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Academics divided over appointed PM for next govt

Lite Beer

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Thailand was doing perfectly well under Yingluck until Suthep started his shenanigans. The economy was flourishing and we had a government that was trying to redistribute wealth to the people through the minimum wage and the rice pledging scheme. They were also enriching themselves through their rake offs from every deal, but that didn't make them any different from any other government.

The problem was that the Shinawatras were outsiders. They are country folk - only elite in a strictly Chiang Mai sense. They didn't understand that they were supposed to divvy up the proceeds of corruption so that those at the apex of the Ruling Elite got their share of the goodies and were treated with the respect they felt they were due.

The Elites are also scared stiff of the ordinary Thais, who they have exploited for the past hundred years or more and want to continue exploiting. Empowering ordinary folk reduces them to driving around Bangkok in their Benzes and BMW's to show everyone how important they are - the wais aren't quite as low as they once were.

So they employed Mr. Suthep to try to dislodge the Shins. He has failed thus far because Prayuth refused to to mount a military coup because he and a very few others realise that with no Thaksin, the hard left will take over Peua Thai - this minority of the Ruling Elite, understand that Thaksin is preferable to Jutaporn or Tilda whose socialism/populism shows Thaksin's up as mere rhetoric. Under military rule the hard left could regroup and plan then come the eventual but inevitable election, they would sweep to power.

No the elites will try to use the judiciary to remove the Shins and ban their political party for a 3rd time. The trouble is that the judiciary has now lost what little credibility it had with Thais and the outside world and a 3rd ban would confirm that they are irretrievably biased.

Time to sue for peace with the Shinawatras? They would concede a lot at this stage and then everyone could go back to the happy chaotic corrupt, but surprisingly successful Thailand inc. that existed prior to last October.

Your opening sentence destroys your credibility. Think back to before the protests started and to what caused them. Bugger all to do with Suthep who has simply tried to hi-jack them for his own agenda since.

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Stop the propaganda. There is clearly a democratic system and though you may not like the PT Policies, there is no clear proof of Corruption. If the corruption exists, there is a judicual system to deal with it.

The elections must be compleyed and let the PT vote follow the Charter. This is called Democracy. I cant imagine how anyone can so easily ignore the vote of the people.

Are you so blind you can not see what is happening infront of you

Yes and Santa Claus and the tooth fairy are real

I have read some real idiot stories,but your reply today must take the top of the list

There is no corruption in Thailand Government

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These Thai are proposing to "appoint" a new PM rather than have an election.

Its a shame that many Thailand Visa members have forgotten the greatest start of Democracy in modern Times

It is a sad day when Thais understand True Democracy better than Farlang

Thailand is no longer a democracy but a group of corrupt men looking after them selves and not the country

How many times must I read farlang going on about forming an unelected group to run the country, and turning away from the American Revolution when the founding fathers were also unelected yet they managed to establish one of the greatest governing democracies in modern history

Taskin himself now understands Yinglucks days are over, she will bear the blunt of his greedy wants and will pay the price, in Taskin's democracy family members must be sacrificed for his self game

That has caused even more problems as he has already made it clear that he wants Suwat Liptapanlop to be the next PM as his sister goes down in flames, and Charlerm Yubamrung is not happy as he wants the job. so has gone Power mad with the police to prove to Taskin he deserves the position

With a drunk in charge, well I guess we can do no worse

Its at times like this when we need The Lone Ranger.

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These Thai are proposing to "appoint" a new PM rather than have an election.

Its a shame that many Thailand Visa members have forgotten the greatest start of Democracy in modern Times

It is a sad day when Thais understand True Democracy better than Farlang

Thailand is no longer a democracy but a group of corrupt men looking after them selves and not the country

How many times must I read farlang going on about forming an unelected group to run the country, and turning away from the American Revolution when the founding fathers were also unelected yet they managed to establish one of the greatest governing democracies in modern history

Taskin himself now understands Yinglucks days are over, she will bear the blunt of his greedy wants and will pay the price, in Taskin's democracy family members must be sacrificed for his self game

That has caused even more problems as he has already made it clear that he wants Suwat Liptapanlop to be the next PM as his sister goes down in flames, and Charlerm Yubamrung is not happy as he wants the job. so has gone Power mad with the police to prove to Taskin he deserves the position

With a drunk in charge, well I guess we can do no worse

I read the article stating that an election was the best way of settling the division that faces Thailand, and that PDRC did not have the legitimacy to appoint a garbage man.

