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DSI denies bail for Sonthiyarn


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All this yammering about "democracy," "elections," and such is about as vacuous as it could be. In a place where people are prosecuted under an SOE for "gathering" in a group of more than four people, it is impossible to conduct a free, fair, open and true election. So just stop talking about your bogus elections and democracy.

What I see in the actions of Suthep and his followers is a belief that "might is right" and that if you gather sufficient might you can overthrow the rule of law.

I run a business here in Thailand, employing people and providing a valued service. Others on this forum own property here. The thought that, in future, some bunch of thugs can simply march into Bangkok and impose a government of their own choosing is not an encouraging sign. We have not been told the names of the proposed future interim government so you can rest assured they are names you would not approve of, otherwise they would be forthcoming. If I am right about this how do you propose removing them, with another bunch of thugs?

What next once the unelected council of Suthep's approved friends is in place? Extra-judicial changes to business ownership rules? Taking foreigners' properties from them by changing ownership rights?

I have no dog in this show. The PTP popularist policies are clearly unsustainable and as obvious a vote-buying ploy as Margaret Thatcher's council house sale policy was in the UK. I do believe, however, that in a country such as this where the law is fragile at the best of times we need a government that displays an interest in the rule of law. The damage Suthep will do to inward investment in Thailand if his movement succeeds is enormous.

"The thought that, in future, some bunch of thugs can simply march into Bangkok and impose a government of their own choosing is not an encouraging sign."

It's much more that we had it in the past with PAD in 2008 and UDD in 2009 culminating in the March to May 2010 mayhem. The current caretaker government is to blame though for the rise of Suthep and PDRC as anti-government protests really started with the amnesty bill modified to be a blanket amnesty bill covering an extended timeframe, including all of a sudden the last two years of Thaksin's government and the first two years of Yingluck's.

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.................. That's close to torture of political opponents and not done in a democracy.

Well, since he doesn't want to live by democratic rules I say, "fair enough".

In a democracy you stand for election and if your policies appeal to THE PUBLIC then you get to change the system.

No doubt this is how Suthep and Sonthiyarn want to conduct business if their rent-a-mob tactics succeed so why not give them a taste of the future they dream of?

All this yammering about "democracy," "elections," and such is about as vacuous as it could be. In a place where people are prosecuted under an SOE for "gathering" in a group of more than four people, it is impossible to conduct a free, fair, open and true election. So just stop talking about your bogus elections and democracy.

May I remind you that the state of emergency is needed only because Suthep's thugs have:

- Occupied government buildings.

- Blocked public roads.

- Damaged state property.

- Shot at civilians with their private militia.

- Prevented people from voting.

- Seized ballot papers.

- Caused billions of Baht in damage to the economy.

And so much more.

If Suthep's thugs and their armed militia didn't threaten the country and prevent society from functioning normally, the state of emergency wouldn't even be needed.

So before you complain about the state of emergency, take a look at who forced it into effect.

Nobody in Bangkok wants a state of emergency, but Suthep's actions make life difficult to impossible for non-lunatics.

Maybe if the lunatics can get off the street, then we can have a free and fair election.

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All this yammering about "democracy," "elections," and such is about as vacuous as it could be. In a place where people are prosecuted under an SOE for "gathering" in a group of more than four people, it is impossible to conduct a free, fair, open and true election. So just stop talking about your bogus elections and democracy.

May I remind you that the state of emergency is needed only because Suthep's thugs have:

- Occupied government buildings.

- Blocked public roads.

- Damaged state property.

- Shot at civilians with their private militia.

- Prevented people from voting.

- Seized ballot papers.

- Caused billions of Baht in damage to the economy.

And so much more.

If Suthep's thugs and their armed militia didn't threaten the country and prevent society from functioning normally, the state of emergency wouldn't even be needed.

So before you complain about the state of emergency, take a look at who forced it into effect.

Nobody in Bangkok wants a state of emergency, but Suthep's actions make life difficult to impossible for non-lunatics.

Maybe if the lunatics can get off the street, then we can have a free and fair election.

Once more 'Suthep's thugs', if only to keep on stressing that this is not about valid democratic anti-government protesters who from the start got bullied by the government, police, DSI, CAPO and CMPO.

Try to avoid anything reasonable, keep on telling all 'thugs', 'violent', 'armed', 'minority'.

