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Bloomberg interview with Abhisit: 'It's time for reform. Why can't the govt accept that'


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At the moment Thailand has a spineless PM who can't link 5 words together in a coherent sentence without it being written down for her


She has already - in the testosterone charged world of Thai politics - become the country's first female prime minister, won two consecutive elections with record majorities, laughed off Suthep and his Big Bangkok Shutdown and prevented a coup. Not a bad list of achievements for someone with no previous experience of politics. Most professional politicians would envy a record like this.

Spineless.......well, that's what I'd call a politician who is so Absolutely Certain he will lose that he doesn't even bother to turn up. He probably learned that kind of craven submission in his first year at Eton.

She has not won any election at all. She became the countries first Prime minister because her brother told "his" PTP party that she would be, despite NIL political experience.

That was the first election as for the latest election, if she has in fact won it they why is she STILL the caretaker PM and not in full control of the country as her brother wishes.

As far as I am aware and probably the majority of Thailand the election is NOT over, ALL the votes have NOT yet been counted.

She prevented a coup? You must be joking. She appointed herself the Minister of Defence without even knowing where the building is. She has NO control over the military, the police or even her own party.

If you think that is not a bad list of achievements how about a PM who has brought Thailand to near bankruptcy, divided the country, has no idea of what is going on with the rice scheme, which she is the chairperson of, cannot pay the countries debts to its own citizens, is under investigation for corruption by the NACC ruining the reputation of the country on the way.

Do you think that is something to be proud of after 2 1/2 years of "service to the country"?

Right, because Mickey Mouse won the last 2 elections, Thailand is near bankruptcy even if it is very far away from it even with the rice scheme problems ....divided the country? Right, her fault ...because the yellow shirts didn't start the whole colored shirt crap in the first place, it was Donald Duck. And she's ruining the reputation of the country and Suthep is doing the best to restore it, right? I mean Suthep and his militia running around Bangkok with heavy weapons, shooting at cars without asking is restoring the reputation.

On a brighter side, how is life there for you in Dreamland?

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At the moment Thailand has a spineless PM who can't link 5 words together in a coherent sentence without it being written down for her


She has already - in the testosterone charged world of Thai politics - become the country's first female prime minister, won two consecutive elections with record majorities, laughed off Suthep and his Big Bangkok Shutdown and prevented a coup. Not a bad list of achievements for someone with no previous experience of politics. Most professional politicians would envy a record like this.

Spineless.......well, that's what I'd call a politician who is so Absolutely Certain he will lose that he doesn't even bother to turn up. He probably learned that kind of craven submission in his first year at Eton.

She has not won any election at all. She became the countries first Prime minister because her brother told "his" PTP party that she would be, despite NIL political experience.

That was the first election as for the latest election, if she has in fact won it they why is she STILL the caretaker PM and not in full control of the country as her brother wishes.

As far as I am aware and probably the majority of Thailand the election is NOT over, ALL the votes have NOT yet been counted.

She prevented a coup? You must be joking. She appointed herself the Minister of Defence without even knowing where the building is. She has NO control over the military, the police or even her own party.

If you think that is not a bad list of achievements how about a PM who has brought Thailand to near bankruptcy, divided the country, has no idea of what is going on with the rice scheme, which she is the chairperson of, cannot pay the countries debts to its own citizens, is under investigation for corruption by the NACC ruining the reputation of the country on the way.

Do you think that is something to be proud of after 2 1/2 years of "service to the country"?


You always know it's....


.........time when the word 'caretaker' puts in an appearance!

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Great interview.

Articulate and to the point

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Of course it is well spoken - Made for the International community

He speaks all important points regarding how he respects democracy but does not mention that Suthep wants a Non Elected Council.

Also he is not right pretending the Government did not offer talks. He was invited like many others too, but they refused BECAUSE it was the anti-government leaders who set conditions. That was "[a] YS - step down and No election". A classical case of turning bad behavior looking good. Such distortions is so dishonest and a reason not to trust them.

