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Yingluck told of "unpredictable and uncontrollable" consequence if farmers lose patience


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The farmers need the money ASAP. Why is the government still sitting on the case not doing anything?

Suthep used the farmers to sue the government. It was his strategy to use them. If he could get money, he should have given all the money to the farmers instead of setting up the legal action against the government. The farmers need money other than anything else now.

I am sure that the farmers want to sue the government but receiving the money is their first priority.

It would be interesting to see how Suthep will take it from here. The farmers are angry and some of the Reds are already start having their second thoughts about the government. But Suthep or Democrat need to show their respect to the farmers and take care of them financially.

Thaksin took care of the farmers well and this is the reason why there are many farmers who love Thaksin.

Can Suthep do the same way Thaksin took care of the farmers? I hope he can but not sure.

Politicians are greedy liars. Thaksin and Suthep are very much the same to me.

It does not matter who would be the next prime minister, the corruption will continue.

Thaksin gave the farmers 300 baht so he could steal a few billion...with the backing of their votes.

You can only steal so much until their is nothing left to steal, and thats whats happening now.

Thaksin the finest man ever to cut throat or scuttle ship

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On the subject of Dubai,i think her skin may suffer if she goes there,the ,heat,etc,also i have been to Abu Dhabi,but can she get Som Tam, there,does she eat Som tam,i would be interested to know.

If she went to Dubai her skin might not see the sun, as she'd probably decide to wear the burqa, Burberry pattern of course.

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On the subject of Dubai,i think her skin may suffer if she goes there,the ,heat,etc,also i have been to Abu Dhabi,but can she get Som Tam, there,does she eat Som tam,i would be interested to know.

Of course she can. Thaksin has a kitchen staffed with Thai chefs in his mansion there.

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Will the unpredictable consequences include her applying for a residence permit in Dubai or is that entirely predictable.

Many would think a reasonable person would believe she and others already posess alternate passports and transportation arrangements.

Many remark about government corruption but the "corrupts" are but a reflection of and product of society.

"It is not a curse or damnation by the gods that our democracy is corrupt and dysfunctional. It is so because our behaviour is corrupt and dysfunctional. We are what we do, and collectively what we do becomes our social norm. "

Voranai Vanijaka google it

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This lady is tough. No matter what she will not quit.

Not tough. Naive and obstinate. With someone behind her pulling the strings. I think she will hang on until the country erupts. I hope not.

Correct and the puppet master has an inbuilt advantage over everyone else because he doesn't care if Thailand ends up as smoking rubble, if he can't get what he wants.

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She has promised to start paying the farmers next week. Therefore, she must be confident of raising money, so who has promised to loan the government the money?

It's quite possible that someone is leading poor Ms Yingluck up the garden path only to slam the door in her face. We will soon find out.

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This lady is tough. No matter what she will not quit.

I would say hard hearted These are her own people she is doing it to.

She knew that by dissolving the government she would be unable to raise the money and make a lame attempt at blaming it on the anti government protestors.

Fact is if she had not dissolved the house they would still owe the farmers.

Corruption can be a fun ride on the way up but now the birds are coming back to the nest.

she gets no sympathy from me.

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This lady is tough. No matter what she will not quit.

She would if she could but she can't. Thaksin won't allow it.


And tbh doubt she has a scooby over even a fraction of the nuts and bolts of her job. Ultimately, she is a figurehead and not a very bright one. Reckon she probably doesn't read half of what she puts her signature to. Which in the end will lead her in to trouble

Made some effort to improve her English but sadly she won't be remembered as a shining example of political womanhood. Probably set back full emancipation here about a decade

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She is not allowed to quit

Okay, let's call a spade a spade.

Khun Y is just an average Thai woman with some puppet master's hand up her butt manipulating her every move. She is completely unqualified to lead people. At best, she is a spokeswoman. She is doing public relations.

When it comes to setting policy in the best interest of the Thai people and visitors, she is as smart as an ant understand nuclear physics.

This is not a dig on her, but reality. I mean come on..... what qualifications does she have to lead anything? What qualifications does she have to be in government? She probably skipped half her classes and plagerized most of her papers. I'm sure she does not even know what Parliament is.

Yes, she is not allowed to quit.... so that becomes the people's problem????

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A farmer leader told caretaker Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra last night that if farmers were forced to lose their patience, what they would turn to would be unpredictable and uncontrollable.

Yep, they are definitely red shirt farmers. Unpredictable and uncontrollable. Hide your matches and lighters!

Sorry djjamie, but I disagree. I know a little bit about these rice farmers, having married a Surin rice farmer's daughter some years ago.

