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Google Earth: how much has global warming raised temperatures near you?

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I am not disagreeing with you , I said "of course we are seeing the highest temperatures now". After an ice age things get warmer, that is how it works.

Do you seriously think that this hasn't been taken into account? that only YOU thought of this? I think you seriously underestimate the thinking behind this topic.....even though the answer is simple - man made climate change is just about as near to fact as science allows.

My old friend Wilco. I wonder if you could help me point out the strawman in your argument. And if you like you can also explain the phrase, "as close to fact as science allows". Does it mean, not a fact as in, not a real thing?

sadly your comments reveal you don't understand the first thing about scientific argument and proof.

I've asked many times, where is this alleged proof?

Naomi Klein (who we have discussed before) has finally broken the last taboo, which climate activists have been struggling to avoid uttering over the years.
Yes, if you disagree with the UN on climate matters, you are a racist -- and more, you are a white supremacist.

"Thinly veiled notions of racial superiority have informed every aspect of the non-response to climate change so far. Racism is what has made it possible to systematically look away from the climate threat for more than two decades.
“What would governments do if black and brown lives counted as much as white lives?"
These rage-filled people desperately try to portray themselves as reasonable people with the future health of the planet as their only concern, but they can't help the hairy heel slipping out from time to time and revealing their true motivation.
Klein knows very little about people and even less about science, but cannot be ignored given the extreme length of the conga line of emotionally immature dimwits who regard her as some kind of a sage, and even buy her books.
  • Like 2

18 December 2014 Last updated at 22:36

Carbon dioxide satellite mission returns first global maps

By Jonathan Amos
Science correspondent, BBC News, San Francisco
Nasa's Orbiting Carbon Observatory (OCO-2) has returned its first global maps of the greenhouse gas CO2.
The satellite was sent up in July to help pinpoint the key locations on the Earth's surface where carbon dioxide is being emitted and absorbed.
This should help scientists better understand how human activities are influencing the climate.
-- BBC 2014-12-18
The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place. — George Bernard Shaw



Naomi Klein (who we have discussed before) has finally broken the last taboo, which climate activists have been struggling to avoid uttering over the years.

Yes, if you disagree with the UN on climate matters, you are a racist -- and more, you are a white supremacist.

"Thinly veiled notions of racial superiority have informed every aspect of the non-response to climate change so far. Racism is what has made it possible to systematically look away from the climate threat for more than two decades.

What would governments do if black and brown lives counted as much as white lives?"

These rage-filled people desperately try to portray themselves as reasonable people with the future health of the planet as their only concern, but they can't help the hairy heel slipping out from time to time and revealing their true motivation.

Klein knows very little about people and even less about science, but cannot be ignored given the extreme length of the conga line of emotionally immature dimwits who regard her as some kind of a sage, and even buy her books.

Ok Rick, you found one person who's shrill. You tried to find that person, and you did, congratulations. There are still a plurality of scientists and millions of people who believe, as I do, that burning fossil fuels are a contributing factor to GW. Even if it weren't a contributing factor, it would still be good to lessen burning fossil fuels, if only to render cities less awful places to reside.

Once again, Naomi Klein is not just one ordinary person, but an author and speaker of considerable celebrity.

Furthermore, her charge is stark; do you disagree with the UN position on Global Warming? If so, you are a racist and white supremacist.

That doesn't sound like scientific language to me. And she's right; the Global Warming debate never was about science, but about ideology, and in Klein's case a rather infantile Marxist ideology.

If you think the planet's overheating because of fossil fuel use, don't call Naomi -- she isn't interested.

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Wrong totally thats why they changed it from global warming to climate change. Last 19 years no warming

Wrong. 9 out of 10 of the hottest years on record were in the first part of this century.

Wonder why greenland was called greenland? Strange eh

Why was Turkey called Turkey: lots of turkeys?

Why was Greece called Greece? Lots of thick oil?

Why was Hungary called Hungary? Lots of hungry people there?

Why Mongolia? Mongolian idiots there?

Why Siam? Siamese twins abundant there?

India has a lot of India ink?

Is Chile chilly?


  • Like 1

Wrong totally thats why they changed it from global warming to climate change. Last 19 years no warming

Wrong. 9 out of 10 of the hottest years on record were in the first part of this century.

Wonder why greenland was called greenland? Strange eh

Why was Turkey called Turkey: lots of turkeys?

Why was Greece called Greece? Lots of thick oil?

Why was Hungary called Hungary? Lots of hungry people there?

Why Mongolia? Mongolian idiots there?

Why Siam? Siamese twins abundant there?

India has a lot of India ink?

Is Chile chilly?


not wrong http://www.reportingclimatescience.com/news-stories/article/global-warming-pause-hits-18-years-on-rss-data.html

Wrong totally thats why they changed it from global warming to climate change. Last 19 years no warming

That's incorrect - you have accepted the interpretation of some of the media - see the start of this thread...if you can be bothered.


Wonder why greenland was called greenland? Strange eh

Greenland was allegedly called that as a sales gimmick to attract people to an otherwise bleak and barren land.

  • Like 2

I am not disagreeing with you , I said "of course we are seeing the highest temperatures now". After an ice age things get warmer, that is how it works.

Do you seriously think that this hasn't been taken into account? that only YOU thought of this? I think you seriously underestimate the thinking behind this topic.....even though the answer is simple - man made climate change is just about as near to fact as science allows.

My old friend Wilco. I wonder if you could help me point out the strawman in your argument. And if you like you can also explain the phrase, "as close to fact as science allows". Does it mean, not a fact as in, not a real thing?

as with most deniers,you seem to have a problem with the very basis of scientific language and thought.


Even if I was prepared to accept the theory of global warming how could anyone ever get all the countries in the world to agree a strategy?

The meagre attempts by countries such as the UK will never out weight Co2 emissions from India,Asia and Latin America.

Just witness the burning that goes on across Thailand and the major air pollution it produces.

These 7 Countries Are Responsible for Over 60 Percent of Global Warming



I am not disagreeing with you , I said "of course we are seeing the highest temperatures now". After an ice age things get warmer, that is how it works.

Do you seriously think that this hasn't been taken into account? that only YOU thought of this? I think you seriously underestimate the thinking behind this topic.....even though the answer is simple - man made climate change is just about as near to fact as science allows.

My old friend Wilco. I wonder if you could help me point out the strawman in your argument. And if you like you can also explain the phrase, "as close to fact as science allows". Does it mean, not a fact as in, not a real thing?

as with most deniers,you seem to have a problem with the very basis of scientific language and thought.
I am a scientist

Anthropogenic global warming is a myth postulated by gore and his buddies end of. 911 not false flag government don't lie, eugenics isn't real, no agenda 21 al CIA da, no fema camps, vaccines are good, fluoride is needed by your body.

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