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stupid action by me


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If he'd gone back to his car and pulled a machete from the boot, you'd just be another statistic and maybe worth a week of posts on TV. When the yelling starts, I'd just assume we're on the verge of a homicidal rage, and as a foreigner you'd would have been trashed and forgotten. Think about the taxi driver who killed Troy Lee Pilkington with a machete. Pilkington goes home in a box and we don't see anything about that case ever going to trial or the taxi driver being sentenced. Does anyone even remember that? Does anyone even care? OP? You remember Troy Lee Pilkington?

I'd leave it alone. Let the Thais sort out there own. When the rage sets in, you're not in the land of rationale human beings anymore.

But, props for being valiant. You're still alive. Just don't press your luck. thumbsup.gif

Edited by connda
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If he'd gone back to his car and pulled a machete from the boot, you just be another statistic and maybe worth a week of posts on TV. When the yelling starts, I'd just assume we're on the verge of a homicidal rage, and as a foreigner you'd would have been trashed and forgotten. Think about the taxi driver who killed Troy Lee Pilkington with a machete. Pilkington goes home in a box and we don't see anything about that case ever going to trial or the taxi driver being sentenced. Does anyone even remember that? Does anyone even care? OP? You remember Troy Lee Pilkington?

I'd leave it alone. Let the Thais sort out there own. When the rage sets in, you're not in the land of rationale human beings anymore.

But, props for being valiant. You're still alive.

It was about a 50 baht fare. So said the driver.

Edited by thailiketoo
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I believe in the easiest explanation and that is guy was a red shirt as many taxi drivers are.

I was bigger as him that was for sure, but as i said before it was not conscious decision, it was just some older woman (2) and a child getting threatened by a crazy guy. If the guy was wearing a yellow shirt and the child and woman red I would probably have responded the same.. cant say for sure as i did not think.

The fact that i mentioned red shirt was that in my mind that was the reason.. either that or the guy was crazy on drugs but i doubt he had given up that easy then. It was just my way of looking for reason and i find that people usually do things for a reason pure crazy is a lot less common.

Outside of your vivid imagination or stereotyping all taxi drivers as red shirts did you have any factual reason to think he was involved with the red shirt political movement in Bangkok?

You see I think you were making it up to confirm to your preconceived stereotypes of red shirts being evil.

I have no problem admitting I'm wrong if you had any good faculty reason for believing he was in fact a red shirt.

The OP can think what he likes, it's his thoughts.

I think I'm a 300 pound gorilla but I still have to pay for drinks and report my address. I can't just make up stuff to suite my prejudice. Because I think you are a criminal I can't shoot you. Because I think you are going to hit me I can't hit you. You have to have a reason to do or think things beyond your explanation.

The OP can think anything he likes but he can't do anything he likes.

Obviously! From reading what Rob wrote, He knows this well. Teach your lessons to elementary school children!

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The OP can think what he likes, it's his thoughts.

I think I'm a 300 pound gorilla but I still have to pay for drinks and report my address. I can't just make up stuff to suite my prejudice. Because I think you are a criminal I can't shoot you. Because I think you are going to hit me I can't hit you. You have to have a reason to do or think things beyond your explanation.

The OP can think anything he likes but he can't do anything he likes.

Obviously! From reading what Rob wrote, He knows this well. Teach your lessons to elementary school children!

What does Rob know well?

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If he'd gone back to his car and pulled a machete from the boot, you'd just be another statistic and maybe worth a week of posts on TV. When the yelling starts, I'd just assume we're on the verge of a homicidal rage, and as a foreigner you'd would have been trashed and forgotten. Think about the taxi driver who killed Troy Lee Pilkington with a machete. Pilkington goes home in a box and we don't see anything about that case ever going to trial or the taxi driver being sentenced. Does anyone even remember that? Does anyone even care? OP? You remember Troy Lee Pilkington?

I'd leave it alone. Let the Thais sort out there own. When the rage sets in, you're not in the land of rationale human beings anymore.

But, props for being valiant. You're still alive. Just don't press your luck. thumbsup.gif

Don't leave your Back Bones in your home countries. If you want real excitement walk through Detroit, Chicago, or LA. From reading many comments here. I would suggest. That most of you never go to our American cities. You would be too terrified to walk down our streets! As for gangs. The Thais are weak in comparison. As the song says, you should know, when to fold them, when to show them, and when to walk away. However, I don't advocate violent confrontations. Running away/tactical retreat can become a viable option. I always prefer to always verbally sort things out. But, I also know this may not be possible. I avoid confrontations, but have been in many. This is due to my 33 and a half year career. My duties were to protect society, and I did it well. I survived. Some times all that is needed is one punch, or kick. Then leave rapidly. But, it is always best not to start anything, walk away if you can. Some times you must do the right thing, even if it may cost you.