BTW I think millions in Bangkok hardly ever notice the ongoing protests. I think even the PDRC came to realise that the normal Bangkok traffic is much more capable of shutting down the town that any number of protesters could. Assuming we don't get new petrol soaked tire and bamboo walls like in 2010 that is.

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All this yammering about "democracy," "elections," and such is about as vacuous as it could be. In a place where people are prosecuted under an SOE for "gathering" in a group of more than four people, it is impossible to conduct a free, fair, open and true election. So just stop talking about your bogus elections and democracy.

May I remind you that the state of emergency is needed only because Suthep's thugs have:

- Occupied government buildings.

- Blocked public roads.

- Damaged state property.

- Shot at civilians with their private militia.

- Prevented people from voting.

- Seized ballot papers.

- Caused billions of Baht in damage to the economy.

And so much more.

If Suthep's thugs and their armed militia didn't threaten the country and prevent society from functioning normally, the state of emergency wouldn't even be needed.

So before you complain about the state of emergency, take a look at who forced it into effect.

Nobody in Bangkok wants a state of emergency, but Suthep's actions make life difficult to impossible for non-lunatics.

Maybe if the lunatics can get off the street, then we can have a free and fair election.

Once more 'Suthep's thugs', if only to keep on stressing that this is not about valid democratic anti-government protesters who from the start got bullied by the government, police, DSI, CAPO and CMPO.

Try to avoid anything reasonable, keep on telling all 'thugs', 'violent', 'armed', 'minority'.

BTW I think millions in Bangkok hardly ever notice the ongoing protests. I think even the PDRC came to realise that the normal Bangkok traffic is much more capable of shutting down the town that any number of protesters could. Assuming we don't get new petrol soaked tire and bamboo walls like in 2010 that is.

Nobody is bullying any normal demonstrators. But shutting down streets and causing financial losses to small businesses is unacceptable. Many shops at JJ Market went bankrupt because of the blockades and many people lost their jobs due to being unable to go to work.

You mean like these bamboo & tires at the PDRC barricades?


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All this yammering about "democracy," "elections," and such is about as vacuous as it could be. In a place where people are prosecuted under an SOE for "gathering" in a group of more than four people, it is impossible to conduct a free, fair, open and true election. So just stop talking about your bogus elections and democracy.

May I remind you that the state of emergency is needed only because Suthep's thugs have:

- Occupied government buildings.

- Blocked public roads.

- Damaged state property.

- Shot at civilians with their private militia.

- Prevented people from voting.

- Seized ballot papers.

- Caused billions of Baht in damage to the economy.

And so much more.

If Suthep's thugs and their armed militia didn't threaten the country and prevent society from functioning normally, the state of emergency wouldn't even be needed.

So before you complain about the state of emergency, take a look at who forced it into effect.

Nobody in Bangkok wants a state of emergency, but Suthep's actions make life difficult to impossible for non-lunatics.

Maybe if the lunatics can get off the street, then we can have a free and fair election.

Once more 'Suthep's thugs', if only to keep on stressing that this is not about valid democratic anti-government protesters who from the start got bullied by the government, police, DSI, CAPO and CMPO.

Try to avoid anything reasonable, keep on telling all 'thugs', 'violent', 'armed', 'minority'.

BTW I think millions in Bangkok hardly ever notice the ongoing protests. I think even the PDRC came to realise that the normal Bangkok traffic is much more capable of shutting down the town that any number of protesters could. Assuming we don't get new petrol soaked tire and bamboo walls like in 2010 that is.

Nobody is bullying any normal demonstrators. But shutting down streets and causing financial losses to small businesses is unacceptable. Many shops at JJ Market went bankrupt because of the blockades and many people lost their jobs due to being unable to go to work.

You mean like these bamboo & tires at the PDRC barricades?


They do look pretty dumb don't they when they make these troll posts without knowing anything about it.

Good thing now is this guy is spending his 2nd night in the clink. Might be having a bit of a think now about spending the next 15 years there.

Hope for a crime re-enactment. They usually end up with the criminal copping a few slaps and boots from the audience. Be nice for his supporters to head out there to see him. Might bump into a lot of people who really hate PDRC...

Well done again for outing the trolls with this pic.

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.................. That's close to torture of political opponents and not done in a democracy.

Well, since he doesn't want to live by democratic rules I say, "fair enough".

In a democracy you stand for election and if your policies appeal to THE PUBLIC then you get to change the system.

No doubt this is how Suthep and Sonthiyarn want to conduct business if their rent-a-mob tactics succeed so why not give them a taste of the future they dream of?