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Great to see a free ranging interview with intelligent tough questions. Not like the Hation interviews to window dress the Democrats and demonize the Yingluck administration. Frankly, Bloomberg was very light on the interview and couldn't have pressed with more difficult and embarrasing questions. But I don't think it really cared to give Abhisit too much of publicity other than hitting the basics - he and the Democrats are not and will not follow a democratic process in their pursuit of gaining control of the government.

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A load of hypocritical rubbish from a seemingly intelligent guy.

The unasked question was how can the Democrat Party, who themselves are mired in massive crony corruption and vote-buying, be trusted to do anything about corruption when their noses are in the trough once again? They have done nothing about it previously, so why suddenly now?

Because they are frustrated never being elected.

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Great interview.

Articulate and to the point

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Of course it is well spoken - Made for the International community

He speaks all important points regarding how he respects democracy but does not mention that Suthep wants a Non Elected Council.

Also he is not right pretending the Government did not offer talks. He was invited like many others too, but they refused BECAUSE it was the anti-government leaders who set conditions. That was "[a] YS - step down and No election". A classical case of turning bad behavior looking good. Such distortions is so dishonest and a reason not to trust them.

Yeah, the reporter really dropped the ball there by not asking him about the "People's Council".

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Whatever you say about him, at least he's willing to be interviewed like this. Perhaps Reuters could do a similar interview with Yingluck so that we can hear what she has to say.

Maybe they could even have a head-to-head debate on all Thai TV channels.

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Whatever you say about him, at least he's willing to be interviewed like this. Perhaps Reuters could do a similar interview with Yingluck so that we can hear what she has to say.

Maybe they could even have a head-to-head debate on all Thai TV channels.

That would be a hopeless mismatch. Much more interesting would be a bout between the two real leaders, Abhisit and Thaksin. That I would pay to see!

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Saying what I think is likely isn't making an assumption.

And yes, i do feel I'm speaking for everyone - everyone rational minded anyway. Can't of course speak for the red extremists. Plenty here though that clearly can and indeed are.

Sent from my i-mobile IQ XA using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

"this court case going forward has no purpose, and only threatens to make a fool of those who pushed it in the first place."

That would include the Attorney General and the Courts themselves for having accepted this case in the first place, by your reckoning.

Why can you not, at the very least, acknowledge that the very act of establishing live fire zones and deploying snipers under the express authority of CRES i.e.abhisit and suthep, was NOT proportionate to the "threat" presented (if there was one). Hopefully the Courts will rule on this.

If this was a valid method of crowd control in an established democracy surely this would have been carried out by other countries?

The question isn't about whether or not the response was proportionate, the question is about whether Abhisit is personally responsible for the act of murder, which is the charge being made. Why can you not, at the very least, accept the absurdity of this charge and accept the blatant political reasons for it being made?
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Are you really saying the Dems aint corrupt?

Before you you continually bore us again with your 'proof, proof, proof' rhetoric, just do some research into that party and their corruption scandals. Sorry to say but the reports are endless.

Prove they aint corrupt or can't you get out of your 'Thait' ass this morning?smile.png

The entire Shinawatra machine tried to find dirt on him.

They went all the way back decades to his draft - and still haven't managed

I don't think you or your crimson clot-heads will do any better

From Wikipedia..

Wikileaks diplomatic cables from the US embassy revealed that many members of his own party have long complained of his corrupt and unethical behavior

Also read into his disqualification as an MP in 2009, hardly that of an non corrupt politician.

And then there's the land reform scheme but wait, there's no 'dirt on him'cheesy.gif

Are you letting your support of the Dems cloud your judgement? Be careful now, Immigration have again warned of foreigners involved with the protests. Would hate to see you and your little flag, sat inside the monkey house. Then your ass would really be Thait! biggrin.png

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Not a bad interview. A bit more aggression from Abhisit which he needs to acquire in the dirty world of Thai politics.