I also saw that article on the front page of the rich elite B.P. newspaper, about Charlerm wanted to be PM, which was attributed to a reliable source an un-named PDRC member who wrote it on his facebook page!

The Yellow propaganda voice's front page addressed the article of Thaksin's ex wife has not been out of Thailand ,and it could easily be documented by looking at her passport, the whole front page of the elites propaganda rag covered front page news of so-called rumours!


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I live here. I pay taxes [direct and income], I work here, I have the right to an opinion and the right to express it [within the legal boundaries of course!].

I don't agree with the poster you responded to but I am tired of hearing that if you are non Thai your opinion is worthless.

Everyone is entitled to an opinion, if you feel it has no worth then break it down through logic and debate, not 'you are not Thai, you don't count' arguments.

So you can finnaly understand


""I live here. I pay taxes [direct and income], I work here,""

Mean nothing, so stop getting your hope up

Under Thai law you are here on sufference only same as me

Just that I have learn to accept it

2) I agree same as me you have the right to an opinion even if it means S...t to a thai

so your are preaching a lost cause before you even open your mouth

3) Like you my opinion on any subject refering to Thai law is worthless so I have learn to bend with the wing like a willow tree

4) I do not use the "F" word so at least we both agree on that

5) If you want me to lie and tell every one how important you are there are plenty of poster her who will flatter your ego

but in the end any you are just a farlang

and your place in the thai culture is not even as high up as there cats and dogs

So keep up with you opinions, but to those who have lived here for a while know it means nothing, and all you can best do is upset Thais who think your a smart arse

Don't get so upset

there of many of us who live the same life

Just we have had to adjust to this fact

Mostly agree with you, but don't expect that way of thinking on a forum like this.

Agreed the ability for some to think on a this forum, is the same as believing every young Thai girls really does think you are

handsome man

But reality is knowing what she wants and know what you will get in return

in even then there in no gurantee

I know my place here and as long as I bend with the wind I will have a happy life

I agree with that, what our opinions are just that our own Farang opinions, an ability to state your opinion on the forum to counter the negative ones about Thailand and its people. nothing more, nothing less.

If life was so great in Farang-land all of these Farangs would not be here, we have no rights in this country, I was never afforded many rights from my home country, so there is nothing I miss and can not live without.

I found my place, on this earth in Thailand, be it without rights, thats OK can't complain.


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These Thai are proposing to "appoint" a new PM rather than have an election.

Replying to Academics divided over appointed PM for next govt

There seems to be a division in the academics whether or not an appointed PM would be best at this time.

And also debating whether the appointment would be constitutional. Is it time for another re-write of the Constitution? Maybe that's one of Suthep's undisclosed "reforms." Just like the Democrats re-wrote the Constitution when is last took control of the government which is what the current PTP administration is operating under.

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Let the NACC and courts do their jobs and take care of whoever is corrupt.

Corruption and irregularities in the rice-pledging scheme shouldn't be difficult to prove.

The fact that the proposed Amnesty Law, approved by parliament, was against the constitution is pretty clear.

Next whatever way you do it make sure its legal and within the constitution otherwise the legitimacy to rule will never be there.

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Stop the propaganda. There is clearly a democratic system and though you may not like the PT Policies, there is no clear proof of Corruption. If the corruption exists, there is a judicual system to deal with it.

The elections must be compleyed and let the PT vote follow the Charter. This is called Democracy. I cant imagine how anyone can so easily ignore the vote of the people.

You seem to be confused as to what democracy is. Democracy is a system where the people have the power. Thailand is an oligarchy, power is granted through connections and wealth.

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There is no peoples revolution in Thailand. What we are experiencing is 'Suthep's Manic Revolution', It's his personal and immensely profitable business

His followers in no way make up a mandate and in any event they are so confused with Suthep's irrational ranting, statements and arguments that most of them have gone home and are now in a state of anxiety over what they have done to their country.

As for Thammarstat University choosing the next Prime Minister I find myself concerned for students hearing such an irrational statement from an educator.

It is absolutely imperative that Thailand pursues the democratic path. We have a government. The Thai government went to the people and called for an election in order to confirm their mandate and to maintain Thailand's Democracy.

If Thailand is incapable of that then their is no point in preserving the illusion of democracy because it becomes evident that Thailand's Elite and Royalist minority is determined to rein over the majority of the population that they may continue to exploit them.

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