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Yingluck told of "unpredictable and uncontrollable" consequence if farmers lose patience


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No problem. Just heard that Krung Thai has approved a loan, to be released in smaller amounts, as apposed to a single lump sum ,allegedly the clincher was the tax 'incentives' offered to the bank by the caretaker government. Make of that what you will - details are very sketchy. My guess is the loan amount gets to be written off as tax paid at the end of the financial year. But it is a guess.

Krung Thai staff are also reporting a very brisk trade in withdrawals (both large ans small) as well. Lets just hope we don't end up with a run on the bank.

I predicted some time ago that the first bank to cave into the government's demand for loans could well see a massive run on its assets, which could potentially bring the bank down. If Krung Thai think they have just made a wise decision, I would like to see what their opinion will be next week...!!

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Are these the rich Bangkok people we hear about on CNN, BBC and the foreign press? These are the poor farmers that trusted and supported the Shin government, and look what it got them. They are losing there land and sll their assets to corruption, brought on by the government. What will be next 6 year old, demonstrating because they did not get the computer promised to them by the government.

Without this brainless Suthep and his followers the farmers would have paid already. Put it in your head !!

??? What has the non-payment by the government got to do with Suthep and his followers?

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Politics aside....on this one Yingluck and her corrupted cronies better pay attention and fix this debacle ASAP.

The Shins and all the money they have could quickly resolve the problem and regain the Farmers loyalty and their continued support by simply paying off the farmers and addressing their very real and legitimate problem and apologise to the famers for the late payments.

I have always said that the farmers of Thailand wield more power than they realise if they can effectively band to together and refuse to grow their crops and stop supplying any more food to the nation.

In this case that reality has begun to develope because their hands are being forced and they are coming together and forming the basis of a farmers revolt.

If they have no money they can not grow the rice.

When the current rice stock is depleted it can not be replenished if they can not continue the cycle...and we all know how much Thai people need to have their beloved rice or they get real angry and miserable when they can not eat their rice.

When the people go hungry and or can not have easy access to their rice, then you will see some serious anger from the masses of people demanding the issue be resolved

Having said that I can only surmise Yingluck and her band of profiting political thieves will simply ignore the problem while giving lip service and lectures and then .....surprise, surprise .....be wondering why she is having a much deeper political crisis than she has now.

This problem is one of her own making and no one else to blame but her.

I expect the finger pointing and the serious lack of accountability is spreading unabated amongst the low life politicians while the farmers are once again ignored and exploited by government officials who duck and run for cover when serious issues such as this are created amongst their rank and file.

This may be the real beginning of her downfall while she will go down in history as the Prime Minister that screwed over the farmers and ran with the money.....as that is what they will say and the legacy she will be branded with.

Let us observe what develops.

Edited by gemguy
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This lady is tough. No matter what she will not quit.

I doubt she has any idea of what is going on. Her father/ brother has kept her sheltered from the time she parachuted into politics.

She's made no apologies or shown any concern for anyone in the country. I bet she has the life skills of about an 18 year old in America.

"Ignorance is no handicap in politics". Napoleon.

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A bit ironic that one of the last times the farmers organized, back in the 1970s, it was the government that organized what was then the "reds" to act against the farmers with extreme prejudice. This was all nicely documented in Morell and Chaianan's great book Political Conflict in Thailand: Reform, Reaction, Revolution.

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Suthep used the farmers to sue the government. It was his strategy to use them. If he could get money, he should have given all the money to the farmers instead of setting up the legal action against the government. The farmers need money other than anything else now.

I am sure that the farmers want to sue the government but receiving the money is their first priority.

I was thinking of that at first as well. But from what I have heard, there are around 3 million rice farmer families. Suthep raised around 20 million baht on the first two days. That's 6 baht per family. Or 12 baht per family if we assumed the government owed half ot them. Not gonna work. Only a goverment can raise the sort of money to solve this problem. Although, there was a mentioning of a rice former fund of 10,000 million baht a couple of nights ago. Last night they raised 5 mil extra to help with food for the farmers who are protesting now.

Anyhow, that 20 mil is best used as it is now. At least, legal action may help preventing this sort of thing from happening again.

