheme

wouldn't work but they believed what they wanted to believe.

The reply of the few people I talked to was: "You farang, you don't understand, Thailand different"

So, Sum Nam Naa, Na?

Oooooh... its the Rice Farmers fault now!?!?! gotcha wink.png

This is about balancing probabilities. What odds that the rest of the worlds rice suppliers would allow Thailand to hold the market ransom, or Thailand would end overpaying for tons of rice and sitting on rotting stocks?

Its not the farmers fault it is the entire structure of the system.

Any who is responsible for creating this structured system in the first place?

This lot.

It is the typical thai structure for exploiting a monopoly position. Thaksin did it with phones and numerous other industries in thailand are the same.

Hell I worked for one.

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REUTERS: Thai rice scheme in death throes, but what next?


LAUNCESTON, Australia, Feb 5 (Reuters) - That Thailand's controversial rice-buying scheme is now in its death throes is no surprise, but it does beg the question as to what will replace it in the world's former top exporter of the grain.

Buying rice from farmers at prices that at some stages were two-thirds above the prevailing Asian benchmarks was always going to be a costly exercise doomed to eventual failure.

When Thai Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra introduced the rice mortgage scheme shortly after her landslide election victory in July 2011, I wrote that the "generous subsidies planned by the incoming Thai government ... are likely to collide with some harsh economic realities".

Edited by metisdead
Edited per fair use policy
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Yet another misleading thread.

Where does she say that in the article?

"She said the ruling Pheu Thai Party, if re-elected, may adjust the rice scheme in the wake of public criticism."

Of course she would never say "reform" or "improvement" because that would suggest there was something wrong with Thaksin's plan

"need revamp" versus "may adjust" confers a completely different meaning to me.

If my house needs a revamp versus an adjustment one needs a builder an a plan whereas the other means I move the furniture around.

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34,000 sacks of rice just disappear. Amazing. TIT. Wouldn't it be interesting to hear the tape of this investigation and how the two senior officials of the Public Warehouse Organization try and explain this away. Reminds me of this exchange from Casablanca

Rick: How can you close me up? On what grounds?

Captain Renault: I'm shocked, shocked to find that gambling is going on in here!

[a croupier hands Renault a pile of money]

Croupier: Your winnings, sir.

Captain Renault: [sotto voce] Oh, thank you very much.


Captain Renault: Everybody out at once!

Yes, this is Thailand......

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Let me see…if the PT had not stolen all the money that was put aside, there would be no need for more loans….now who's fault is that? With Chalerm running around in a fake moustache and the PM with a fake brain, this country is doomed.

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Let me seeif the PT had not stolen all the money that was put aside, there would be no need for more loans.now who's fault is that? With Chalerm running around in a fake moustache and the PM with a fake brain, this country is doomed.

They don't have to steal it. The cash is all sitting tied up in the warehouse slowly rotting away.

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".....but brushed aside criticism of the programme’s failure."

Typical arrogance Shinawatra style. We can do no wrong. Never mind Yingluck you'll have plenty of time for shopping soon.

They have lots of shopping malls in Dubai, time to join your brother in the near future Yingluck biggrin.png

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This is unbelievable.... Yingluck is now way off the moronic scale and bordering on imbecile. She is truly greedy, stupid and clueless. That she has been voted in by the Isaan farmer speaks volumes about how desperate they are, or how much they can relate to Yingluck. Either way, I think the most humane thing to do is put her out of her misery..... but let's do it graciously - the Thai way... Let's ask her to go on Jeopardy and dual it out with Suthep... this would pit two sub 100 IQs against each other.... people all over Thailand would watch it just like all the Indians watched Jamal Malik on Slumdog Millionaire.... The winner gets to be Prime Minister.... the loser leaves with some wonderful parting gifts including a one way ticket on Long Grain Rice Airways to Dubai....

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What did she admit? No apology at all? She is still standing after she created all the mess. Amazing Thailand, indeed. Wow!

<On its Facebook page yesterday, the Pheu Thai Party said the rice scheme was aimed at improving farmers’ living condition and the three-year programme has been beneficial to 3.26 million farming families.> They have just proved that it was a lie.

<“The rice scheme is pending an investigation by the National Anti-Corruption Commission. We have to wait for the commission (before taking further action),” she said.> I hope that the National Anti-Corruption Commission is not a puppet of Thaksin so that they can do a fair job.

It is time for the red shirt farmers to realize that they can't trust anything from the government. They might still love Thaksin but the politicians are self serving greedy &lt;deleted&gt;.

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“The rice scheme is pending an investigation by the National Anti-Corruption Commission. We have to wait for the commission (before taking further action),” she said.

Like many ...............i am so anxious to ear the results from NACC....!.

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The best thing that the Dems can do is let PTP have back their right to govern, and proceed with the legal cases in an attempt to bring justice to anyone proven to have committed corruption.

The old saying goes... "Give them enough rope and they will hang themselves."

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Yet another misleading thread.

Where does she say that in the article?

