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PT Asks Police To Protect Redshirts From Suthep

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Didnt Suthep just make s direct threat to the red shirts suggesting they may be shot at? And tjat "masked popcorn shooter" was from the Dems crowd. That was a direct threat from mr. HONORABLE Suthep.

Sent from my SM-N900 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

yes and the almost complete failure of the Thai and internatinal press to report violent attacks by these so called PDRC "guards" on innocent Thai people and pro democracy sympathizers.

On the 2nd December 2013 riots by Democrat Party supporters and PDRC Blackshirts at Government House – and many other instances - violent incidents simply are not reported - on that evening (December 2nd) it seemed there was only one Western journalist present during night-time attacks which were possibly the most violent incidents instigated by the PDRC Blackshirts since the protests began and before the PDRC resorted to openly use firearms later (well documented by hundreds of journalists Thai and International)

Swedish journalist Michael Topffer, it transpires was there during these riots but he also appears to confirm that no other major international media outlet had a presence there.

That of the 5 reported deaths 4 are at the hands of the fascist PDRC “guards” and include 3 pro-democracy activists and one completely innocent 17year old burned to death in a bus.

The lack of reporting of this seems wilful and deliberate by news outlets and it is simply astonishing the Western media have failed to report this.

During the riots over the weekend of the 30th November/1st December there were a number of well-documented and very violent attacks on single pro-democracy Red Shirt activists by gangs of “PDRC Guards”on the streets of Bangkok.

These attacks included stabbings, beatings and very sinister cases of vigilantism where PDRC fanatics intimidated and threatened ordinary Red Shirts making them strip their clothing off and swear allegiance to certain persons. This is all missing from media reports.

From an email from Michael Topffer, a Bangkok-based Swedish reporter.


“Regarding the night of Dec 2nd, I was there, covering this for my paper Expressen. As far as I know, I was the only Western reporter there. BBC was there until around 10pm, I was there until 1am. It was extremely violent. I gave a live report for our web-tv at 00:30 and had an article about the attack in the next day's paper.”


So yes there is a good reason to call on the police to protect ordinary people on the street from these extremely violent nut cases roaming the streets of Bangkok – intimidating, robbing and terrorizing innocent citizens because they are either on the other side of the political spectrum – or for no reason at all. And if Suthep thinks it's funny to threaten people with so-called "Popcorn shooters" in reference to concealed automatic weapons - then I think he should have his head examined. I still hope his stupid provocations will be ignored by moderate people on both sides.

Let him - what according to most recent court ruling is his constitutional right - go on demonstrating indefinitely!

Who cares?? Ask the court to define exactly what it considers a "peaceful demonstration". If he and his demonstrators commit any acts of violence again - and the police is not allowed to deal with them - then hold the court responsible for their actions.

About bed time so I'll just correct one thing that stands up:

That of the 5 reported deaths 4 are at the hands of the fascist PDRC “guards” and include 3 pro-democracy activists and one completely innocent 17year old burned to death in a bus.

You make it sound like the evil PDRC guards intentionally immolated the young man in the bus, what actually happened was:

Your innocent 17 year old burned by PDRC guards was actually a 19 year old man that was trapped inside the bus looting when his accomplices torched it without knowing he was still inside. And by the way, there were no PDRC guards there because the clash was between Red Shirts and Ramkhamheng University students.

So you see, what you wrote is not just wrong, it is the kind of fabricated rumours that get people killed by polarizing society and promoting hatred.

hahaha are you kidding me? you are quoting "News" here with out quoting the source?

You take part of my post and you then say "what actually happened was:" as if you where there?

What was your source Coconut Bangkok ? Your source copies the "news" from another source and you try to pass it on here as the universal truth?

And you want to accuse me of spreading rumors and promoting hatred - the source I quoted by name and news paper was an eye witness - and you are quoting who again ????

It is exactly people like you - who do what you are accusing me of - quoting one very questionable source and spreading it as the universal truth here!

I have seen the images you are referring to - they prove nothing - read your own quote - it is full of contradictions -

On Dec. 1, police said Adisorn Srichanpong, 29 and a 15-year-old accomplice set fire to a bus in front of Ramkhamhaeng University near a large rally of government supporters. A third man, 19-year-old Suradet Khampaengjai, also set the fire but became trapped within the bus which was quickly engulfed in flame.

Images from a witness' camera showing three young men removing things from the bus was used to implicate the three men, according to Lt. Gen. Jarumporn Suramanee of the Royal Thai Police.

The two suspects have denied the arson charge and said Suradet died because he was unable to escape the burning bus.

I have seen the images - and removing something from a bus or torching it are two different things aren't they?