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For more information on the rice pledging scheme please consult this undated article from probably not long before Boonsong got the axe as minister in July 2013 that is still on the Thai government website http://www.thaigov.go.th/en/news-room/item/72404-the-governments-rice-pledging-policy.html
It is amazing to think they thought they could get away with such black lies as recently as that. He was still parroting Thaksin's madcap fantasy about forming a rice producers' equivalent to OPEC to control the global price.

Mr.Boonsong Teriyapirom, Minister of Commerce, clarified the concerns on the Government Rice Pledging Policy, stressing that the policy brings benefits to farmers as;

Firstly, the price of agriculture products will be increased, leading to more income for farmers, even for farmers who have yet joined the government rice pledge scheme since they would indirectly enjoy a higher market price of rice.

I follow your link


The government www side is interesting.

If you click on Thailand today, then comes a popup in Japanese language.

If you click on Government with news. All news have the same number of Facebook "likes" : 6

If you click on News Room, then appear exactly the same news, All news have the same number of Facebook "likes" : 3

Regardless of the low numbers, it is obvious that they lie or manipulate with the Facebook "likes."

So how can the farmers believe them?

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In the film "Clear and Present Danger," CIA Analyst Jack Ryan is drawn into an illegal war fought by the US government against a Colombian drug cartel.

Now in the thrilling sequel, "Unpredictable and Uncontrollable Consequences," Analyst Jack Ryan, played in this film by Suthep Thaugsabun is caught with his pants down and captured by evil nemesis Chalerm Yoobamrung.

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Thank god they have toild her of this because she might have other info


Thai Police Clear Areas of Protesters as Their Numbers Ebb

Protesters have failed to “shut down” Bangkok as they vowed last month, but a hard-core group of protesters numbering in the thousands remains defiant.


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This lady is tough. No matter what she will not quit.

If she quits, she must leave the country as her brother did before her.

Once again the Shin-Elite have screwed the poor and are telling them its because they love them so much.

Where's the money gone? For an answer you must ask the Shin Family - they know - but they're not telling.

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Yingluck is one tough lady she will not quit,

But my tough lady you must meet and talk with the farmers,

You must let them work with you to pay them.

Make a deal with them ask for a loan, go with the farmers to the EC to have the EC OK the release of the money!


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The farmers need the money ASAP. Why is the government still sitting on the case not doing anything?

Suthep used the farmers to sue the government. It was his strategy to use them. If he could get money, he should have given all the money to the farmers instead of setting up the legal action against the government. The farmers need money other than anything else now.

I am sure that the farmers want to sue the government but receiving the money is their first priority.

It would be interesting to see how Suthep will take it from here. The farmers are angry and some of the Reds are already start having their second thoughts about the government. But Suthep or Democrat need to show their respect to the farmers and take care of them financially.

Thaksin took care of the farmers well and this is the reason why there are many farmers who love Thaksin.

Can Suthep do the same way Thaksin took care of the farmers? I hope he can but not sure.

Politicians are greedy liars. Thaksin and Suthep are very much the same to me.

It does not matter who would be the next prime minister, the corruption will continue.

Let's see now the protestors raised enough to hire some lawyers. Some how I don't think there fee's are any where near 130,000,000 baht. You are obviously new to the scene perhaps you should do a little research on the subject. For starters Suthep is representing a group of grass roots people who out of theiir own pocket staged protests and then they all joined as one and suthep became the leader. He did not create them.

Now we have Thaksin the leader of the red shirts a group he formed with his money to fight with guns and rockets in a ill thought out attempted coup. He still leads them and also controls the government through his sister and other PTP he has under his thumb. He wants the situation to remain the same. While Suthep wants to stop the corruption. As much of it as can be stopped.

You know it is pretty low when the man hires a gang of thugs and fools didn't want to let Jutuporn out of the discussion. They even invaded a hospital. He lost the attempted coup so he bought the job for his sister. If she had a problem off on a shopping trip no problem he would just call into the cabinet meetings to give them the instructions.

Then we have Suthep. He stopped the attempted coup and sat in the house as a member of the democrats who sat in opposition and were not given time to speak. It was a shut up and listen to we the ruling PTP. Now when there refusal to listen has fallen in on them they want to blame the people who tried to tell them they were on a road of destruction.

So what I hear you say is let the government off Scot free and the anti government protestors support them. Well they did not even come close to 1% of the required cash to support them so it only makes sense to use it to the best ends. Of course with Yingluck there is no guarantee that she will listen to the courts.sad.png

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Yingluck is one tough lady she will not quit,

But my tough lady you must meet and talk with the farmers,

You must let them work with you to pay them.