From the OP, "She said the ruling Pheu Thai Party, if re-elected, may adjust the rice scheme in the wake of public criticism." , I guess "may adjust" could be taken to equate to "need revamp" ?

But I agree with you, nowhere does she explicitly say it may not be reintroduced, then again she/PTP just stood for re-election on a general-platform (very short of specifics) of 'more of the same', which might be taken to imply that the rice-scheme would continue.

To announce pre-election any adjustments (such as lower pledging-prices), or the non-reintroduction of the rice-purchase scheme, would surely have been political-suicide ?

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Caretaker Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra has blamed the House dissolution for disrupting payments to farmers under the rice pledging scheme but brushed aside criticism of the programme’s failure.

You've got to have alligator blood to be able to stand there and say that without flinching. I'd say she's got some rare old conkers, for sure. I sort of have to admire the gall, despite my views on the whole sorry business. Robert DeNiro has got nothing on this one.

Can't help bring a clueless, clawless crustacean with a megalomaniacal square faced cat for a brother.

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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What did she admit? No apology at all? She is still standing after she created all the mess. Amazing Thailand, indeed. Wow!

<On its Facebook page yesterday, the Pheu Thai Party said the rice scheme was aimed at improving farmers’ living condition and the three-year programme has been beneficial to 3.26 million farming families.> They have just proved that it was a lie.

<“The rice scheme is pending an investigation by the National Anti-Corruption Commission. We have to wait for the commission (before taking further action),” she said.> I hope that the National Anti-Corruption Commission is not a puppet of Thaksin so that they can do a fair job.

It is time for the red shirt farmers to realize that they can't trust anything from the government. They might still love Thaksin but the politicians are self serving greedy &lt;deleted&gt;.

"They might still love Thaksin but the politicians are self serving greedy &lt;deleted&gt;. "

Why would those farmers still love Toxin after all what happened ? Then they really ARE stupid !! it's HIM that's the root of all Evil !!

"What did she admit? No apology at all?"

in 20+ years coming and living in Thailand, i NEVER have seen a Thai making appologies !!! it's loosing face, the WORST that can happen to them.... coffee1.gif

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Who was it that said the PDRC isnt offering any solutions?


Hows about that then?

It was me, he is offering no solutions the other thread is as bad as this one in terms of content. Plundering oh dear oh dear where is bullshit man?

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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Yet another misleading thread.

Where does she say that in the article?

From the OP, "She said the ruling Pheu Thai Party, if re-elected, may adjust the rice scheme in the wake of public criticism." , I guess "may adjust" could be taken to equate to "need revamp" ?

But I agree with you, nowhere does she explicitly say it may not be reintroduced, then again she/PTP just stood for re-election on a general-platform (very short of specifics) of 'more of the same', which might be taken to imply that the rice-scheme would continue.

To announce pre-election any adjustments (such as lower pledging-prices), or the non-reintroduction of the rice-purchase scheme, would surely have been political-suicide ?

I was waiting to read that she and her bunch had come up with a complete different strategy, quotas, pricing and the rest to try to get the system into a form that would be more practical and possibly sustainable.

When I seen "may adjust", well that means basically nothing.

It is a misleading headline and her words convey that there is no urgent need to change anything.

May adjust is to tweak it a bit. A revamp is a complete redesign.

Edited by Thai at Heart
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Who was it that said the PDRC isnt offering any solutions?


Hows about that then?

It was me, he is offering no solutions the other thread is as bad as this one in terms of content. Plundering oh dear oh dear where is bullshit man?

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

More of a soultion than the Government has offered...

More of a solution than the Red Shirt Mafia has offered... in fact they are only capable of intimidation and threats...

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What did she admit? No apology at all? She is still standing after she created all the mess. Amazing Thailand, indeed. Wow!

<On its Facebook page yesterday, the Pheu Thai Party said the rice scheme was aimed at improving farmers’ living condition and the three-year programme has been beneficial to 3.26 million farming families.> They have just proved that it was a lie.

<“The rice scheme is pending an investigation by the National Anti-Corruption Commission. We have to wait for the commission (before taking further action),” she said.> I hope that the National Anti-Corruption Commission is not a puppet of Thaksin so that they can do a fair job.

It is time for the red shirt farmers to realize that they can't trust anything from the government. They might still love Thaksin but the politicians are self serving greedy &lt;deleted&gt;.

"They might still love Thaksin but the politicians are self serving greedy &lt;deleted&gt;. "

Why would those farmers still love Toxin after all what happened ? Then they really ARE stupid !! it's HIM that's the root of all Evil !!

"What did she admit? No apology at all?"

in 20+ years coming and living in Thailand, i NEVER have seen a Thai making appologies !!! it's loosing face, the WORST that can happen to them.... coffee1.gif

You do have a point there. It's very rare to hear a Thai apologise, they'd much rather come up with an excuse.

Maybe it's just one of those national traits we all have.... like Americans being unable to talk quietly or the Welsh being unable to buy a drink. wink.png

Edited by bigbamboo
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