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Is this a fair representation of many Thai men?

Khon Thai Ben Khon Dee

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I only know one thing about Thai males, they are crap drivers, ALL of them.

(Yes I had a bad morning on the road, even my wife used the finger this time biggrin.png )

Yes you're right there. I used to be mostly chilled out here, riding the motorbike, But since i've been driving a car. I've turned into a erupting volcano, The Thai driving is, utter, utter chaos. I've never experienced anything like it in 38 years of driving. It like driving in a video game, where you have to try and make it from A to B, without exploding, or someone trying to wipe you out. Its even worse when the missis is in the passenger seat, telling me what i'm doing wrong, When to stop, When to go, Where to park.Well she has been driving for nearly a year! Most journeys in the car, end up in complete silence after about 5 minutes, and sometimes for the rest of the day, indoors!

I could go on for ages ,on this subject,

Anyway, I needed to get that off my chest!crazy.gif.pagespeed.ce.dzDUUqYcHZ.gif

Youngerman, don't mean to get off topic, but after reading your post I had to write you a note of encouragement. My wife doesn't drive but she likes to be the authority on all Thai driving rules and regulations. She thinks I'm supposed to drive according to the law when nobody else does. What she doesn't realize is that sometimes one has to join the pack and drive like the rest of the idiots just to survive and make it home in one piece. I am on edge every time I get in my car to drive even the shortest distances, and the last thing I need in my car is a backseat driver. Sometimes when I have to make a split-second decision and the wife is giving signals to change lanes, or turn here, or stop here or park here, she is actually putting our lives at risk. There's simply no time to have her influence the decision that I already calculated and I have to go with what I think is best, so I have just learned to ignore her. Her backseat driving became such a point of contention between us, and on nearly a daily basis at that, that I sat her down one evening and explained to her the error of her ways. I let her know in no uncertain terms that if she didn't completely stop the "Monday night quarterbacking" that I would seriously consider packing up and moving back to the States and leave her all alone. That was nearly a year ago, and now the only time she tries to give me driving advice is if she observes something that I don't see and our lives are in imminent danger of being ended. Now there is absolutely no tension between us and our trips together in the car are much less stressful. Perhaps you can try that if you're willing to take the risk that your threat won't backfire on you. For me it was worth the gamble!

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I have lived in Pattaya and travelled around and never had any problems with thai men in any respect. Perhaps it is as I was advised to remember I am a guest in their country. I can only wish the world and his wife had the same attitude in my country the United Kingdom.

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The last comment is spot on, I've never had trouble here either. For those people who want to harbour negative thoughts about Thai men and cultivate them on here be careful. A few weeks ago a teacher up in Issan was found hanging outside his apartment building with his throat cut. Some kind of dispute with a local was the reason. Nothing is likely to come of it either, he was from Cameroon and is currently in a cold storage facility awaiting transportation back home.

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I really do wonder if the people on this forum who defend Thai's and their sometimes pathetic attitudes, actually live or have ever lived in Thailand for a prolonged period. I would go as far as to consider such people as either retires or people who deal with Thai's on a very limited basis and the Thai's they do deal with are either very well educated possibly western educated and/ or in the service industry where they are being paid to be polite to you. Try and work in an industry in Thailand where you really are the sore thumb. Or maybe they are just liberals and would have given the likes of Saddam Hussein and Stalin the time of day just to be politically correct and polite.

There are 2 threads in the"general topics" today, and the thai apologists are defending thai driving, and are blaming the farangs/ western countries. As usual" Berkshire" has chimed in defending the thais

hahahaha! Munger you sad, sad fellow. there was one post in that thread to that effect and it was IRONIC. look it up, learn.

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Forumuser10 you are correct, the truth is that many ex-pats view themselves as being superior to Thais. Financially and intellectually. They forget that this isn't their country and they need to change their own attitudes to accommodate accordingly. Historical British men abroad have always been known for this kind of attitude, hence our bad reputation. The OP displays all the character traits of your average typical arrogant interloper.

It sounds like you are superior to farangs. Why are you so sensititve ? Do you want to be a Thai ?