Make a deal with them ask for a loan, go with the farmers to the EC to have the EC OK the release of the money!


It is not toughness. It is stubbornness, extreme greed and selfishness wanting to cling on to power despite the colossal nature of the catastrophe she has allowed to happen while PM and chairman of the rice policy commission. If she had strength of character and a gram of moral fibre, she take responsibility for the pain and destruction she has caused and resign to let some one else clean up her mess.

It is obvious that the EC has no authority to approve the creation of a massive obligation for the next government. What do you mean by making a deal with the farmers to ask for a loan. She has already borrowed B130m from them?

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No problem. Just heard that Krung Thai has approved a loan, to be released in smaller amounts, as apposed to a single lump sum ,allegedly the clincher was the tax 'incentives' offered to the bank by the caretaker government. Make of that what you will - details are very sketchy. My guess is the loan amount gets to be written off as tax paid at the end of the financial year. But it is a guess.

Krung Thai staff are also reporting a very brisk trade in withdrawals (both large ans small) as well. Lets just hope we don't end up with a run on the bank.

I predicted some time ago that the first bank to cave into the government's demand for loans could well see a massive run on its assets, which could potentially bring the bank down. If Krung Thai think they have just made a wise decision, I would like to see what their opinion will be next week...!!

80% of mine has been removed. If there is confirmed news that they are funding the PT caretaker criminals it's time to close the account for me...

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Yingluck is one tough lady she will not quit,

But my tough lady you must meet and talk with the farmers,

You must let them work with you to pay them.

Make a deal with them ask for a loan, go with the farmers to the EC to have the EC OK the release of the money!


So you are suggesting THAT THE caretaker PM take a mob of farmers to the EC to pressure them.

But to ask them what?

Release what money the EC do not have the 130 billion baht to pay the farmers!

The "government" do not have the 130 billion baht to pay the farmers (at least not from the 2012-2013 budget)

The 'Government" have already got a Council of State resolution that they can get a loan for outstanding debt. But NO loan yet, So according to the press statements today from several " Government" ministers they are going to use state bank assets via a "comfort letter"

Do try and keep up, do!

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The farmers need the money ASAP. Why is the government still sitting on the case not doing anything?

Suthep used the farmers to sue the government. It was his strategy to use them. If he could get money, he should have given all the money to the farmers instead of setting up the legal action against the government. The farmers need money other than anything else now.

I am sure that the farmers want to sue the government but receiving the money is their first priority.

It would be interesting to see how Suthep will take it from here. The farmers are angry and some of the Reds are already start having their second thoughts about the government. But Suthep or Democrat need to show their respect to the farmers and take care of them financially.

Thaksin took care of the farmers well and this is the reason why there are many farmers who love Thaksin.

Can Suthep do the same way Thaksin took care of the farmers? I hope he can but not sure.

Politicians are greedy liars. Thaksin and Suthep are very much the same to me.

It does not matter who would be the next prime minister, the corruption will continue.

Let's see now the protestors raised enough to hire some lawyers. Some how I don't think there fee's are any where near 130,000,000 baht. You are obviously new to the scene perhaps you should do a little research on the subject. For starters Suthep is representing a group of grass roots people who out of theiir own pocket staged protests and then they all joined as one and suthep became the leader. He did not create them.

Now we have Thaksin the leader of the red shirts a group he formed with his money to fight with guns and rockets in a ill thought out attempted coup. He still leads them and also controls the government through his sister and other PTP he has under his thumb. He wants the situation to remain the same. While Suthep wants to stop the corruption. As much of it as can be stopped.

You know it is pretty low when the man hires a gang of thugs and fools didn't want to let Jutuporn out of the discussion. They even invaded a hospital. He lost the attempted coup so he bought the job for his sister. If she had a problem off on a shopping trip no problem he would just call into the cabinet meetings to give them the instructions.

Then we have Suthep. He stopped the attempted coup and sat in the house as a member of the democrats who sat in opposition and were not given time to speak. It was a shut up and listen to we the ruling PTP. Now when there refusal to listen has fallen in on them they want to blame the people who tried to tell them they were on a road of destruction.

