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Suthep says plundering rice warehouse is next step


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Whatever reasons that the dem and its PDRC/PCAD have been giving are just a front to cover-up the real issues of the struggle for power and control which I have been sharing. Unless the two come together to talk and sort up all anxieties and fear and be inclusive with each other, the country will definitely go into a deeper crisis which will see much bloodshed.

This is not just my personal opinion but the many analyst as well. Below is one



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Suthep is WAY past his nap time, this "idea" is idiotic. Who would show up at a silo to buy rice by the thousands of tonnes? At what price? Wouldn't those sales would be declared void and illegal before the first satang changes hands?


Will this insanity ever end? This country deserves much better.

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Is this mean do they pack off from junctions of BKK cause there are not any rice warehouse? Very good news.

Just seen today their Rajadamri protest place, so there are no protester at all only tents of vendors.

Where is the police, army, whatever?

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It appears to me that the wily Mr. Suthep is planning to "plunder" a warehouse which he already knows is empty. What then?

If the owners won't open the warehouse for inspection then he can just have some farmers burrow into it. Should the owners of the warehouses find themselves short of the rice supposedly contained therein then they shall have to resurrect it.

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Why not just plunder Bank of Thailand (in Bangkok), and use the cash to pay the farmers same day.

Don't have to wait 1 week.

This would be a criminal activity, thus not recommendable.

The farmers are of course entitled to get their rice payments, therefore the current acting government, and the protesting opposition party should deal with this in a civilized manner and the street protesters should not illegally remove cash from the Central Bank.

This should be done to ensure that the farming people are treated properly, on the other hand the politicians should sort out their current political problems as soon as possible, but they should prevent any involvement in criminal activity, and should deal with political matters in a normal civilized manner, because he law should always be respected.

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"Rice traders, exporters would be invited to rice auctions"

Yingluck tried that and nobody appeared.

Why does he think he will succeed?

Because the elites who have done everything they can to make it fail would now allow him to succeed, just like Yingluk he is just a puppet!

So you admit yingluck is a puppet of Thaksin?

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i see the peaceful law abiding Suthep has missed another court appearance on his murder charge. Very soon now he will be detained for many years without trial or bail for missing his date with the judges. When will he stand up like a man and defend himself just as all other Thai's are expected to do. He has escaped prosicution on many charges in the past.

The land deal in the south, where his rich friens got the land that was destined for the poor, the cooking oil shortage, where he made a lot of money from his warehouses. this one stinks or price fixing.

i am sorry he would not do these things for personnel gain, he loves his rich friends and would not make the poor suffer.

maybe we are all worried that he will take control of his "peoples council" for no reason at all. he could solve this problem if he would present his reforms and the names of his appointed members for all to see, and was willing to negotiate. oh iam sorry again Democrates do not negotiate because they can not win. put something on the table you big mouth, and maybe you will get something in return. keep going the way you are and the Democratic Party will fall further from the hearts of all Thai's.

Never mind rocky 3; the sky will not fall in. This type of unsettled civil adversary in fighting between ruling elite Thai clans has been going on for more than a thousand years. It was the British who wanted to colonize Thailand after World war 2 but the Americans feared the country would be taken over by communists, so that knock that idea on the head, and in end the British were kicked off the Malaysian peninsular in the 50’s as a result of failing to control the insurgency.

Throughout history, almost every country in world has had ago at trying to solve Thailand problems including in recent times we’ve seen the invasion of the Russian and Chinese who have also subversively tried to set up underground illegal businesses in attempt to take over the tourist industry . I wonder at times if the Americans worst fears have already unfolded by stealth.

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Very soon now he will be detained for many years without trial or bail for missing his date with the judges.

So you are advocating an unlawful imrisonment? To be held 'for many years without trial or bail' sounds very North Korea like to me... certainly in violation of Human Rights, but then again, thats not something the Shinawatra's shy away from

"So you are advocating an unlawful imrisonment?(spelling) To be held 'for many years without trial or bail' sounds very North Korea American like to me" Google "guantanamo bay prisoners"

What poetic justice champion the "undemocratic way", go to prison the "undemocratic way, why should the guarantees from a Democratic system be afforded, to that unhatched wannabe dictator.

