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My inlaws...


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Maybe the inlaws think the girls have sin sot potential and are trying to steal them away from you?

they are 6 years old....

Yes and?

In order to get my ex to agree to full custody, I had to promise her that any suitor of our daughter would have to ask her for permission to marry her, and that she would get the sin sot.

Our daughter was two at the time.

Unbelievable, but I' m sure true.

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People, people, people, again I can see no answer to my earlier question, is the OP the natural biological Father, it's either a yes or a no, not a deafening silence. There are many good men in this world who are very capable step fathers. My Chinese stepdaughter disliked my attitude intensly when she first lived with her mother and I at the age of 14. But in the last four years , after taking her out of her Chinese school, two hours flight away, and putting her into one of the best IB schools in China, which allows her to stay with us in her own warm,cosy bedroom with all mod cons she now at 18 is a different lady. Bright and hopefully on her way to Cambridge next year. And she calls me Dad even in front of her western teachers etc.

And yes this girl for many reasons was left with my wife's family whilst she ran her business in Bangkok and Russia.

Of course if she was my natural daughter, my wife and I , if we had been together then, would have ensured that separation did not occur, but life and circumstances do not always allow for things to be hunky dory.

No matter if the OPs wife's profession is Rat Catcher, Sewer Cleaner, Prostitute or Brain Surgeon, she is still a mother three times over in this case but for sure she is not acting like a maternal Mother. Why ? Because either she enjoys the freedom in Phuket or her need to be there for financial gain tips the balance of the scales.

So back to my original question, is the OP the biological father with certification to prove it, as in my opinion this question is of prime importance.

Yes....i not refer to MY CHILDREN....if they are not mine.....
Thanks for the clarification, as you read on here a number of cases of men who married into a family and quote "they are my children" when they are not.

Ok goalposts have now moved in my opinion, if you have got all documentation, my move would be to get them back into your control, the sister in law has no legal rights, but again another question, is your name on the birth cert' s etc, what passports do they hold ? All very relevant questions.

Birtcert...yes on it as father

Passports....daughters dual...son only thai...

All thai passports are expired.

Back in control.....i know....longer term plan....finances needed...

Need to add that the police did not help regarding kids staying at sisters house.....instead i was blamed for trying to stop SIL of leaving with kids from school.......am only farang....they care jackshit....nothing nothing....money ??? Most likely....

Thanks for answering my questions, so another one for you. Your daughters do hold a valid foreign passport, is their passport name the same as yours, in other words, could you get them out of Thailand legally ? I accept you son, at this moment is a different ball game, BUT it appears your anxiety is more aimed at your daughters. Would it be wrong of me to ask where you are now residing ? Edited to suggest sometimes it's not possible to see the woods for the trees Edited by nonthaburial
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Sorry about your situation, mate.

If I was in such a situation, I would get in touch with a lawyer and ask him what to do to get custody, and do it, whatever it takes, no matter how long it takes and no matter how much it costs. Be pragmatic about it. Thais want money.

If consent is needed by parties involved such as the in-laws and their mother, I would borrow from the bank and offer to pay them 100,000 each for them to sign the kids off to you for good. Speak to a lawyer about any paperwork.

They will take the cash because Thais always take the cash.

I am really sorry too. I feel for you.

I agree with Sam Gold on this. Get a really good lawyer and be prepared to spend a lot of money.

I wish you luck.

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Yes.....but it really does not seem to help.....they really really love those lovely sweet girls of mine......what is love at least through their eyes. Thats the worrying thing....an unbreakable wall....from distance....

Well of course they bloody well love them.

Frankly, mate, you sound seriously confused and as such, you're no good to anyone.

Rocking up on TVF looking from advice from a demographic that largely grubs around at the bottom of the socio-economic barrel for their lady friends is counter-productive as evidenced by the cynical and contemptuous suggestions that your wife and her sister are so cheap, you could buy your kids back for 100k each.

I don't know what your professional or financial status is but I'm assuming that you would be here living in Phuket with your wife and kids if you could afford to do so. The thing is, I suspect you wouldn't be able to afford to look after all of them if they lived with you in Europe.

Is that the case?

Well....money is ur only parameter apparantly in life....good for u. Very good.

Ofcourse i can take care of them.....want to remind u as well......children are not dolls 1 can toss from one to another to take care when it suits them. They have a father and a mother.....if my wife would have wanted kids to be raised in her family she should have shagged a familymember.....right ?

