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Thai roads, now I know the truth


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Thai roads, now I know the truth

That's true. Now you know how every road in Thailand was constructed.

And using the same logic, here's the truth about ALL theaters in London. It happened at one theater, so it much be true for all of them.

Apollo theatre collapse injures more than 80 people in London's West End
Seven people seriously hurt after part of Shaftesbury Avenue theatre ceiling collapses on to balcony during performance

I have driven over many roads in Thailand from the south to the north, east and west and they are virtually all shoddy crap, there are pot holes, sunken sections, sections with multiple ridges over several klm, then you get the setions that are already falling to pieces, why do you think everyone drives in the right hand lanes here, they are usually the ones that are a lot smoother to drive on. Anyone saying that the thai roads are good has never driven on many of them at all or simply never been here. Watching the locals build a street and a major highway section has shown me why they are so crappy and I was surprized to see just how badlt done they are, as mention in another post, they do this so they have continual work fixing them and due to the fact that the full price for a quality road is allowed for but most of it is syphoned off so they use crap material and do it the wrong way purely to save even more money.

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I remember some years ago, a third lane was installed on Sukhumvit heading south from pattaya. Within six months this new, left lane had big,holes in it, making it very dangerous for motorbikes. I guess the contractor used lower spec materials and pocketed the difference. A similar story with the road from pattaya south to jomtien, another disaster in the construction, but we should not be surprised Strangely enough when I was riding a motorbike in the hills around chiang mai some years ago I was very impressed with the quality of them

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Upnotover, on 12 Feb 2014 - 16:36, said:Upnotover, on 12 Feb 2014 - 16:36, said:
wym, on 11 Feb 2014 - 20:55, said:wym, on 11 Feb 2014 - 20:55, said:

Certainly better than any of its neighbors, at least on par with Malaysia.

Have you been there? Maybe the roads near the Northern border are built to match the rubbish we have to drive on here, but for sure the roads up from Singapore to KL and across from there to Kuantan bear no resemblance to any of the roads I have driven on here.

When I do my visa run from Mukdahan to Savannkhet the difference is quite noticeable, Lao might be communist but they can build better roads, and for some reason, they drive a hell of a lot better, except on the "wrong" side of the road.

so you are saying the right side of the road is the wrong side of the road?

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When I lived in Phichit province the gov. paid to resurface the road in front of our house. I did not know that asphalt paving machines could lay asphalt that thin. I went out after they stoped work one day and measured it in several places. Those machines can apply less than an inch of material. The average was just under 7/8 of an inch. Looks great though.

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wym, on 11 Feb 2014 - 21:44, said:

Most of us are smart enough to never buy, only rent.

Why would you "rent" a road. Strange post.

Just in case you are being sincerely stupid rather than trying to be clever with sarcasm. . .

I was responding to the fact that the poor quality road in the OP was built by private real estate developers, and a comment that people buying houses in that subdivision would be having problems in the future.

As with so many "big problems" people complain about here, very easy to solve when you're free to pack up your bags and move on to greener pastures.

Which of course will manifest their own problems at some point in the probably not-to-distant future.

Rinse and repeat. . .

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Thai roads, now I know the truth

That's true. Now you know how every road in Thailand was constructed.

And using the same logic, here's the truth about ALL theaters in London. It happened at one theater, so it much be true for all of them.

Apollo theatre collapse injures more than 80 people in London's West End
Seven people seriously hurt after part of Shaftesbury Avenue theatre ceiling collapses on to balcony during performance

The Apollo Theatre is a grade II listed building which stood for over 100 years before the ceiling collapsed without warning. Not quite the same.

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Building a good road is not hard. Pack the ground or go down deep is it is mud until you hit hard areas. Use rebar and cover with concrete. Unfortunately in Thailand they forget a road construction is more than the bit you can see. When a hole appears they just fill it to make it look good.

You cant do that if you want the road to last

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The roads built by the U.S. Army Corp of Engineers in the Vietnam era seem to hold up pretty well.

same applies for the "autobahn" built by the germans some years earlier....

and both learnt how to do so from the English, just like trains etc.

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But IMO the public road works here are pretty world-class

"WORLD- CLASS", Are you for real ?

My thoughts exactly!

Take Jomtien 2nd Road completed maybe 3 years ago after some 5 years of construction. Potholes galore after October's rain. Repairs were carried out quite quickly but the potholes have reappeared already though not as bad as in some other areas.

Then look at the pavement outside View Talay 2! It has sunk in many places with repairs started but then left unattended for many months with gaping holes though fortunately, somebody has had the sense to cordon them off.


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A elderly foreigner was sitting on a park bench, when along came a Thai man with a shovel; digging holes every 10 meters. The Thai man with the shovel eventually moved off out of site, digging his holes.

The next day, the elderly foreigner is sitting at the same spot, when along comes a different Thai man; filling the holes back in with the dirt dug up.

Th elderly foreigner (who speaks fluent Thai) asks the man, "Yesterday one of your people came through here digging the holes, and now today you come around filling them back in. What on earth is going on?"