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Forumuser10 you are correct, the truth is that many ex-pats view themselves as being superior to Thais. Financially and intellectually. They forget that this isn't their country and they need to change their own attitudes to accommodate accordingly. Historical British men abroad have always been known for this kind of attitude, hence our bad reputation. The OP displays all the character traits of your average typical arrogant interloper.

It sounds like you are superior to farangs. Why are you so sensititve ? Do you want to be a Thai ?

Whether he wants to be thai or not ,its a simple fact that most westerners are better educated

and have more money than the average thai ,financially and intellectually it could be argued they

are superior although education is not a reliable indicator of intelligence it does help .......

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there is anoher race, the one invading europe, that if you look wrongly at them, or they think you did, and by that insulted them, they will feel they have the right to come knife you down till you stop breeding

in that same country, even town, there is another race that lives by the old book, religiously, sending their kids to special schools, and those people are never in the news for violence and others, maybe diamand fraud on a large scale, but who does that hurt physically, right ?

What are you talking about?

1. Totally off topic.

2. You say race but reading between the lines you mean religion.

3. You state "invading Europe" then state "that same country". Is it Europe or a particular country your are talking drivel about?

4. You state they live by the "old book" which should mean Jews as of the 3 main monotheistic religions theirs is the oldest but the Jews are generally considered to be the persecuted ones unless your a Palestinian. I think you are probably Muslim bashing but just don't realise that their book is the newest one of the big 3.

For the record I'm an atheist.

Correct me if I am wrong or tell me what this has to do with Thai men and their behaviour.

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I suspect most women from any culture in the world would say you've just described a "typical" male, irrespective of race. coffee1.gif

I suspect most men from any culture in the world would say you've just described a "typical female (sans father) upbringing", irrespective of culture. coffee1.gif

-Dedicated to the Thai females, who say "I could never control him."

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he is attempting to characterize a group of people and denying so by qualifying it with the deliberately vague term "many" and by asserting that it may not be his opinion.

Not at all, actually. Many, but not most, is surely not that difficult to understand. smile.png

As already mentioned the views put forward in the OP were put together by a number of Westerners that have lived here for many years each, when the discussion came up. smile.png

Perhaps you could address the points of OP as opposed to attacking the poster. smile.png

By the same token, would it not also be true that many Thai males are independent thinkers and social people?. That there are many that aren't cowards and can look after themselves? That many aren't ego-obsessive?

So, apart from Thai-bashing, what exactly is the point of the post if you are not including all?

Basing your observations on a Thai guy overtaking you on a motorbike and shaking his ass at you as you stated earlier just about sums the thread up for me. That or you don't know many Thai males.

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he is attempting to characterize a group of people and denying so by qualifying it with the deliberately vague term "many" and by asserting that it may not be his opinion.

Not at all, actually. Many, but not most, is surely not that difficult to understand. smile.png

As already mentioned the views put forward in the OP were put together by a number of Westerners that have lived here for many years each, when the discussion came up. smile.png

Perhaps you could address the points of OP as opposed to attacking the poster. smile.png

By the same token, would it not also be true that many Thai males are independent thinkers and social people?. That there are many that aren't cowards and can look after themselves? That many aren't ego-obsessive?

So, apart from Thai-bashing, what exactly is the point of the post if you are not including all?

Basing your observations on a Thai guy overtaking you on a motorbike and shaking his ass at you as you stated earlier just about sums the thread up for me. That or you don't know many Thai males.

Agreed and add it would take a blind man to not see the point of the thread is to paint all Thai males with overly negative and derogatory comments such as from the OP, "Know nothing, only exist to insult other people, massive amounts of repressed anger built up, very cowardly, very spiteful, love to gloat."

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I would say it's fair.

It needs explaining though.

Thai men as any Thai citizen get educated to avoid confrontation and challenges, and courage is not a Thai value. As a rule people are taught to go around any obstacle rather than overcome it.

On top of this you have the son cultural exception like in most countries in Asian or African where basically young boys are educated with double standards as regards to their sisters: They can do whatever they like, no rule, no discipline, no chores, no cleaning, no cooking, no looking after sibling, basically no moral values and all play. They become total egoistic prats with no moral.

My friend's Thai GF has a brother who stole all their mother savings and lost it at the casino. Appalled the all family collected some (more) money to incite him to leave the family house and live elsewhere. He took the money, spent it all again and came back after having his fun.

