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Warong says PM Yingluck was aware of the fake G-to-G rice deals with China


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The only problem with the G 2 G deal was that it was with local Government in China rather than National Government. These deals have been going on for years with no problem. Now they make a big fuss just to put more pressure on YL.

That the government was not selling G2G s just one point. What is more important is that the rice was not exported at all but sold to cronies domestically for B4-6k per tonne. It may even have been re-pledged to the government after that. The first point is misrepresentation. The second is fraud.

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The only problem with the G 2 G deal was that it was with local Government in China rather than National Government. These deals have been going on for years with no problem. Now they make a big fuss just to put more pressure on YL.

To write this kind of nonsense, I believe you are a fake doctor!

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"Ms Yingluck, in her capacity as the chair of the National Rice Policy Committee, knew every step about the deals but chose not to do anything or to suspend the deals."

Ahhh.....bless her......she never knew anything.........she never did anything and she will never do anything in the future.

She hasn't got the brain for things like that.

She is sitting on the only real assett she has and even that is depreciating rapidly.

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This crisis will not be resolved on a small bridge in Bangkok. It will be resolved in a rice deal - a fake one, to use the Yingluck administration's favourite word - that was intended to release domestic funding that would have been inaccessible otherwise. The " China export deal that never was " - is the smoking gun that so forcefully and convincingly crystallizes the rice scheme - and that will drive the path towards the impeachment of this administration.

Edited by Scamper
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Can anyone explain just what exactly the allegation is re the "fake" G-to-G rice deals with China, or cite to an explantion?

I remember when YL met with the Chinese Premier last year, and the Thai government at that time claimed the Chinese govt was going to buy something like 1 million tons per year of rice. But as best as I recall, the Chinese government at that time never said anything about such a deal.

So is the allegation that the whole thing was just false and there was no deal. Or, are we talking about the details of some actual deal just being different from what had been publicly reported, such as the sale being to private intermediaries instead of direct to the Chinese govt?

Is this the "fake" deal the NACC is currently looking at? None of the various posts on the supposed investigation ever actually detail the specifics.


As far as i know the rice program was set up this way that only on G2G deals could they sell it a price lower as what they bought it for. What supposedly happened (and i hope they can prove it) is that rice under a G2G deal was sold cheap.. but not to a government but to a PTP supporter who resold it back to the government at the high rice program scam. So that is 2 times the loss on the same rice and a great way for the PTP to steal.

That is one and other fake deals were just deals reported to give the impression that rice was being sold while it was not, plus they never released details because else they had to admit they were making a loss and had to adjust the budget.

They set up the program this way saying it could not make a loss thus the total government spending stayed on paper within limits while the reality was a totally different thing big losses were made that should have been deducted from the national budget and then other projects (that they also stole from) would not have been so high and then they could not have stolen so much money or done all the populist scams they like.

Thanks for that explanation, Robblok. I see that fits with what Smedly also posted on above.

Understand now... Wow... quite a "good" scheme for enriching one's friends and associates.

Hope everyone involved in it is nailed... though, that's probably too much to hope for, this being Thailand.

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The only problem with the G 2 G deal was that it was with local Government in China rather than National Government. These deals have been going on for years with no problem. Now they make a big fuss just to put more pressure on YL.

I believe that the main problem was that the "Chinese" company was the wife of the airline tycoon, Arisman.

He only became the owner of an airline fairly recently when he managed to come into some money (the airline license alone requires a minimum of 200 million in the bank) ...

Before that he was just the husband of a member of parliament and retired pop star who was successful 20 years ago (which is what made him a household name, rather than politics).

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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The only problem with the G 2 G deal was that it was with local Government in China rather than National Government. These deals have been going on for years with no problem. Now they make a big fuss just to put more pressure on YL.

Every little bit helps biggrin.png

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The only problem with the G 2 G deal was that it was with local Government in China rather than National Government. These deals have been going on for years with no problem. Now they make a big fuss just to put more pressure on YL.

