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Dating a Thai girl


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Just give her a portion as more than likely many others have done. If she's a bar girl and you are taking her out for the night you will still have to pay the 'bar fine' so for a few 'sheckle's' more treat her to a game of hide the sausage rather than Connect 4.

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Much as I enjoy sex there is more to life than posting about it on ThaiVisa. I am looking for that elusive relationship with someone I care about and finding that girl isn't always that easy. I asked the original question to gauge public (?) opinion before making an asshol_e of myself. I realise that the posters here are not necessarily a good sample of decent people (no offence intended to those with good intent) but I couldn't see any other way of asking the question.

Ok, so she's a bargirl and not available nights. So take her out to lunch (if she can actually wake up by noon). When the bill comes, tell her you want to split, you pay half, she pays half. Tell her that's how it's going to be. You'll find out real quick if she wants to hang out with you for "you."

As for the sex question, I can't believe you can ask that.

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Much as I enjoy sex there is more to life than posting about it on ThaiVisa. I am looking for that elusive relationship with someone I care about and finding that girl isn't always that easy. I asked the original question to gauge public (?) opinion before making an asshol_e of myself. I realise that the posters here are not necessarily a good sample of decent people (no offence intended to those with good intent) but I couldn't see any other way of asking the question.

Easy! Just ask yourself if you want a working girl for your girlfriend. Do you date prostitutes in your home country?

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Well, I happened to take a bargirl (gogo dancer, Pattaya) out just for a meal and movie at daytime before her work. No, I didn't give her any money for that. No, she wasn't offended nor disappointed whatsoever. If the girl in question is not up to such mode of dating she just won't go with you. Nothing to worry about.

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Well, I happened to take a bargirl (gogo dancer, Pattaya) out just for a meal and movie at daytime before her work. No, I didn't give her any money for that. No, she wasn't offended nor disappointed whatsoever. If the girl in question is not up to such mode of dating she just won't go with you. Nothing to worry about.

No harm asking. What's the worse that can happen - just take her for the sex.

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Hell is this still going? OP did you read the book yet?

One poster mentioned just pay for her meal and transport. This is good advice, you can have a great time that won't cost you anything to be with her, just maybe 500 for the bar fine, maybe 1000 for a lovely meal out together. In the morning just make sure you pay her taxi. That will be 2000 or 3000 baht depending on where she come from !

Edited by iancnx
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Well, I happened to take a bargirl (gogo dancer, Pattaya) out just for a meal and movie at daytime before her work. No, I didn't give her any money for that. No, she wasn't offended nor disappointed whatsoever. If the girl in question is not up to such mode of dating she just won't go with you. Nothing to worry about.

No harm asking. What's the worse that can happen - just take her for the sex.

The worst that can happen is that she has a troupe of 'friends' appearing out of the woodwork on your 'date' enjoying a nice free feed on your slate and your bill can be several times what you planned on spending. This is a genuine warning as lasses can be notorious free loaders...

My pal Daft Malc had a BG he was very friendly with, when he decided he wanted to take things up a level without ruining the dynamic they enjoyed regularly in the bar so thought a casual meal/night out with no ties would be a good start.

He thought it would be nice to take her out to a well known chain of Look Toong/Peua Cheewit themed nightspots as she loved Look Toong/Peua Cheewit.

I went along for moral support and to translate for him if the conversation got stilted away from their usual comfort zone. He'd allowed her to bring a pal from the bar as her chaperone.

All throughout the night we were continually joined by 'friends' of this lass who all tucked in to the goodies with gusto, then the inevitable male 'cousins' arrived who proceeded to order whisky on his tab - Chivas too - none of that 100 Pipers rubbish for these cheeky tossers, as they were "family".

At the end of the night the table looked like the aftermath of the feeding of the 5000, fish heads strewn all over the shop....then came Malc's bill which was about 6 times what I usually paid at the same place when I went there with the missus (and she can eat like a hog on a good day).

I liked this girl too but when it became apparent she was taking the piss, I'd kept telling Malc over and over to tell her to cease this constant flow of free-loaders as it was his call but he didn't want to spoil her "treat" (the gutless fool). Even when I said she was doing that for herself and it would serve her right if her own greed and dishonesty ballsed up her night, he did nothing. After a while I got sick of badgering him so got on with enjoying the night as it wasn't my bill...

Tell her well in advance that you don't want any uninvited 'guests' turning up...

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Is she a bar girl?

Will you take her just for a talk and dinner?

