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What is Love to a Thai girl? How does she express it?


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Love full stop. is a con job perpetrated on males by their mothers from an early age and reinforced by almost every song they hear.

The male of the species comes to believe that he will one day meet the perfect girl of his dreams and fall madly in love and live happily ever after.

The female knows this and takes full advantage of it.

Reality is mostly different, hands up those who have been through it and are in their second or third go.

Yes it does actually exist and hopefully you find it.

I already went the "love" from home route a few times in the States,

2 marriages, 2 kids, 2 LTR's and a few hot affairs, they were all "that" love,

I am not falling for anything like that, for now, and have interests back home still,


I am not desiring that roller coaster again,

just trying to figure out this particular one, and her overly cautious nature, and if it is over come with time,

or, is it just a waste of time, hers too

1. You obviously have a problem maintaining relationships.

2. If she was a bar girl it is doomed to fail anyway.

3. Taking the first 2 points into consideration discussion would be futile.

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'...You are assuming love is the same to all Thai girls and of course, it is not. Just as in Western girls, some might be conservative/shy, others might demonstrate their love openly and in public, freely. Each girl will express her love differently. No two are the same, which makes it interesting.

Thai girls are primitive by Western standards, and unsophisticated, so it is not unusual for them to display jealousy both fiercely and sometimes dangerously. The more sophisticated we are, the less likely we are to display the selfish emotion of jealousy

- the Magician

You are asking for a whole lot of truth there pard-ner.

but, I am among them liberated men, and understand, the female is a requirement for a real life, with all that they provide

it is up to us, MEN, to lead them, to their happiness......


WOW ... I can't believe my luck ... this just keeps getting better ... cheesy.gif


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You are asking for a whole lot of truth there pard-ner.

but, I am among them liberated men, and understand, the female is a requirement for a real life, with all that they provide

it is up to us, MEN, to lead them, to their happiness......


WOW ... I can't believe my luck ... this just keeps getting better ... cheesy.gif


Oh yeah this guy is a gem.

I personally feel sooo empty now that I don't have someone like you to guide me into happiness.

Please do shame more guidance oh wise man

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"there is a psychological term for a person who thinks he can "rescue" another person"

This seems to be the common Pschology explanation!


What is love

Good question! and after a lifetime of asking myself the same question, In all honesty I have failed to come up with the definitive answer.I suspect there is no perfect answer to suit everyone, everyone has their own variatians,to suit their own personal outlook! and needs.This very question would make a huge Topic on it's own. Perhaps you would consider Posting this Topic? Im sure there would be a lot of Interest!

Meanwhile,this link may be a start of the long road of research!


Majic: this link was too good not to post in its entirety.

While I believe all of it was 100% on point, I particularly and personally enjoy seeing the word "interdependence" rather than see the age old and tired psychological term "co-dependence"

It never made any sense to me, as obviously man and woman DO need- each other and become dependent on the other,

I thought that was the yin yang theory, which apparently was usurped to sell medication.

What is love? It is one of the most difficult questions for the mankind. Centuries have passed by, relationships have bloomed and so has love. But no one can give the proper definition of love. To some Love is friendship set on fire for others Maybe love is like luck. You have to go all the way to find it. No matter how you define it or feel it, love is the eternal truth in the history of mankind.

Love is patient, love is kind. It has no envy, nor it boasts itself and it is never proud. It rejoices over the evil and is the truth seeker. Love protects; preserves and hopes for the positive aspect of life. Always stand steadfast in love, not fall into it. It is like the dream of your matter of affection coming true. love-puzzles.jpgLove can occur between two or more individuals. It bonds them and connects them in a unified link of trust, intimacy and interdependence. It enhances the relationship and comforts the soul. Love should be experienced and not just felt. The depth of love can not be measured. Look at the relationship between a mother and a child. The mother loves the child unconditionally and it can not be measured at all. A different dimension can be attained between any relationships with the magic of love. Love can be created. You just need to focus on the goodness of the other person. If this can be done easily, then you can also love easily. And remember we all have some positive aspect in us, no matter how bad our deeds maybe. And as God said Love all

Depending on the context, love can be of different varieties. Romantic love is a deep, intense and unending. It shared on a very intimate and interpersonal and sexual relationship. The term Platonic love, familial love and religious love are also matter of great affection. It is more of desire, preference and feelings. The meaning of love will change with each different relationship and depends more on its concept of depth, versatility, and complexity. But at times the very existence of love is questioned. Some say it is false and meaningless. It says that it never exist, because there has been many instances of hatred and brutality in relationships. The history of our world has witnessed many such events. There has been hatred between brothers, parents and children, sibling rivalry and spouses have failed each other. Friends have betrayed each other; the son has killed his parents for the throne, the count is endless. Even the modern generation is also facing with such dilemmas everyday. But love is not responsible for that. It is us, the people, who have forgotten the meaning of love and have undertaken such gruesome apathy.