I am quoting an eyewitness from the events of 2nd of December who saw with his own eyes how violent these "peaceful" protestors have been.

Fact and my point was that these demonstrations - anywhere - will always be hijacked by violent elements - and very often with the knowledge of their leaders especially when they have a hidden agenda - who will of course never admit to it.

Fact is that these protests have never been peaceful - contrary to what the court has stated recently. Fact is that a friend of a friend was intimidated, held against his will for hours and had his motorbike stolen by these PDRC "guards".

And fact is that ordinary people need to be protected from violence even if they have a different political opinion - which is what the original post was about.

And if it is important to you that the young person was 19 and not 17 when he was burned alive - then so be it - but considering your source I would rather think that 17 was the correct age.

The source is Mcot news.


And it was also reported in the Bkk post.

Sent from my XT1032 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Didnt Suthep just make s direct threat to the red shirts suggesting they may be shot at? And tjat "masked popcorn shooter" was from the Dems crowd. That was a direct threat from mr. HONORABLE Suthep.

Sent from my SM-N900 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

yes and the almost complete failure of the Thai and internatinal press to report violent attacks by these so called PDRC "guards" on innocent Thai people and pro democracy sympathizers.

On the 2nd December 2013 riots by Democrat Party supporters and PDRC Blackshirts at Government House – and many other instances - violent incidents simply are not reported - on that evening (December 2nd) it seemed there was only one Western journalist present during night-time attacks which were possibly the most violent incidents instigated by the PDRC Blackshirts since the protests began and before the PDRC resorted to openly use firearms later (well documented by hundreds of journalists Thai and International)

Swedish journalist Michael Topffer, it transpires was there during these riots but he also appears to confirm that no other major international media outlet had a presence there.

That of the 5 reported deaths 4 are at the hands of the fascist PDRC “guards” and include 3 pro-democracy activists and one completely innocent 17year old burned to death in a bus.

The lack of reporting of this seems wilful and deliberate by news outlets and it is simply astonishing the Western media have failed to report this.

During the riots over the weekend of the 30th November/1st December there were a number of well-documented and very violent attacks on single pro-democracy Red Shirt activists by gangs of “PDRC Guards”on the streets of Bangkok.

These attacks included stabbings, beatings and very sinister cases of vigilantism where PDRC fanatics intimidated and threatened ordinary Red Shirts making them strip their clothing off and swear allegiance to certain persons. This is all missing from media reports.

From an email from Michael Topffer, a Bangkok-based Swedish reporter.


“Regarding the night of Dec 2nd, I was there, covering this for my paper Expressen. As far as I know, I was the only Western reporter there. BBC was there until around 10pm, I was there until 1am. It was extremely violent. I gave a live report for our web-tv at 00:30 and had an article about the attack in the next day's paper.”


So yes there is a good reason to call on the police to protect ordinary people on the street from these extremely violent nut cases roaming the streets of Bangkok – intimidating, robbing and terrorizing innocent citizens because they are either on the other side of the political spectrum – or for no reason at all. And if Suthep thinks it's funny to threaten people with so-called "Popcorn shooters" in reference to concealed automatic weapons - then I think he should have his head examined. I still hope his stupid provocations will be ignored by moderate people on both sides.

Let him - what according to most recent court ruling is his constitutional right - go on demonstrating indefinitely!

Who cares?? Ask the court to define exactly what it considers a "peaceful demonstration". If he and his demonstrators commit any acts of violence again - and the police is not allowed to deal with them - then hold the court responsible for their actions.

Yep.. this guy Michael Topffer is 100% neutral ... NOT!


I do not read Swedish but Google translate does a reasonable job.. I found NO report on the Epressen website.. is Expressen similar to The Sun in the UK.. it's website looks like it.

And you have the gall to pick fault with others leads .. jeeze!

Sent from my XT1032 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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yes and MCOT copied it and Coconut Bangkok copied it - and to quote the Bangkok Post here as a reliable news source - you must be joking!!!??

Again - my point was that there are so called "guards" who protect wanted criminals out there who intimidate people and are extremely violent - people who think they are above the law now because their gangster Messiah Suthep has given them powers they did not have before - just as Hitler picked the most violent idiots who where outsiders in their communities before - for his SA to intimidate and violently ambush people who disagreed with their political view.

They commit crimes which go unpunished - and the more often they get away with it the safer and the more empowered they feel committing more violent acts against ordinary people.

Whats next? They already wear the Nazi like armbands so they can be distinguished from ordinary demonstrators this is to make them feel special thinking they are above the law.

They need to be punished to the fullest extend of the law - but of course we have another kangaroo court now who says they are peaceful giving these thugs more room to carry out there crimes.