As Smedley posted above, how can corruption & lawlessness be tackled by PTP when it's real leader thrives on both?

The country is moving backwards while it's competitors are moving forward. China, Indonesia & Vietnam are actually tackling corruption (no it will never be completely eradicated) and even the Philippines is making some progress with a more honest leader than before.

2013 has been a disastrous year for Thailand. A technical recession in the middle of the year, transparency (i.e. corruption) worsening, money being poured into bottomless pits (rice scheme, flood abatement mismanagement, first car scheme adding to personal debt) and not much light at the end of the tunnel.

Amnesty bill triggering a huge and lengthy series of protests (which did go off the rails), CC verdicts being rejected (except for the favourable ones) and continual efforts being made to undermine (if not reject) any semblance of democracy and checks & balances. weak as though they are.

Yes Abhisit you will have to bear the burden of blame as apportioned by PTP and their 'experts' on Thaivisa. Sad.

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For those like lostmebike, who are always demanding "proof", instead of sitting at the head of the table like Lord of the Manor waiting for the serfs to bring your dinner, why don't you try the wonderful inventions of the Internet and Google. There you can find all the "proof" you could ever want or ask for.

While I admit that the Dems may not be as guilty as PTP in regards to corruption, believe me, they are in the Corruption Pool up to their necks. Corruption and politics have gone hand in hand for ALL parties since the overthrow of Absolute Monarchy.

So, don't just sit there on your ass and demand that others provide the proof for you, try doing a bit of research (as has been suggested) and you can find all the proof you want.

Well done for your delayed, out of touch comment.

If you would have read all the posts you would have realized (yes it's possible) that I wasn't the one asking for proof and in fact disagreeing with others that were demanding proof.

It also wasn't me that was saying the Dems aren't corrupt, on the contrary, I was suggesting they all as bad as each other to which some were obviously in disagreement with.

So grumpy, why don't you open your eyes and read all the comments rather than adding your irrelevant, misunderstood bleatings (via your old ass) after reading only a few!

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It's time for reform why can't the govrnment accept that... Says the man who wants to reform the reforms he made when in government....

"What have I done wrong? I respect the law. I respect the Constitution. I am exercising my rights." err... I know innocent until proven guilty but.. murder?

Here we go again.

Do you have ANY proof at all that he is guilty of murder?

Does anybody have ANY proof?

I will charitably assume that it is only your opinion which is worth just as much or just as little as mine.

It's not even an opinion, which is why I included innocent until proven guilty Billd. But this is what it's about

The CRES set out rules of engagement, permitting security forces to use live ammunition as warning shots to deter protesters from moving closer; for self-defense; and when troops had clear visuals of "terrorists," a term the government failed to define. In reality, the military deployed snipers to shoot anyone who breached "no-go" zones between the UDD and army barricades, or who threw projectiles towards soldiers. Sometimes soldiers also shot into crowds of protesters. http://www.hrw.org/w...t-2011/thailand

And then you added but.....murder which to me nullified your post as though everything else was OK but.... murder isn't.

Murder is murder. If he's guilty he's guilty if he isn't he isn't. He's done lot's wrong but there's probably nothing worse than murder, in my opinion anyway - but like my grandfather told me, opinions are like <deleted>, everybody has one. Wasn't he (and Suthep) banned for politics at one time?

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Whatever you say about him, at least he's willing to be interviewed like this. Perhaps Reuters could do a similar interview with Yingluck so that we can hear what she has to say.

Maybe they could even have a head-to-head debate on all Thai TV channels.

That would be a hopeless mismatch. Much more interesting would be a bout between the two real leaders, Abhisit and Thaksin. That I would pay to see!

Haha. Funnily enough, I was just thinking during lunch how much fun it would be for the more active posters on both sides of the debate to meet up for a meal without disclosing their monikers or affiliations and to start discussing the situation.

