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Australia drug convict Schapelle Corby granted parole


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At 25 she was still a beauty student. Most do this at 16 and 17? Sounds as though she was slow, that maybe why she couldn't work out how the dope got into the dope's bag. If she didn't pack it maybe someone in the family put it in!cheesy.gif

Honestly, the girl has done enough time, but the coverage she has got with her family, is a shame; will see a few good books written, I hope not. The Bali goal has to be the best in Asia to get locked up in. What they should have done is transfered her to a few more years in a Aussie goal.clap2.gif

One of the Indonesian Poli's suggested that her Dad was involved in the racket on the TV here in OZ. I am sure his inteligence source would be reliable. But the whole family has some form in this side of business from various media reports here in OZ.

At the end of the day, if not her then someone in the family should have done the time. I just hope the bail conditions restrict this minipulating muppet from earning any money from the trade in misery that her family is involved in.

Good on ya Indonesia.thumbsup.gif

She can't sell her story - it's illegal in Australia to profit from a crime.

How bout David Hicks then? He profited.

Guaranteed Schapelle will.

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the proceeds from crime thing is not mandatory. it will be up to a judge to freeze the monies. that is how corby got nearly 300k from her first book.

Just watching a legal expert on the news in regards to money. Apparently money made already was going through the brother in law Wayans. The AFP apparently went after it but as it was paid in Indonesia and into an Indonesians account the local authorities would not assist the Australian Police.

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At 25 she was still a beauty student. Most do this at 16 and 17? Sounds as though she was slow, that maybe why she couldn't work out how the dope got into the dope's bag. If she didn't pack it maybe someone in the family put it in!cheesy.gif

Honestly, the girl has done enough time, but the coverage she has got with her family, is a shame; will see a few good books written, I hope not. The Bali goal has to be the best in Asia to get locked up in. What they should have done is transfered her to a few more years in a Aussie goal.clap2.gif

One of the Indonesian Poli's suggested that her Dad was involved in the racket on the TV here in OZ. I am sure his inteligence source would be reliable. But the whole family has some form in this side of business from various media reports here in OZ.

At the end of the day, if not her then someone in the family should have done the time. I just hope the bail conditions restrict this minipulating muppet from earning any money from the trade in misery that her family is involved in.

Good on ya Indonesia.thumbsup.gif

She can't sell her story - it's illegal in Australia to profit from a crime.


Tell that to the Ibrahim boys.

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Schapelle Corby: Belief in innocence slips away, but 'cult' supporters battle on

''I said to Kerry (Packer), 'What do you think? Is she guilty?' '' Costello recalls asking at their deathbed meeting. ''And Kerry said, 'Yes, I think she is.' I remember saying, 'But (Channel) Nine is the cheerleader for her innocence.' And Kerry told me that this was how current affairs TV works - the audience was totally convinced of her innocence and so the network goes with what the public feels passionate about.''

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She is guilty. Her family have been doing this for a while but the day she got there the usual guy wasn't working at the airport. Busted.

Shapelle has been paid several million dollars for the exclusive by ch7.

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I heard Mercedes Corbys husband is nothing but a gold digger from a poor farming family and has a hi so wife now.


Wayan, sure he in it for the money. All proceeds are passing through his account so that AFP (Aust Fed Police) can't touch it. Reports tonight Schapelle is staying in a 5 stay resort being treated like a celeb. She has people dropping at her feet and just want to touch her, more personal security than the pope.

Nothing more than a filthy convicted drug dealer being afforded rock star status. It is totally wrong and sends the wrong message. What about the other Aussies on death row, are they being afforded the same celebrity status as this drug dealer?

Corby's sister kept marriage split a secret

Schapelle Corby's sister Mercedes failed to tell Bali authorities she had separated from her husband Wayan Widyartha despite him acting as the released drug trafficker’s guarantor.