How long do we have to wait until they will start wearing uniforms and Leader Suthep calls for police being replaced by his thugs or police in the South reporting to him the self declared Fuehrer ?

It is so easy to do if you find enough idiots to follow you - and it can happen very fast - and who will they turn against next if they run out of options to provoke violence to further their cause ? Foreigners??

Watch the movie The Wave from 1981 - Based on the real experience of a high school class in Palo Alto, CA in April 1967, whose teacher wanted to explain the rise of the Nazi party to his students - and the whole experience went out of hand - it is frightening how easy it is when - like in this case in Thailand - law enforcement, judiciary and common sense fail - and people behind the scenes causing all this mayhem do not care how many people are killed to further their cause.

All you need is a group of violent thugs who can terrorize entire neighborhoods - they go on unpunished a lot more will join them - and then one day somebody might just punch any of us in the face or shoot us in broad daylight - just because they can.

My point is that people need to be protected from these lunatics before it is too late!

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yes and MCOT copied it and Coconut Bangkok copied it - and to quote the Bangkok Post here as a reliable news source - you must be joking!!!??

Again - my point was that there are so called "guards" who protect wanted criminals out there who intimidate people and are extremely violent - people who think they are above the law now because their gangster Messiah Suthep has given them powers they did not have before - just as Hitler picked the most violent idiots who where outsiders in their communities before - for his SA to intimidate and violently ambush people who disagreed with their political view.

They commit crimes which go unpunished - and the more often they get away with it the safer and the more empowered they feel committing more violent acts against ordinary people.

Whats next? They already wear the Nazi like armbands so they can be distinguished from ordinary demonstrators this is to make them feel special thinking they are above the law.

They need to be punished to the fullest extend of the law - but of course we have another kangaroo court now who says they are peaceful giving these thugs more room to carry out there crimes.

How long do we have to wait until they will start wearing uniforms and Leader Suthep calls for police being replaced by his thugs or police in the South reporting to him the self declared Fuehrer ?

It is so easy to do if you find enough idiots to follow you - and it can happen very fast - and who will they turn against next if they run out of options to provoke violence to further their cause ? Foreigners??

Watch the movie The Wave from 1981 - Based on the real experience of a high school class in Palo Alto, CA in April 1967, whose teacher wanted to explain the rise of the Nazi party to his students - and the whole experience went out of hand - it is frightening how easy it is when - like in this case in Thailand - law enforcement, judiciary and common sense fail - and people behind the scenes causing all this mayhem do not care how many people are killed to further their cause.

All you need is a group of violent thugs who can terrorize entire neighborhoods - they go on unpunished a lot more will join them - and then one day somebody might just punch any of us in the face or shoot us in broad daylight - just because they can.

My point is that people need to be protected from these lunatics before it is too late!

MCOT and Bangkok Post are more reliable than some unknown independent journalist. Someone gives you a source for the news, a reliable source at that, not some solo journalist, which makes you look like a fool and instead of shutting up and going away, you come back with a story from an old movie. clap2.gif

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yes and the almost complete failure of the Thai and internatinal press to report violent attacks by these so called PDRC "guards" on innocent Thai people and pro democracy sympathizers.

On the 2nd December 2013 riots by Democrat Party supporters and PDRC Blackshirts at Government House – and many other instances - violent incidents simply are not reported - on that evening (December 2nd) it seemed there was only one Western journalist present during night-time attacks which were possibly the most violent incidents instigated by the PDRC Blackshirts since the protests began and before the PDRC resorted to openly use firearms later (well documented by hundreds of journalists Thai and International)

Swedish journalist Michael Topffer, it transpires was there during these riots but he also appears to confirm that no other major international media outlet had a presence there.

That of the 5 reported deaths 4 are at the hands of the fascist PDRC “guards” and include 3 pro-democracy activists and one completely innocent 17year old burned to death in a bus.

The lack of reporting of this seems wilful and deliberate by news outlets and it is simply astonishing the Western media have failed to report this.

During the riots over the weekend of the 30th November/1st December there were a number of well-documented and very violent attacks on single pro-democracy Red Shirt activists by gangs of “PDRC Guards”on the streets of Bangkok.

These attacks included stabbings, beatings and very sinister cases of vigilantism where PDRC fanatics intimidated and threatened ordinary Red Shirts making them strip their clothing off and swear allegiance to certain persons. This is all missing from media reports.

From an email from Michael Topffer, a Bangkok-based Swedish reporter.


“Regarding the night of Dec 2nd, I was there, covering this for my paper Expressen. As far as I know, I was the only Western reporter there. BBC was there until around 10pm, I was there until 1am. It was extremely violent. I gave a live report for our web-tv at 00:30 and had an article about the attack in the next day's paper.”