He still lives there, no job, no desire to do anything but be a total rogue and parasite and that totally normal.

Some people never learn ...

Edited by Kitsune
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I would say it's fair.

It needs explaining though.

Thai men as any Thai citizen get educated to avoid confrontation and challenges, and courage is not a Thai value. As a rule people are taught to go around any obstacle rather than overcome it.

On top of this you have the son cultural exception like in most countries in Asian or African where basically young boys are educated with double standards as regards to their sisters: They can do whatever they like, no rule, no discipline, no chores, no cleaning, no cooking, no looking after sibling, basically no moral values and all play. They become total egoistic prats with no moral.

My friend's Thai GF has a brother who stole all their mother savings and lost it at the casino. Appalled the all family collected some (more) money to incite him to leave the family house and live elsewhere. He took the money, spent it all again and came back after having his fun.

He still lives there, no job, no desire to do anything but be a total rogue and parasite and that totally normal.

Some people never learn ...

A good example of this tendency to go around problems and avoid confrontation was the occupation and closing of the airport, the burning of shopping centers in Bangkok and the current occupations of key intersections and refusal to participate in elections eh?

Are you fellows blind or something? For the past 10 years a majority of Thais have been ultra confrontational, eschewing authority and wrecking the place. Wake up!!!!!

Edited by thailiketoo
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Whatever your perceptions are about Thai men are I can assure you their perception of us is worse. Moreover they have good reason to think so. Most of you understand that you're viewed as a sad specimen (who came here to marry a hooker) by people in your own countries, the Thais view you in exactly the same way. That might not be the case, but regardless of the facts that particular stereotype is very much ingrained. Couple that with the animal like behavior of falangs in places like Pattaya and Phuket, then take into consideration that it's their country. This thread does confirm that my policy of keeping away from over 40yr old ex-pats sitting in small bars moaning is a sound one. Many people (Thais and Westerners) view that stereotype as the lowest common denominator in Thailand.

Ya I see what you mean. The under 40 chaps in the football shirts, dead drunk wandering around town looking for a fight are far superior to hang with.

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Whatever your perceptions are about Thai men are I can assure you their perception of us is worse. Moreover they have good reason to think so. Most of you understand that you're viewed as a sad specimen (who came here to marry a hooker) by people in your own countries, the Thais view you in exactly the same way. That might not be the case, but regardless of the facts that particular stereotype is very much ingrained. Couple that with the animal like behavior of falangs in places like Pattaya and Phuket, then take into consideration that it's their country. This thread does confirm that my policy of keeping away from over 40yr old ex-pats sitting in small bars moaning is a sound one. Many people (Thais and Westerners) view that stereotype as the lowest common denominator in Thailand.

The lady doth protest too much, methinks.
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I would say it's fair.

It needs explaining though.

Thai men as any Thai citizen get educated to avoid confrontation and challenges, and courage is not a Thai value. As a rule people are taught to go around any obstacle rather than overcome it.

On top of this you have the son cultural exception like in most countries in Asian or African where basically young boys are educated with double standards as regards to their sisters: They can do whatever they like, no rule, no discipline, no chores, no cleaning, no cooking, no looking after sibling, basically no moral values and all play. They become total egoistic prats with no moral.

My friend's Thai GF has a brother who stole all their mother savings and lost it at the casino. Appalled the all family collected some (more) money to incite him to leave the family house and live elsewhere. He took the money, spent it all again and came back after having his fun.

He still lives there, no job, no desire to do anything but be a total rogue and parasite and that totally normal.

Some people never learn ...

A good example of this tendency to go around problems and avoid confrontation was the occupation and closing of the airport, the burning of shopping centers in Bangkok and the current occupations of key intersections and refusal to participate in elections eh?

Are you fellows blind or something? For the past 10 years a majority of Thais have been ultra confrontational, eschewing authority and wrecking the place. Wake up!!!!!

Give a whistle, free food and a flag you get a rally here.

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I would say it's fair.

It needs explaining though.

Thai men as any Thai citizen get educated to avoid confrontation and challenges, and courage is not a Thai value. As a rule people are taught to go around any obstacle rather than overcome it.