In the past the study of philosophy and religion has done many speculations on the phenomenon of love. But love has always ruled, in music, poetry, paintings, sculptor and literature. Psychology has also done lot of dissection to the essence of love, just like what biology, anthropology and neuroscience has also done to it.

Psychology portrays love as a cognitive phenomenon with a social cause. It is said to have three components in the book of psychology: Intimacy, Commitment, and Passion. Also, in an ancient proverb love is defined as a high form of tolerance. And this view has been accepted and advocated by both philosophers and scholars. Love also includes compatibility. But it is more of journey to the unknown when the concept of compatibility comes into picture. Maybe the person whom we see in front of us, may be least compatible than the person who is miles away. We might talk to each other and portray that we love each other, but practically we do not end up into any relationship. Also in compatibility, the key is to think about the long term successful relationship, not a short journey. We need to understand each other and must always remember that no body is perfect.

Be together, share your joy and sorrow, understand each other, provide space to each other, but always be there for each others need. And surely love will blossom to strengthen your relationship with your matter of affection.

And this Classic seems to be a partner (no pun intended) for the Authors prose!


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"We all know, they love our money, and the louder they claim otherwise, the less likely they are being honest with both themselves, and us,"

Of course it is a bit different back home where the women have more rights and possibilities to take care of themselves and where old people, children and jobless people, are taken care of through government funded social systems.

Even with all of those systems in place back home, there are women that divorce their husbands, because they are not earning/providing enough.

Back home, if a girl choses to marry a well off young man, that can give her what she wants and needs, instead of a poor young street-sweeper, whom she even might love more, it is also being regarded as a wise and sound decision.

Usually the girls back home seem to be purely "love driven" in their relationship-choices at a young age but when they grow up a bit more, other factors start to come into play, when choosing partners.

Luckily back home the young girls are in the fortunate position to do so because there are no financial pressures yet at that age.

Down here, life is just a bit different.

Any old fart coming down here to marry a young princess should keep this in mind.

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Further to my post of yesterday on this interesting subject started by Scarpolo - I'd like to add in support of it's claims that if any of you have ever wondered why Thai men don't (generally) get upset about seeing farangs with Thai women and appear as if they 'know something we don't' - this, my previous post, (in my view) is what they know. - piersbeckett

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Love full stop. is a con job perpetrated on males by their mothers from an early age and reinforced by almost every song they hear.

The male of the species comes to believe that he will one day meet the perfect girl of his dreams and fall madly in love and live happily ever after.

The female knows this and takes full advantage of it.

Reality is mostly different, hands up those who have been through it and are in their second or third go.

Yes it does actually exist and hopefully you find it.

I already went the "love" from home route a few times in the States,

2 marriages, 2 kids, 2 LTR's and a few hot affairs, they were all "that" love,

I am not falling for anything like that, for now, and have interests back home still,


I am not desiring that roller coaster again,

just trying to figure out this particular one, and her overly cautious nature, and if it is over come with time,

or, is it just a waste of time, hers too

1. You obviously have a problem maintaining relationships.

2. If she was a bar girl it is doomed to fail anyway.

3. Taking the first 2 points into consideration discussion would be futile.

Pathetic response actually, as:

1) You can "maintain" an old car forever, but eventually, they rust and you are "throwing good money after bad"

Traders know too well that if you do not cut your losses, they only get worse

2) She wasn't a bar girl. Not that there is anything wrong with it.

In fact, she doesn't go to bars, without a group of friends, and then, she doesn't drink anyway because she drives

3) Attempting a conversation with a closed mind, is worse

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I have done my own 'study'

I came home tonight pissed out of my head, Knocked the wife's legs apart and went for 'glory' and she didn't want a Thai man when I blew my coutarde d' amoure in her....so ;eave that shit to Stickman.....