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Yes.....but it really does not seem to help.....they really really love those lovely sweet girls of mine......what is love at least through their eyes. Thats the worrying thing....an unbreakable wall....from distance....

Well of course they bloody well love them.

Frankly, mate, you sound seriously confused and as such, you're no good to anyone.

Rocking up on TVF looking from advice from a demographic that largely grubs around at the bottom of the socio-economic barrel for their lady friends is counter-productive as evidenced by the cynical and contemptuous suggestions that your wife and her sister are so cheap, you could buy your kids back for 100k each.

I don't know what your professional or financial status is but I'm assuming that you would be here living in Phuket with your wife and kids if you could afford to do so. The thing is, I suspect you wouldn't be able to afford to look after all of them if they lived with you in Europe.

Is that the case?

Well....money is ur only parameter apparantly in life....good for u. Very good.

Ofcourse i can take care of them.....want to remind u as well......children are not dolls 1 can toss from one to another to take care when it suits them. They have a father and a mother.....if my wife would have wanted kids to be raised in her family she should have shagged a familymember.....right ?

To be honest he made a good point.. if you can send over 200k and be done with (and make it legal) it could be much cheaper and less painful as using a lawyer and such. Then of course you will have to take care of them in Europe in general as a guy alone that is not easy. Just a opinion of course.

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Yes.....but it really does not seem to help.....they really really love those lovely sweet girls of mine......what is love at least through their eyes. Thats the worrying thing....an unbreakable wall....from distance....

Well of course they bloody well love them.

Frankly, mate, you sound seriously confused and as such, you're no good to anyone.

Rocking up on TVF looking from advice from a demographic that largely grubs around at the bottom of the socio-economic barrel for their lady friends is counter-productive as evidenced by the cynical and contemptuous suggestions that your wife and her sister are so cheap, you could buy your kids back for 100k each.

I don't know what your professional or financial status is but I'm assuming that you would be here living in Phuket with your wife and kids if you could afford to do so. The thing is, I suspect you wouldn't be able to afford to look after all of them if they lived with you in Europe.

Is that the case?

Well....money is ur only parameter apparantly in life....good for u. Very good.

Ofcourse i can take care of them.....want to remind u as well......children are not dolls 1 can toss from one to another to take care when it suits them. They have a father and a mother.....if my wife would have wanted kids to be raised in her family she should have shagged a familymember.....right ?

To be honest he made a good point.. if you can send over 200k and be done with (and make it legal) it could be much cheaper and less painful as using a lawyer and such. Then of course you will have to take care of them in Europe in general as a guy alone that is not easy. Just a opinion of course.
I agree.
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Why are the children not living with you now?

If you go to the Thai children's court, you will find them Very fair, unlike the normal court. You will certainly be granted preference over the S-I-L. Will you be granted full custody, probably not unless you can prove that the mother is not a good mother. What they will give you is joint custody with access.

If you can prove the mother is working in the bars And that you can provide the children with a better future if they live with you, then Maybe you can obtain at least joint custody, with them living with you. What you must do is act Now, because if you Waite until the children are about 9, and they were to appear in court and then tell the court that they prefer to live with the mother and not you, the court will certainly grant your daughters that wish.

One more question, if your daughters remain living with your S-I-L or their mother, what will be their Profession when they are 16 yrs old?.

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Well....money is ur only parameter apparantly in life....good for u. Very good.

Ofcourse i can take care of them.....want to remind u as well......children are not dolls 1 can toss from one to another to take care when it suits them. They have a father and a mother.....if my wife would have wanted kids to be raised in her family she should have shagged a familymember.....right ?

Erm . . . no, money isn't the only thing in my life but we're not talking about me, are we?

Besides, I think you got the impression I was advocating your making a financial offer to retrieve your children. I'm not

I don't think you've got enough to compensate your wife for the surrender of her own flesh and blood.

Plus, of course, I'm sure you'd want them to have their mother in their lives.

Even if your wife would take money - you'd need to be thinking in terms of millions of baht not thousands.

Rest assured, she'll be keen to maximize her haul; even a novice hooker can blow a hundred large in an afternoon at Big C's electrical department.

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OK Benalbina

May I ask a few questions.

