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Getting out of the bargirl / Isaan dating scene - feels great!

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What I am trying to say is that regardless of my wealth ((very comfortable), these higher end Thai girls do not seem to care and are more interested in the qualities of me as a person.


Some many of you still don't get it. The girls i want are not looking for money. If they were, I would have had one long ago as I have lots of it. For my girlfriend today, overall, she is looking for a shared future and not a player. The only way I met her was because of my unattractiveness. She feels that I am less likely to cheat (i.e. meet another non-bar girl in an unpaid relationship) because they won't be interested in me. And she's right.



They say it all the time but they don't mean it.

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What I am trying to say is that regardless of my wealth ((very comfortable), these higher end Thai girls do not seem to care and are more interested in the qualities of me as a person.

For the poster that said I would drop my girlfriend if a Thonglor beauty gave me the time of day, well, they don't seem to give the time of day to guys parking their lamborgini to hop out and buy some PadThai (in fact, they don't even look at him), so the odds of a random street meeting are zero.

Some many of you still don't get it. The girls i want are not looking for money. If they were, I would have had one long ago as I have lots of it. For my girlfriend today, overall, she is looking for a shared future and not a player. The only way I met her was because of my unattractiveness. She feels that I am less likely to cheat (i.e. meet another non-bar girl in an unpaid relationship) because they won't be interested in me. And she's right.

Right, this is the reason your threads are amusing because you're 42 and yet you sound like a naive teenager who's only just discovering the vagaries and pitfalls of dating.

Are you really so naive as to think that these girls don't check out the guy getting out of a Lambo? Of course they do; they're just discreet.

I've got a rather nice Z1 back home and when I step out of that, women smile and say shit like "oooo, nice car" yadda-yadda but that's London.

This is Thailand.

Here, the women at the level you're talking about are more circumspect in public. They rarely go up to a guy and chat him up but, mob-handed in a club or a bar, they'll get someone to introduce them to him.

If your girl actually tells you that she sees you as a keeper because no other non-bargirl would take you on, she may not be as "nice" as you think

Women play the field too.

You could simply be a base from which she can operate.


It's good when people make changes to their life if what they were doing was making them unhappy as seems to be the case with the OP.

It's better if they can reflect on their behaviour and move on fully, for good.

Then the shame and guilt are no longer transferred on to others, in this case with some vile and deeply misogynistic language.

ditto, and to add;

what makes him thinks that hookers and call girls do not look at themselves in the mirror, (or walk) with pride?

many will say no to him, he just never found that to be true


OP came for easy women. He probably didn´t get many at home. In Thailand he found them in great numbers and they smiled and were available for him. But he is insulted when he finds out they want money one way or another from him.

The question is why the OP:s likely lack of charm and attractivness that probably kept women of his homecountry well away from him suddenly in Thailand should have reversed to an irresistable charmer for the women. Women in Thailand and in farangcountries are basicly the same but the culture differ. A non charmer in farang country is a non charmer also for the thai ladies. But they still take him on due to economical needs. And OP is astounded and insulted of this. Give me another reason why they should care about him. In his homecountry OP is probably not considered wealthy and ladies there then have no reason to overlook his lack of charm. In Thailand he is considered wealthy by the ladies and they overlook his lack of charm. The surprising thing is that OP doesn´t seem to understand that. Why on earth would they be available for him but for money? Even if they say they don´t a logically thinking gentleman should understand that moneytransfer is implied.

The girls must make a living and having sex with OP is probably not that rewarding in it self.

The illusion is that women are easy here for anyone. Its not easy getting girls at home when you're short, bald and 42, regardless of your personality, financial situation or charm. If anything, you would need more charm in order for them to overlook your shortcomings. I always had a girlfriend but nothing of the quality I see over here. I am not astounded or insulted over this. Just a little bit surprised at the lies propagated on ThaiVisa about how easy Thai girls are for anyone from a western country.

What I am trying to say is that regardless of my wealth ((very comfortable), these higher end Thai girls do not seem to care and are more interested in the qualities of me as a person. So many posters here think if you are rich in Thailand, you can have any girl you want. That is the crap that new readers start to think is true. As soon as I went past the bar Isaan scene, the higher end girls couldn't care less, never asked about money and didn't even seem to think about it. In essence, they were not for sale.

