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Racism or Am I Just too Sensitive.


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ok - you want the truth - I assume. Many people from India, come here and act really badly. I have been knocked off the sidewalks by them, grabbed by the arm and detained by the ones working in the tailor shops as i walked past.

You do realise that the tailor shop guys are Thai citizens and their ancestors have been living in Thailand for a century or more?

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I thought this thread was going to be a whine about minor shit from some naive westerner not used to travel. But what you describe is total BS. You have a lot more patience than I do. Good on you for not losing the plot.

Im a racist...............lol. Theres a reason why thais react to you the way they do. EXPERIENCE.

Is it really necessary for 5 indians to negotiate with a woman of their desires.................lol. While negotiating im sure shes thinking are they going to pay.

You really cant blame the thais They dont have the time to see if you are the exception. AND they dont care.

Edited by choochoo
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I am a big fat tall white American who speaks only English.

I am welcomed everywhere... that I am polite.... in Thailand.

I would never be so silly as to move to an Islamic nation nor a black African nation.

I do not wish to start trouble and know where just my face would not be welcomed.

I know to just stay out of those places.

It is silly of anyone to think they deserve equal treatment from people with strong cultural beliefs. Just stay out.

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To: Whomever may be or is interested these are my experiences. I am a retired black Native North American, who is also a disabled U.S. Military Veteran and Law Enforcement Officer.

I had saved up and planned for 12 years to move and retire in Thailand, only to realize it was a mistake. I came to the kingdom of Thailand to live a relaxed stress free life enjoying a quiet lifestyle and the beaches. Since I do not chase women, run the Bars or Clubs and do not use drugs, get drunk and very rarely even drink. I find myself being targeted by most the Thais I talk to every time I go outside my door. I have actually come to pity most of the older men around me, Foreigners and Thais alike. I have found that many foreigners have learned to deal with their situation by getting lost in their own mental escape. Whatever way they could find through; doing charity work, schools, working jobs, exercise, internet, alcohol, sex and even with their families. Some Foreigners had manage to stay in Thailand years on school visas learning the Thai Language or other schools. Until they reached their retirement age. It seems many if not most Thai women only learn English or other languages with hopes of getting rich quick off marrying Foreigner men. Unfortunately, I have personally witnessed too many of those Thai women mentally abusing older Foreigner men for their money in public. Which was why I decided not to allow any Thai women to get close to me, to avoid getting caught up in that kind of Thai entanglements, scams or tricks that I can. I also come to realizing that most Thais will never admit any other Thais commit any crimes or do anything wrong. It seems most Thai people never hear no evil or see no evil, if it done to a Foreigners by other Thais. Especially if a Foreigner dies it is just Thai culture.

I think this list below of just a few the things that have been done to me. Personally I just LOL at all of it and the absurdity of it all…. It should answer some of your questions as to why I feel this way in less than 2 years in Thailand.

1.) I found I could not relax on Pattaya Beach or any Beaches, with the rude way Thais always talk or start yelling loudly around me. Or the way Thai vender and merchants always waking me trying to force me to buy their over-priced products or services. I have learn to carry ear plugs to play music to sleep or ignore their rudeness until I can afford to leave here. I even found most Thais smiles were usually fake, unless you are handing over money to them.

Since arriving I’ve become tired of hearing so many Thai people saying to me and other Foreigners;

2.) Buy me, give me or where is my Tip, when I already paid or they have not done anything for a Tip.

3.) When Thais actions and words show Thais don’t respect any Farang that we have to respect Thais.

6.) Or If we don’t like Thailand, we can leave Thailand. When I have not done or said nothing to them?

5.) Thailand is for Thai people not for (you, Farang or Farangs).

I have even had three different TRP Police Officers threaten insult and/or say to me;

6.) A TRP gave me a false accident report he signed, not admit that a Thai Truck Driver hit me.

a. The TRP Officer said, If I don’t like the accident report saying no one’s fault, I can leave Thailand.

7.) When my cellphone with cp tracker on it was stolen a TRP Police Officer told me.

a. He would only go with me to get my phone back if I paid him 8,000 Baht. I said No Thanks.

(8,000 Baht was more than I had paid for the Cellphone.)

8.) One TRP Police asked me. How did I passed Thai Driver’s License test without any Thai Help?

a. The TRP Officer asked, Why you don’t have Thai woman this is Thailand, you need Thai?

b. When I answered I paid 258 Baht for License TRP Officer accused me of saying 2,000 Baht?

c. The way TRP said. “I will see you around”. I felt his threat as if he thought of me as a criminal?

