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Pigeon Spikes


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I bought one of those stand-alone door chime/greeter things, the sort that some shops have at their front doors which sound when people walk past.

400 Baht, 2 batteries, put it on "Welcome" and "loud" sound. Stand it on the balcony so that the motion detector faces the area where the pigeons land.

When a bird lands (or even fly past), it sets off the motion detector and the thing emits a loud "Welcome", which is enough to scare off the bird. If your balcony is very large, you may need more than 1 to cover the area. And if you use the balcony, you can switch it off.

At first, you'll hear frequent "Welcomes" (telling you that the system works), but gradually less often until the birds learn to go elsewhere. Now I no longer have a problem with my balcony - pigeons are smart.

Small, unobtrusive, and batteries last weeks.

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