I would tell anyone moving here to forget half of what you read here. Yes, maybe if I went up to a rural village, I could find a beautiful; hardworking girl but I don't have the time to live out there.

For the poster that said I would drop my girlfriend if a Thonglor beauty gave me the time of day, well, they don't seem to give the time of day to guys parking their lamborgini to hop out and buy some PadThai (in fact, they don't even look at him), so the odds of a random street meeting are zero.

Some many of you still don't get it. The girls i want are not looking for money. If they were, I would have had one long ago as I have lots of it. For my girlfriend today, overall, she is looking for a shared future and not a player. The only way I met her was because of my unattractiveness. She feels that I am less likely to cheat (i.e. meet another non-bar girl in an unpaid relationship) because they won't be interested in me. And she's right.

For the poster that said I would drop my girlfriend if a Thonglor beauty gave me the time of day, well, they don't seem to give the time of day to guys parking their lamborgini to hop out and buy some PadThai (in fact, they don't even look at him)

The reason they dont bother looking at the rich kids parking their high end cars is because they would be wasting their time.

Learn how Thai society works then you will understand.

the higher end girls couldn't care less, never asked about money and didn't even seem to think about it. In essence, they were not for sale.

Oh they are for sale all right, they probably sussed out you couldnt afford the running costs.

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I have lived here for 23 years, I came here when I was 35, that's the difference, I was a young guy, and I got along ok..

I would think most guys on ThaiVisa are old men, too old to adapt, am I right ?

Hey, guess what, that's why you can't get along, you are too old, just go back to your own home, be safe.

Thailand is not an Old peoples Home.

ThaiVisa forum might be though.

I don't care how old most Thaivisa members are. The help and advice I have received from them has been invaluable, so cut out this "go back to your own home nonsense".

I agree w the above.

I am soon 54, my g/f 32,

this is simply not available in the US,

the girls 32 wants guys 29-36, 40 tops and they want babies too...

just because a girl was in the sex industry, BFD, my ex wife was a high so from Brazil and France, and slept w the worst garbage I had ever known, and as a former biker from NYC, I know trash.....and am occaisionally quite fond of many of them,

but to call them classless, and not worthy my friends,

allow me to bible thump you with the story of jericho, and the only person to have been saved from the calamity, was the HOOKER that hid, Joshua's spies, so, be careful how to speak about them,

I am with one, she is awesome, wholesome, loves her mother, owns multiple properties, and today told her mother, that the reason she didnt get a diamond for valentines day is because, if she wants to marry me, it is the american way, not their old custom of paying the mother......

the mother is now digesting that....

We are MEN for pete's sake,

we make our decisions,

we live with them

we do not CRY about them publicly,

I met a bar girl from Chaing Mai, I was in the bar 20 seconds and she was already rubbing into me, asking for a drink, like she needed one on top of the 30 she already had that nite,

when I told her I had a thai g/f asleep in the hotel across the street, she sobered up, and then told me if I didnt buy her a drink, she would get fired,

so I had her tell me who the owner was, I spoke to the owner, told her I had a thai g/f, and then told her to take the girls scooter keys away from her, and give her some water.............they did as I suggested.

I dont know if the OP meant to write what he did on the forum to convince himself, or others, but his argument is weak...these girls deserve respect, especially, if they acknowledge who they are, and what they are.........no man from the west can be fooled by a thai girl, he caN ONLY pretend, that he was

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if your young its proberly good for you to get out but if your old like me then this bar girl dating scene is the only option one has

My mission is to find an old Thai lady that's done the job on a few foreigner and built up a next egg so we can live in relative comfort without constant ATM withdrawl.

Nothing wrong with ATMs, old chap. Would you prefer to keep your money under the mattress?

Exactly, and even ATM's have a limit, so, you can't get in too deep, without diving, head first.....choose which head, it ends the same


I dont know if the OP meant to write what he did on the forum to convince himself, or others, but his argument is weak...these girls deserve respect, especially, if they acknowledge who they are, and what they are.........no man from the west can be fooled by a thai girl, he caN ONLY pretend, that he was

This is coming from a guy who genuinely believes he's being magnanimous by not insisting his bargirl girlfriend allow him to shag her when she's on her period


Bar girls and schoolteachers..........

Why restrict yourself, have both, as often as possible.