What nice! That's love!

No worry...

She will not get offended...

She will not charge you for that neither...

She just will ask you for a "loan" to resolve all hers, and her family's financial troubles....

Edited by thailampang2012
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I can't believe you can ask that.

I can understand this...

I once hired a driver for several days; the guy who mainly got by as a mechanic, turned out to be reliable and quite a good sport. At the end of the week, I asked him if he wanted to join my entourage and look after the horses. I was really worried that he might be offended as I didn't need him as a mechanic. He accepted and didn't seem to mind. To my surprise, he later told me that he really enjoys his new role (including the free lodging); the new responsibility of caring for an animal seem to have given stability and purpose to his life. I was also happy because the stable had improved considerably and didn't look like a pigsty any more.

Edited by Morakot
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Much as I enjoy sex there is more to life than posting about it on ThaiVisa. I am looking for that elusive relationship with someone I care about and finding that girl isn't always that easy. I asked the original question to gauge public (?) opinion before making an asshol_e of myself. I realise that the posters here are not necessarily a good sample of decent people (no offence intended to those with good intent) but I couldn't see any other way of asking the question.

555+ LMFAO

This post is rich. Really something. Where do I begin? OK, well, here's ten things that come to mind:

1) Your OP states "She is talkative and interesting and we can share our thoughts on a variety of subjects." -----really? Now unless you are fluent in Thai your conversations must be at the intellectual level or equivalent of an 8 year old. It is impossible to have a meaningful conversation with a bar girl in Thailand. Period.

2) Why on earth would you take a girl on a date, any girl, and not want to dip your fingers in the honey pot at the end of the night? Isn't that the point of "dating"?

3) If you are dumb enough to date a bar girl just expect that she will lie to you. And lie to you. And lie to you. And lie to you. (sounding like a good relationship to begin huh?)

4) She will have two days per month off to spend with you......or travel to see her family. Other days you will have to pay her bar fine to see her. If she is with you, she is not with another customer. She will expect you to pay her. She can not date you in the daytime, that is when she sleeps!

​5) Expect that she will lie to you. And lie to you. And lie to you.

6) She WILL ask you for money. (I have yet to meet a Thai girl who hasn't hit me up for money, even my dam_n security guard (female) downstairs! 555)

7) Sex or no sex, she will expect a tip. The tip should be the same in either case. She will tire of your "dating" very quickly if she is not gaining financially from it unless she sees you as a genuine future spouse in which case your troubles have only begun my friend. I'm sorry.

8) She will have other boyfriends. Men will likely send her money and call at odd hours. Expect it. And if she is really cute, expect it often!

9) If I didn't mention it before, she will lie to you. And lie to you. And lie to you.

10) Do not lend her money, unless of course in your heart you feel the need to give to charity because you will never see it again. Ever.

The obvious thing to do IMO is straight up ask her! If she is working in a bar there is likely very little you could come up with, say or do, that would possibly offend her! That would clear the air likely for you both and save you from unwanted embarrassment at the end of the night when she's waiting for her tip and cab fare home!

Good luck mate. But take it for what it is. Thailand.

Best laugh I have had on this site by far .

P.S. YOU FORGOT TO MENTION .. She will lie , lie , lie and lie to you

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Tend to agree...acts as if he's never been kissed.

Actually I just read it again. He is talking about a bar girl. Wanting to take her out as a friend, not for sex. He is asking does he need to pay her for this companionship.

OP very quickly get down to a book shop and buy a copy of Private Dancer by Stephen Leather. Read it, understand it..... Then read it again!

Try reading A Woman of Bangkok by Jack Reynolds if you can find a copy, gives some insight.

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Much as I enjoy sex there is more to life than posting about it on ThaiVisa. I am looking for that elusive relationship with someone I care about and finding that girl isn't always that easy. I asked the original question to gauge public (?) opinion before making an asshol_e of myself. I realise that the posters here are not necessarily a good sample of decent people (no offence intended to those with good intent) but I couldn't see any other way of asking the question.

I did read sometime back that the one thing bar girls tend not to get is genuine cuddles/hugs etc.

Mates of mine spend there holidays in the nightclubs they've always said that the Thai girls they meet are no different to girls elsewhere in the world, if the feeling is mutual, you'll be spending quality time together.

So start in the bars and then try elsewhere, maybe nightclubs.

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Meaning a friend comes along for the free meal? I wouldn't mind that but I know her and that isn't likely. Would she want to be paid for spending time with me?