If you want to call it discrimination or racism you can? I simply call it their uncompromising egotistical arrogant behavior and the money loving attitudes of the Thai people. Once I realized that I decided to vote with my feet and spend my retirement and money elsewhere. But unfortunately it will take me a year to save up enough to move comfortably, unless there’s an emergency where I need to blow out of this Hell Hole Faster...

if you live in a resort area be prepared for jaded locals. sensible guys retire upcountry.

whats to do up country besides watch grass grow and drink with the locals and oogle un-sightly girls?

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To: Whomever may be or is interested these are my experiences. I am a retired black Native North American, who is also a disabled U.S. Military Veteran and Law Enforcement Officer.

I had saved up and planned for 12 years to move and retire in Thailand, only to realize it was a mistake. I came to the kingdom of Thailand to live a relaxed stress free life enjoying a quiet lifestyle and the beaches. Since I do not chase women, run the Bars or Clubs and do not use drugs, get drunk and very rarely even drink. I find myself being targeted by most the Thais I talk to every time I go outside my door. I have actually come to pity most of the older men around me, Foreigners and Thais alike. I have found that many foreigners have learned to deal with their situation by getting lost in their own mental escape. Whatever way they could find through; doing charity work, schools, working jobs, exercise, internet, alcohol, sex and even with their families. Some Foreigners had manage to stay in Thailand years on school visas learning the Thai Language or other schools. Until they reached their retirement age. It seems many if not most Thai women only learn English or other languages with hopes of getting rich quick off marrying Foreigner men. Unfortunately, I have personally witnessed too many of those Thai women mentally abusing older Foreigner men for their money in public. Which was why I decided not to allow any Thai women to get close to me, to avoid getting caught up in that kind of Thai entanglements, scams or tricks that I can. I also come to realizing that most Thais will never admit any other Thais commit any crimes or do anything wrong. It seems most Thai people never hear no evil or see no evil, if it done to a Foreigners by other Thais. Especially if a Foreigner dies it is just Thai culture.

I think this list below of just a few the things that have been done to me. Personally I just LOL at all of it and the absurdity of it all…. It should answer some of your questions as to why I feel this way in less than 2 years in Thailand.

1.) I found I could not relax on Pattaya Beach or any Beaches, with the rude way Thais always talk or start yelling loudly around me. Or the way Thai vender and merchants always waking me trying to force me to buy their over-priced products or services. I have learn to carry ear plugs to play music to sleep or ignore their rudeness until I can afford to leave here. I even found most Thais smiles were usually fake, unless you are handing over money to them.

Since arriving I’ve become tired of hearing so many Thai people saying to me and other Foreigners;

2.) Buy me, give me or where is my Tip, when I already paid or they have not done anything for a Tip.

3.) When Thais actions and words show Thais don’t respect any Farang that we have to respect Thais.

6.) Or If we don’t like Thailand, we can leave Thailand. When I have not done or said nothing to them?

5.) Thailand is for Thai people not for (you, Farang or Farangs).

I have even had three different TRP Police Officers threaten insult and/or say to me;

6.) A TRP gave me a false accident report he signed, not admit that a Thai Truck Driver hit me.

a. The TRP Officer said, If I don’t like the accident report saying no one’s fault, I can leave Thailand.

7.) When my cellphone with cp tracker on it was stolen a TRP Police Officer told me.

a. He would only go with me to get my phone back if I paid him 8,000 Baht. I said No Thanks.

(8,000 Baht was more than I had paid for the Cellphone.)

8.) One TRP Police asked me. How did I passed Thai Driver’s License test without any Thai Help?

a. The TRP Officer asked, Why you don’t have Thai woman this is Thailand, you need Thai?

b. When I answered I paid 258 Baht for License TRP Officer accused me of saying 2,000 Baht?

c. The way TRP said. “I will see you around”. I felt his threat as if he thought of me as a criminal?

If you want to call it discrimination or racism you can? I simply call it their uncompromising egotistical arrogant behavior and the money loving attitudes of the Thai people. Once I realized that I decided to vote with my feet and spend my retirement and money elsewhere. But unfortunately it will take me a year to save up enough to move comfortably, unless there’s an emergency where I need to blow out of this Hell Hole Faster...

if you live in a resort area be prepared for jaded locals. sensible guys retire upcountry.

whats to do up country besides watch grass grow and drink with the locals and oogle un-sightly girls?

for well rounded people or layabout barflies?