These people are genuine hardworking farmers who have been screwed by the PTP. They worked hard to produce that crop and they expect to be paid the agreed price.

The redshirts on the other hand are the lazy, good for nothing bums who chased the easy money and got on Thaksin's payroll.

In my wife's family village the redshirts are not popular, regarded as lazy opportunists.


Thanks for highlighting your story.

Appreciate it.

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And tbh doubt she has a scooby over even a fraction of the nuts and bolts of her job. Ultimately, she is a figurehead and not a very bright one. Reckon she probably doesn't read half of what she puts her signature to. Which in the end will lead her in to trouble

Made some effort to improve her English but sadly she won't be remembered as a shining example of political womanhood. Probably set back full emancipation here about a decade

Reckon she probably doesn't read half of what she puts her signature to.

That would be a safe bet, I think.

For example:

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The farmer leader called on all farmers not to just sit and wait at homes but to march into the capital to make their complaints known to the whole country...

Not only had already known to the whole country of Thailand but to many countries

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Another example of a government making promises that it cannot deliver on, to a constituency that looks for short term profits at the expense of long term security. This scenario is played out repeatedly world-wide and the memories of those affected are unfortunately as brief as is their patience.

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"Now they are sitting idly at home with even no rice to eat but wait and wait for money from the government."

Meanwhile,.. the government rice mills are overrun with millions of tons of rice that's going bad and no-one (internationally) wants!

.... what's wrong with this picture?

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For more information on the rice pledging scheme please consult this undated article from probably not long before Boonsong got the axe as minister in July 2013 that is still on the Thai government website http://www.thaigov.go.th/en/news-room/item/72404-the-governments-rice-pledging-policy.html
It is amazing to think they thought they could get away with such black lies as recently as that. He was still parroting Thaksin's madcap fantasy about forming a rice producers' equivalent to OPEC to control the global price.

Mr.Boonsong Teriyapirom, Minister of Commerce, clarified the concerns on the Government Rice Pledging Policy, stressing that the policy brings benefits to farmers as;

Firstly, the price of agriculture products will be increased, leading to more income for farmers, even for farmers who have yet joined the government rice pledge scheme since they would indirectly enjoy a higher market price of rice.

Edited by metisdead
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Let em eat the rotten rice.

A group of farmers was seen rolling into Bangkok with some sort of contraption on a trailer. Might make a good Youtube.


Nong Poo: "Let them eat cake! The lazy scum stink to high heaven anyway. Yikes! What's the hell's that - P'Meo, P'Meo."

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The farmers need the money ASAP. Why is the government still sitting on the case not doing anything?

Suthep used the farmers to sue the government. It was his strategy to use them. If he could get money, he should have given all the money to the farmers instead of setting up the legal action against the government. The farmers need money other than anything else now.

I am sure that the farmers want to sue the government but receiving the money is their first priority.

It would be interesting to see how Suthep will take it from here. The farmers are angry and some of the Reds are already start having their second thoughts about the government. But Suthep or Democrat need to show their respect to the farmers and take care of them financially.

Thaksin took care of the farmers well and this is the reason why there are many farmers who love Thaksin.

Can Suthep do the same way Thaksin took care of the farmers? I hope he can but not sure.

Politicians are greedy liars. Thaksin and Suthep are very much the same to me.

It does not matter who would be the next prime minister, the corruption will continue.


Do you have any idea how much is owed to the farmers and how much donations the Suthep parties are receiving?

Taksin and Yingluck's government is using the country's ( tax payers') money to buyer the love of farmers, not their own money!
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If you were watching some story about Susan or Somalia where the poor were being ripped off like this you would just know and sort of expect some corrupt government or tribal gang at the head of it all because practically all of the population are uneducated and powerless to stop things The fact it has happened in Thailand while society has stood by and watched is sort of astounding really and shows that Thai society has some incredibly important lessons to learn. Best they start educating themselves about the democratic process which is much more than just sticking a piece of paper in a ballot box.

If Thais fail to understand what to expect of their politicians and civil servants then they will continue to be hoodwinked by these corrupt people. Unfortunately the whole situation has arisen because of the tacit acceptance of corruption in this society and ignorance of the huge consequences of idly accepting it.

Time for Thai society to move into adulthood?

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Are these the rich Bangkok people we hear about on CNN, BBC and the foreign press? These are the poor farmers that trusted and supported the Shin government, and look what it got them. They are losing there land and sll their assets to corruption, brought on by the government. What will be next 6 year old, demonstrating because they did not get the computer promised to them by the government.

Without this brainless Suthep and his followers the farmers would have paid already. Put it in your head !!

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