The Thai man smiles and wais and says, "Man who put tree in hole not come today. He call in sick."

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Apollo theatre collapse injures more than 80 people in London's West End
Seven people seriously hurt after part of Shaftesbury Avenue theatre ceiling collapses on to balcony during performance

Well the Apollo was first opened in 1901, seems to have lasted better than many local roads.

Edited by jacko45k
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You get roads of different quality, that is sure, everything else is sweeping generalisation aka TV

actually, everything else is the truth but some people just cannot accept it, read the comment on asphelt thickness, in Australia it is around 3 " thick and usually a couple of layers, here 1" and one layer, in Australia theyn use layers of a special road base that packs hard, here they use mud and any other crap they can get cheap. Price and the amount of profit is the cause of the problems, graft rules & as 70% of the population think this is great then it will continue to happen. We live here, we must accept the crap but that doesnt mean we are not allowed to tell others we dont like it just in case someone gets upset or their nose out of joint, you really need to toughen up and stop and pull your head out of the sand.

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wolfmanjack, on 12 Feb 2014 - 22:09, said:
Rorri, on 12 Feb 2014 - 20:36, said:
Upnotover, on 12 Feb 2014 - 16:36, said:Upnotover, on 12 Feb 2014 - 16:36, said:Upnotover, on 12 Feb 2014 - 16:36, said:
wym, on 11 Feb 2014 - 20:55, said:wym, on 11 Feb 2014 - 20:55, said:wym, on 11 Feb 2014 - 20:55, said:

Certainly better than any of its neighbors, at least on par with Malaysia.

Have you been there? Maybe the roads near the Northern border are built to match the rubbish we have to drive on here, but for sure the roads up from Singapore to KL and across from there to Kuantan bear no resemblance to any of the roads I have driven on here.

When I do my visa run from Mukdahan to Savannkhet the difference is quite noticeable, Lao might be communist but they can build better roads, and for some reason, they drive a hell of a lot better, except on the "wrong" side of the road.

so you are saying the right side of the road is the wrong side of the road?

Yes! :)

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wym, on 12 Feb 2014 - 23:10, said:
Rorri, on 12 Feb 2014 - 20:32, said:
wym, on 11 Feb 2014 - 21:44, said:

wym, on 11 Feb 2014 - 21:44, said:

Most of us are smart enough to never buy, only rent.

Why would you "rent" a road. Strange post.

Just in case you are being sincerely stupid rather than trying to be clever with sarcasm. . .

I was responding to the fact that the poor quality road in the OP was built by private real estate developers, and a comment that people buying houses in that subdivision would be having problems in the future.

As with so many "big problems" people complain about here, very easy to solve when you're free to pack up your bags and move on to greener pastures.

Which of course will manifest their own problems at some point in the probably not-to-distant future.

Rinse and repeat. . .

Am I the "stupid" one here, the OP's story has nothing to do with whether he bought the house or rent, it is simply to do with the quality of the roads. How stupid are you. Now, can you please comment on road quality, or is that so hard for you.

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The roads built by the U.S. Army Corp of Engineers in the Vietnam era seem to hold up pretty well.

same applies for the "autobahn" built by the germans some years earlier....

and both learnt how to do so from the English, just like trains etc.

And the English were taught how to build roads by their Roman invaders

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You get roads of different quality, that is sure, everything else is sweeping generalisation aka TV

actually, everything else is the truth but some people just cannot accept it, read the comment on asphelt thickness, in Australia it is around 3 " thick and usually a couple of layers, here 1" and one layer, in Australia theyn use layers of a special road base that packs hard, here they use mud and any other crap they can get cheap. Price and the amount of profit is the cause of the problems, graft rules & as 70% of the population think this is great then it will continue to happen. We live here, we must accept the crap but that doesnt mean we are not allowed to tell others we dont like it just in case someone gets upset or their nose out of joint, you really need to toughen up and stop and pull your head out of the sand.

What I am saying is that I have seen many road constructions here and some to be absolutely fair have been of high quality ie with your suggested 3" of bitumen over a couple of layers or a properly laid cement soi in the village, you however have only seen crap, so whose head is in the sand. uh huh not mine

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You get roads of different quality, that is sure, everything else is sweeping generalisation aka TV

actually, everything else is the truth but some people just cannot accept it, read the comment on asphelt thickness, in Australia it is around 3 " thick and usually a couple of layers, here 1" and one layer, in Australia theyn use layers of a special road base that packs hard, here they use mud and any other crap they can get cheap. Price and the amount of profit is the cause of the problems, graft rules & as 70% of the population think this is great then it will continue to happen. We live here, we must accept the crap but that doesnt mean we are not allowed to tell others we dont like it just in case someone gets upset or their nose out of joint, you really need to toughen up and stop and pull your head out of the sand.