On top of this you have the son cultural exception like in most countries in Asian or African where basically young boys are educated with double standards as regards to their sisters: They can do whatever they like, no rule, no discipline, no chores, no cleaning, no cooking, no looking after sibling, basically no moral values and all play. They become total egoistic prats with no moral.

My friend's Thai GF has a brother who stole all their mother savings and lost it at the casino. Appalled the all family collected some (more) money to incite him to leave the family house and live elsewhere. He took the money, spent it all again and came back after having his fun.

He still lives there, no job, no desire to do anything but be a total rogue and parasite and that totally normal.

Some people never learn ...

A good example of this tendency to go around problems and avoid confrontation was the occupation and closing of the airport, the burning of shopping centers in Bangkok and the current occupations of key intersections and refusal to participate in elections eh?

Are you fellows blind or something? For the past 10 years a majority of Thais have been ultra confrontational, eschewing authority and wrecking the place. Wake up!!!!!

Give a whistle, free food and a flag you get a rally here.

And burn down malls, interrupt international air traffic and get killed? Open eyes.

Dec 1, 2013 - Most of the casualties occurred at a Bangkok stadium where gunshots ... where more than 1,000 protesters skirmished with riot police who fired ..

On 10 April, troops unsuccessfully cracked down at Phan Fah, resulting in 24 deaths, including one Japanese journalist and five soldiers, and more than 800 injuries.


Edited by thailiketoo
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I suspect most women from any culture in the world would say you've just described a "typical" male, irrespective of race. coffee1.gif

I would be very, very surprised if that was the case.

Besides, I'm sure you mean 'culture' and not 'race'. smile.png

Let's make it even more plain for you, just substitute the word "expat" everywhere you see "Thai" in the OPs post.

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I suspect most women from any culture in the world would say you've just described a "typical" male, irrespective of race. coffee1.gif

I would be very, very surprised if that was the case.

Besides, I'm sure you mean 'culture' and not 'race'. smile.png

Let's make it even more plain for you, just substitute the word "expat" everywhere you see "Thai" in the OPs post.

Yeap, that would do it.

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^ When will you first be visiting Thailand?

early June, 1967, why?


You'll be able to give lots of examples of when many expats here exhibited these behavioral patterns then. smile.png

"They seem to be very territorial, about the space around them being their space, and can get very worked-up if another ‘intrudes’ on to it in a way that they perceive to be a challenge to their ego. They seem to have very delicate egos and almost everything seems to be a challenge to them. Their ego can be hurt very easily as a result.

They have massive amounts of repressed anger built up, mainly due to cultural issues such as repressions all negative emotions in order to keep face.

They seem to be very cowardly in their actions and instead of a face to face talking through of things, will instead opt for very spiteful, malicious actions behind the other persons back, unless they know they cannot lose through numbers of people having their back, or unless their repressed anger explodes to the front in which case extreme violence with whatever weapons they have/can get will ensue until the other person is dead or as good as.

They love to gloat when they see themselves as victorious in one of their perceived challenges against another. Consideration is an acceptance of being lower than the other person, so is not to be exercised unless the other is known to them and of higher status to them."

Looking forward to hearing of your examples that give you such an impression. Thanks. smile.png

Edit: Berkshire too.

Thanks guys. smile.png

Edited by Khon Thai Ben Khon Dee
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Whatever your perceptions are about Thai men are I can assure you their perception of us is worse. Moreover they have good reason to think so. Most of you understand that you're viewed as a sad specimen (who came here to marry a hooker) by people in your own countries, the Thais view you in exactly the same way. That might not be the case, but regardless of the facts that particular stereotype is very much ingrained. Couple that with the animal like behavior of falangs in places like Pattaya and Phuket, then take into consideration that it's their country. This thread does confirm that my policy of keeping away from over 40yr old ex-pats sitting in small bars moaning is a sound one. Many people (Thais and Westerners) view that stereotype as the lowest common denominator in Thailand.

U MISS many lazy thai men leave their gf pregnant

you miss that many thai men shoot each other

you miss that many thai men take yaba

you miss that many thai men rob instead of working for a living

Obviously these are not the thai guys who talk about about ALL FARANGS ARE THEY


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