There is a website in the US, I forget the name at the moment, where girls advertise as GFE - girl friend equivalents,

they charge $300 per hour, and frequently are out of town school teachers coming to "work" for two weeks, and say so, directly.

others are stewardesses, who want to earn a few thousand, giving the term "layover" real meaning,

I would beware of what you think they are,

and be aware of how they react, how they treat you, and what they are inside,

you can usually tell by the way they speak to others and the way others react to her, and you, when with her,

to know what and who you have

real smiles, don't fade in a half second, nor does real laughter............come on guys, lameness starts at home


A Thai lady friend (no BG) told me that a lady in a hair salon that she sometimes visits near her apartment building, always

tells her proudly how she has 4 to 5 farang boyfriends, whilst also having a Thai boyfriend she lives with.

The Thai boyfriend does not know she has these farang boyfriends. Whenever one of these farang boyfriends

wants to visit her she will relocate to another part of Bangkok temporarily to receive that farang boyfriend.

She will tell her Thai boyfriend she will explore some business opportunity elsewhere.

The Thai boyfriend does not mind that and will not ask further questions since he is a player himself (the girl knows this

but does not care). Her being absent only gives him opportunity.

The girl will tell my friend, while laughing, that she will pick the one that comes up with the most money.

So this is a normal Thai woman, in her 30s, not a bar girl, finding farang boyfriends online and dating, being involved with them,

at the same time, whilst also having a Thai boyfriend. Her goal is to get the best financial result.

The hair salon is in Bangkapi area by the way, nowhere near any tourist/bar scene.

Not to say that all Thai women are scammers, just saying that any one Thai woman, regardless of profession etc, COULD be one.

(I know farang women could also be, but this topic is about Thai women).


The fact that I'd probably earn ten times more than the average Thai can earn probably means it would make sense for me to pay for everything.

As it is I live in the UK and sharing the costs of going out with a girl isn't a massive problem anyway as no one can afford to go out often due to the cost of everything. :-)

It never makes sense to pay for everything . . .

Only lambs to slaughter think like that.

Anyway, the OP sounds like he's made a good move but I suspect he's going to screw it up if his past behaviour is anything to go by.

Remember this is the guy who got annoyed because the locals told his ex bargirl GF that he'd brought a different hooker back to the home they shared together.

Amazing this internet, that a person cannot run from even themselves!

Why do I have the sense that there is a bad ending coming to this story? ie., he gets caught w a hooker because his "nice girl" won't give it up in a few months, and then kicks him out, keeping the new flat screen TV he was watching his football games on, and the new air conditioner, so he could watch those games in comfort, and the new refrdigerator he bought her to cool his beers, oh wait a second, that was me that bought the frodge for the beers, and carrots, apples and other things I need toi survive here, other than Pad Thai and Papaya Salad which I still cannot eat without choking

Please, this story is weak...........I love bad girls......they know who they are..........


I read your comments,i am not impressed !

These girls who work the bars , streets ect are mostly in survival mode so I would strongly advise you not to look down your nose at at them...

There is probably a minority that are in it for the money alone but most will be supporting elderly parents,children or other family members...

What did your school teacher friend do to support herself whilst going through university ???

you just asked the most revealing and probably most relevant question, which will destroy the OP if he reads it, because now, he is going to have to ask, and will never believe the answer because of who HE is, not her

I believe, every girl we meet is a reflection of who WE are, at the time


I couldn't read any more after ' Since moving to thailand last year ' .... it's just to dam_n long, I don't wanna read a book, just a short story ... I need to go to sleep. I need a drink.

Sent from my TR736 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

short attention span the norm, eh


I have lived here for 23 years, I came here when I was 35, that's the difference, I was a young guy, and I got along ok..

I would think most guys on ThaiVisa are old men, too old to adapt, am I right ?

Hey, guess what, that's why you can't get along, you are too old, just go back to your own home, be safe.

Thailand is not an Old peoples Home.

ThaiVisa forum might be though.

If you hawe lived here fore this time of year why you think only old men on TV get out and go home your self.You come here becuse you a criminal person???Why you come stay when you olnly 35??Most of people here are 50plus up


I read your comments,i am not impressed !

These girls who work the bars , streets ect are mostly in survival mode so I would strongly advise you not to look down your nose at at them...

There is probably a minority that are in it for the money alone but most will be supporting elderly parents,children or other family members...

