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Searched By US Customs, Including Laptop & Camera


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DNA is being collected from everyone convicted of any misdemeanor now, and childrens DNA are surely being collected


Law enforcement officials are vastly expanding their collection of DNA to include millions more people who have been arrested or detained but not yet convicted.


The database, which grows by 30,000 samples each month, is populated by samples recovered from crime scenes and taken from police suspects[1] and, in England and Wales, anyone arrested and detained at a police station.


Documents just released by US Immigration & Customs Enforcement (ICE) in response to one of EFF’s Freedom of Information Act requests show that DHS is considering collecting DNA from kids ages 14 and up—and is exploring expanding its regulations to allow collection from kids younger than that.


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DNA is being collected from everyone convicted of any misdemeanor now, and childrens DNA are surely being collected


Law enforcement officials are vastly expanding their collection of DNA to include millions more people who have been arrested or detained but not yet convicted.


The database, which grows by 30,000 samples each month, is populated by samples recovered from crime scenes and taken from police suspects[1] and, in England and Wales, anyone arrested and detained at a police station.


Documents just released by US Immigration & Customs Enforcement (ICE) in response to one of EFF’s Freedom of Information Act requests show that DHS is considering collecting DNA from kids ages 14 and up—and is exploring expanding its regulations to allow collection from kids younger than that.


1st quote, "childrens DNA are surely being collected."

2nd quote, "DHS is considering collecting DNA from kids ages 14 and up—and is exploring expanding its regulations to allow collection from kids younger than that.

Anyone notice the difference is between, "surly being collected" and "Is considering collecting?" Or am I the only one who finds that a major difference?

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desertrat, I too was with the 'authorities'. I also have more than one functioning brain cell. I don't have benevolent bone in my body either. You come after me, we are going to have a rodeo and you will loose. Pull up your own 'ladder', quit threatening people, you are on the wrong side. Try reading the Constitution. If you truly were with the 'authorities' you swore an oath to protect the Constitution, better go back and re-affirm. We swore our oath to protect the Constitution, nothing else.

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I solved this problem for myself at least -- I don't bring a computer into the USA after 1-2 years in Thailand but buy a new laptop when I get there. Nothing I really need for the 2-3 weeks in the USA that cannot be stored as email /attachment or dropbox, etc.

Wondering if this is all a "carry-on" issue, and if the computers are checked, does this same hassle occur?

I know few times I entered the US after short trips to the islands or europe, the only thing they did was have dogs present as people walked by;

this searching of the laptops has caused great consternation, and it makes me want to reset my entire computer after removing my travel photos,

which are easily put on Facebook in a private (sic) folder,

but at least they are retrievable and not on the drive anymore,

facebook, dropbox and other online storage facilities get searched too, but at least you will avoid losing time at the border.

I am not worried and don't object to punctual searches, but the government storing private data about people that are neither convicted nor suspected of any wrongdoing is unacceptable, as well as hacking or gaining access by other means to private data storage.

Easily avoided by using a personal wesbite, from godaddy, or network solutions, etc., then you get free personal email, which you can send from a TOR browser, and your emails are totally private, unless you send them to someone w a gmail!

there is a reason it is called G-Male, G-Men- get it?

I have my own servers, thanks, but email is essentially still relayed in unencrypted form, except when people use an encryption client (way too cumbersome) or when large service providers have an agreement to encrypt their mutual communications, such as some German providers start doing. So it's really easy to eavesdrop on email communication by just copying the message flow between relays, I'd say between 60 and 75% of worldwide emails pass at one point or another through servers controlled by the USA.

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Thanks for the tip, mate! Made me think! From now on I'll make a point to take my piercings out, get a nice haircut, hide my commie tattoos and dress nice before going through US border controls.

Appreciate that. Thanks. As Lee Kuan Yew once said: "Garbage looking people deserve to treated accordingly."

Great man, that Lee.

Yes of course, Singapore is a shining light in the annals of personal freedom:

"The government in Singapore has broad powers to limit citizens' rights and to inhibit political opposition."


"Singapore enforces the death penalty by hanging and has, according to Amnesty International, one of the world's highest execution rates relative to its population."

Yup, great man, that Lee...