1. What does your wife do for a job?

2. Are you and the wife split up as in separated or divorced.

2. I assume that you have a job or money coming in legally and a place to stay that you could have raised these kids. If so why did you not?

As a teacher i can tell you that there are many kids that are raised by their grandparents because mother and father are not around all the time.

it causes many male teachers to become father figures to them.

The families do tell the girls that father is a piece of crap because he is not there with them all the time. They also tell the daughters why (he has another gf and does not want them around all the time.

It is sad but true.

The best way and it may not be what you want to hear for you to get back int he good books with your kids is to relocate to live in the same village as them.

Slowly become part of the family again. Visit them on a daily or weekly basis.

If not then i am afraid that unless you miraculously get a court to give you custody you will always be teh nice farang that when he has nothing to do comes and visits.

It will not affect your son that much because after all it is a thai right of passage to get married have kids and then get a GF and leave them.

Sorry I am not giving you the solution you want to read but I think it will give you pause for thought and maybe help you.

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Well....money is ur only parameter apparantly in life....good for u. Very good.

Ofcourse i can take care of them.....want to remind u as well......children are not dolls 1 can toss from one to another to take care when it suits them. They have a father and a mother.....if my wife would have wanted kids to be raised in her family she should have shagged a familymember.....right ?

Erm . . . no, money isn't the only thing in my life but we're not talking about me, are we?WITH ALL RESPECT YOU SEEM TO BE

Besides, I think you got the impression I was advocating your making a financial offer to retrieve your children. I'm not

I don't think you've got enough to compensate your wife for the surrender of her own flesh and blood. HOW ABOUT THEIR FLESH AND BLOOD ?

Plus, of course, I'm sure you'd want them to have their mother in their lives.WITH THE WAY SHE HAS ALIENATED HIM WHY SHOULD HE ?

Even if your wife would take money - you'd need to be thinking in terms of millions of baht not thousands IS THAT EXPERIENCE ASKING ..

Rest assured, she'll be keen to maximize her haul; even a novice hooker can blow a hundred large in an afternoon at Big C's electrical department. IT HAS NOT BEEN CONFIRMED THAT THE OP,s EX WIFE IS A HOOKER, SO STOP SPECULATING.AS YOU COMMENTS ARE BORDERING ON LIBEL. The op is asking for helpful assistance not garbage..

Kindly engage brain before opening mouth., your comments are out of order and potentially hurtful to the op who is hurting enough already . If my comments offend your pretended know all knowledge, then think how the Op feels when he reads you wisdom

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The average boy, however young, tends to think a lot more for himself

than the average female.

That explains the discrepancy you've so plainly witnessed.

Females are very easily manipulated, which is also why in time, they

become in turn expert manipulators themselves.

Gifts will be of no use at all in the long run; they will only foster the

perception the family may already have of you being there to supply

their material needs and nothing else.

My advice as an MD, though i'm not a parent: leave the daughters to

the care of their relations; you'll never be anything much to them all

taken into account.

Focus all your love & efforts on your only son, who has, to begin with,

a mental make-up very much unlike that of his sisters, who must & can

learn manhood only from you, & who one day may very well want to

emulate you & will likely be genuinely happy to call you his dad.

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If your ex is a bar girl you may want to get a private investigator to get pics of her sitting drinking on a bar stool wearing a mini-skirt etc. Even if she isn't a bar girl you can probably catch her messing with farangs on Bangla.

Contact any Thai friends you have who would be willing to write a letter stating you're a sound, balanced guy etc.

This will definitely play in your favour in court.

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Kindly engage brain before opening mouth., your comments are out of order and potentially hurtful to the op who is hurting enough already . If my comments offend your pretended know all knowledge, then think how the Op feels when he reads you wisdom

Maybe you ought to wind your neck back in and gently apply the brakes, Bullet

This OP has spoken of this same issue before in a similarly extended thread in which he confirmed that she was likely back making her money on her back so you can stick your pomposity right back up your arse where it belongs.

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OK Benalbina

May I ask a few questions.

1. What does your wife do for a job?

2. Are you and the wife split up as in separated or divorced.

2. I assume that you have a job or money coming in legally and a place to stay that you could have raised these kids. If so why did you not?

As a teacher i can tell you that there are many kids that are raised by their grandparents because mother and father are not around all the time.

it causes many male teachers to become father figures to them.

The families do tell the girls that father is a piece of crap because he is not there with them all the time. They also tell the daughters why (he has another gf and does not want them around all the time.