What did your school teacher friend do to support herself whilst going through university ???

Survival mode? Are you shitting me? My ex was making 5000 baht a night, did nothing to support her family and many of her friends are the same. So if a girl is making 100,000 baht a month, what kind of mode is an average Thai in? From what I've seen, you can describe almost the whole country in "survival" mode. Limited savings, zero investments, maxed out credit. Nothing to do with bargirls.

I never looked down my nose at them. I just said that the mentality they have is one of extraction, regardless of whether they have a great personality, are caring or anything else. I've met bargirls that would do anything possible to help another person, but at the end of the day its about the money every time. Why so many houses in Issan built by sponsors? I don't see the same in other areas of Thailand. The deal was she would marry him, sleep with him and he would take care of her family and build a local house. That is called extraction.

Will I screw it up? Only if I don't value my future as I find it very hard to meet a beautiful, educated, independent Thai girl. For some guys, they can't push them away fast enough. For me, its hard because of my size, baldness, age and I'm looking for the same type of girls that Thai men are looking for (light skin, educated, employed, and beautiful).

During school, her parents supported her. They work at regular jobs.

My point is that some people (myself included) get so buried in the bar life that we don't know how much we're missing out on until we get a chance out.

If some of you dislike my posts so much, do you not understand how the ignore feature works?

And why in the hell do some of you have absolutely nothing better to do in your life than read past posts and research another person? Do you live on here with your 10,000+ posts and not have an outside life? Sad, pathetic life in your village I guess.

Maybe, you are just an alcoholic, and think a girl making 100,000

baht a month, is making a lot of money, because, it isn't, thats $3,000 a month USA, give me a break, that isn't getting most of them, anywhere

not to say it isn't a lot of money, to most thai's, but my girlfriend, IS EDUCATED, is white (she thinks so anyway)

I am Ukranian New Yorker and darker than her, she is beautiful, owns a home in a gated community surrounded by golf courses, at 5'7" 100 pounds, is absolutely delicious, in most western and even asian cultures, and at 32, thinks she is getting too old to be a call girl,

get it yet?

it doesnt matter what and who they are, what, you think there arent gorgeous hookers in Las Vegas with college degrees?

lay off the sauce, put down the bong,

you aren't kidding anyone here trying to justify your "new found" religion,

you are a slu_t , and you will return to your slutness,

why not be honest about who YOU are?

we are, who we are with,

I know what I am,

and she knows, I am as bas as she is,

but we both want more, and we both treat eachother well,

<deleted>, do you think life is about?

where you met your girlfriend?


This situation is multi-faceted. Many falangs who come to Southeast Asia do so for the sex, weather, and cost of living. Too many get hurt by ladies of negotiable virtue who see them as customers, even married, they are viewed as long-term customers. Why do so many falangs fall prey to this ring of desire? Many never had such young and good looking sex partners in their home countries. Many never had the social skills to even date regularly in their home countries. Here all you need to avail yourself of a good looking younger sex partner is Baht-ablility--if you have the baht, you also have the ability. However, if using your baht-ability, my advice to you is to follow the Cold Beer Theory. Like a cold beer, you select the one you want, consume it, put it down, order another.

However, I believe the OP is right. It does feel much better, at least to me, to know the lady is with me because she enjoys my company rather than my baht-ability. How do you meet and date Thai women who are not for sale? Easy enough, if you have basic social skills, just chat up a lady in your office, a university, a department store, a hospital, etc., you know, the normal places where women are present other than a bar. Take the chances that arise to meet and befriend a lady you like. On one of my early trips to Thailand, I acquired food poisoning and had to go to a clinic. In that rather undignified situation, I made contact with my doctor, a very lovely Chinese-Thai lady. We dated off and on for years. When she finally married, we stayed friends, and she has introduced me to female friends of hers. We have stayed friends all these years, my wife knows her.


Of course not. I had to keep that part hidden. If she knew my past, she would finish with me. Why ask such a stupid, pointless question?

If you found out your girlfriend was an ex bar girl who had serviced 100s of men, wouldn't you walk away?

What's wrong with criticisizing bargirls even though I enjoy them for sex? Yes, I enjoy them but ultimately I found it unsatisfying from an emotional point of view. Similar to looking at porn. Meaningless in the big picture. Very few guys could ever attract a hot Baccara girl back home. I've seen their types in the clubs surrounded by groups of men all jostling for the chance. I criticize the bar girl acting as eventually their true feelings are seen and its unsettling. Like watching a children's movie star leave a set to go for a smoke.