All this yammering about "democracy," "elections," and such is about as vacuous as it could be. In a place where people are prosecuted under an SOE for "gathering" in a group of more than four people, it is impossible to conduct a free, fair, open and true election. So just stop talking about your bogus elections and democracy.

May I remind you that the state of emergency is needed only because Suthep's thugs have:

- Occupied government buildings.

- Blocked public roads.

- Damaged state property.

- Shot at civilians with their private militia.

- Prevented people from voting.

- Seized ballot papers.

- Caused billions of Baht in damage to the economy.

And so much more.

If Suthep's thugs and their armed militia didn't threaten the country and prevent society from functioning normally, the state of emergency wouldn't even be needed.

So before you complain about the state of emergency, take a look at who forced it into effect.

Nobody in Bangkok wants a state of emergency, but Suthep's actions make life difficult to impossible for non-lunatics.

Maybe if the lunatics can get off the street, then we can have a free and fair election.

One word: hysteria.

Besides, you guys have been going on for weeks now that the protesters only numbered in a few thousand. An SOE for a few thousand people. Again, hysteria.

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Nice one. Let him rot.

Meanwhile, other media are saying the Police searched his house this morning and arrested a man in possession of a war weapon!

Won't fit the media here's idea of news, but most people who see it are saying <deleted>, throw away the key.

It's not nice to let people 'rot' when they're only detained under an Emercency Decree. That's close to torture of political opponents and not done in a democracy.

As for the 'other media', waiting for confirmation from reliable sources seems in order with all your 'facts'.

So why did abhisit do it in 2010 if that sort of thing is not done in a democracy?

I await the deafening silence in place of an answer. Either that or a deflection on to rice subsidies or tablets for kids.

So, why would someone urge the current caretaker government with their CMPO and DSI to do it? Didn't we learn anything from the past? Do we want to keep pointing to Abhisit while ignoring a government which spend lots of taxpayers money on bailing out UDD leaders put up as Pheu Thai party list MPs and ignoring lots of others. Maybe because it's nice to be able to point to them?

BTW which (political) prisoners did PM Abhisit leave to rot?

As for your last sentence, that seems a bit of a deflection already

You have an interesting view of contemporary history plainly coloured by over exposure to this forum and The Nation and boy, does it show.

I suppose you regard 3 years in prison without bail and finally being released without charge as just a walk in the park. The government at the time said they were thinking of appealing against their release in that caring sharing way the dems have when it comes to the UDD.

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I thought the court to which the detainee would be brought had to decide on bail and possible bail conditions? Is the DSI now trespassing on the court prerogatives? Do we have the first martyr who is unjustly prosecuted and detained by the government who only speaks about democracy?

Any news yet from the HRW?

No it isn't, and no we don't. He's detained by the police until he has appeared in court, standard procedure.

"DSI staff said that the PDRC leader, who is now detained in a facility in Pathum Thani, will continue to be under police custody for 7 more days. He will be presented to the court for further hearing. After the process, he will be able to seek bail."

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I thought the court to which the detainee would be brought had to decide on bail and possible bail conditions? Is the DSI now trespassing on the court prerogatives? Do we have the first martyr who is unjustly prosecuted and detained by the government who only speaks about democracy?

Any news yet from the HRW?

No it isn't, and no we don't. He's detained by the police until he has appeared in court, standard procedure.

"DSI staff said that the PDRC leader, who is now detained in a facility in Pathum Thani, will continue to be under police custody for 7 more days. He will be presented to the court for further hearing. After the process, he will be able to seek bail."

Well let us see how long it takes Given how murderers are back on the streets pdq on bail. eg Jinda sae Tae

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Nice one. Let him rot.

Meanwhile, other media are saying the Police searched his house this morning and arrested a man in possession of a war weapon!

Won't fit the media here's idea of news, but most people who see it are saying <deleted>, throw away the key.

The guy is in jail, they search his house, and they find a guy with a "war weapon". What a joke. I guess the guy was waiting there to be picked up by his fellow paymasters. Nothing new for the Thai corrupt Police force.

(if your story is true)

Well, with all those pictures of war weapons we have been able to see in the hands of the "peaceful" yellow protesters (and all those we could not see), as well as the high level of self confidence of these criminals in breaking all sorts of laws, and the total disregard they have for the people and their basic rights, ... I think that it is very well possible that some more war weapons were found at his place.

After all, these crazy guys are ready to go to any extent to gain power.