"I know her" then the question "would she want to be paid for............." Truly this post has to be a wind up. Is the OP that bored?

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Just give her a portion as more than likely many others have done. If she's a bar girl and you are taking her out for the night you will still have to pay the 'bar fine' so for a few 'sheckle's' more treat her to a game of hide the sausage rather than Connect 4.

I do prefer that dice in the box game.

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Much as I enjoy sex there is more to life than posting about it on ThaiVisa. I am looking for that elusive relationship with someone I care about and finding that girl isn't always that easy. I asked the original question to gauge public (?) opinion before making an asshol_e of myself. I realise that the posters here are not necessarily a good sample of decent people (no offence intended to those with good intent) but I couldn't see any other way of asking the question.

555+ LMFAO

This post is rich. Really something. Where do I begin? OK, well, here's ten things that come to mind:

1) Your OP states "She is talkative and interesting and we can share our thoughts on a variety of subjects." -----really? Now unless you are fluent in Thai your conversations must be at the intellectual level or equivalent of an 8 year old. It is impossible to have a meaningful conversation with a bar girl in Thailand. Period.

2) Why on earth would you take a girl on a date, any girl, and not want to dip your fingers in the honey pot at the end of the night? Isn't that the point of "dating"?

3) If you are dumb enough to date a bar girl just expect that she will lie to you. And lie to you. And lie to you. And lie to you. (sounding like a good relationship to begin huh?)

4) She will have two days per month off to spend with you......or travel to see her family. Other days you will have to pay her bar fine to see her. If she is with you, she is not with another customer. She will expect you to pay her. She can not date you in the daytime, that is when she sleeps!

​5) Expect that she will lie to you. And lie to you. And lie to you.

6) She WILL ask you for money. (I have yet to meet a Thai girl who hasn't hit me up for money, even my dam_n security guard (female) downstairs! 555)

7) Sex or no sex, she will expect a tip. The tip should be the same in either case. She will tire of your "dating" very quickly if she is not gaining financially from it unless she sees you as a genuine future spouse in which case your troubles have only begun my friend. I'm sorry.

8) She will have other boyfriends. Men will likely send her money and call at odd hours. Expect it. And if she is really cute, expect it often!

9) If I didn't mention it before, she will lie to you. And lie to you. And lie to you.

10) Do not lend her money, unless of course in your heart you feel the need to give to charity because you will never see it again. Ever.

The obvious thing to do IMO is straight up ask her! If she is working in a bar there is likely very little you could come up with, say or do, that would possibly offend her! That would clear the air likely for you both and save you from unwanted embarrassment at the end of the night when she's waiting for her tip and cab fare home!

Good luck mate. But take it for what it is. Thailand.

I make that 8 points because you cheated and repeated point 3. Anyway points noted though I do think point 1 is unfair where you regard all Thai girls as having little or no English skills. Surely we don't have to stoop that low. If anything your points bring me down crashing to realise that nearly everyone has a stereotypical view of Thai bar girls. Maybe I was under a spell.

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If OP is dating a normal nice Thai girl, she will most probably bring a chaperone (fried or family member) and the OP is expected to behave like a gentleman and of course pay for both.

For further info read the Book Thailand Fever.
If OP wants to invite a professional girl out for company only, she will attend alone and expect to be paid for her time – no sex or sex: Same-same, up2U…!
For further info read the books Private Dancer and Love Entrepreneurs.
Good luck...
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While I don't have any experience with the 'hard core' Nana/Soi Cowboy style bar-girls, I've spent time with some buy-me-drinks girls in 'Thai Discos' in Singapore in the past, and they were quite regular (i.e., nice) outside of working hours. They were happy to have someone to spend some time with (on your coin, of course), but didn't ask for or seem to expect any money at the end of the 'date'. One of my friends took out a BMD girl and she was quite offended when he offered her money at the end... that was the last time she saw him. So you have to tread lightly. And sometimes can take a few such meetings before things 'progress', depending on the girl; one has to judge the situation person by person. Of course, in some cases you'd get a phone call some months later and a sad story and a request for money (with reasons of varied credibility), but at that point it was up to you ... if they hit a heartstring, maybe you'd help. I did have a big scare one day, however ... on a visit to Bangkok, I arranged to meet one of these girls again and was shocked to see that she'd tattooed my first name all the way down her forearm! w00t.gif I found a way to extricate myself from that one pretty quickly. [i'm not a big fan of tattoos on girls, even if it's my name].

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