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Residents stop attempted sexual assault of pensioner in North Pattaya


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Residents stop attempted sexual assault of pensioner in North Pattaya


PATTAYA: -- Residents in Soi Potisan in North Pattaya detained a 35 year old man on Monday afternoon, accused of attempting to sexually assault a 66 year old woman. This is apparently the 3rd time he has tried this.

Police were called to the scene and arrested Khun Wacharin aged 35, who had sustained facial injuries during the detention process. Nearby was Khun Sa-art aged 66 who claimed this was the 3rd time he had tried to sexually assault her.

On this occasion the man, who appeared to be in a drunken state, approached the woman and asked if the pair could have sex. She refused but the man lunged towards her and held her in an inappropriate manner. Her screams were heard by locals who came to her assistance.

Full story: http://www.pattayaone.net/pattaya-news/118676/residents-stop-attempted-sexual-assault-of-pensioner-in-north-pattaya/

-- Pattaya One 2014-02-18

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There are times when the 'attack by numbers' mentality can be a good thing...................wink.png

I hope the woman wasn't injured, physically anyway as this encounter must have freaked her out, and if so recovers quickly.

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The guy was drunk ok. Sure he did wrong and needs punishment but can we forego the ritual calls for the death penalty. Just give him a couple granny-porn DVDs and some lotion and he should be harmless.

So many posters here at TV get the knickers in a knot when they perceive dual standards being applied here in Thailand, and yet ...

Agreed that this guy is screwed up and it's good news that people prevented him from molesting the old lady, but why is some 35 year old guy going after a 66 year old woman in North Pattaya more disgusting than legions of 66 year old men hitting on 20 year old women anywhere south of Pattaya Klang on a daily basis?

Edited by Suradit69
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The guy was drunk ok. Sure he did wrong and needs punishment but can we forego the ritual calls for the death penalty. Just give him a couple granny-porn DVDs and some lotion and he should be harmless.

So many posters here at TV get the knickers in a knot when they perceive dual standards being applied here in Thailand, and yet ...

Agreed that this guy is screwed up and it's good news that people prevented him from molesting the old lady, but why is some 35 year old guy going after a 66 year old woman in North Pattaya more disgusting than legions of 66 year old men hitting on 20 year old women anywhere south of Pattaya Klang on a daily basis?

U may be new to Pattaya, but this girls get paid a negotiated fee for services rendered

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The guy was drunk ok. Sure he did wrong and needs punishment but can we forego the ritual calls for the death penalty. Just give him a couple granny-porn DVDs and some lotion and he should be harmless.

attempted rape on 3 occasions and he is harmless..

talk about turning the other cheek.

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Good for those neighbors! Third time? Have cops been called before? 500 baht fine, but since this is third, get tough policy and fine 1000? may I suggest next time break a leg or two of his? Hard to lunge with a broken leg.

And just a reminder that rape is not really so much a sexual crime, but one of violence and intimidation, using sex as a means to humiliate the victim. You could do research on google to get more understanding of this.

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The guy was drunk ok. Sure he did wrong and needs punishment but can we forego the ritual calls for the death penalty. Just give him a couple granny-porn DVDs and some lotion and he should be harmless.

would it be the same post from you if it was your granny....i hope so...

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The guy was drunk ok. Sure he did wrong and needs punishment but can we forego the ritual calls for the death penalty. Just give him a couple granny-porn DVDs and some lotion and he should be harmless.

would it be the same post from you if it was your granny....i hope so...[winstonc]

Don't all families have "that" uncle that get a little too amorous with the female relatives after he's had a few too many? What do you propose, that "Uncle Fred" be drawn and quartered? Maybe this guy gets violence when drunk and acts out his fantasy of making it with hot grannies and for this he needs appropriate punishment and treatment. After punishment, maybe as he does seem to be a repeat offender, alcohol rehabilitation or testosterone reduction treatment.

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The guy was drunk ok. Sure he did wrong and needs punishment but can we forego the ritual calls for the death penalty. Just give him a couple granny-porn DVDs and some lotion and he should be harmless.

So many posters here at TV get the knickers in a knot when they perceive dual standards being applied here in Thailand, and yet ...

Agreed that this guy is screwed up and it's good news that people prevented him from molesting the old lady, but why is some 35 year old guy going after a 66 year old woman in North Pattaya more disgusting than legions of 66 year old men hitting on 20 year old women anywhere south of Pattaya Klang on a daily basis?

Because the 20 year olds get paid to their advantage ... by their own choice.

Nobodies molesting or taking advandage of the 20 year olds.

Apples and oranges mate.

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I thought a witnessed Criminal Act would be proceeded with even without the Victim having to complain??

What if he was successful and she was Dead ?? 'Oh well she can't formally complain so forget it ?'

Ya gotta love Patts. Law & Order & Rim Where is the Point ?????

Third time wasn't lucky for him by the look of it


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Shame on TV for not reproducing the whole article from Pattaya One. The assailant is well known to be mentally disturbed and the lady who was his victim did not want to press charges against him. I've seen a similarly disturbed young man in an up-country village who almost always behaved inappropriately and very oddly. He was childlike and very much mentally underdeveloped (sorry to anyone if I've not described him in a PC way). Everyone in the village looked after him, fed him, clothed him, housed him and generally accepted him despite all his eccentricities and problems. Seems like the same for the young man in this article, so perhaps there should be a little less demonising. It's probable that none of his "problems" are of his own making. Let's not forget that a welfare society in Thailand is pretty much unheard of. This is perhaps an example of real care in the community.

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