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Thai talk: Why is govt stuck in the mud over rice-pledging scheme?


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If the Bank of Thailand had enacted fiscal measures to reduce the value of the Baht when finance minister Kittirat Na Ranong asked them to do so, Thai rice wouldn't be overpriced in the international market. The bank, ruling elite members to a man, refused because their mates in the Ruling Elite were strutting around the worlds financial stags with bulging wallets bloated by the strong baht, buying up stocks and companies. For all the corruption in the rice scheme, it has been a major factor in the growth of the Isaan economy, which has pissed off the ruling elite because now they have to go to Burma to find room maids and gardeners as less Isaan people want these poorly paid servile jobs. But one wouldn't expect The Nation to print reports like that.

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If the Bank of Thailand had enacted fiscal measures to reduce the value of the Baht when finance minister Kittirat Na Ranong asked them to do so, Thai rice wouldn't be overpriced in the international market. The bank, ruling elite members to a man, refused because their mates in the Ruling Elite were strutting around the worlds financial stags with bulging wallets bloated by the strong baht, buying up stocks and companies. For all the corruption in the rice scheme, it has been a major factor in the growth of the Isaan economy, which has pissed off the ruling elite because now they have to go to Burma to find room maids and gardeners as less Isaan people want these poorly paid servile jobs. But one wouldn't expect The Nation to print reports like that.

Oh how Millwall must be missing you and your silver tongue!

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The Government basic house keeping is crap because of the corruption and government ministers skimming the money for their own selfish means.

Simply they have the cash to pay or they don't. Basically Yingluck and her band of motley fools are a boiler room scam and only the foolish would invest in it.

Can anyone explain why they want to borrow trillions of baht to improve infrastructure when they don't have the money to even pay the farmers.

I think the answer is obvious. Some of these fools have never had a proper job other then being a "politician" so where doers all their wealth come from.

Any one can tell me?

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They could be selling the 14 m or 18 m (Telegraph, a UK newspaper) tons pdq, pretty darn quickly. It's a declining asset.

And the whole stinking mess was predictable, including the rampant smuggling of rice from neighboring countries.

"The government" handling anything doesn't bode well. Be that schools or getting quality government housing.

At my school, they installed amplifiers in every classroom for 6,500 B. Alas, the power outlets are total crap, so the plugs fall out or don't connect properly. Or the necessary cinch cables aren't there - a 100 B items renders the whole apparatus worthless.

At one school, they had more than a dozen (!) servers and 5 technicians. Possibly one or two engineers. and ToT had an office at the school as well.

But reliable wifi? Forget it! Internet at the English Department? (A <700 Baht ADSL contract with 3BB would have powered the few PCs in our office). No way. But the cost for this absurd theater was a 7-digit amount per annum! (And I would love to see the electricity bill for the servers in a rack up to the ceiling).

A private business would have taken corrective measures, including an immediate STOP to buying up rice they cannot pay for.

Surely, someone noticed that they would run out of cash soon - that was many months ago!

Maybe they can cancel the scheme now, so that all the farmers can prepare to sell their rice on the market.

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The Family do have enormous funds, and imho sources of plenty more funds internationally should they need it. They could certainly repay the farmers using The Family's own wealth, but this would require honesty, compassion, humility etc. But they are tighter than an astronaut's helmet. Its all pull and push, without any give. That is what makes this whole scam an act of Oppression (with a capital O) because the money is stolen from the poorest by the very richest. Roast goat isn't that expensive, I'm sure a certain somebody could open his purse now and still retain his Dune-Cred.


Edited by Yunla
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The strong Bath is a little part of the whole mismanagement, and the bank of Thailand was too late acting in the market. The main problem in the rice-pledging scheme was the fact, that Taksin thought he can control the market, and this in a time, where it was well known, that India have some over production too. Than the difference to the world market price was much to high, and it was childish, to stockpile more and more rice. Taksin is not the brilliant business man how it look, he grow up, when he can corrupt politicans in the past, so hes a real product of the Thai Elite. laugh.png

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Its a good job we don't run our households or business like

the Government runs this country,common sense never came

into it at all, lets buy up a product at 50% more than the market

value,we can store it (never mind the cost or shrinkage),and

corner the World market,a huge gamble and complete stupidity,

but no problem its tax payers money.

regards Worgeordie

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If the Bank of Thailand had enacted fiscal measures to reduce the value of the Baht when finance minister Kittirat Na Ranong asked them to do so, Thai rice wouldn't be overpriced in the international market. The bank, ruling elite members to a man, refused because their mates in the Ruling Elite were strutting around the worlds financial stags with bulging wallets bloated by the strong baht, buying up stocks and companies. For all the corruption in the rice scheme, it has been a major factor in the growth of the Isaan economy, which has pissed off the ruling elite because now they have to go to Burma to find room maids and gardeners as less Isaan people want these poorly paid servile jobs. But one wouldn't expect The Nation to print reports like that.

Just goes to prove you know absolutely nothing.

You talk like a text book, yet you don't know your arse from your elbow.

Personally I live in Isaan and if I need a maid, I have about 30 lining up for the job.

You know nothing about Isaan. I own land here, I can tell you now, right throughout this scam, there is mass shortage of economical wealth here.

You need to get away from your PC and take a look for yourself/


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If the Bank of Thailand had enacted fiscal measures to reduce the value of the Baht when finance minister Kittirat Na Ranong asked them to do so, Thai rice wouldn't be overpriced in the international market.