Probably a true story -_-

Sent from my HTC One using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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I thought the court to which the detainee would be brought had to decide on bail and possible bail conditions? Is the DSI now trespassing on the court prerogatives? Do we have the first martyr who is unjustly prosecuted and detained by the government who only speaks about democracy?

Any news yet from the HRW?

This is Thailand - most posters here are watching too many Hollywood movies.

In Thailand - even under "normal" circumstances without emergency laws - the police decides on and sets bail - not a court.

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All this yammering about "democracy," "elections," and such is about as vacuous as it could be. In a place where people are prosecuted under an SOE for "gathering" in a group of more than four people, it is impossible to conduct a free, fair, open and true election. So just stop talking about your bogus elections and democracy.

May I remind you that the state of emergency is needed only because Suthep's thugs have:

- Occupied government buildings.

- Blocked public roads.

- Damaged state property.

- Shot at civilians with their private militia.

- Prevented people from voting.

- Seized ballot papers.

- Caused billions of Baht in damage to the economy.

And so much more.

If Suthep's thugs and their armed militia didn't threaten the country and prevent society from functioning normally, the state of emergency wouldn't even be needed.

So before you complain about the state of emergency, take a look at who forced it into effect.

Nobody in Bangkok wants a state of emergency, but Suthep's actions make life difficult to impossible for non-lunatics.

Maybe if the lunatics can get off the street, then we can have a free and fair election.

Once more 'Suthep's thugs', if only to keep on stressing that this is not about valid democratic anti-government protesters who from the start got bullied by the government, police, DSI, CAPO and CMPO.

Try to avoid anything reasonable, keep on telling all 'thugs', 'violent', 'armed', 'minority'.

BTW I think millions in Bangkok hardly ever notice the ongoing protests. I think even the PDRC came to realise that the normal Bangkok traffic is much more capable of shutting down the town that any number of protesters could. Assuming we don't get new petrol soaked tire and bamboo walls like in 2010 that is.

Nobody is bullying any normal demonstrators. But shutting down streets and causing financial losses to small businesses is unacceptable. Many shops at JJ Market went bankrupt because of the blockades and many people lost their jobs due to being unable to go to work.

During all those commemorations the UDD organised at Ratchaprasong I was told that they were terribly sorry about any inconvenience, but it was their democratic right to gather. If that blocked streets and cause businesses to lose money, so be it. All need to sacrifice for democracy, now don't we ?

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I thought the court to which the detainee would be brought had to decide on bail and possible bail conditions? Is the DSI now trespassing on the court prerogatives? Do we have the first martyr who is unjustly prosecuted and detained by the government who only speaks about democracy?

Any news yet from the HRW?

This is Thailand - most posters here are watching too many Hollywood movies.

In Thailand - even under "normal" circumstances without emergency laws - the police decides on and sets bail - not a court.

The bail issue has no relevance to people 'detained only' for seven days under the Emergency Decree it would seem. The OP title and contents put us on the wrong foot there.

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Nice one. Let him rot.

Meanwhile, other media are saying the Police searched his house this morning and arrested a man in possession of a war weapon!

Won't fit the media here's idea of news, but most people who see it are saying <deleted>, throw away the key.

The guy is in jail, they search his house, and they find a guy with a "war weapon". What a joke. I guess the guy was waiting there to be picked up by his fellow paymasters. Nothing new for the Thai corrupt Police force.

(if your story is true)

Well, with all those pictures of war weapons we have been able to see in the hands of the "peaceful" yellow protesters (and all those we could not see), as well as the high level of self confidence of these criminals in breaking all sorts of laws, and the total disregard they have for the people and their basic rights, ... I think that it is very well possible that some more war weapons were found at his place.

After all, these crazy guys are ready to go to any extent to gain power.

Probably a true story sleep.png

Sent from my HTC One using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

For a moment I thought you were colour blind and mixed yellow with red.

BTW did we already get confirmed that at k. Sonthiyarn's home one 'war weapon' was found ? Did we get a description of what that 'war weapon' was? Maybe we should wait for that before speculating on 'some more' of those.

PS all this reminds me of the hype we had when hundreds of dead red shirts were found in Rayong, allegedly that is biggrin.png .

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Nice one. Let him rot.

Meanwhile, other media are saying the Police searched his house this morning and arrested a man in possession of a war weapon!

Won't fit the media here's idea of news, but most people who see it are saying <deleted>, throw away the key.

