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What is Love to a Thai girl? How does she express it?


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Love is.....to be second to last on the list....just before her familys soidog(s).

She does not express it.

Yes get off the pity pot.

You have your goals by now right?

Now work hard at achieving them.

Part of that will have to include taking on a more constructive outlook, and probably re-establishing strong positive relationships with those you have been viewing as the enemy.

Feeling sorry for yourself, seeing yourself as the victim expecting others to commiserate with you isn't going to help you get your kids back.

Now now.....one has nothing to do with another. Try to see it seperate. I just stated my last experience based on OP's question. An unfortunate experience. It is however how it is. Have had good experiences in the past 2. One tends to remember the last 1 more vividly.

If I listed all my bad experiences:

I am hopeful, that I am a positive influence in her life,

She started the love talk when drunk one night,

I never expected it,

And just want to help, and feel appreciated.

They have their own ways here of expressing it, and that is what was posited here...how do others receive that expression.

I just actually went upstairs and asked her, the same.....the answers I got, are non western in nature, which I have difficulty with,

I also had to explain, it isnt a joke when a woman says "don't touch me"

She thought she was being playful, and that it doesn't mean anything,

I had to explain, in America, No, is serious.....and I take it that way....

Perhaps I could have phrased the original question differently, idk,

I dont understand their culture, and she is cultural, not a farm girl, but old school,

it's hard for me to see it in a 32 year old, because as we all know, they arent like that in ths States, they can be wild as hell, and very aggressive,

this is not this girl

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The thought manifests as the word,

The word manifests as the deed,

The deed develops into habit,

And the habit hardens into character.

So watch the thought and its way with care,

And let it spring from love

Born out of concern for all beings.

The words above echo what the Buddha said more than 2500 years ago: We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts we make the world. The truth of this verse is timeless: it is truth whether for the past, the present or the future.

Buddha at 2am!,


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There must be a medical term for this condition?

there is a psychological term for a person who thinks he can "rescue" another person,

I have already been there enough times, to know my role in this girls life, and it is limited,

don't get off track,

tell us about you, and how you express yourself, or,

you aren't adding to, or complimenting the discussion,

and I think you may have some things to offer,

after you get over your shock that a man would care for a girl from that business,

"there is a psychological term for a person who thinks he can "rescue" another person"

This seems to be the common Pschology explanation!


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Not really sure what the OP wants here. Could be vastly different actions by the same woman to different men. From my gf, it's " I good wife"

And I get my underwear ironed. Still haven't figured that one out.

You guys actually still wear underwear?

I hope that was an attempt at humor.
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"there is a psychological term for a person who thinks he can "rescue" another person"

This seems to be the common Pschology explanation!


What is love

Good question! and after a lifetime of asking myself the same question, In all honesty I have failed to come up with the definitive answer.I suspect there is no perfect answer to suit everyone, everyone has their own variatians,to suit their own personal outlook! and needs.This very question would make a huge Topic on it's own. Perhaps you would consider Posting this Topic? Im sure there would be a lot of Interest!

Meanwhile,this link may be a start of the long road of research!


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Isn't love beautiful. Fulfilling, colouring, agonising and painful at the same time MAJIC? The concept of love has been manifested and people like to use this perception to define a caring, emphatic, attractive and desiring feeling..

Who are you and what does love mean to you?

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I know mine loves me! When we were out last time some young lady tried talking to me. The little misses pulled a knife on her and told her to move a long! True love at its finest. ( Joking ) .... or am I!

You are joking if you think that's love.

Whatever real love may be, when violence comes into the picture it's turned to something else entirely in the opposite direction.

Now maybe you were joking about the incident itself - from my own experience I'd say no, sounds very authentic to me.

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I know mine loves me! When we were out last time some young lady tried talking to me. The little misses pulled a knife on her and told her to move a long! True love at its finest. ( Joking ) .... or am I!

You are joking if you think that's love.

Whatever real love may be, when violence comes into the picture it's turned to something else entirely in the opposite direction.

Now maybe you were joking about the incident itself - from my own experience I'd say no, sounds very authentic to me.

It was a joke through and through. She is sweet and can't even cook let alone figure out what end of a knife is used for what !

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I know mine loves me! When we were out last time some young lady tried talking to me. The little misses pulled a knife on her and told her to move a long! True love at its finest. ( Joking ) .... or am I!