Guantanamo it is!


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They would of had their money by now if he did not protest and make things worse.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

You must work for the PTP, you blame everyone else and never take responsibility

The Gov;t was late on payments before the protests began ... make it a PTP error / mistake / screwup ..

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I've got a great idea.

Thskdin buys all the rice in storage and for the next 3 years.

He holds on to it until the market price rockets due to a lack of supply then he sells it and buys Thailand a high speed rail network.

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Isnt that the idea that got them into this sh*t in the first place?


I'll flag it as sarcasm next time

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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"Rice traders, exporters would be invited to rice auctions"

Yingluck tried that and nobody appeared.

Why does he think he will succeed?

Smaller lots and cheaper prices, after law, the rice farmers still the owners, we will see...Before it is all garbage, and too poisened for export...clap2.gif

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"Rice traders, exporters would be invited to rice auctions"

Yingluck tried that and nobody appeared.

Why does he think he will succeed?

She has no brains, QED

Suthep. might be many things but having the IQ of a dandelion is not one of them....

Edited by johnlandy
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If Suthep Thugsuban is so concerned about the plight of the farmers, than why does his group not offer to pay the farmers travelling and hotel expenses to join the protests in Bangkok?

It also appears that this guy is full of idle threats. I gave up giving him any credibility long ago that includes the rest of the mobs on all sides.

And if they did actually do that people like fab4 and Prbkk would have a field day stating that Suthep is buying the farm protestors!

Personally if I were Suthep I wouldn't go any where near a warehouse or silo.. so as not to give the government any "blame "ammunition!

Sent from my XT1032 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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They would of had their money by now if he did not protest and make things worse.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Absolutely no way. They were struggling with payments pre-demonstration. This is how the rice scam worked:

1. Buy all the rice from the farmers at an artificially high price.

2. Withdraw the rice from the world market, thus creating a shortage.

3. Because of this artificial shortage the world price increases to above the amount paid by the Government to the farmers.

4. Sell the rice on the world market and rake in the profits.

5. These profits are then shared between Thaksin and his cohorts as payment for their part in this scam.

6. The idea was to benefit Thaksin financially and politically (ie winning the support of the farmers) but, happily, it back fired.

Very clever, but it didn't work because instead of the price going up as Thaksin thought, other countries increased their exports.

There was no budget for this scheme and no 'what if' scenarios which means that when Thaksin's plot failed there was no money to pay the farmers.

To blame Suthep for this is conveniently stupid and far from reality.

Right on the button Ian, the whole scheme was hair brained from the outset and now apart from fact that they have no money to honour their promise they have finished up with egg all over their collective faces. Absolute insanity bet hey, what the hell TIT

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I think the rice is still in storage. You can't easily move a commodity of millions of tonnes without being noticed. But if they do try to get the rice back, th government will blame them for stuffing up a deal that they 'only just now' agreed with China or someone else. It's going to get worse.

YET Ft Knox is virtually barren despite being under heavy, 24/7 protection.

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Suthep says plundering rice warehouse is next step

Did he think this one up while dining at the Dusit, or was it at the Intercontinental?

I'm pretty damn sure that, like most things emanating from suthep, no thought has gone into it whatsoever.

His announcements are just chewing gum for the mind.

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Very soon now he will be detained for many years without trial or bail for missing his date with the judges.

So you are advocating an unlawful imrisonment? To be held 'for many years without trial or bail' sounds very North Korea like to me... certainly in violation of Human Rights, but then again, thats not something the Shinawatra's shy away from

In most countries somebody that has missed court dates repeatedly and are wanted for crimes such as treason and murder would be held with out bail. Trials of this sort, for example in the USA would be expected to take years for a verdict. Look how long people are detained in The Hague for example.

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