So what I hear you say is let the government off Scot free and the anti government protestors support them. Well they did not even come close to 1% of the required cash to support them so it only makes sense to use it to the best ends. Of course with Yingluck there is no guarantee that she will listen to the courts.sad.png

I wasn't here when Thaksin was in power maybe he did take good care of them. The whole world was on a roll. Well I am here now and it would appear that he is not taking care of them now. Why the sudden change of heart.

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Thank god they have toild her of this because she might have other info


Thai Police Clear Areas of Protesters as Their Numbers Ebb

Protesters have failed to “shut down” Bangkok as they vowed last month, but a hard-core group of protesters numbering in the thousands remains defiant.


Notice the way Thomas Fuller in the NYT article glosses over the catastrophe of the rice pledging scheme and appears to toe the government line that there is just a slight temporary hiccup in payments due to the govt's caretaker status, even though the govt started defaulting on farmers before the protests started. He also emphasises that it is terribly unfair to poor Poo that the NACC is investigating the scheme so rapidly (nearly 3 years after the scheme started sucking the life blood out of Thai govt finances).

If Poo and the other crooks are justly found guilty of fraud and malfeasance, does it matter how quickly their crimes were investigated or is it important to let them go over the statute of limitations. I am sure that Mr Fuller is an upstanding moral individual but considering his obvious pro-Thaksin bias a less fair minded commentator might accuse him of discretely accepting an additional income in exchange for writing this bilge.

It is interesting to note that a google search reveals that only match made between the arrested PDRC leader, Sontiyarn, and the Crown Property Bureau which Fuller alleges Sontiyarn has links with is Mr Fuller's own article. There is no other mention of this alleged link on the web. Perhaps Fuller made it up. Why let the truth get in the way of a good story?

Edited by Dogmatix
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Honestly the standard of the writing in the article here is awful , can they really do no better,or was the journalist over excited about his/her scoop.

Seriously, if Thai PBS has decided to release these things in the English language could they not hire a proofreader with a good command of the written language?

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I love the smell of propaganda in the morning.... smells like.... failure.

It is clear that they are trying to sell the illusion that a massive voter base is now turning on PTP, and it's just not the case.

If it were we would have scenes on the streets like 2010.

That's not to say there's not a lot of pissed off farmers out there and they have every right to be, the government delayed on promises but every institution denying the government money during this dissolution sure doesn't help matters in any way.

It's almost as if people want the farmers to turn on them to suit their cause.

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well if the KTB bank has flip flopped back to saying ok for 4 BILLION dollars or 130 billion baht and they get some huge tax break - and hoping the government does pay them back it may be a good thing - but then Yingluck and PTP have some leverage - still doesn't fix the Suthep and election/reform problem - but it may hold off 1 million+ rice farmers who are the backbone of thailand's agri industry...but this 3-6 months of no payment goes before the Suthep protests in December...so did the gov not have enough or any money in December? or was it all going down right at the time YS called the election? but it sounds like the gov was not making any rice sales or trades to other countries or companies... also the Rice Scheme/Scam report is due out any day now...might be corruption AND total incompentency on the gov's part all around? too much moolah has dissappeared from the rice farmers "secure" payments?

everytime I hear Government Scheme here I change the word Scheme to Scam which is what 99% of the "schemes" are anyway... 5 5 5

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oh and how did YS net worth go up 50 million baht last year anyway? and the $1 billion Thaksin was supposed to get back in October from his frozen bank account didn't work out as well did it? as part of the "Amnesty Scheme/Scam"... anyway - the poor rice farmers may do Suthep's work for him if MOnday is the deadline now...there really must be other financial ways to help farmers out here besides buying rice over global prices then not selling it... I read last week that corn prices in the usa went down 40% last year and wheat and soybeans down about 20% but the usa does have a farm insurance thing - but it is also been corrupted as well by non farmers...we will see come monday tho I guess

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I do not take side, simply because there are no sides to take on too.

Anyone who could make some sense out of this nonsense is my man/women.

Yingluck should be renamed as yinglack......

There is no bigger humiliation for a farmer to go and see their Hero-in and be turned away just because she doesn't have 'time' to meet them and their demands.

yesterday she was in chiangmai making merit with her son, lovely pics for the newspapers, except again NO word to the farmers around the corner waiting for some sort of comfort.

I really admire Ms Yingluck, virtually unknown in the political arena she ducks the bullets and clings to power without any experience in politics whatsoever.

But maybe that's exactly the root of the problem around here.....anyone can enter politics with right 'master of disaster' backing them.


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