I would bet that those who are fond of throwing insults, calling others names would most likely turn out to be as meek as a churchmouse for starters. I also wonder how many would change sides during such a meet.

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Whatever you say about him, at least he's willing to be interviewed like this. Perhaps Reuters could do a similar interview with Yingluck so that we can hear what she has to say.

Maybe they could even have a head-to-head debate on all Thai TV channels.

That would be a hopeless mismatch. Much more interesting would be a bout between the two real leaders, Abhisit and Thaksin. That I would pay to see!

Haha. Funnily enough, I was just thinking during lunch how much fun it would be for the more active posters on both sides of the debate to meet up for a meal without disclosing their monikers or affiliations and to start discussing the situation.

I would bet that those who are fond of throwing insults, calling others names would most likely turn out to be as meek as a churchmouse for starters. I also wonder how many would change sides during such a meet.


It would never work. The tin hat brigade would refuse to negotiate, boycott the event and prevent anyone else from getting in. It's quite likely that they would also demand reform before the first course was served!

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Whatever you say about him, at least he's willing to be interviewed like this. Perhaps Reuters could do a similar interview with Yingluck so that we can hear what she has to say.

Maybe they could even have a head-to-head debate on all Thai TV channels.

That would be a hopeless mismatch. Much more interesting would be a bout between the two real leaders, Abhisit and Thaksin. That I would pay to see!

Haha. Funnily enough, I was just thinking during lunch how much fun it would be for the more active posters on both sides of the debate to meet up for a meal without disclosing their monikers or affiliations and to start discussing the situation.

I would bet that those who are fond of throwing insults, calling others names would most likely turn out to be as meek as a churchmouse for starters. I also wonder how many would change sides during such a meet.


It would never work. The tin hat brigade would refuse to negotiate, boycott the event and prevent anyone else from getting in. It's quite likely that they would also demand reform before the first course was served!

Whereas the PT brigade would just refuse to pay the bill when it arrived.

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As usual, he is lying, twisting and distorting.

1. Dissolving the house was demanded by him and when that happened, he boycotted it.

2. Reform initiatives were called by PM YS long before the house dissolved. The dem boycotted it and went round the country criticizing the government's initiatives. What had they come out with for reform? They cannot even accept the reforming of their own party.

3. Where are the protesters now. There was no crackdown that caused them to go home - unlike the 2010.

4. Free and fair election - I think it is the job of EC.

5. The dem had never come out to condemn the criminal activities of blocking election registration centres, blocking the distribution of ballot boxes and papers, the use of physical violence to block voters from voting and threats issued by its PDRC/PCAD to block election. These criminal activities were not initiated by PTP or any participating parties. Therefore he has no legitimacy to say the election is not free and fair during the interview. Also, AV has no legitimacy to talk about wasting Bt3 billion during the interview - because he has been silent on these criminal activities.

6. Not deferring the election was not the decision of the Government. The government brought in all the contesting parties and they did not want a deferment. Why should these parties submit to the demand of the dem. It is not the only party in Thailand.

7. PM YS did not refuse the deferment of election. It was the collective decision of the government and EC. No party was enable to guarantee that violence scare, mongered by EC, will stop and that all party will accept a new election date. Furthermore, no one was able to guarantee that there will be no legal action taken against the Government and EC.

8. When did PM YS's refused to accept a verdict of the Constitutional court?

9. Who would be the people the society can trust to oversee the election after some initial reforms take place? Is the EC credibility questioned by him?

10. It is not true that PM YS had precondition. It was the dem and its PDRC/PCAD - reform before election and an unelected 'people council' to run the country. PM YS did say 'we can't discuss the election postponement' - That was before CC said the election could be postponed if both side agreed. She could not discuss the government's caretaker status before it was mandated according to Royal Decree and Constitution.