What a class act! No doubt you are really proud of yourself and you wife is such a lucky woman.

Let me guess, "You've been drinking on the steps of the local 7 eleven again ?

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Thai girls are primitive by Western standards, and unsophisticated, so it is not unusual for them to display jealousy both fiercely and sometimes dangerously. The more sophisticated we are, the less likely we are to display the selfish emotion of jealousy ...

- the Magician

Just to capture this stunning piece written by the Forums newest sociologist ... facepalm.gif

I disagree completely with the statement that Thai girls are primitive....

They are surely in touch with their primal needs, but that's because "daddy" isn't around to help them, and in many cases, never was

I find them more evolved psychologically and spiritually, and perhaps emotionally, than the vast majority of "western girls"

AND< they havent been "spoiled" yet, but it's coming.

just look at who are the new stores at the malls,

all france, and USA.....all needless and senseless fashion and cosmetics

today's televison has two thais amonsgt a group, one is wearing an Atlanta Falcons tee shirt, the other a Washington Senators cap.

neither know either

they are becoming slaves to the consumer debt god,

to top it off, I saw a kid on a scooter in Laos wearing a NY Giants cap.

Edited by Scarpolo
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I have done my own 'study'

I came home tonight pissed out of my head, Knocked the wife's legs apart and went for 'glory' and she didn't want a Thai man when I blew my coutarde d' amoure in her....so ;eave that shit to Stickman.....

What a class act! No doubt you are really proud of yourself and you wife is such a lucky woman.

Let me guess, "You've been drinking on the steps of the local 7 eleven again ?

But how would he know what happens after he passes out?

ie., does she stay home? would he even know, or care?

I actually had a friend whose thai wife is 42 and he 68, and he cheats as much as he can an actually told me, he wouldnt care of she had a b/f on the side; she doesn't and wouldn't

that is a great gal,

he is just a dope

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I have done my own 'study'

I came home tonight pissed out of my head, Knocked the wife's legs apart and went for 'glory' and she didn't want a Thai man when I blew my coutarde d' amoure in her....so ;eave that shit to Stickman.....

What a class act! No doubt you are really proud of yourself and you wife is such a lucky woman.

Let me guess, "You've been drinking on the steps of the local 7 eleven again ?

But how would he know what happens after he passes out?

ie., does she stay home? would he even know, or care?

I actually had a friend whose thai wife is 42 and he 68, and he cheats as much as he can an actually told me, he wouldnt care of she had a b/f on the side; she doesn't and wouldn't

that is a great gal,

he is just a dope

Scarpolo, relax mate, I was being sarcastic.

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I have done my own 'study'

I came home tonight pissed out of my head, Knocked the wife's legs apart and went for 'glory' and she didn't want a Thai man when I blew my coutarde d' amoure in her....so ;eave that shit to Stickman.....

What a class act! No doubt you are really proud of yourself and you wife is such a lucky woman.

Let me guess, "You've been drinking on the steps of the local 7 eleven again ?

But how would he know what happens after he passes out?

ie., does she stay home? would he even know, or care?

I actually had a friend whose thai wife is 42 and he 68, and he cheats as much as he can an actually told me, he wouldnt care of she had a b/f on the side; she doesn't and wouldn't

that is a great gal,

he is just a dope

Scarpolo, relax mate, I was being sarcastic.

No worries,

I was casting about on my friend and his mistreatment of his wife,

I needed her to be a translator at the onset of my relationship, but the price tag was too high

In order for his relationship to not blow up with me as the fuse,

and thus the blame, I cut off a 27 year friendship, to not only his surprise, but, also his wife and my g/f

and this is the person I came to thailand to visit

eventually, I expect a Lorena Bobbitt story from his next of kin.

Its bad enough he cheats and mistreats her and she drinks and complains,

once he started using me to cover his whereabouts and wanted to use the 2nd bedroom of my luxury condo to bring his "thai love links and tagged" dalliances, I backed away and cut off communication.

It was the only way to live "in truth" and, I had to show her, I wasn't the same.

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^ No but there's been no shortage of farang with broken hearts 'falling' from there.

Don't think too much, this is Thailand.

Oh that;

good advice,

she knows what I love "most" about her.....

the rest is sort of superfluos to me, as I am still a US citizen, and my time is limited here.....I think, for now....

Love has many meanings, which seems ot change with age; ours....