It is sad but true.

The best way and it may not be what you want to hear for you to get back int he good books with your kids is to relocate to live in the same village as them.

Slowly become part of the family again. Visit them on a daily or weekly basis.

If not then i am afraid that unless you miraculously get a court to give you custody you will always be teh nice farang that when he has nothing to do comes and visits.

It will not affect your son that much because after all it is a thai right of passage to get married have kids and then get a GF and leave them.

Sorry I am not giving you the solution you want to read but I think it will give you pause for thought and maybe help you.

OK, Jamaica fan,

May I ask a few questions.

1. What does your wife do for a job?

Was already answered couple of times.

2. Are you and the wife split up as in separated or divorced.

Seems that they’re not together any more.

3. I assume that you have a job or money coming in legally and a place to stay that you could have raised these kids. If so why did you not?

Many people can’t afford to take kids back to their country, because that’s very expensive and impossible without help of others.

As a teacher i can tell you that there are many kids that are raised by their grandparents because mother and father are not around all the time.

I’m a teacher here for nine years, but I certainly don’t know if some kids get raised by Granny, or not. Some just pick them up, as their parents got a job to make some money.

it causes many male teachers to become father figures to them.

Some of my kids love me more than they love their parents. Don’t know how familiar you’re with it, to be honest.

The families do tell the girls that father is a piece of crap because he is not there with them all the time. They also tell the daughters why (he has another gf and does not want them around all the time.

How the heck can you make something like that up? That’s freaking insane. Full Stop.

It is sad but true.

Your post is sad, but real.

The best way and it may not be what you want to hear for you to get back int he good books with your kids is to relocate to live in the same village as them.

Better you don’t listen to such “advice”. It’s nothing more than less of nil.

Slowly become part of the family again. Visit them on a daily or weekly basis.

Sounds like you’re the OP’s friend and you know his timetable very well. Thought he’s making cash for his kids?

If not then i am afraid that unless you miraculously get a court to give you custody you will always be teh nice farang that when he has nothing to do comes and visits.

You shouldn’t be ashamed of your baby shit like attitude. How can you make this up, dude?

It will not affect your son that much because after all it is a thai right of passage to get married have kids and then get a GF and leave them.

You’re incredible. And you know what? You’re one of the reasons that I’m not willing to meet people like you.

Sorry I am not giving you the solution you want to read but I think it will give you pause for thought and maybe help you.

I’m not going to explain what I was trying to tell you. You should take a break and a Kit Kat.-wai2.gif

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Rocking up on TVF looking from advice from a demographic that largely grubs around at the bottom of the socio-economic barrel for their lady friends is counter-productive as evidenced by the cynical and contemptuous suggestions that your wife and her sister are so cheap, you could buy your kids back for 100k each.

I don't know what your professional or financial status is but I'm assuming that you would be here living in Phuket with your wife and kids if you could afford to do so. The thing is, I suspect you wouldn't be able to afford to look after all of them if they lived with you in Europe.

Is that the case?

So many assumptions made here and the OP isn't providing enough details to help with concrete practical suggestions.

The "only" solution I see from my own POV is to get the kids and take care of them myself - that's what I did and I'm happy to help with that, but seems to me that isn't what the OP is able/willing to do.

As far as the price goes you'd be surprised how low they will settle for if the (perceived) variables are structured right. The family does love the kids (given lots of cultural differences) and if the father could show his ability and willingness to raise them properly in his home country obviously EVERYONE knows that's best for the kids and it's possible they'd be happy to go along with that, as long as they were properly compensated from THEIR POV.

How much that is, is relative to their finances. A few hundred thousand in lump sum cash can be very tempting if they are as poor as (as you say) most of our SOs are - the SIL is most likely only getting a few thousand a month to cover taking care of the kids.

Fact is from a purely practical POV if he wanted to he could just show up and take the kids forcibly, there is no parental "kidnapping" law here, and fact is the only other person with legal rights over the kids is far away. All it takes is money. But again I doubt the OP wants to go this route either.

Of course this depends on answers to questions like - is the divorce finalized? If so what is the written custody agreement?

If he agreed to sole custody AND has little money then indeed SOL wrt the goals I've outlined.

IF that's the case then yes go for frequent visitation, send gifts, bribe the SIL to talk him up as a good Dad and so on.