11. AV also accused during interview: "the government of majority doesn't attend Parliament, doesn't answer questions in the House, is not accountable, puts itself above the law and doesn't accept court verdicts." When did all these happen? It was the dem who walked out of parliament, threatened the speaker, physical assault in parliament and parliamentary hooliganism.

12. When did Yingluck government said people in areas who didn't vote for her would not get development or budget funds, or their projects were cancelled?

13 AV said "There is, but the prime minister has to take that first step of admitting that this election is getting us to nowhere, that there need to be talks, a postponement, and that she might have to step aside so that people have faith in a free and fair election." Why should the government do that? Free and fair election is the job of EC? Is he discrediting the EC again? Why can't he just join the election and at the same time make sure that it is free and fair like what PTP and all participating parties did?

14. Interviewer :What will you do if you return to lead the country?

AV replied : "I will have to push forward reform that is very much needed right now to get rid of corruption and move the country forward so that we can actually fulfil our economic potential." Did he push for reform when he was the leader of dem led government? Did he get rid of corruption during his term? What had he done to GET RID of corruption? Why he rejected reform initiatives when it was called months before his demand of house dissolution?

15. He talked about rule of law: He forgot that the administration and enforcement of rule of law equally without fear and favour are the responsibility of the courts and enforcement agencies - not street mobs and thugs. Not smear, misinformation and distortion campaigns. Not denigrating the people. Certainly not behavior like using fake document to avoid a mandatory military service, refusing to sign a bail condition like everyone has to.

In conclusion : He is trying to wriggle out of the mess he created for himself, the dem and Thailand using lies, misinformation, distortion and untruth.

Well Well .that took some dreaming up .you should write fantasy books or maybe manifestos for Poo Thai

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Poor loser attitude. This is the best you can offer.

I am sorry icommunity: You have managed a gross distortion of the events and facts. A simple Google search may correct your assumptions, but at the moment you are way off the mark. It's not my job to correct you. Just do some research and some thinking before posting.

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Whatever you say about him, at least he's willing to be interviewed like this. Perhaps Reuters could do a similar interview with Yingluck so that we can hear what she has to say.

Maybe they could even have a head-to-head debate on all Thai TV channels.

That would be a hopeless mismatch. Much more interesting would be a bout between the two real leaders, Abhisit and Thaksin. That I would pay to see!

Haha. Funnily enough, I was just thinking during lunch how much fun it would be for the more active posters on both sides of the debate to meet up for a meal without disclosing their monikers or affiliations and to start discussing the situation.

I would bet that those who are fond of throwing insults, calling others names would most likely turn out to be as meek as a churchmouse for starters. I also wonder how many would change sides during such a meet.

I suspect their affiliations wouldn't remain hidden for long - the monikers probably would. I wonder how many of those brave keyboard warriors supporting violence would start a fight against someone smaller? Heavyweight referees (mods?) would probably be needed.

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As usual, he is lying, twisting and distorting.

1. Dissolving the house was demanded by him and when that happened, he boycotted it.

2. Reform initiatives were called by PM YS long before the house dissolved. The dem boycotted it and went round the country criticizing the government's initiatives. What had they come out with for reform? They cannot even accept the reforming of their own party.

3. Where are the protesters now. There was no crackdown that caused them to go home - unlike the 2010.

4. Free and fair election - I think it is the job of EC.

5. The dem had never come out to condemn the criminal activities of blocking election registration centres, blocking the distribution of ballot boxes and papers, the use of physical violence to block voters from voting and threats issued by its PDRC/PCAD to block election. These criminal activities were not initiated by PTP or any participating parties. Therefore he has no legitimacy to say the election is not free and fair during the interview. Also, AV has no legitimacy to talk about wasting Bt3 billion during the interview - because he has been silent on these criminal activities.

6. Not deferring the election was not the decision of the Government. The government brought in all the contesting parties and they did not want a deferment. Why should these parties submit to the demand of the dem. It is not the only party in Thailand.