The 53-33 age ratio, has its limits and limitations, I would think; for her.

If I can be a great friend for her during this "love" period, and contribute to her life, wherever I meaningfully and reasonably can, I will, and she will not regret the relationship down the line...regardless of its length

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^ No but there's been no shortage of farang with broken hearts 'falling' from there.

Don't think too much, this is Thailand.

Oh that;

good advice,

she knows what I love "most" about her.....

the rest is sort of superfluos to me, as I am still a US citizen, and my time is limited here.....I think, for now....

Love has many meanings, which seems ot change with age; ours....

The 53-33 age ratio, has its limits and limitations, I would think; for her.

If I can be a great friend for her during this "love" period, and contribute to her life, wherever I meaningfully and reasonably can, I will, and she will not regret the relationship down the line...regardless of its length

You wrote, "as I am still a US citizen my time is limited here." Why would that be?

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^ No but there's been no shortage of farang with broken hearts 'falling' from there.

Don't think too much, this is Thailand.

Oh that;

good advice,

she knows what I love "most" about her.....

the rest is sort of superfluos to me, as I am still a US citizen, and my time is limited here.....I think, for now....

Love has many meanings, which seems ot change with age; ours....

The 53-33 age ratio, has its limits and limitations, I would think; for her.

If I can be a great friend for her during this "love" period, and contribute to her life, wherever I meaningfully and reasonably can, I will, and she will not regret the relationship down the line...regardless of its length

You wrote, "as I am still a US citizen my time is limited here." Why would that be?

As much as I disdain much of what is going on, in the USSA, it is still where I anticipate living in the future, because as a rock musician, there is little for me to do here, all of my musical friends are there, and I want to play with them. That just isn't gonna happen here, and I am not interested in playing for drunk tourists.

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What is Love to a Thai Girl?

As a thread from a few weeks back said: an old farang walks in a bar with a Hot babe on his arm, all the young guys in there are open mouthed &lt;deleted&gt;?? when asked by a one of them how he managed to bag such a girl the old guy said - You young guns have no idea, me...? I have A Pocket Full of Hansum!

Still makes me smile lol.... clap2.gif

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Love to a Thai girl (or woman) is the same as it is to any other woman in the world.

If you think Thai girls are different then you're probably getting shafted by her in some way or another.*

*no pun intended.

Correction: Love to a Thai girl is the same as it is to any other (Asian) woman in the world, with the exception of Japanese and, most likely, Korean.

Edited by elzach
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from a different angle

is there anything that a thai girl does particularly different or has a certain action that means more signficance to them, then what we are used to in farangland???

is it when you are automatically included in family discussions?

is it when they are nice to you without wanting anything in return?

is it when they want to learn your language?

Is it when they ask you about your day and want to know about you (as I ve been told by many expat that Thai girls in general are very selfish)

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I guess it all depends on how they define "selfish?"

Looking after thier own best interests, cannot be considered selfish,

They are at least as weary of us, as we are of them, and with good reason,

We need to be mindful of what we are doing, for the very same reasons.

No one wants to get taken, and for girls, they are the receivers of far more lying and cheating and mistreatment, than we are,

so, let's all remember,

its hard for a man to be "taken" without his permission


girls, by their design, are the weaker sex physically, but by far, the stronger sex, emotionally,

because of their size disparity, they have to become better manuever-ers, which is not the same as manipulators,

nice girls manuever,

bad girls manuever too, but, they are more obvious........

I like the bad girls, always have,

but only the one's who admit it

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Well, when I'm with someone that I care about,I want to find out what they like what makes them tick etc

And I would expect the same,

Have been told that Thai girls generally don't really care what you like, don't like, hobbies, what preferences you have etc etc

I question that too...

I am a guitar player,

my girlfriend wants me to practice as much as I like, but prefers I do it in the spare bedroom, which is fine, when she is awake,

when she goes to sleep, I usually come back down and play for a while...

when we have been in hotel rooms whilel traveling, she has watched me play, and applauded at times,

I think they just have more respect for our personal interests, and allow us to have them'whereas my western wife gave me a hard time every time I went to play golf, as, because as i was approaching 80 on the course, I started playing more, to get there, and I did.

selfishness is open to interpretation.

this girl asks me for nothing, but reminds me of any and all promises I make,

that is neither manuevering or manipulation, unless, I was manuevered into it beforehand, in which case, I will start drinking less!

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