Edited by chooka
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I along with millions of other Aussies are sick to death of hearing about Corby, who is a convicted drug smuggler. Even the Indonesian people are saying that their government is not standing by what they said about being tough on drugs. They want her to serve out her time and not to treat her with a special status. She can travel anywhere she wants within Indonesia as long as she tells where she is going and reports once a month to her Parole officer, not a bad place to have a Parole holiday. After 3 years she will more than likley return back to OZ. She is lucky she did not get the death sentence.


It has just been reported ABC 24 that she has been offered a $3,000,000 deal with a network for her story.


Edited by OZEMADE
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I along with millions of other Aussies are sick to death of hearing about Corby, who is a convicted drug smuggler. Even the Indonesian people are saying that their government is not standing by what they said about being tough on drugs. They want her to serve out her time and not to treat her with a special status. She can travel anywhere she wants within Indonesia as long as she tells where she is going and reports once a month to her Parole officer, not a bad place to have a Parole holiday. After 3 years she will more than likley return back to OZ. She is lucky she did not get the death sentence.


It has just been reported ABC 24 that she has been offered a $3,000,000 deal with a network for her story.


And she is apparently staying in a 5 star exclusive resort normally occupied by movie stars and the elite, full private body gaurds and security. Who says being a low life drug dealer and a peddler of death doesn't pay. The stupid cow should have just been turfed out of the prison like any other prisoner and not given rock star celebrity treatment and driven to a 5 star resort.

Edited by chooka
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Peddler of death.....cheesy.gif ...oh my...a tad over acting here innit......woops another puff..cheesy.gif

She is a convicted drug dealer given celebrity status which is totally wrong. She is scum who has been placed well above hard working normal folk.

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Peddler of death.....cheesy.gif ...oh my...a tad over acting here innit......woops another puff..cheesy.gif

She is a convicted drug dealer given celebrity status which is totally wrong. She is scum who has been placed well above hard working normal folk.

Yes...but peddler of death ?

I had some girls almost laugh themselves to death...so yea, you could be correct.

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How many people has weed killed versus other hard drugs ?

It has effected numerous people psychologically, many are suffering serious mental illnesses as a result of using weed. It is a class one drug in Indonesia which carries the death penalty sho she has got off with a slap on the wrist. Australia has put her up as a hero and role model for people, a celebrity staying in a 5 star hotel with personal security and the whole time the country is kissing her feet and adoring her there is two other Australians on death row for again a class one drug,

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How many people has weed killed versus other hard drugs ?

no no no....not to be compared with hard drugs...but legal alcohol would be a much better comparison ...how many accidents has an ex copper seen that alcohol has been the cause of, and murders, bashings, rapes, hit and runs etc etc??

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How many people has weed killed versus other hard drugs ?

It has effected numerous people psychologically, many are suffering serious mental illnesses as a result of using weed. It is a class one drug in Indonesia which carries the death penalty sho she has got off with a slap on the wrist. Australia has put her up as a hero and role model for people, a celebrity staying in a 5 star hotel with personal security and the whole time the country is kissing her feet and adoring her there is two other Australians on death row for again a class one drug,

So How many people has weed killed versus other hard drugs... for her to be a "peddler of death" you must have some statistics to base your claims on...don't you ?

Edited by Spoonman
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How many people has weed killed versus other hard drugs ?

no no no....not to be compared with hard drugs...but legal alcohol would be a much better comparison ...how many accidents has an ex copper seen that alcohol has been the cause of, and murders, bashings, rapes, hit and runs etc etc??

Fair question as a copper I have seen more deaths from drugs than anything else. (excluding natural causes) In Victoria Australia we have a specific section within the police that targets drug and alcohol drivers. We use to just target drivers effected by alcohol but now do both and more people are detected driving under the influence of illicit drugs than those with alcohol.

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How many people has weed killed versus other hard drugs ?

no no no....not to be compared with hard drugs...but legal alcohol would be a much better comparison ...how many accidents has an ex copper seen that alcohol has been the cause of, and murders, bashings, rapes, hit and runs etc etc??