So yes there is a good reason to call on the police to protect ordinary people on the street from these extremely violent nut cases roaming the streets of Bangkok – intimidating, robbing and terrorizing innocent citizens because they are either on the other side of the political spectrum – or for no reason at all. And if Suthep thinks it's funny to threaten people with so-called "Popcorn shooters" in reference to concealed automatic weapons - then I think he should have his head examined. I still hope his stupid provocations will be ignored by moderate people on both sides.

Let him - what according to most recent court ruling is his constitutional right - go on demonstrating indefinitely!

Who cares?? Ask the court to define exactly what it considers a "peaceful demonstration". If he and his demonstrators commit any acts of violence again - and the police is not allowed to deal with them - then hold the court responsible for their actions.

About bed time so I'll just correct one thing that stands up:

That of the 5 reported deaths 4 are at the hands of the fascist PDRC “guards” and include 3 pro-democracy activists and one completely innocent 17year old burned to death in a bus.

You make it sound like the evil PDRC guards intentionally immolated the young man in the bus, what actually happened was:

Your innocent 17 year old burned by PDRC guards was actually a 19 year old man that was trapped inside the bus looting when his accomplices torched it without knowing he was still inside. And by the way, there were no PDRC guards there because the clash was between Red Shirts and Ramkhamheng University students.

So you see, what you wrote is not just wrong, it is the kind of fabricated rumours that get people killed by polarizing society and promoting hatred.

hahaha are you kidding me? you are quoting "News" here with out quoting the source?

You take part of my post and you then say "what actually happened was:" as if you where there?

What was your source Coconut Bangkok ? Your source copies the "news" from another source and you try to pass it on here as the universal truth?

And you want to accuse me of spreading rumors and promoting hatred - the source I quoted by name and news paper was an eye witness - and you are quoting who again ????

It is exactly people like you - who do what you are accusing me of - quoting one very questionable source and spreading it as the universal truth here!

I have seen the images you are referring to - they prove nothing - read your own quote - it is full of contradictions -

On Dec. 1, police said Adisorn Srichanpong, 29 and a 15-year-old accomplice set fire to a bus in front of Ramkhamhaeng University near a large rally of government supporters. A third man, 19-year-old Suradet Khampaengjai, also set the fire but became trapped within the bus which was quickly engulfed in flame.

Images from a witness' camera showing three young men removing things from the bus was used to implicate the three men, according to Lt. Gen. Jarumporn Suramanee of the Royal Thai Police.

The two suspects have denied the arson charge and said Suradet died because he was unable to escape the burning bus.

I have seen the images - and removing something from a bus or torching it are two different things aren't they?

I am quoting an eyewitness from the events of 2nd of December who saw with his own eyes how violent these "peaceful" protestors have been.

Fact and my point was that these demonstrations - anywhere - will always be hijacked by violent elements - and very often with the knowledge of their leaders especially when they have a hidden agenda - who will of course never admit to it.

Fact is that these protests have never been peaceful - contrary to what the court has stated recently. Fact is that a friend of a friend was intimidated, held against his will for hours and had his motorbike stolen by these PDRC "guards".

And fact is that ordinary people need to be protected from violence even if they have a different political opinion - which is what the original post was about.

And if it is important to you that the young person was 19 and not 17 when he was burned alive - then so be it - but considering your source I would rather think that 17 was the correct age.

Puts cnxforever in the "No intellectual honesty" list.

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Sooner or later it's going to come down to the Red Shirts to enter Bangkok and do the same thing the anti government people are doing. Block the courts, any democracy places of interest and of course pick a good spot to camp out. Doing it peacefully just as Suthep folks are protesting. Sooner or later the men in green is going to have to enter the picture and all hell will break loose. There is just too much hate between them to compromise.

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One brother who strangles a colleague and another who is an expert chair thrower, this is the professionalism of the family of this nasty imp of a man. Oh the poor fool Thais who are naively following him. Oh the poor fool Thais who are naively following the Thaksin regime as well.

The gullible Thai population can of course be forgiven for their childlike ignorance due to the culture they've been brought up in, with it's tragic education system, greng jai, biased media and general encourgement of mass-delusion as to its place in the world. No wonder they've been gulled into believing the removal of Thaksinism will really affect a corruption that has been rife on every level of this society for decades before the rise of the blood-sucking Shinawatras. But are they really that stupid to believe all this PDRC crap or are both sides simply refusing to face the truth about themselves and take responsibility for the first time in their history? For that is surely the real problem Thailand faces today, that there is nobody adult enough in this kindergarten of a country to make a proper, honest, stand for decency (and indeed, actual modernism) beyond a handful of ineffective, white t-shirt-wearing, candle-lighting (true) democrats who are being drowned out in the deafening roar of stupidity.