As I said we really need more details to be able to advice in practice.

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Maybe the inlaws think the girls have sin sot potential and are trying to steal them away from you?

they are 6 years old....
Yes and?

In order to get my ex to agree to full custody, I had to promise her that any suitor of our daughter would have to ask her for permission to marry her, and that she would get the sin sot.

Our daughter was two at the time.

Unbelievable, but I' m sure true.

If you find that surprising you don't understand Thainess very well.

I wasn't surprised at all, in fact very relieved I was able to get them so cheap.

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Kindly engage brain before opening mouth., your comments are out of order and potentially hurtful to the op who is hurting enough already . If my comments offend your pretended know all knowledge, then think how the Op feels when he reads you wisdom

Maybe you ought to wind your neck back in and gently apply the brakes, Bullet

This OP has spoken of this same issue before in a similarly extended thread in which he confirmed that she was likely back making her money on her back so you can stick your pomposity right back up your arse where it belongs.

Thank you for your assistance, but is the word LIKELY cause for legal rights. Pomposity great word, but guessing is an easier one. Go back to your Chang . Have a good evening Edited by nonthaburial
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The topic is about FIL behaviour and the lack of willingness to do what is in the best interest for the kids. To talk with the evil SIL that is. I have been there recently and saw the way how my kids reacted towards me. The daughters severely alienated and manipulated by SIL, under approval of the wife. My son was acting normal to a father who he has not seen for a while.

My daughters were scared of me and showed totally no empathy towards me. Eventhough i expected some alienation it was still shocking to witness it. Financially i could have done all to get my daughters with me and make passports for all. This ofcourse if wife would have approved ofcourse. Best interest for the kids. I have always know that for their future it was better overhere and, as i am way better educated, i needed to be with them. Let alone learning them morals, western??, well at least mine, as i know now 1.000000% sure that they are better of with me. What is the point alienating half their blood in their simple minds by evil people.

I always had hopes by correspondence with members of the family that they would know and realize that my main interest is about the kids emotional and future wellbeing. Well when i was there earlier...nothing came out of it. For them it must be absolutely no problem that my kids are being raised by a 3rd party, being alienated from me...whilst their mother is working in Patong Beach.

Conclusion......it is all totally acceptable for them. I have even spoke to a thai minister in a christian church there, via fb.....he replied....kids are happy and cares totally jackshit....up to you ...he replied to when i wtote that all this brings the kids nothing....no mother and no father......they are happy.....yeah right.

Hence my topic....about inlaws....for me it is incomprehensible....totally.....

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Cannot even believe i have written the above statement about the mother of our children.....

people make you feel like this mate... you are a great father and if people knew you well they would see this

Edited by kevvy
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Man why are you surprised? Why don't you keep your children with you? But if you don't do that by any (I guess very important:))) reason why are you surprised? I really don't understand you.

stupid reply...at least ur postcount is added by 1. Well done.

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Kindly engage brain before opening mouth., your comments are out of order and potentially hurtful to the op who is hurting enough already . If my comments offend your pretended know all knowledge, then think how the Op feels when he reads you wisdom

Maybe you ought to wind your neck back in and gently apply the brakes, Bullet

This OP has spoken of this same issue before in a similarly extended thread in which he confirmed that she was likely back making her money on her back so you can stick your pomposity right back up your arse where it belongs.

Thank you for your assistance, but is the word LIKELY cause for legal rights. Pomposity great word, but guessing is an easier one. Go back to your Chang . Have a good evening


I'm sure that made perfect sense in your addled brain before you mashed it into your keyboard but given the incoherent drivel that resulted, it might be a good idea if you put your Chang down immediately.

You accused me of speculating the OP's estranged/ex wife is a hooker.

I provided proof that I wasn't.

You're too arrogant to acknowledge that you shot first and asked questions later.

Let's leave it at that, shall we?

Edited by HardenedSoul
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Maybe the inlaws think the girls have sin sot potential and are trying to steal them away from you?

they are 6 years old....

Yes and?

In order to get my ex to agree to full custody, I had to promise her that any suitor of our daughter would have to ask her for permission to marry her, and that she would get the sin sot.

Our daughter was two at the time.

Absolutely. I know for a fact that Thais are happy to have daughters because they will yield cash when they marry. For luk kruengs it's multiplied by 10.

Your facts are out of your backside.

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