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I few sorry for the OP and yes you were poorly treated. You should talked to the manager in those hotels. However, in a hotel in BKK I've seen Indian tourists eating baked beans with their hands standing in the middle of the buffet room. One waiter told me many Indian tourist do that. Some of them whip their hands on the table. Almost all of them are looking for ways to cheats and shortcuts. I've seen farangs yell at Thai nurses at my hospital very often. It's easy for them to misunderstand you if you look Indian or Arab.

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Let me make it very simple for you. If you are black or even brown skin colour they don't like you and yes they are racist to the bone. People from the NE are looked down upon based on nothing but their skin colour. I am Australian born of mixed breed and went to a bar in Patts a few years ago. When I entered they bouncer said "Where you from?" I said Australia. Had a good think about it and on the way out asked him why and he said "You look same same India".

Thais also don't like how Indians like to travel around in huge groups, however having said that, Thais like doing the same thing!!!

Dont take it personally, put it down to you are in an uncivilized country where the people have been brainwashed from day one to worship their elite and treat all foreigners with disdain. I hate the word farang but I keep going because its a good cheap holiday most of time. I have found the poorer people in the provinces much nicer than some of the a***holes you meet in the cities.

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Yes you are here for cheap holidays in an uncivilized country. Australia has been known as an Asian haters for a long time, what about that ugly Pauline Hanson of yours. You are not all that nice people so don't come over here to Thailand live here and spit on us and expect to be respected.

Let me make it very simple for you. If you are black or even brown skin colour they don't like you and yes they are racist to the bone. People from the NE are looked down upon based on nothing but their skin colour. I am Australian born of mixed breed and went to a bar in Patts a few years ago. When I entered they bouncer said "Where you from?" I said Australia. Had a good think about it and on the way out asked him why and he said "You look same same India".

Thais also don't like how Indians like to travel around in huge groups, however having said that, Thais like doing the same thing!!!

Dont take it personally, put it down to you are in an uncivilized country where the people have been brainwashed from day one to worship their elite and treat all foreigners with disdain. I hate the word farang but I keep going because its a good cheap holiday most of time. I have found the poorer people in the provinces much nicer than some of the a***holes you meet in the cities.

Edited by ARISTIDE
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ARISTIDE, on 28 Oct 2014 - 08:17, said:

Yes you are here for cheap holidays in an uncivilized country. Australia has been known as an Asian haters for a long time, what about that ugly Pauline Hanson of yours. You are not all that nice people so don't come over here to Thailand live here and spit on us and expect to be respected.

kinmaew, on 28 Oct 2014 - 07:37, said:

Let me make it very simple for you. If you are black or even brown skin colour they don't like you and yes they are racist to the bone. People from the NE are looked down upon based on nothing but their skin colour. I am Australian born of mixed breed and went to a bar in Patts a few years ago. When I entered they bouncer said "Where you from?" I said Australia. Had a good think about it and on the way out asked him why and he said "You look same same India".

Thais also don't like how Indians like to travel around in huge groups, however having said that, Thais like doing the same thing!!!

Dont take it personally, put it down to you are in an uncivilized country where the people have been brainwashed from day one to worship their elite and treat all foreigners with disdain. I hate the word farang but I keep going because its a good cheap holiday most of time. I have found the poorer people in the provinces much nicer than some of the a***holes you meet in the cities.

Australians spit on Thais.....................I think not!

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Like what's wrong with checking if someone has paid their check? In a large busy hotel restaurant, I'm sure they get the occasional walkout and your meal would likely add up to a whole days pay for whoever was responsible for the loss. So yeah, the hostess needs to check that you paid, especially as you weren't staying at the hotel. Also, no need to try to cover your apparent racial insecurity by over tipping either When the service charge is included.

As to the bar story, I'm fairly sure it never happened, based on my own experiences in pattaya. What would be the point...and if it did, did you take your tip back?

This says more about your own bigotry than anything else.

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Yes you are here for cheap holidays in an uncivilized country. Australia has been known as an Asian haters for a long time, what about that ugly Pauline Hanson of yours. You are not all that nice people so don't come over here to Thailand live here and spit on us and expect to be respected.

Let me make it very simple for you. If you are black or even brown skin colour they don't like you and yes they are racist to the bone. People from the NE are looked down upon based on nothing but their skin colour. I am Australian born of mixed breed and went to a bar in Patts a few years ago. When I entered they bouncer said "Where you from?" I said Australia. Had a good think about it and on the way out asked him why and he said "You look same same India".

Thais also don't like how Indians like to travel around in huge groups, however having said that, Thais like doing the same thing!!!