Every little bit helps biggrin.png.pagespeed.ce.XhpYJIv77v.png

even African farmers know these tricks - they are called Nigerian 419 scams where victims are lured into making an "Advance Deposit" expecting to make a gain and then other stories are made to help justify a moonlight run, very sad Thai farmers must be very innocent and trusting good people who never learn about this Chinese 419 scam so I guess like Africa has Nigerians Asia has Chinamen

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He says, she says. Thai "news" is always he says, she says and he says.

That's what news is everywhere you clown !

If the news story was about how much the Issan people loved Yingluck you would not make such a stupid comment, would you ?

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The guy says he "Thinks she knew". By the way, there is no proof that there was corruption! Thailand chose to delay tje deal, china deal failed. Thats it!

my opinion is that current G2G scams that were in progress very quickly were abandoned once investigations were getting to the truth, supposedly the China side cut the deals - personally I don't believe there were any deals to begin with and now any paper trails will have been destroyed leaving no evidence to uncover

This is my opinion and I believe it's not far from the truth - this scam was directing money straight to Thaksin through bogus companies - bogus contracts and bogus rice

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The only problem with the G 2 G deal was that it was with local Government in China rather than National Government. These deals have been going on for years with no problem. Now they make a big fuss just to put more pressure on YL.

Really ? you think so ?

From another thread on TV

you people want to know what this is about

The government once announced that the sale of stockpiled rice would be done under a G2G (government to government) arrangement via a Chinese company called GSSG Import & Export Corporation, whose sole appointed agent in Thailand is Mr. Natthanit Sojirakul, a.k.a. 'Palm' who is the personal assistant of Udonthani MP Rapheephan Phongrueangrong, wife of red shirt leader Arisman Phongrueangrong.

Mr. Natthanit in turn issued a formal letter appointing as his representative Mr. Nimol Rakdee, who is the right hand man of Sia Piang.

It was Mr. Nimol Rakdee's job to purchase rice from the government under the G2G scheme via the Department of Foreign Trade. Sia Piang then takes the rice which was sold at a price below market rates due to the fact that there was no public auction as per G2G regulations, and sells them to the rice mills at market rates.

The government loses money once because Sia Piang pockets the difference between the G2G price and the market rates. The rice mills then sell the rice back to the government, causing the government to lose money the twice because the government is obliged to buy the rice at 40% above the market rate.

It is probably not negligence or coincidence that causes the government loses money in this way. More likely because Sia Piang (circled) is a close associate of Thaksin.

Selling the rice under a G2G scheme (to avoid a public tender) is actually a scheme to sell the rice to corporations belonging to people close to Thaksin Shinawatra.

so maybe you can explain the above


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This bloke is really sharp. The whole world knew it was a bogus deal.

yes, but lying to poor farmer is easier........until they find out.the trick.

the grave is getting larger and larger everyday


Lying to your own people is irrelevant , its lying to the financial markets that's the problem.

The rice mess was bust 9 to 12 months ago. But, remember it was never ever going to break even .. This is the lie, that in some way it would become self financing.

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The guy says he "Thinks she knew". By the way, there is no proof that there was corruption! Thailand chose to delay tje deal, china deal failed. Thats it!

even if she was not at the meetings she was supposed to chair, she must have signed the minutes off "as read", well if she did not even read them then what the hell have they been paying her a PM's salary for?

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The guy says he "Thinks she knew". By the way, there is no proof that there was corruption! Thailand chose to delay tje deal, china deal failed. Thats it!

even if she was not at the meetings she was supposed to chair, she must have signed the minutes off "as read", well if she did not even read them then what the hell have they been paying her a PM's salary for?

Other than people telling the press there was a deal, was there ever ANY proof?

Maybe they should sue the media for spreading false stories? There was never a deal, just a loose MOU.

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