If you find my posts trollish, why in the hell do you not only read them but in fact respond? Are you completely retarded?

Walk away?


what does that make you exactly?

and, BTW, whats the difference between "servicing" 100's of men, and being abused regularly by a loving husband, or two?

you want to count the amount of strokes?

I can tell you something about the female body,

it adjusts to the man it is with after a month of being the "only one"

unless she has had 15 kids, she will feel like a virgin again, in no time flat,

do you actually know much about women?

have you ever been married?

do you know, both of my wives called themselves my prostitues after awhile,.

I decided to start with one this time, and, I am much happier and she is much more honest and open about her feelings, than both of them' and as a result, I am becoming a better person, while with her

"feelings", have you heard of them?

bargirls have them too BTW


Of course not. I had to keep that part hidden. If she knew my past, she would finish with me. Why ask such a stupid, pointless question?

If you found out your girlfriend was an ex bar girl who had serviced 100s of men, wouldn't you walk away?

What's wrong with criticisizing bargirls even though I enjoy them for sex? Yes, I enjoy them but ultimately I found it unsatisfying from an emotional point of view. Similar to looking at porn. Meaningless in the big picture. Very few guys could ever attract a hot Baccara girl back home. I've seen their types in the clubs surrounded by groups of men all jostling for the chance. I criticize the bar girl acting as eventually their true feelings are seen and its unsettling. Like watching a children's movie star leave a set to go for a smoke.

If you find my posts trollish, why in the hell do you not only read them but in fact respond? Are you completely retarded?

soooo, when your teacher girlfriend finds out what a slug you are, and she walks away, that makes her just like you, doesn't it?


I am afraid there are way too many like you in Thailand. Of course you pay money. Do you think these girls get free food, room, and clothes. What are you - I got it - your totally ignorant. Tell me this - what good is a free, great, 5-star supper if you go home with no money. How do you think a poor woman thinks when you spend 5,000 bahts on a meal and she gets nothing. That 5,000 would pay a months rent with food money left over. It is probably more money than her parents make all month. You think your a hero for doing that? You are destroying her feeling. She should hate you for it - yep, a great meal but no money. forget it.

There are way too many men in Thailand that are simply ignorant. Yes, the girls want money - they want to eat. At you old job what would you have said if the boss took you to lunch and then said - free lunch no pay for the day.

OMG! You must be really Thai to write this?? Or under some newbie Thainess, brainwashing!

How does anyone in the world who goes on dates, "get food, room and clothes"? If someone, anyone, spends more on dinner than I earn in a month, and invites me to enjoy that with them, then I would be happy and enjoy it! And I would be thanking them and happy for the invitation! I would hope I could invite them to something they could enjoy at some point in the future (this is the point for a "sexy" joke but I don't mean that of course!)

For most the world, your JOB, is where you earn money for food, clothes, house, utilities, cars, vacations, whatever and etc. Your love life is NOT your JOB in most of the world. Your sex life is also NOT your JOB, in most of the world. In fact, most of us, want to have money from our jobs, so we can buy the things we want to have, which will make our love/sex/family life what we hope it will be along with for other reasons obviously.

I read something on TV recently, which reminds me of your post ebean001, it was termed as a joke, and I forget all of it, but it was about a Thai girl who goes out to dinner, and gets her dinner paid, her outfit for the evening purchased, and a list of every damn thing under the sun that the male thought to buy her/pay for her /try to impress her...but she leaves pissed off because the "cheap charlie" didn't think about the gas in her motorbike to drive herself to the event!

What you are saying and comparing to a job, would be like me going to my company Xmas party or some other expensive event and feeling resentful that the company could dare spend so much on that, while I am still ONLY driving a HONDA and not Mercedes! How dare they? How do they think I feel, seeing all that wasted money that COULD be buying ME a better car! Or at least some gold or diamonds?

Your post leaves me shocked actually, but on the other hand, I think I have experienced Thai poeple with this thinking here, and who also use this "bad feeling" I must have given them, as an excuse to steal from me 14 different ways, because of course, I deserve it with my screwed up thinking and non-generous style of giving to them!