Dont take it personally, put it down to you are in an uncivilized country where the people have been brainwashed from day one to worship their elite and treat all foreigners with disdain. I hate the word farang but I keep going because its a good cheap holiday most of time. I have found the poorer people in the provinces much nicer than some of the a***holes you meet in the cities.

(you) have no idea what Australia is all about. Hundreds of thousands of asians with Aus passports, asian's elected to parliment, asians running businesses, asians owning houses, asians playing professional football and other sports, asians with popular TV shows etc etc.

Try swapping that around and substituting farang for asian in the above and applying those statements to Thailand. Doesn't work does it, who is spitting on who? Who has the real racist culture? Whose countries laws discriminate against others?

Edited by Sheryl
profanity removed by Moderator
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Not happy to hear about your experiences, sound horrible and being of Caucasian appearance (I'm au) I have never experienced the things you refer to. Guess all you can do is as you suggested not accept it when it occurs.

Sometime back there were students from India being assaulted in AU. Sadly many cases. Horrible.

Hope the Radiohead song was Creep.!

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Hi Oilboy,

Good post. Its one of the ongoing mysteries to me that Thais don't like Indians. Given that the language of the temple is Pali it seems a bit strange. But then when Thais are following the monks in a chant I doubt whether anyone understands more than 1% of the meaning of the words. I guess its partly about skin colour, but it seems deeper than that. You did well to take them to task, keep doing it. Thais need desperately to join the rest of the world in so many ways.

youre suggesting the rest of the world has left racism behind? lol!!!!

Not all Jaydee. As an Aussie I'm appalled by some of our polis and public figures, but fortunately we did embrace multiculturalism a long time ago. Thailand is still quite feudal and tribal. The Chinese influence may have done a lot for business, but as many chinese are extremely racist their impact hasn't helped the xenophobic outlook here. But as you will know if you talk to almost any Thai person who has travelled and lived o/s they have a different worldview to those who have stayed at home.

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I am not disputing there is racism all over Asia.

When one experience it first hand and at the receiving end, it hurts.

This happens globally and at the 'highest' levels - sometimes 'diplomatically', but quite rampant even today.

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For many of you this is the first time in your lives that you've found yourself to be in a minority and suddenly what you've been dishing out all your lives or dismissing as not your problem seems more evident to you.[/size][/font][/color]

Yes it is highly amusing to hear pampered white people bitching about "racial discrimination" the very SECOND they aren't being led to the best table in the restaurant.

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Cypress Hill, on 28 Oct 2014 - 19:04, said:
Suradit69, on 27 Oct 2014 - 18:20, said:

For many of you this is the first time in your lives that you've found yourself to be in a minority and suddenly what you've been dishing out all your lives or dismissing as not your problem seems more evident to you.[/size][/font][/color]

Yes it is highly amusing to hear pampered white people bitching about "racial discrimination" the very SECOND they aren't being led to the best table in the restaurant.

Pampered white people ............that's a fine example of racism. Why not pampered people, non racist.

By all means call an individual names if you must, but not all the race.

For me what matters is what's on the inside, not colour, race, religion. There are good and bad eggs in every basket.

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Cypress Hill, on 28 Oct 2014 - 19:04, said:
Suradit69, on 27 Oct 2014 - 18:20, said:

For many of you this is the first time in your lives that you've found yourself to be in a minority and suddenly what you've been dishing out all your lives or dismissing as not your problem seems more evident to you.[/size][/font][/color]

Yes it is highly amusing to hear pampered white people bitching about "racial discrimination" the very SECOND they aren't being led to the best table in the restaurant.

Pampered white people ............that's a fine example of racism. Why not pampered people, non racist.

By all means call an individual names if you must, but not all the race.

For me what matters is what's on the inside, not colour, race, religion. There are good and bad eggs in every basket.

he didnt refer to the whole race, he referred to the white people here who are complaining and are members of a pampered racial group in comparison to many other racial groups.

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On the BTS can knock you out when they lift arm to hang on to overhead rail. I suppose this just give thais more ammunition.

my ex GF anytime she smell curry or cumin she say it smells like indian mans armpits.

it must be quite comon as i heard other thais refer to it also

Ask your wife what she has been doing inches from indian mens armpits.

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For many of you this is the first time in your lives that you've found yourself to be in a minority and suddenly what you've been dishing out all your lives or dismissing as not your problem seems more evident to you.[/size][/font][/color]

Yes it is highly amusing to hear pampered white people bitching about "racial discrimination" the very SECOND they aren't being led to the best table in the restaurant.