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If he'd gone back to his car and pulled a machete from the boot, you'd just be another statistic and maybe worth a week of posts on TV. When the yelling starts, I'd just assume we're on the verge of a homicidal rage, and as a foreigner you'd would have been trashed and forgotten. Think about the taxi driver who killed Troy Lee Pilkington with a machete. Pilkington goes home in a box and we don't see anything about that case ever going to trial or the taxi driver being sentenced. Does anyone even remember that? Does anyone even care? OP? You remember Troy Lee Pilkington?

I'd leave it alone. Let the Thais sort out there own. When the rage sets in, you're not in the land of rationale human beings anymore.

But, props for being valiant. You're still alive. Just don't press your luck. thumbsup.gif

Don't leave your Back Bones in your home countries. If you want real excitement walk through Detroit, Chicago, or LA. From reading many comments here. I would suggest. That most of you never go to our American cities. You would be too terrified to walk down our streets! As for gangs. The Thais are weak in comparison. As the song says, you should know, when to fold them, when to show them, and when to walk away. However, I don't advocate violent confrontations. Running away/tactical retreat can become a viable option. I always prefer to always verbally sort things out. But, I also know this may not be possible. I avoid confrontations, but have been in many. This is due to my 33 and a half year career. My duties were to protect society, and I did it well. I survived. Some times all that is needed is one punch, or kick. Then leave rapidly. But, it is always best not to start anything, walk away if you can. Some times you must do the right thing, even if it may cost you.

What kind of career?

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If he'd gone back to his car and pulled a machete from the boot, you'd just be another statistic and maybe worth a week of posts on TV. When the yelling starts, I'd just assume we're on the verge of a homicidal rage, and as a foreigner you'd would have been trashed and forgotten. Think about the taxi driver who killed Troy Lee Pilkington with a machete. Pilkington goes home in a box and we don't see anything about that case ever going to trial or the taxi driver being sentenced. Does anyone even remember that? Does anyone even care? OP? You remember Troy Lee Pilkington?

I'd leave it alone. Let the Thais sort out there own. When the rage sets in, you're not in the land of rationale human beings anymore.

But, props for being valiant. You're still alive. Just don't press your luck. thumbsup.gif

Don't leave your Back Bones in your home countries. If you want real excitement walk through Detroit, Chicago, or LA. From reading many comments here. I would suggest. That most of you never go to our American cities. You would be too terrified to walk down our streets! As for gangs. The Thais are weak in comparison. As the song says, you should know, when to fold them, when to show them, and when to walk away. However, I don't advocate violent confrontations. Running away/tactical retreat can become a viable option. I always prefer to always verbally sort things out. But, I also know this may not be possible. I avoid confrontations, but have been in many. This is due to my 33 and a half year career. My duties were to protect society, and I did it well. I survived. Some times all that is needed is one punch, or kick. Then leave rapidly. But, it is always best not to start anything, walk away if you can. Some times you must do the right thing, even if it may cost you.

What kind of career?

Not your business!

Then why mention, "I avoid confrontations, but have been in many. This is due to my 33 and a half year career. My duties were to protect society, and I did it well. I survived."

Were you a greeter at Wall Mart?

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I wonder how the pious "oh you're so brave, good job lad" crowd would react if there were a fascist, anti-democracy movement in their country, and some random foreigner tried to interfere with them yelling at a couple of the fascist cabal? Hmmmm? Farangs in Thailand should mind their own business, especially where politics are concerned. It doesn't sound like the women and kids were in imminent danger of physical violence from the taxi driver. So the OP should have minded his own damn business. He got off lucky, IMO.

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We are all human and because of it we tend to want to get involved when a child and/or a woman is being faced with an situation as you have described. The trouble is, no matter what our good intentions are, we sometimes manage to get in over our heads and find ourselves in a situation that by our involvement has spiraled out of all control. Weapons in LOS are not uncommon and so, as in any situation such as this, might make their presents known with very negative consequences. But walking by and not doing something, though might be the wiser choice ("never volunteer", walking away may be "the better part of valor", etc), there are times when we find ourselves unable to do that. The key is to 'read' the situation as best we can before stepping in. But good for you for actually doing something!