Yes, it is pretty clear now in my memory ...the bottom line seems to be, "just give us your money" ....because we want it!

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I'm not necessarily resentful as much as disillusioned. Beautiful and successful Thai girls ignore me like I don't exist while I thought before they would be thrilled to date me. The bar girl sex that felt so fantastic when I came here before on holidays now feels repetitive and practiced.

The reality is that for a lot of white guys, its dam_n hard to meet a beautiful, normal Thai girl here as there is so much pressure on her to conform. Even today she told me up to a year ago she avoided white guys as she believed people would look down on her for being seen together.

There is just so much crap on here that its misleading while reality is different. So many girls in Thonglor look like models yet I've only seen 1 farang with a gorgeous girl since I moved here. Nobody beats them off with a stick like you read on here. And yet every other poster claims his wife is gorgeous.

Too funny. You're many decades too late within your parameters.

The ONLY reason a "2-6" can end up with a "7-9" - sometimes even 10 in another country is because of the wealth disparity.

That disparity has been disappearing wrt "middle class" first worlders vs urban educated Thais over the past few decades.

If you want young & really beautiful, then you have to give up educated and urban, therefore obviously need to have decent Thai language skills and hunt upcountry. As long as you don't mind that level of "relationship" it really isn't all that hard.

If you do want young & really beautiful, but she has to speak English, there are only bargirls, unless you're young & hansum & charming yourself and/or truly wealthy.

And chances are very good no matter what, that the material side of things is a lot more important than you'd like to think, even if she isn't an explicit chiseler.

Best of luck with your latest conquest, hope it lasts a while for you. . .


The reality is, theree are hunters and there are skinners"

the men were the hunters, and the women were the skinners,

did someone forget that Thailand, albeit developing, is still primarily, third world?

I know many will argue that, but their level of english speaking, in a country filled with english speaking foreigners shows the lack of interaction,

Men with money, will achieve women with looks and figures, it is as true of thailand as it is in NYC, London, Prague, Moscow, Los Angeles,

Men with power can attract nearly anything, including the wives of other men (sorry to those whose wives I shagged)

Men who complain on imternet threads, and then admit they are dishonest, because they wouldnt disclose their past lust for lounge creatures,

is going to reap what he sows.......

really, a school teacher........I cannot begin to tll you how many young school teachers I know in the states that are the biggest drunken pigs in bars on the weekends.

on ex wife's kids second grade teacher gave me her number, at a bar, before I knew what she was doing........so, good luck to anyone w a school teacher


Of course not. I had to keep that part hidden. If she knew my past, she would finish with me. Why ask such a stupid, pointless question?

If you found out your girlfriend was an ex bar girl who had serviced 100s of men, wouldn't you walk away?

What's wrong with criticisizing bargirls even though I enjoy them for sex? Yes, I enjoy them but ultimately I found it unsatisfying from an emotional point of view. Similar to looking at porn. Meaningless in the big picture. Very few guys could ever attract a hot Baccara girl back home. I've seen their types in the clubs surrounded by groups of men all jostling for the chance. I criticize the bar girl acting as eventually their true feelings are seen and its unsettling. Like watching a children's movie star leave a set to go for a smoke.

If you find my posts trollish, why in the hell do you not only read them but in fact respond? Are you completely retarded?

I can tell you something about the female body,

it adjusts to the man it is with after a month of being the "only one"

unless she has had 15 kids, she will feel like a virgin again, in no time flat,


So I guess you're not well hung then.


If you found out your girlfriend was an ex bar girl who had serviced 100s of men, wouldn't you walk away?

Let's assume starting age 20, age when you get them 32.

12 years at two customers a day = 4000+

Please change post to "1000s of men", to give a better ball park figure.


^^^ Funny ^^^

I like it.

Oh No, 52, you like this post? (sorry I can't name it here, I am on the wrong page now ...but 52 knows ...the total women hating, use them only for sex, pay per unit, etc.)

I hope you just like it as in "Funny" ...because I have you on ice for when you are single again ...remember?? But I didn't see you like that poster above ...I just love your blunt/honest style ...and well your cooking could be a big benefit, as we discussed before, and the fact that you look like George Clooney ..I can overlook a lot for that, but this?? that post?? I'm sure that isn't you??

Please confirm or deny? But please deny, because I like having something to look forward to! smile.pngwub.png


^^^ Funny ^^^

I like it.

