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Dual nationality help!

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I have an irish passport which I have used to live in thailand on and off for a few years, but it is now full.

My issue is I would now like to switch to using my british passport for thai visa purposes.

I ma hoping someone else has done something similar recently and how they did it?

I tried to switch in Laos, but they told me i needed to have a laos entry stamp in the british passport (which i didnt i stamped out thailand on irish and in to laos on irish also, not believing that this would be such an issue).

I am now down to the last 2 pages of my irish and have booked a flight to KL. The aim is to stamp out of thailand on my irish passport, and stamp in to KL on the british passport. The intention being to return to thailand and stamp back in on my british.

I should also add I have never used the british passport, and it is therefore blank. I didnt know dual nationality and getting stamped in to a country would be such an issue! They are both fully legal and valid travel document.

Does anybody have any experience in this department? Or know anyone who has done similar? Or see any issue thai immigration would have a problem with this?


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You can do a passport swap by air but never at a border crossing because as you found out they look for stamps from the other country in the passport you are entering on. They do this to be sure a person doesn't just turn around try to re-enter without entering the other country.

Just fly to KL enter and depart Malaysia on your your UK passport and then enter Thailand on it with no problem. They don't check for stamps at the airport.

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my daughter holds thai/American passports, Fly into Thailand on her thai passport, leave on her thai passport and depending on where we go uses her thai (if we go to Laos, Cambodia as visa exempt) or us passport, ( everywhere else)

never any trouble

cant change passports using land border crossings.

when u arrive in KL present ur UK passport

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