I live in Mae Sot and I was at dinner one night not too long ago sitting outside of a restaurant and saw the next door shop owner start kicking and beating a small boy (about 10 yrs old) right there on the sidewalk badly. I got up and started yelling at the man and made my presents known as someone not to mess with (being 6'1" and retired US Army Master Sargent that came easy enough). I knew that this guy posed no threat to me and that I could handle the guy with one hand.. he being armed or not. Stupid right? Yep, it was totally stupid for I was not wearing the protection that in the army we were issued to stop a potential round! Even the Thai friends I was with were yelling at me to sit the frig down and not get involved. But that I could not do. I picked the kid up, turned my attention to the man (who I never let out of my sight) and pushed him against a wall and hand a few choice words with him. The local Plod showed up (my friends called them... only Thais seem to be able to get the fuzz to show up... lol) and after explaining was done by everyone... I was patted on the back and the man was hauled off. Seems though that he was let off as the next day as I was walking by his shop after dropping off my laundry down the street, out he came to confront me. Words were exchanged in both English and Thai and threats were made by him against me and (as he said) my Thai family (seems that he thought I was eating the night before with "family" rather than just my friends). To this I answered... " Oh just xxxx off". He swung, I floored him. A cop on a scooter saw the whole thing and again I was patted on the back, info was given and the guy was hauled off again. Seems this guy is on the Plod's radar and everyone on that street knows him and are afraid of him. So I guess I could have opened the door to retaliation. But here is the issue... do we as Westerners stand back while a child is in danger (or woman to a lesser extent) or stand up for what our culture asks from us? The answer, I fear, is to read the situation as I have said already and do what we think will be best for all concerned. For ramifications for such actions here in LOS can be levied on the victim as well as the 'protector' by the bad guys. It is a Face thing. Just remember that and be sure that you present a force that is in keeping with the situation and not allowing it to escalate beyond that line... as fine a line as it might be.

Edited by metisdead
Profanity edited out of post.
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I wonder how the pious "oh you're so brave, good job lad" crowd would react if there were a fascist, anti-democracy movement in their country, and some random foreigner tried to interfere with them yelling at a couple of the fascist cabal? Hmmmm? Farangs in Thailand should mind their own business, especially where politics are concerned. It doesn't sound like the women and kids were in imminent danger of physical violence from the taxi driver. So the OP should have minded his own dam_n business. He got off lucky, IMO.

Dont worry its all complete BS anyway. Why is it always those with strong beliefs in something who always have amazing first hand anecdotal evidence of happenings which give credence to their view?

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Don't leave your Back Bones in your home countries. If you want real excitement walk through Detroit, Chicago, or LA. From reading many comments here. I would suggest. That most of you never go to our American cities. You would be too terrified to walk down our streets! As for gangs. The Thais are weak in comparison. As the song says, you should know, when to fold them, when to show them, and when to walk away. However, I don't advocate violent confrontations. Running away/tactical retreat can become a viable option. I always prefer to always verbally sort things out. But, I also know this may not be possible. I avoid confrontations, but have been in many. This is due to my 33 and a half year career. My duties were to protect society, and I did it well. I survived. Some times all that is needed is one punch, or kick. Then leave rapidly. But, it is always best not to start anything, walk away if you can. Some times you must do the right thing, even if it may cost you.

What kind of career?

Not your business!

Then why mention, "I avoid confrontations, but have been in many. This is due to my 33 and a half year career. My duties were to protect society, and I did it well. I survived."

Were you a greeter at Wall Mart?

shhhhhh.....If he told you...he'd have to kill you.

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The above article has little relevance to the OP...ok so he was a Good Samaritan but the OP never got violent nor did he leave the attacker fighting for his life(luckily) with only one or two punches??!

Here in OZ there is an extremely (almost epidemic IMHO) large amount of 'one punch' killings occuring while drunken boozed up bogans who think they are god are taking out their anger on too often unsuspecting victims...some not...but a few themselves are innocent bystanders trying to intervene because they have had a knee jerk reaction as the OP had himself & it has not ended well for many...but I bet if it where your mother/daughter/sister etc you would more than likely step in yourselves no matter what the outcome...

The ORIGINAL POST was merely asking us of our thoughts & opinions regarding the actual 'event' he so luckily escaped...not what our politicle views are, or if he is telling porkies? nor did he keep spewing random attacks about ones politicle veiw...but simply made an observation in the short few seconds his brain annalized the situation...measured the foreseeable out come & man'ed up to help a group of woman! Only now he is Questioning his actions & asking for views...the fact that in those few short seconds he 'assumed' the taxi driver a red shirt has absolutely NOTHING to do with what he is trying to get some logical points or views from others had they been in the same situation...NO BLOODY POLITICAL STABS IN MY EYES, just a sporadic thought & a knee jerk response! In any case red, yellow, black white.....

I would like to think if this was myself out with my mother & daughter, no matter what country i was in/from or where the male was from that some one would be man enough to help me in that situation?

....BUT alass after reading all the negative responses on here my hopes are some what crushed with the male population!


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