7. PM YS did not refuse the deferment of election. It was the collective decision of the government and EC. No party was enable to guarantee that violence scare, mongered by EC, will stop and that all party will accept a new election date. Furthermore, no one was able to guarantee that there will be no legal action taken against the Government and EC.

8. When did PM YS's refused to accept a verdict of the Constitutional court?

9. Who would be the people the society can trust to oversee the election after some initial reforms take place? Is the EC credibility questioned by him?

10. It is not true that PM YS had precondition. It was the dem and its PDRC/PCAD - reform before election and an unelected 'people council' to run the country. PM YS did say 'we can't discuss the election postponement' - That was before CC said the election could be postponed if both side agreed. She could not discuss the government's caretaker status before it was mandated according to Royal Decree and Constitution.

11. AV also accused during interview: "the government of majority doesn't attend Parliament, doesn't answer questions in the House, is not accountable, puts itself above the law and doesn't accept court verdicts." When did all these happen? It was the dem who walked out of parliament, threatened the speaker, physical assault in parliament and parliamentary hooliganism.

12. When did Yingluck government said people in areas who didn't vote for her would not get development or budget funds, or their projects were cancelled?

13 AV said "There is, but the prime minister has to take that first step of admitting that this election is getting us to nowhere, that there need to be talks, a postponement, and that she might have to step aside so that people have faith in a free and fair election." Why should the government do that? Free and fair election is the job of EC? Is he discrediting the EC again? Why can't he just join the election and at the same time make sure that it is free and fair like what PTP and all participating parties did?

14. Interviewer :What will you do if you return to lead the country?

AV replied : "I will have to push forward reform that is very much needed right now to get rid of corruption and move the country forward so that we can actually fulfil our economic potential." Did he push for reform when he was the leader of dem led government? Did he get rid of corruption during his term? What had he done to GET RID of corruption? Why he rejected reform initiatives when it was called months before his demand of house dissolution?

15. He talked about rule of law: He forgot that the administration and enforcement of rule of law equally without fear and favour are the responsibility of the courts and enforcement agencies - not street mobs and thugs. Not smear, misinformation and distortion campaigns. Not denigrating the people. Certainly not behavior like using fake document to avoid a mandatory military service, refusing to sign a bail condition like everyone has to.

In conclusion : He is trying to wriggle out of the mess he created for himself, the dem and Thailand using lies, misinformation, distortion and untruth.

Well Well .that took some dreaming up .you should write fantasy books or maybe manifestos for Poo Thai

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Poor loser attitude. This is the best you can offer.

I am sorry icommunity: You have managed a gross distortion of the events and facts. A simple Google search may correct your assumptions, but at the moment you are way off the mark. It's not my job to correct you. Just do some research and some thinking before posting.

I think you go and make a good google search again and then check what AV said. You are helping him in distorting events and lie. I made no assumption on this matter. It would be good if you do some clear thinking and have focus before posting.

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It would never work. The tin hat brigade would refuse to negotiate, boycott the event and prevent anyone else from getting in. It's quite likely that they would also demand reform before the first course was served!

Haha. Funnily enough, I was just thinking during lunch how much fun it would be for the more active posters on both sides of the debate to meet up for a meal without disclosing their monikers or affiliations and to start discussing the situation.

I would bet that those who are fond of throwing insults, calling others names would most likely turn out to be as meek as a churchmouse for starters. I also wonder how many would change sides during such a meet.


It would never work. The tin hat brigade would refuse to negotiate, boycott the event and prevent anyone else from getting in. It's quite likely that they would also demand reform before the first course was served!

Whereas the PT brigade would just refuse to pay the bill when it arrived.


Thanks for the laugh, both of you!

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Never said she wasn't. Saying Abhisit is also Thai. And don't give me that S about only those born on the mother soil are true citizens. Abhisit is Thai because he is.

He's also British... next!

Thats a point of view. Not mine. But yes, Next (please something different) Edited by Bluespunk
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PM YS is a born Thai. So what is your problem?