Even so, as this is posted here in Thaivisa by a foreigner to an audience of fellow foreigners, what pains me personally is just how much my fellow falang should bloody well know better than to be supporting either side of this pathetic performance by a (clearly) still developing country. Just because you have a wife, business or property here doesn't mean you shouldn't be ashamed of yourselves for giving dishourable buffoons like Suthep or Thaksin your support.

............................................................Just because you have a wife, business or property here doesn't mean you shouldn't be ashamed of yourselves for giving dishourable buffoons like Suthep or Thaksin your support...........................................................

OK, fair enough, but what about me ? I don't support either of them, I just hate Thaksin and his whole rotten family and political regime with a passion. Have never really made any sort of comment about Suthep, don't have any interest in him but probably would if he ran the country in a devious manner a-la the Shinawatras.

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Didnt Suthep just make s direct threat to the red shirts suggesting they may be shot at? And tjat "masked popcorn shooter" was from the Dems crowd. That was a direct threat from mr. HONORABLE Suthep.

Sent from my SM-N900 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

I agreed he made a direct threat of violence of being shot if they came to Bangkok, not only that he publicly acknowledge that his popcorn men where armed and dangerous, something the Thai court refused to understand,

This idiot reminds me more of Hitler every day, the same bad decisions But remember that old Mongolian saying, "You live by the gun, you will die by the gun"!


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Sooner or later it's going to come down to the Red Shirts to enter Bangkok and do the same thing the anti government people are doing. Block the courts, any democracy places of interest and of course pick a good spot to camp out. Doing it peacefully just as Suthep folks are protesting. Sooner or later the men in green is going to have to enter the picture and all hell will break loose. There is just too much hate between them to compromise.

.................................."Doing it peacefully just as Suthep folks are protesting.".....................................

Do you honestly believe the redshirts are able to do anything peacefully, do anything that does not involve firing bullets, grenades, molotov cocktails, acid etc. and setting fire to buildings and shopping centers ?

If so you have a lot to learn about Thaksin's army of terrorists.

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Sooner or later it's going to come down to the Red Shirts to enter Bangkok and do the same thing the anti government people are doing. Block the courts, any democracy places of interest and of course pick a good spot to camp out. Doing it peacefully just as Suthep folks are protesting. Sooner or later the men in green is going to have to enter the picture and all hell will break loose. There is just too much hate between them to compromise.

.................................."Doing it peacefully just as Suthep folks are protesting.".....................................

Do you honestly believe the redshirts are able to do anything peacefully, do anything that does not involve firing bullets, grenades, molotov cocktails, acid etc. and setting fire to buildings and shopping centers ?

If so you have a lot to learn about Thaksin's army of terrorists.

It's worth noting that the events on the 19th of May, 2010 happened atfer several violent crackdowns on the the protesters. Not excusing anyone, just saying that things might have looked a lot different this time around too had todays government used the same approach.

And yes, the protests back then startet out just as peacefully as the anti-govt protesters today.

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Didnt Suthep just make s direct threat to the red shirts suggesting they may be shot at? And tjat "masked popcorn shooter" was from the Dems crowd. That was a direct threat from mr. HONORABLE Suthep.

Sent from my SM-N900 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Is your post a question or what? I had a Lt. in the field that was always asking questions and trying to disguise his questions with orders, He never made it home.

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So Suthep makes a few jokes (maybe in bad taste) about popcorn and it's supposed to be a threat against the red shirts. On top of that some gullible posters actually believe it.

After the red shirts killed the protest leader at a temple in Bang-na (without any apparent police investigation) & continued grenades, firecrackers and bullets targeted at the various protest sites, some within the PDRC ranks decided that they'd better arm themselves.

The red shirts have attacked the protestors at least 3 times (Chang Wattana & Laksi as well as Bang-na) and the protestors have no record of targeting red shirt groups - rather it's the other way around in Pathum Thani & Chiang Mai, both a number of times.

What PTP should be doing is getting the police to do their job for all Thais, not just red shirts and the PTP themselves. That would be a breakthrough in Thailand but it won't happen under any mob controlled by the Shins.

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Sooner or later it's going to come down to the Red Shirts to enter Bangkok and do the same thing the anti government people are doing. Block the courts, any democracy places of interest and of course pick a good spot to camp out. Doing it peacefully just as Suthep folks are protesting. Sooner or later the men in green is going to have to enter the picture and all hell will break loose. There is just too much hate between them to compromise.

.................................."Doing it peacefully just as Suthep folks are protesting.".....................................