Oh No, 52, you like this post? (sorry I can't name it here, I am on the wrong page now ...but 52 knows ...the total women hating, use them only for sex, pay per unit, etc.)

I hope you just like it as in "Funny" ...because I have you on ice for when you are single again ...remember?? But I didn't see you like that poster above ...I just love your blunt/honest style ...and well your cooking could be a big benefit, as we discussed before, and the fact that you look like George Clooney ..I can overlook a lot for that, but this?? that post?? I'm sure that isn't you??

Please confirm or deny? But please deny, because I like having something to look forward to! smile.pngwub.png

It was funny, some posts are so insane you have to laugh.

So it got a like for making me laugh at the nutter.

Just cooked myself pancakes with lime juice and chocolate ice cream for tea.

Thought of you while I was eating it.


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Men with power can attract nearly anything, including the wives of other men (sorry to those whose wives I shagged)

Clearly men without power can bang the arse off your hi so Brazilian wife too but I'm sure they won't be apologising to you, you big stud you


OP came for easy women. He probably didn´t get many at home. In Thailand he found them in great numbers and they smiled and were available for him. But he is insulted when he finds out they want money one way or another from him.

The question is why the OP:s likely lack of charm and attractivness that probably kept women of his homecountry well away from him suddenly in Thailand should have reversed to an irresistable charmer for the women. Women in Thailand and in farangcountries are basicly the same but the culture differ. A non charmer in farang country is a non charmer also for the thai ladies. But they still take him on due to economical needs. And OP is astounded and insulted of this. Give me another reason why they should care about him. In his homecountry OP is probably not considered wealthy and ladies there then have no reason to overlook his lack of charm. In Thailand he is considered wealthy by the ladies and they overlook his lack of charm. The surprising thing is that OP doesn´t seem to understand that. Why on earth would they be available for him but for money? Even if they say they don´t a logically thinking gentleman should understand that moneytransfer is implied.

The girls must make a living and having sex with OP is probably not that rewarding in it self.

I agree with you Stygge ....I have tried to make this point, a bit differently, a few times before (not in this thread). My point was more to the point that men come here knowing that their money is the hook, yet they THEN try to find a woman, who doesn't want money, and only wants them, 100% due to them, their particular everything that makes them unique, they want love for that ...which makes sense, that they want that. We all want that.

But this would be a bit like a fake gorgeous woman, who tries to trap a man mostly based on looks, then takes off her fake hair, nails, makeup, goes through chemo,, gains 40 pounds, has no energy to dress, and impress, and suddenly looks 20 years older, fater, more tired, and decides that cooking a few times a week and sweeping the floors should be enough "womanly" work to keep her new hot lover interested. Isn't that a bit like some of you guys who start out at X restuarant, and then are at KFC for your ladies birthday ... a year later, and bitching about the money she wants?

But WHY would a woman, who is lets say 20-35 years younger, (big negative 1), who also has nothing in common with this guy culturally ...and I mean NOTHING, and worse than nothing, let us say, everything is pretty much the OPPOSITE, (big negative 2), WHY would this woman be motivated to get involved it if wasn't (in most cases) for the money/security, whatever you want to call it? But then the men feel upset/angry, don't want to pay, can't really afford it for long, etc.

And some men here have some real problems ...they can be charmers or not, but have real problems! And I am sure there are some who are just great and have an Asian thing ...as in all their life, and/or some who are in a temp, condition of low self-esteem, low finances, or something like this, and they are trying out the Thai thing as a solution. Only time will tell how it goes, what changes. I am pretty sure there are some men here who are selling themselves short, no matter what Thai relationship they are in ....I mean that as a compliment to the men, in case you are confused.

Well we all can have problems, and we are all doing the best we can ...I assume. I am not judging anyone, just wondering about what, to me, seems an oxymoron with the money/love situation and what many guys claim they are looking for. I am not putting anyone down, I myself, just put myself out of the game totally, with my last marriage/failure ...so you all might be better then me for sure. I think about "someday I might like ABC" but in reality, I may be to afraid to do anything other than make my dog pack larger! So, I am not better, just more scared to trust and figured it will be a lost battle here, so why try?

Anyway, I am interested in this situation, that the women want you for money, but YOU don't want to spend any money and really want true love? Seems difficult?

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