His country is highest on education rankings and lowest in corruption. An absolutely wonderful place to live. A country with almost no natural resources, a rock in the middle of the ocean, yet so much success which he undoubtedly has played some role in...

but apparently the lack of bubble gum is just too much for farang...

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1) you know nothing about Obamacare, its huge deductibles, and forced premiums on many who cannot afford them

2) you are also not aware, no COUNTY hospital turns away anyone, thru the ER

This is about customs and immigration, It has nothing to do with Obamacare

Lets keep to the program and not lose the plot completely biggrin.png

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the BRIC's have created their own internet and plan to put it online soon, and completely block NSA

I think that you need to understand the difference between planning and want to and maybe and have created.

When the BRIC's actually have an INTERNET why don't you call us. Since the US is an expert at tapping underwater cables I wonder why anyone would try it but who knows, "there is a sucker born every minute."

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OP can you post a pic of your face? Maybe you have that creepy look in which case the officer was right to check. These guys are just doing their job so no worries from me.

Yes, we lose our right to privacy as a result of people like you "having no worries." Thank you so much for you kind and thoughtful efforts.

There is right, there is wrong, and then there is not being able to tell the difference between the two. I think not being able to tell the difference is the most dangerous of the three.

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I doubt it. Post a gMap link, including directions from where you get off the macadam

By water in a boat one may cross back and forth from America to Canada 20 times an hour if the wind is blowing from your intended direction of travel.

The border begins at the northwesternmost point of Minnesota's Northwest Angle 49°23′N, 95°09′W, and proceeds in an easterly direction through the Angle Inlet into the Lake of the Woods. At 41°19′N, 94°48′W in the Lake of the Woods, the border turns to a southerly direction, and continues into the Rainy River. The border then follows the Rainy River to Rainy Lake, then subsequently through a numerous amount of small lakes, including Lake Namakan, Lac la Croix, and Sea Gull Lake, until reaching the Pigeon River, which leads it out into Lake Superior. The border continues through Lake Superior and reaches Whitefish Bay. The border then proceeds through Whitefish Bay into the St. Mary's River, then into Lake St. Mary's, into the North Channel, then, at 45°59′N 83°26′N, turns to a southerly direction into the False Detour Channel, and reaches Lake Huron. The border then heads in a southerly direction through Lake Huron until reaching the St. Clair River, which subsequently leads it to Lake St. Clair. The border then proceeds through Lake St. Clair, reaching the Detroit River, which leads it to Lake Erie. The border then proceeds through Lake Erie into the Niagara River, which subsequently leads in into Lake Ontario. The border then proceeds in a northwesterly direction in Lake Ontario, then at 43°27′N, 79°12′W, the border makes a sharp turn to a north easterly direction. The border then reaches and proceeds through the St. Lawrence River. Finally, at 45°00′N, 74°40′E, the border splits from the St. Lawrence River and continues into Quebec. This border, going from west to east, is shared with the U.S. states of Minnesota, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and New York.

Edited by thailiketoo
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I doubt it. Post a gMap link, including directions from where you get off the macadam

By water in a boat one may cross back and forth from America to Canada 20 times an hour if the wind is blowing from your intended direction of travel.

I'll remember to buy a boat in Canada next time I go to the USA for the week to visit the folks in Texas. Sure beats leaving the laptop at home in Thailand.

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I doubt it. Post a gMap link, including directions from where you get off the macadam

By water in a boat one may cross back and forth from America to Canada 20 times an hour if the wind is blowing from your intended direction of travel.

I'll remember to buy a boat in Canada next time I go to the USA for the week to visit the folks in Texas. Sure beats leaving the laptop at home in Thailand.

You must be European. No knowledge of geography. Buy the boat in Mexico to go to Texas.biggrin.png

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I'll remember to buy a boat in Canada next time I go to the USA for the week to visit the folks in Texas. Sure beats leaving the laptop at home in Thailand.

You must be European. No knowledge of geography. Buy the boat in Mexico to go to Texas.biggrin.png

Boat? We don't need no stinking boat....


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I doubt it. Post a gMap link, including directions from where you get off the macadam

By water in a boat one may cross back and forth from America to Canada 20 times an hour if the wind is blowing from your intended direction of travel.

I'll remember to buy a boat in Canada next time I go to the USA for the week to visit the folks in Texas. Sure beats leaving the laptop at home in Thailand.