It's not nice to let people 'rot' when they're only detained under an Emercency Decree. That's close to torture of political opponents and not done in a democracy.

As for the 'other media', waiting for confirmation from reliable sources seems in order with all your 'facts'.

Organize a support group and go visit him. You can sing him hymns or something. The rest of Thailand will be going about its business.

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Nice one. Let him rot.

Meanwhile, other media are saying the Police searched his house this morning and arrested a man in possession of a war weapon!

Won't fit the media here's idea of news, but most people who see it are saying <deleted>, throw away the key.

It's not nice to let people 'rot' when they're only detained under an Emercency Decree. That's close to torture of political opponents and not done in a democracy.

As for the 'other media', waiting for confirmation from reliable sources seems in order with all your 'facts'.

Organize a support group and go visit him. You can sing him hymns or something. The rest of Thailand will be going about its business.

You mean like when the UDD leaders were 'locked up' in a resort near Cha-am?

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Once more 'Suthep's thugs', if only to keep on stressing that this is not about valid democratic anti-government protesters who from the start got bullied by the government, police, DSI, CAPO and CMPO.

Try to avoid anything reasonable, keep on telling all 'thugs', 'violent', 'armed', 'minority'.

BTW I think millions in Bangkok hardly ever notice the ongoing protests. I think even the PDRC came to realise that the normal Bangkok traffic is much more capable of shutting down the town that any number of protesters could. Assuming we don't get new petrol soaked tire and bamboo walls like in 2010 that is.

Nobody is bullying any normal demonstrators. But shutting down streets and causing financial losses to small businesses is unacceptable. Many shops at JJ Market went bankrupt because of the blockades and many people lost their jobs due to being unable to go to work.

You mean like these bamboo & tires at the PDRC barricades?

They do look pretty dumb don't they when they make these troll posts without knowing anything about it.

Good thing now is this guy is spending his 2nd night in the clink. Might be having a bit of a think now about spending the next 15 years there.

Hope for a crime re-enactment. They usually end up with the criminal copping a few slaps and boots from the audience. Be nice for his supporters to head out there to see him. Might bump into a lot of people who really hate PDRC...

Well done again for outing the trolls with this pic.

Obviously none of you was near the UDD / red-shirt bamboo and tire wall in 2010. I passed in nearly daily along RamaIV that time. Now that was a barricade, the PDRC guards are clumsy amateurs in comparison rolleyes.gif

PS should I be thankful or be offended you seem to call me a troll?

Edited by rubl
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So, why would someone urge the current caretaker government with their CMPO and DSI to do it? Didn't we learn anything from the past? Do we want to keep pointing to Abhisit while ignoring a government which spend lots of taxpayers money on bailing out UDD leaders put up as Pheu Thai party list MPs and ignoring lots of others. Maybe because it's nice to be able to point to them?

BTW which (political) prisoners did PM Abhisit leave to rot?

As for your last sentence, that seems a bit of a deflection already

You have an interesting view of contemporary history plainly coloured by over exposure to this forum and The Nation and boy, does it show.

I suppose you regard 3 years in prison without bail and finally being released without charge as just a walk in the park. The government at the time said they were thinking of appealing against their release in that caring sharing way the dems have when it comes to the UDD.

Did you read my "I'm sure that the compensation money paid by the Yingluck government will not erase the sad memories, but helps make an inroad." which I posted before in this topic, in reply to one of your posts btw.

As for appealing against release, that sounds like normal legal practise, even the Yingluck government like to 'appeal'

BTW your attitude also shows, even though it's 'only' since October you're actively participating again.

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Well, with all those pictures of war weapons we have been able to see in the hands of the "peaceful" yellow protesters (and all those we could not see), as well as the high level of self confidence of these criminals in breaking all sorts of laws, and the total disregard they have for the people and their basic rights, ... I think that it is very well possible that some more war weapons were found at his place.

After all, these crazy guys are ready to go to any extent to gain power.

Probably a true story sleep.png

Sent from my HTC One using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

For a moment I thought even you were colour blind and mixed yellow and red with the 'peaceful protesters, not terrorists', but then the current anti-government protesters don't use grenades against anyone non-anti-government, do they?

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Nice one. Let him rot.

Meanwhile, other media are saying the Police searched his house this morning and arrested a man in possession of a war weapon!

Won't fit the media here's idea of news, but most people who see it are saying <deleted>, throw away the key.

The "War Weapon" being a bulletproof vest and two radios. Nothing but lies and misinformation since joining the forum.

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