Never said she wasn't. Saying Abhisit is also Thai. And don't give me that BS about only those born on the mother soil are true citizens. Abhisit is Thai because he is.

So don't BS that people questioned his citizenship even he was not a born Thai.

It is BS. He was born Thai. Not in Thailand but that is irrelevant. Who you are is much more than where you were born.

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Never said she wasn't. Saying Abhisit is also Thai. And don't give me that BS about only those born on the mother soil are true citizens. Abhisit is Thai because he is.

He's also British... next!

So what?

This is becoming a boring & childish argument.

Yep agree but appears to be a bug bear for a number of posters.

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And you're the man to tell us that the Dems aren't corrupt!? cheesy.gif

Post your proof or get back to looking for your bike.


Are you really saying the Dems aint corrupt?

Before you you continually bore us again with your 'proof, proof, proof' rhetoric, just do some research into that party and their corruption scandals. Sorry to say but the reports are endless.

Prove they aint corrupt or can't you get out of your 'Thait' ass this morning?smile.png

Ya right. Corruption in Thailand is a deep rooted evil before there was even a TRT or Thaksin in politics.

All international political analysts say that and if you engage the service of a political risk analyst on Thailand corruption, he/she will give you a lot of information.

AV was just using corruption as a shield to cover his ass.


The article in your link was written by Pavin Chachavalpongpun - a PTP supporter.

Plus there was nothing in it to accuse Abhisit himself of corruption.

No one is arguing that corruption didn't exist before Thaksin. That's a straw man argument (invent it so you can shoot it down). What many have seen is corruption being institutionalised by Thaksin during his on-shore regime and continued by his 3 puppet governments.

By institutionalised I mean that he changed laws to directly benefit himself and/or his companies. This never happened before by any previous PM. I'll leave out all the other cases - some pending his return - that easily made him top of the corruption pops.

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A load of hypocritical rubbish from a seemingly intelligent guy.

The unasked question was how can the Democrat Party, who themselves are mired in massive crony corruption and vote-buying, be trusted to do anything about corruption when their noses are in the trough once again? They have done nothing about it previously, so why suddenly now?

A load of hypocritical rubbish from a seemingly intelligent guy.

I just have to ask which one of them is involved in the rice scam the disappearance of 350 billion baht water management money. The high price for flood control products in 2011.

You make alegations now let us here who they are.

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The thing is not with Thai politics. It is as what this commentary shown us - an international opinion not just of one analyst.


The author Pavin Chachavalpongpun is Associate Fellow at the Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, Singapore, and Associate Professor with the Centre for Southeast Asian Studies at Kyoto University. The link provided only gives his opinion. He seems to be not quiet objective at times.

Strangely enough k. Pavin seems to be a former Thai diplomat.

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LOL, Pavin Chachavalpongpun is a PTP supporter. He wrote that because he is a PTP supporter? You have defamed him.

Defamed him? Rubbish. Nor did I say he wrote anything because he is a PTP supported. He probably wrote it because he was paid.

I've read quite a few of his articles in the Bangkok Post as well as the one in question and he always shows bias towards the PTP or it's predecessors. Difficult concept I know - judging someone by what they say rather than their academic position.

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PM YS is a born Thai. So what is your problem?

Never said she wasn't. Saying Abhisit is also Thai. And don't give me that BS about only those born on the mother soil are true citizens. Abhisit is Thai because he is.

So don't BS that people questioned his citizenship even he was not a born Thai.

It is BS. He was born Thai. Not in Thailand but that is irrelevant. Who you are is much more than where you were born.

Not that I care about Mark being British because he is but he can be Thai just as much, it dosn't really matter, he is however not born on Thai soil, but on British which also makes him a foreigner

I strongly disagree with your sentiment it does matter more where you are born, ask the British population that isnt white indigenous because they consider themselves British and proud to be more than their parents country.

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