Devaluing a country's currency just to sell rice? With rice at 40% above market price, the Baht has to be at least 46 to US$1 to bring prices on par.

And what will become of the cost of living for everybody, farmers included?

Which sane country in the world devalues its currency for political reasons?

It was crazy enough that the gov't tried to bring up the price by holding out on rice sales, unfortunately that opened the door for India, Vietnam, etc to sell more rice.

And M_f think that devalue the currency is a good idea? Helping growth of Issan farmers? LMFAO

devaluation on the currency won't do a thing to help them. It'll actually make them poorer, 100baht = 75baht (in buying power). and the economy would tumble back to 1997 when the currency value hit rock bottom.

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If the Bank of Thailand had enacted fiscal measures to reduce the value of the Baht when finance minister Kittirat Na Ranong asked them to do so, Thai rice wouldn't be overpriced in the international market. The bank, ruling elite members to a man, refused because their mates in the Ruling Elite were strutting around the worlds financial stags with bulging wallets bloated by the strong baht, buying up stocks and companies. For all the corruption in the rice scheme, it has been a major factor in the growth of the Isaan economy, which has pissed off the ruling elite because now they have to go to Burma to find room maids and gardeners as less Isaan people want these poorly paid servile jobs. But one wouldn't expect The Nation to print reports like that.

Words are cheap..... Isaan has no economy... all subsidised by the good tax-payers of Bangkok..

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If the Bank of Thailand had enacted fiscal measures to reduce the value of the Baht when finance minister Kittirat Na Ranong asked them to do so, Thai rice wouldn't be overpriced in the international market. The bank, ruling elite members to a man, refused because their mates in the Ruling Elite were strutting around the worlds financial stags with bulging wallets bloated by the strong baht, buying up stocks and companies. For all the corruption in the rice scheme, it has been a major factor in the growth of the Isaan economy, which has pissed off the ruling elite because now they have to go to Burma to find room maids and gardeners as less Isaan people want these poorly paid servile jobs. But one wouldn't expect The Nation to print reports like that.

absolute crock of sh_t .. .....

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'You know nothing about Isaan. I own land here, I can tell you now, right throughout this scam, there is mass shortage of economical wealth here.'

Are you Thai?

The exact thought occured to me as well....if not Thai then how is the poster owning land ? unless illegally by proxy of course

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If the Bank of Thailand had enacted fiscal measures to reduce the value of the Baht when finance minister Kittirat Na Ranong asked them to do so, Thai rice wouldn't be overpriced in the international market. The bank, ruling elite members to a man, refused because their mates in the Ruling Elite were strutting around the worlds financial stags with bulging wallets bloated by the strong baht, buying up stocks and companies. For all the corruption in the rice scheme, it has been a major factor in the growth of the Isaan economy, which has pissed off the ruling elite because now they have to go to Burma to find room maids and gardeners as less Isaan people want these poorly paid servile jobs. But one wouldn't expect The Nation to print reports like that.

absolute crock of sh_t .. .....

Indeed. Wonder where he got his free lessons in Thaksinomics? Probably from the same lot who told him its the BoT's fault, Suthep's fault, protester's fault, farang's fault, anybody's fault but can't possible be the PTP or the inherent corruption and mismanagement to blame. No sir, this is a good scheme. World Bank, IMF, Bloomberg, Moody's know nothing. This scheme would work great without all those saboteurs whistling.giffacepalm.gif

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The scam ran into liquidity problems mainly because the 2 trillion baht infrastructure loan was stopped and they couldn't misuse those funds to pay the farmers.

The Shinawatras still insist on defending this scam and carrying on with it. I guess admitting it's a failure would look bad when they're in court defending themselves on corruption charges and malfeasance.

clap2.gif +1

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If the Bank of Thailand had enacted fiscal measures to reduce the value of the Baht when finance minister Kittirat Na Ranong asked them to do so, Thai rice wouldn't be overpriced in the international market. The bank, ruling elite members to a man, refused because their mates in the Ruling Elite were strutting around the worlds financial stags with bulging wallets bloated by the strong baht, buying up stocks and companies. For all the corruption in the rice scheme, it has been a major factor in the growth of the Isaan economy, which has pissed off the ruling elite because now they have to go to Burma to find room maids and gardeners as less Isaan people want these poorly paid servile jobs. But one wouldn't expect The Nation to print reports like that.

And this guy is absolutely full of.....

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If the Bank of Thailand had enacted fiscal measures to reduce the value of the Baht when finance minister Kittirat Na Ranong asked them to do so, Thai rice wouldn't be overpriced in the international market. The bank, ruling elite members to a man, refused because their mates in the Ruling Elite were strutting around the worlds financial stags with bulging wallets bloated by the strong baht, buying up stocks and companies. For all the corruption in the rice scheme, it has been a major factor in the growth of the Isaan economy, which has pissed off the ruling elite because now they have to go to Burma to find room maids and gardeners as less Isaan people want these poorly paid servile jobs. But one wouldn't expect The Nation to print reports like that.

Just goes to prove you know absolutely nothing.

You talk like a text book, yet you don't know your arse from your elbow.

Personally I live in Isaan and if I need a maid, I have about 30 lining up for the job.

You know nothing about Isaan. I own land here, I can tell you now, right throughout this scam, there is mass shortage of economical wealth here.

You need to get away from your PC and take a look for yourself/


You own land in the Isaan? Are you sure it isn't your wife that owns the land? Or a quasi-legal nominee company? That being the case, it isnt me that knows 'absolutely nothing'

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