You are joking if you think that's love.

Whatever real love may be, when violence comes into the picture it's turned to something else entirely in the opposite direction.

Now maybe you were joking about the incident itself - from my own experience I'd say no, sounds very authentic to me.

It was a joke through and through. She is sweet and can't even cook let alone figure out what end of a knife is used for what !

So, in the end you can only love something you can understand.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

How does she express it?

When I go to the Bathroom, she's already put the toothpaste on my brush.

She was probably about to clean the toilet.

Without reading subsequent posts..., first thing that comes to mind when reading this...., she already has cleaned the toilet. With your toothbrush!!

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How does she express it?

When I go to the Bathroom, she's already put the toothpaste on my brush.

If she hasn't and I start to do it she elbows me out of the way puts my shoes on and off for me. worries more about me than I do. Being naturally clumsy she walks down the street with me pointing out all the trips of which their are many.

As far as money goes she is completely depended on me. I give her far more than she ever made. Still she watches the bahts. she was 49 when we got together and I quickly discovered the money was just a natural thing for them to be after as it is security to them. Some thing many of them have never received. It took me two years to convince her I was not going to leave her and I was always going to take case of her. So she stopped asking for a house.

After 7 years we are still together living in a very happy relationship. If she would only stop pointing out the trips in the sidewalk. Gets annoying at times.m but like I said she takes better care of me than I do. She knows rthat if I die she will still be taken care of I am actually worth more to her dead than alive. She how ever does every thing in her power to see to it I don''t die.

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I think I have a girl in love with me who is completely against the grain.

Been together 5yr,married. I told her from day 1 I don't have much money and I can't have children.

I played the poor man for so long she even asked her parents to chip in 50k baht to make my wedding sinsod contribution look better so I wouldn't be embarrassed.

She must love me.

At twenty years younger she is now getting that maternal instinct as her clock is ticking. She suggested a snip reversal was possible, I suggested I don't have 100k to try.

she could leave me and find someone new and start a family but for some reason stays with me.

I think she knows I am very well off really but her love for me is always genuine...but I certainly don't take care of her financially like most do.

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Lots of girls think the way to show it is to be pathologically jealous.

Even if deep down they know and expect, even accept that most of us just can't handle monogamy, they're afraid if they show you they accept it that you'll think they don't really love you.

Goes the other way too, if you let them know you're OK with them fooling around, it takes a lot of convincing that that doesn't mean you don't really "love" them too.

These deeply ingrained cultural mores are a real challenge to overcome.

"most of us just can't handle monogamy" - Do you have research to support this claim?

I'm 51 years old and have never cheated on a girlfriend.

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Love. You still believe in that fairytale? The more I see these type of questions asked the more I believe that men have become vaginized. Yes. TBS. Tiny Ball Syndrome. Other than for some physical release in the shortest amount of time possible, why are you guys trying to figure out the mind of a female?

I call these type of men the WKOP. The White Knights of Poon. Always trying to come to the rescue of some woman who is exploiting them.

If you want to live her life and throw yours away to keep her happy, by all means, fall in love. If you want the Big Balls lifestyle of freedom and the ability to do whatever you want, then remove ballads, broads and bullshit from your life.

Keep women as fun sexual escapes. No love. No marriage. Have fun. Stop trying to analyze women. Enjoy them for their bodies. The rest let that be AMP. Another Mans Problem.

Turok, Dioosaur Hunter

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Love. You still believe in that fairytale? The more I see these type of questions asked the more I believe that men have become vaginized. Yes. TBS. Tiny Ball Syndrome. Other than for some physical release in the shortest amount of time possible, why are you guys trying to figure out the mind of a female?

I call these type of men the WKOP. The White Knights of Poon. Always trying to come to the rescue of some woman who is exploiting them.

If you want to live her life and throw yours away to keep her happy, by all means, fall in love. If you want the Big Balls lifestyle of freedom and the ability to do whatever you want, then remove ballads, broads and bullshit from your life.

Keep women as fun sexual escapes. No love. No marriage. Have fun. Stop trying to analyze women. Enjoy them for their bodies. The rest let that be AMP. Another Mans Problem.

Turok, Dioosaur Hunter

Agreed .... Tongue in what cheek?

Anyway we all know girls are OK but nothing like the real thing.... ????? Jesting

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