Do you honestly believe the redshirts are able to do anything peacefully, do anything that does not involve firing bullets, grenades, molotov cocktails, acid etc. and setting fire to buildings and shopping centers ?

If so you have a lot to learn about Thaksin's army of terrorists.

It's worth noting that the events on the 19th of May, 2010 happened atfer several violent crackdowns on the the protesters. Not excusing anyone, just saying that things might have looked a lot different this time around too had todays government used the same approach.

And yes, the protests back then startet out just as peacefully as the anti-govt protesters today.

No, they didn't, the Red Shirts were cheering at the prospect of turning Bangkok into a sea of fire since before they moved into the city. Between then and the government crackdown there were many episodes of violence, including dozens of grenade and drive by shootings against targets in the "Not a Red Shirt Friend" list.

Besides that there was the precedent of their riots the previous year when, among other things they threatened to blow up a gas tanker in a neighborhood and tried to kidnap Abhisit (only got his aide who ended up in hospital).

So no, not the same thing at all.

There were many episodes between the violent crackdown attempt on the 10th of April and the final round of crackdowns, yes. But the protests in 2010 started peacefully. I haven't said it's the same, I said things might have look a lot different this time too if the government hadn't shown a great deal of restraint.

If the Democrats (funny name for a group of nepotists with no regard for democracy whatsoever) and their pals overthrow yet another elected government, we're probably in for even more trouble ahead than what happened in 2010.

Anyone see any way out of this situation? Looks pretty hopeless to me.

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It's worth noting that the events on the 19th of May, 2010 happened atfer several violent crackdowns on the the protesters. Not excusing anyone, just saying that things might have looked a lot different this time around too had todays government used the same approach.

And yes, the protests back then startet out just as peacefully as the anti-govt protesters today.

No, they didn't, the Red Shirts were cheering at the prospect of turning Bangkok into a sea of fire since before they moved into the city. Between then and the government crackdown there were many episodes of violence, including dozens of grenade and drive by shootings against targets in the "Not a Red Shirt Friend" list.

Besides that there was the precedent of their riots the previous year when, among other things they threatened to blow up a gas tanker in a neighborhood and tried to kidnap Abhisit (only got his aide who ended up in hospital).

So no, not the same thing at all.

There were many episodes between the violent crackdown attempt on the 10th of April and the final round of crackdowns, yes. But the protests in 2010 started peacefully. I haven't said it's the same, I said things might have look a lot different this time too if the government hadn't shown a great deal of restraint.

If the Democrats (funny name for a group of nepotists with no regard for democracy whatsoever) and their pals overthrow yet another elected government, we're probably in for even more trouble ahead than what happened in 2010.

Anyone see any way out of this situation? Looks pretty hopeless to me.

The gist of my post was in response to your last paragraph, where you stated that the Red Shirt "the protests back then startet out just as peacefully as the anti-govt protesters today.", which IMHO is not correct, Red Shirts had a history of previous violence and in the period before the 2010 crackdown were both promoting acts of violence and committing them too.

For example this is from September 2009: The headline reads "Destroy the elite" over the seal of the Democrat party. Does it look like the sort of thing a non-violent group espouses?

post-70157-063961800 1286727417_thumb.jp

One starking difference between now and then is that in 2010 groups and organizations deemed against the Red Shirts were the victims of acts of violence (bombings and shootings) while today... groups and organizations deemed against the Red Shirts are the victims of acts of violence (bombings and shootings)... well, fancy that, there´s no difference after all!

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I like to put it this way.

We need courts and all independence agencies. It is the judges and officials that destroyed the independence, integrity, judicial justice, equality of these institutions. IMO, judicial reform should top the list of reform agendas. The people are losing their trust and faith in the judges and officials because they played an important role in furthering the problems of the society.

Judges and officials who did not follow justice processes should be impeached. Judges and officials who violated the rights and the office of legislators, executive branch should also be impeached.

absolutely agree.

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I like to put it this way.

We need courts and all independence agencies. It is the judges and officials that destroyed the independence, integrity, judicial justice, equality of these institutions. IMO, judicial reform should top the list of reform agendas. The people are losing their trust and faith in the judges and officials because they played an important role in furthering the problems of the society.

Judges and officials who did not follow justice processes should be impeached. Judges and officials who violated the rights and the office of legislators, executive branch should also be impeached.

Thaksin doesn't seem to think we need independent agencies. He's either been trying to get rid of them or put is relatives in charge of them for ages.

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One brother who strangles a colleague and another who is an expert chair thrower, this is the professionalism of the family of this nasty imp of a man. Oh the poor fool Thais who are naively following him. Oh the poor fool Thais who are naively following the Thaksin regime as well.