Not sure who these pampered white people are? The English (not 'Brits') for example tend to be quite self effacing in the main from that which I have witnessed here on Phuket (not Patong mongers). That's why we are referred to by the Thais as 'pu dee ungrit' smile.png

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On the BTS can knock you out when they lift arm to hang on to overhead rail. I suppose this just give thais more ammunition.

my ex GF anytime she smell curry or cumin she say it smells like indian mans armpits.

it must be quite comon as i heard other thais refer to it also

Ask your wife what she has been doing inches from indian mens armpits.

you ever been squashed into victory monument BTS car in peek hour!??

Anyway dont have to be inches away i assure you..pew mehn muk muk


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They might have had bad experience with some particular nationality customers as well. I work in back office and have been told all the time that there are a few nationalities considered "petty", Indian included. Most of the time they encounter different challenge from these customers such as asking for more service exceeding paid money

want to book cheaper price shown on agency website but insist to pay directly at hotel. Request deluxe room but demand us to accept standard room price etc. IMO, it'nothing to do with racism but the stereotyped behavior in general.

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For many of you this is the first time in your lives that you've found yourself to be in a minority and suddenly what you've been dishing out all your lives or dismissing as not your problem seems more evident to you.[/size][/font][/color]

Yes it is highly amusing to hear pampered white people bitching about "racial discrimination" the very SECOND they aren't being led to the best table in the restaurant.

Not sure who these pampered white people are? The English (not 'Brits') for example tend to be quite self effacing in the main from that which I have witnessed here on Phuket (not Patong mongers). That's why we are referred to by the Thais as 'pu dee ungrit' smile.png

"pu Dee angrit" refer to Thai princes and aristocrats who graduated from English universities a century ago

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Let me make it very simple for you. If you are black or even brown skin colour they don't like you and yes they are racist to the bone. People from the NE are looked down upon based on nothing but their skin colour. I am Australian born of mixed breed and went to a bar in Patts a few years ago. When I entered they bouncer said "Where you from?" I said Australia. Had a good think about it and on the way out asked him why and he said "You look same same India".

Thais also don't like how Indians like to travel around in huge groups, however having said that, Thais like doing the same thing!!!

Dont take it personally, put it down to you are in an uncivilized country where the people have been brainwashed from day one to worship their elite and treat all foreigners with disdain. I hate the word farang but I keep going because its a good cheap holiday most of time. I have found the poorer people in the provinces much nicer than some of the a***holes you meet in the cities.

I think racism against Indian in Australia much more severe than it is in Thailand. An Indian guy has to have sun glass camera to record abusive language from neigbors. please cover your own problem before preaching others.

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For many of you this is the first time in your lives that you've found yourself to be in a minority and suddenly what you've been dishing out all your lives or dismissing as not your problem seems more evident to you.[/size][/font][/color]

Yes it is highly amusing to hear pampered white people bitching about "racial discrimination" the very SECOND they aren't being led to the best table in the restaurant.

Not sure who these pampered white people are? The English (not 'Brits') for example tend to be quite self effacing in the main from that which I have witnessed here on Phuket (not Patong mongers). That's why we are referred to by the Thais as 'pu dee ungrit' smile.png

"pu Dee angrit" refer to Thai princes and aristocrats who graduated from English universities a century ago

"poo dee" means a member of aristocrisy or HiSO.

such as "poo dee din daeng dta kang dtin dern" often used by losos to mean(insult) the person can't do any work(dtin daeng - red feet) and dta kang dtin dern, meaning to walk on the sides of the feet when the ground is dirty.

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For many of you this is the first time in your lives that you've found yourself to be in a minority and suddenly what you've been dishing out all your lives or dismissing as not your problem seems more evident to you.[/size][/font][/color]

Yes it is highly amusing to hear pampered white people bitching about "racial discrimination" the very SECOND they aren't being led to the best table in the restaurant.

Not sure who these pampered white people are? The English (not 'Brits') for example tend to be quite self effacing in the main from that which I have witnessed here on Phuket (not Patong mongers). That's why we are referred to by the Thais as 'pu dee ungrit' smile.png

"pu Dee angrit" refer to Thai princes and aristocrats who graduated from English universities a century ago

I don't think you are correct and I certainly don't think a previous post suggesting all Englishmen are "pu dee angkrit" is correct.The phrase really refers to a former time (let us say which concluded very approximately in about 1970) when most Englishmen who lived in Thailand had the manners of the upper middle class.Not all were of course from that background but courtesy,stylishness and politeness were associated with the English.Even then the English gentleman ideal believed in by many Thais was well past its sell by date

All that has changed now of course with the arrival of mass tourism.The pu dee angrit ideal has little meaning any more.

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