Fair question as a copper I have seen more deaths from drugs than anything else. (excluding natural causes) In Victoria Australia we have a specific section within the police that targets drug and alcohol drivers. We use to just target drivers effected by alcohol but now do both and more people are detected driving under the influence of illicit drugs than those with alcohol.

How to dodge a question...

That does not answer the question, how many from weed compared to alcohol ?

Weed is the question here...not yaba or coke or anything else...just a little choof

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How many people has weed killed versus other hard drugs ?

no no no....not to be compared with hard drugs...but legal alcohol would be a much better comparison ...how many accidents has an ex copper seen that alcohol has been the cause of, and murders, bashings, rapes, hit and runs etc etc??

Fair question as a copper I have seen more deaths from drugs than anything else. (excluding natural causes) In Victoria Australia we have a specific section within the police that targets drug and alcohol drivers. We use to just target drivers effected by alcohol but now do both and more people are detected driving under the influence of illicit drugs than those with alcohol.

How to dodge a question...

That does not answer the question, how many from weed compared to alcohol ?

Weed is the question here...not yaba or coke or anything else...just a little choof

Not dodging the question at all. Weed is detected at the booze buses/road side testing more driving under the influence of weed than alcohol. Very rarely get a drink driver these days, maybe 2 per night per booze bus but easy to get a dozen driving under the influence of weed.

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no no no....not to be compared with hard drugs...but legal alcohol would be a much better comparison ...how many accidents has an ex copper seen that alcohol has been the cause of, and murders, bashings, rapes, hit and runs etc etc??

Fair question as a copper I have seen more deaths from drugs than anything else. (excluding natural causes) In Victoria Australia we have a specific section within the police that targets drug and alcohol drivers. We use to just target drivers effected by alcohol but now do both and more people are detected driving under the influence of illicit drugs than those with alcohol.

How to dodge a question...

That does not answer the question, how many from weed compared to alcohol ?

Weed is the question here...not yaba or coke or anything else...just a little choof

Not dodging the question at all. Weed is detected at the booze buses/road side testing more driving under the influence of weed than alcohol. Very rarely get a drink driver these days, maybe 2 per night per booze bus but easy to get a dozen driving under the influence of weed.

and again...interview techniques one on one...wear them down...

How many has weed killed compared to alcohol ?

My brother was killed by a hit and run drunk driver...not a stoned driver...in Victoria too as it happens.

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We are starting to stray off the topic, but what is the accident rate for the different substances? Any statistics?

Agree Scott.

Now it's getting to the point how many has beer killed, scotch, wine, brandy. Alcohol is alcohol and a drug is a drug. Drug driving kills as does alcohol driving that is why police now detect and charge for both.

Alcohol and drugs are both killers.

Drug driving is a serious road safety issue. In 2010 approximately 37% of all drivers and motorcyclists killed had drugs in their system, with cannibas and stimulants the most common.

About 24% of drivers and motorcyclists killed in 2010 tested positive to THC, the active component of cannabis, or stimulant/amphetamine type drugs such as ecstasy and speed.


Edited by chooka
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We are starting to stray off the topic, but what is the accident rate for the different substances? Any statistics?

Agree Scott.

Now it's getting to the point how many has beer killed, scotch, wine, brandy. Alcohol is alcohol and a drug is a drug. Drug driving kills as does alcohol driving that is why police now detect and charge for both.

Alcohol and drugs are both killers.

There ya go, you have no argument.

Alcohol does 100x the damage to society than a little puff will ever do and you know it.....set yourself free and admit it...come on, you can do it, even for an ex copper.

By the way, I have been to your offices, the 11th floor St Kilda rd...think it was the 11th, or might have that mixed up with Poseidon.....nice view.

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I know that even over-the-counter medications often give a warning about driving or operating heavy equipment while using it. But again, we stray off the topic, which is not really whether or not some drugs should be legalized, but her parole.

The issue of drugs is interesting, but please keep arguments to a minimum.

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