The gullible Thai population can of course be forgiven for their childlike ignorance due to the culture they've been brought up in, with it's tragic education system, greng jai, biased media and general encourgement of mass-delusion as to its place in the world. No wonder they've been gulled into believing the removal of Thaksinism will really affect a corruption that has been rife on every level of this society for decades before the rise of the blood-sucking Shinawatras. But are they really that stupid to believe all this PDRC crap or are both sides simply refusing to face the truth about themselves and take responsibility for the first time in their history? For that is surely the real problem Thailand faces today, that there is nobody adult enough in this kindergarten of a country to make a proper, honest, stand for decency (and indeed, actual modernism) beyond a handful of ineffective, white t-shirt-wearing, candle-lighting (true) democrats who are being drowned out in the deafening roar of stupidity.

Even so, as this is posted here in Thaivisa by a foreigner to an audience of fellow foreigners, what pains me personally is just how much my fellow falang should bloody well know better than to be supporting either side of this pathetic performance by a (clearly) still developing country. Just because you have a wife, business or property here doesn't mean you shouldn't be ashamed of yourselves for giving dishourable buffoons like Suthep or Thaksin your support.

............................................................Just because you have a wife, business or property here doesn't mean you shouldn't be ashamed of yourselves for giving dishourable buffoons like Suthep or Thaksin your support...........................................................

OK, fair enough, but what about me ? I don't support either of them, I just hate Thaksin and his whole rotten family and political regime with a passion. Have never really made any sort of comment about Suthep, don't have any interest in him but probably would if he ran the country in a devious manner a-la the Shinawatras.

Then you may not be one of the falang I was describing, though I do wonder why you "hate" one bunch of allegedly corrupt, self-serving criminals yet "never really made any sort of comment" about the other bunch.

To an extent, I do understand you being more vocal against one than another since I myself am finding one particular group to currently be more overtly obnoxious than the other one, however that doesn't mean I condone either of them, let alone actively support or defend them.

That's what I was talking about in my previous post, the numerous, obnoxious and seemingly brain-dead westerners posting on Thaivisa in support or defence of either side of this utterly unprofessional, immature tragi-comedy of errors that is the political climate of Thailand.

The fact these people are posting with the same immaturity and lack of decency as shown by all these Thai political figures is probably merely more evidence for the image of low class westerners being attracted to Thailand.

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i think this people not need protest because is not human !!

I presume you are Thai. So Thais from the NE and NW are not human? Your avatar explains everything to me, and everything that is wrong with your existing class system and your current protest movement.. You are very, very wrong.

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i think this people not need protest because is not human !!

As a Thai person posting on a English language board, welcome to you.

However, you might find your posts more acceptable to others if you avoided such extreme comparisons.

In this power struggle presently happening in the Kingdom, we may be on different sides of the 'fence' but we are all human, and sad is the person who wishes harm on others who do not share the same opinion.

Deaths and injuries have occurred on both sides and there is much animosity out on the streets and on this board, but a little moderation and understanding goes a long way.wai.gif

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One brother who strangles a colleague and another who is an expert chair thrower, this is the professionalism of the family of this nasty imp of a man. Oh the poor fool Thais who are naively following him. Oh the poor fool Thais who are naively following the Thaksin regime as well.

The gullible Thai population can of course be forgiven for their childlike ignorance due to the culture they've been brought up in, with it's tragic education system, greng jai, biased media and general encourgement of mass-delusion as to its place in the world. No wonder they've been gulled into believing the removal of Thaksinism will really affect a corruption that has been rife on every level of this society for decades before the rise of the blood-sucking Shinawatras. But are they really that stupid to believe all this PDRC crap or are both sides simply refusing to face the truth about themselves and take responsibility for the first time in their history? For that is surely the real problem Thailand faces today, that there is nobody adult enough in this kindergarten of a country to make a proper, honest, stand for decency (and indeed, actual modernism) beyond a handful of ineffective, white t-shirt-wearing, candle-lighting (true) democrats who are being drowned out in the deafening roar of stupidity.

Even so, as this is posted here in Thaivisa by a foreigner to an audience of fellow foreigners, what pains me personally is just how much my fellow falang should bloody well know better than to be supporting either side of this pathetic performance by a (clearly) still developing country. Just because you have a wife, business or property here doesn't mean you shouldn't be ashamed of yourselves for giving dishourable buffoons like Suthep or Thaksin your support.

Well Mr high and mighty, I support my girlfriend and her family and friends in their struggle for democracy, not Thaksin, democracy! and if you don't like it you know what you can do! jerk.gif.pagespeed.ce.TMGfqs4Lzz.gif

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One brother who strangles a colleague and another who is an expert chair thrower, this is the professionalism of the family of this nasty imp of a man. Oh the poor fool Thais who are naively following him. Oh the poor fool Thais who are naively following the Thaksin regime as well.