You must be European. No knowledge of geography. Buy the boat in Mexico to go to Texas.biggrin.png


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I doubt it. Post a gMap link, including directions from where you get off the macadam

By water in a boat one may cross back and forth from America to Canada 20 times an hour if the wind is blowing from your intended direction of travel.

The border begins at the northwesternmost point of Minnesota's Northwest Angle 49°23′N, 95°09′W, and proceeds in an easterly direction through the Angle Inlet into the Lake of the Woods. At 41°19′N, 94°48′W in the Lake of the Woods, the border turns to a southerly direction, and continues into the Rainy River. The border then follows the Rainy River to Rainy Lake, then subsequently through a numerous amount of small


I didn't want an encyclopedic discourse on the entire border.

I said I don't believe you yourself personally have knowledge of specific location(s) in Canada where a foreigner could drive off the highway, put a boat in the water and head over to the US side without being detected by the authorities and their countermeasure systems nor reported by the locals.

I'm asking for a specific pinned location, for example:


Next time I want to bring in one of my teeraks without bothering with the paperwork - or maybe a nuclear suitcase bomb - I'll give it a try.

(to the TLA watchers notified by the above keywords- just kidding I swear!! )

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I doubt it. Post a gMap link, including directions from where you get off the macadam

By water in a boat one may cross back and forth from America to Canada 20 times an hour if the wind is blowing from your intended direction of travel.

The border begins at the northwesternmost point of Minnesota's Northwest Angle 49°23′N, 95°09′W, and proceeds in an easterly direction through the Angle Inlet into the Lake of the Woods. At 41°19′N, 94°48′W in the Lake of the Woods, the border turns to a southerly direction, and continues into the Rainy River. The border then follows the Rainy River to Rainy Lake, then subsequently through a numerous amount of small


I didn't want an encyclopedic discourse on the entire border.

I said I don't believe you yourself personally have knowledge of specific location(s) in Canada where a foreigner could drive off the highway, put a boat in the water and head over to the US side without being detected by the authorities and their countermeasure systems nor reported by the locals.

I'm asking for a specific pinned location, for example:


Next time I want to bring in one of my teeraks without bothering with the paperwork - or maybe a nuclear suitcase bomb - I'll give it a try.

(to the TLA watchers notified by the above keywords- just kidding I swear!! )

Anyone can step off a dock on the Canada side of Lake Ontario or get picked up off shore and brought into any of the inlets spanning from Buffalo east, and go undetected.

All that is required of boat owners in NY, is that they "check in" upon their return

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Getting someone else involved when it's obvious your intention is to cross over illegally seems overly risky to me.

I'm talking about foreigners having their own boat on a trailer, putting it into the water at a spot in Canada, and crossing over without anyone reporting them.

If it's really that easy what are we spending billions on "border security" for?

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Had my camera searched at the San Francisco airport, told the TA I had nothing lude on the camera, just a titty and ass shot of my girlfriend. I also had oxycontin, muscle relaxer's, from a doctor in BKK for a back problem they fixed for me. I also had 2 diet pills I took away from my GF
and forgot I threw them in my map and card box, on me. If those pills were an explosive device, when I tuned on the camera, could of taken out
a good part of SF airport, he never checked my shave bag, which had the pills in or the map case. Thats the TA and Tax payers money at work!!
Thank you Jesus!!
I'm going back this year and will have an Indian Clothier, make me up a CATHOLIC CARDINAL SUITE...........thumbsup.gif

I had to read your post three times and finally figured most of it out. Bizzaro World comes to mind.

I hope your talking about the TA that wanted to see whats on my camera, but never bother to check anything else........I'm sure pedophiles working in our TA, have easy access to material and pic's, just like our border guard's taking $50,000 to double their income for the year, by letting one semi-truck through the border loaded with drugs.

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No, I'm sure he's posting wrt your style of writing and also its content, particularly the costume bit?

I would suggest your being more careful about what's in your possession when crossing any borders in future.

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Back on the OP topic..........................pardon me if it has been asked and answered in the 10 previous pages, but what if a person is carrying pirated coppy writed movies, either porn or non porn [no kiddy porn]?? Would 'they' be confiscated and the 'smuggler' prosecuted??

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