What I am saying is that I have seen many road constructions here and some to be absolutely fair have been of high quality ie with your suggested 3" of bitumen over a couple of layers or a properly laid cement soi in the village, you however have only seen crap, so whose head is in the sand. uh huh not mine

you just summed it up, SOME, the majority are below standard and crap which you would know if you have driven all over Thailand. I never said all but most and that is the truth or you are very one eyed and wear rose tinteds

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You get roads of different quality, that is sure, everything else is sweeping generalisation aka TV

actually, everything else is the truth but some people just cannot accept it, read the comment on asphelt thickness, in Australia it is around 3 " thick and usually a couple of layers, here 1" and one layer, in Australia theyn use layers of a special road base that packs hard, here they use mud and any other crap they can get cheap. Price and the amount of profit is the cause of the problems, graft rules & as 70% of the population think this is great then it will continue to happen. We live here, we must accept the crap but that doesnt mean we are not allowed to tell others we dont like it just in case someone gets upset or their nose out of joint, you really need to toughen up and stop and pull your head out of the sand.

What I am saying is that I have seen many road constructions here and some to be absolutely fair have been of high quality ie with your suggested 3" of bitumen over a couple of layers or a properly laid cement soi in the village, you however have only seen crap, so whose head is in the sand. uh huh not mine

You need to get out more, remove the rose tints, and grow some skin. Why so sensitive "Bluetongue"

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wym, on 11 Feb 2014 - 21:44, said:

Most of us are smart enough to never buy, only rent.

Why would you "rent" a road. Strange post.

Just in case you are being sincerely stupid rather than trying to be clever with sarcasm. . .

I was responding to the fact that the poor quality road in the OP was built by private real estate developers, and a comment that people buying houses in that subdivision would be having problems in the future.

As with so many "big problems" people complain about here, very easy to solve when you're free to pack up your bags and move on to greener pastures.

Which of course will manifest their own problems at some point in the probably not-to-distant future.

Rinse and repeat. . .

Thanks for feeling the need to explain it.

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Just in case you are being sincerely stupid rather than trying to be clever with sarcasm. . .

I was responding to the fact that the poor quality road in the OP was built by private real estate developers, and a comment that people buying houses in that subdivision would be having problems in the future.

As with so many "big problems" people complain about here, very easy to solve when you're free to pack up your bags and move on to greener pastures.

Which of course will manifest their own problems at some point in the probably not-to-distant future.

Rinse and repeat. . .

Am I the "stupid" one here, the OP's story has nothing to do with whether he bought the house or rent, it is simply to do with the quality of the roads. How stupid are you. Now, can you please comment on road quality, or is that so hard for you.

Who the %#^@ are you?

This is just another opportunity to point out that just like all the other problems that can be avoided by renting rather than buying, there is no reason to let poor quality roads be anything more than a temporary annoyance to you.

As long as you're free to move to a place where the roads are good, which in my experience is most places I've lived here.

I would think the topic would only have been brought up as a major source of frustration if someone felt "stuck" in a particular spot.

Which is not a good position to be in, in the LoS.

And I'll continue to contribute as I see fit thanks, subject of course to the rules and mods feedback - but not yours.

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Just in case you are being sincerely stupid rather than trying to be clever with sarcasm. . .

I was responding to the fact that the poor quality road in the OP was built by private real estate developers, and a comment that people buying houses in that subdivision would be having problems in the future.

As with so many "big problems" people complain about here, very easy to solve when you're free to pack up your bags and move on to greener pastures.

Which of course will manifest their own problems at some point in the probably not-to-distant future.

Rinse and repeat. . .

Am I the "stupid" one here, the OP's story has nothing to do with whether he bought the house or rent, it is simply to do with the quality of the roads. How stupid are you. Now, can you please comment on road quality, or is that so hard for you.

Who the %#^@ are you?

This is just another opportunity to point out that just like all the other problems that can be avoided by renting rather than buying, there is no reason to let poor quality roads be anything more than a temporary annoyance to you.

As long as you're free to move to a place where the roads are good, which in my experience is most places I've lived here.

I would think the topic would only have been brought up as a major source of frustration if someone felt "stuck" in a particular spot.

Which is not a good position to be in, in the LoS.

And I'll continue to contribute as I see fit thanks, subject of course to the rules and mods feedback - but not yours.

Today six posts in 30 minutes,yesterday, 6 posts in a row.Speaks heaps about you Wym.

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"you just summed it up, SOME, the majority are below standard and crap which you would know if you have driven all over Thailand. I never said all but most and that is the truth or you are very one eyed and wear rose tinteds"

"You need to get out more, remove the rose tints, and grow some skin. Why so sensitive "Bluetongue""

Oh I don't know just trying to put some objectivity into the debate, you quoted one example and used that as a basis for an all Thai roads are bad etc bash. Deny it now if you want. And I've just driven the length of the country up and back.

I'll stay out of your two man conga line of sucks using the same words from now on if you if you like.

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mind this: nothing made in thailand is ment to last very long

I have a ten year old D-Max made in Thailand and it is like brand new, I expect it will last another ten years. So some things made in Thailand do last a long time. I also had a Honda Dream made in Thailand that was over 25 years old before it was stolen.

Sent from my i-mobile IQ X using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Edited by Issangeorge
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