The gullible Thai population can of course be forgiven for their childlike ignorance due to the culture they've been brought up in, with it's tragic education system, greng jai, biased media and general encourgement of mass-delusion as to its place in the world. No wonder they've been gulled into believing the removal of Thaksinism will really affect a corruption that has been rife on every level of this society for decades before the rise of the blood-sucking Shinawatras. But are they really that stupid to believe all this PDRC crap or are both sides simply refusing to face the truth about themselves and take responsibility for the first time in their history? For that is surely the real problem Thailand faces today, that there is nobody adult enough in this kindergarten of a country to make a proper, honest, stand for decency (and indeed, actual modernism) beyond a handful of ineffective, white t-shirt-wearing, candle-lighting (true) democrats who are being drowned out in the deafening roar of stupidity.

Even so, as this is posted here in Thaivisa by a foreigner to an audience of fellow foreigners, what pains me personally is just how much my fellow falang should bloody well know better than to be supporting either side of this pathetic performance by a (clearly) still developing country. Just because you have a wife, business or property here doesn't mean you shouldn't be ashamed of yourselves for giving dishourable buffoons like Suthep or Thaksin your support.

............................................................Just because you have a wife, business or property here doesn't mean you shouldn't be ashamed of yourselves for giving dishourable buffoons like Suthep or Thaksin your support...........................................................

OK, fair enough, but what about me ? I don't support either of them, I just hate Thaksin and his whole rotten family and political regime with a passion. Have never really made any sort of comment about Suthep, don't have any interest in him but probably would if he ran the country in a devious manner a-la the Shinawatras.

Then you may not be one of the falang I was describing, though I do wonder why you "hate" one bunch of allegedly corrupt, self-serving criminals yet "never really made any sort of comment" about the other bunch.

To an extent, I do understand you being more vocal against one than another since I myself am finding one particular group to currently be more overtly obnoxious than the other one, however that doesn't mean I condone either of them, let alone actively support or defend them.

That's what I was talking about in my previous post, the numerous, obnoxious and seemingly brain-dead westerners posting on Thaivisa in support or defence of either side of this utterly unprofessional, immature tragi-comedy of errors that is the political climate of Thailand.

The fact these people are posting with the same immaturity and lack of decency as shown by all these Thai political figures is probably merely more evidence for the image of low class westerners being attracted to Thailand.

You love yourself don't you? We're on here voicing our opinions cos we care, if you don't like it, get back to your knitting.

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It's worth noting that the events on the 19th of May, 2010 happened atfer several violent crackdowns on the the protesters. Not excusing anyone, just saying that things might have looked a lot different this time around too had todays government used the same approach.

And yes, the protests back then startet out just as peacefully as the anti-govt protesters today.

No, they didn't, the Red Shirts were cheering at the prospect of turning Bangkok into a sea of fire since before they moved into the city. Between then and the government crackdown there were many episodes of violence, including dozens of grenade and drive by shootings against targets in the "Not a Red Shirt Friend" list.

Besides that there was the precedent of their riots the previous year when, among other things they threatened to blow up a gas tanker in a neighborhood and tried to kidnap Abhisit (only got his aide who ended up in hospital).

So no, not the same thing at all.

There were many episodes between the violent crackdown attempt on the 10th of April and the final round of crackdowns, yes. But the protests in 2010 started peacefully. I haven't said it's the same, I said things might have look a lot different this time too if the government hadn't shown a great deal of restraint.

If the Democrats (funny name for a group of nepotists with no regard for democracy whatsoever) and their pals overthrow yet another elected government, we're probably in for even more trouble ahead than what happened in 2010.

Anyone see any way out of this situation? Looks pretty hopeless to me.

The gist of my post was in response to your last paragraph, where you stated that the Red Shirt "the protests back then startet out just as peacefully as the anti-govt protesters today.", which IMHO is not correct, Red Shirts had a history of previous violence and in the period before the 2010 crackdown were both promoting acts of violence and committing them too.

For example this is from September 2009: The headline reads "Destroy the elite" over the seal of the Democrat party. Does it look like the sort of thing a non-violent group espouses?

One starking difference between now and then is that in 2010 groups and organizations deemed against the Red Shirts were the victims of acts of violence (bombings and shootings) while today... groups and organizations deemed against the Red Shirts are the victims of acts of violence (bombings and shootings)... well, fancy that, there´s no difference after all!

Yeah but slowly and surely the elites are losing their grip. Once was a time, not long past, that they just used the army, but now the army is divided and don't want to play their game any more. So now they have to resort to using a handful of "popcorn vendors".

Slowly but Surely!

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