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Yingluck goes on the offensive as battle gets tougher


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Yingluk should be very direct with the facts. She should call them out BEFORE the NACC takes action. Call them out not only to thai citizens but to the Intl community. Why cant the UN or other independent authorities be there to have impartial observation of the law/ procedures. Put the pressure back on the NACC.

Good idea, let the UN check the books.

I would love to see the UN check the books. Do you really think there is a direct link back to Yingluk? I doubt she has any dirty intentions or dirty hands. The "Corruption" is going to be some low level dealings at the silos. You just wait. Nothing to do with Yingluk or Finance Dept. Oh..and of course, the people making the claims will be the irate farmer that "Knows all". We shall see. Obviously, I would not support Yingluk if she had a "Master PLan? for corruption. I highly doubt this to be the case. You can say the plan was ill conceived, and use your vote to remove Yingluk from office. Just don't blame the PM for low level thievery that she has no knowledge of.


Do you have any PROOF to substantiate your claims?

I doubt she has any dirty intentions or dirty hands

Obviously, I would not support Yingluk if she had a "Master PLan? for corruption. I highly doubt this to be the case

Just don't blame the PM for low level thievery that she has no knowledge of.

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<In a statement posted against the NACC - which is pressing charges against the PM for negligence of duty over the rice scheme - Yingluck said the agency was motivated by the political purpose of toppling her government>

She was the PM when the rice scheme was implemented. She has been the PM since then. Who has the ultimate responsibility for the scheme?

She does not want to admit that she failed to do her job. What is her definition of PM? What is the job description of PM in Thailand?

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What a brave darling of Issan she is, taking the offensive from a keyboard. Show some leadership and call a press conference and make these claims in person and back them up by answering the hard questions. After all Poo has the ice-cream gang and her caddy backing her up.

"taking the offensive from a keyboard"

says waza,

content to condemn the PM of Thailand and making up childish "comedy name" associations for her support from behind an anonymous user name on an internet forum whilst irony blithely passes him by.

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So now she wants the antu graft to fire someone because they dont support the current gov. She wants every group within the gov to be a PTP member so she can do what she wants and now she wants the group that does the checks and balances to all be her supporters. Me thinks she worres that someone has some hidden fears about getting caught. Good that the anti graft committee ignored her requests to fire him.

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This would be the same the world over, except only banana republics have representatives that work in this way.

I'm glad she is talking this out and through facebook as well. Let sutheps media bore its readership rigid with his propaganda and let the other side come out on FB,

By far best way to get news to the population and everybody is doing it.... Dems, Korn, UDD, PRDC, thaidcmd are just a few I follow on twitter and FB. (yes, I do read everything everybody has to say).

Meanwhile the Nation can fill its pages with tales of rice, tens of thousands of farmers, 6 million man marches and ruin further any little credibility it had.

Nice new name wonder if your one of the paid boiler room supporters are.

But what YL says is groundless that it is fast tracked, they have been investigating the rice scheme for ages (2 years) now they got the evidence. In the end let the evidence speak for itself. Just wait what they get on her and if its enough put the corrupt ones in jail before they can flee, like dear leader did.

Then start the reforms with even tougher corruption laws and maybe finally when the money is largely out of politics will we get peace. As long as corruption on such a large scale is possible there will be fights about who controls it.

Now the normal people should take charge and fight the corruption because now is the time, once things are transparent and less corrupt its not profitable for people to buy votes or to fight like crazy over the country.

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To sum up the main points of the YL's position. In defence of the accusations made by those nasty,cruel people at NACC

1. It wasn't her....it was her subordinates who thieved (she's in charge of them, of course, but unable to keep tabs on them)

2. It wasn't her fault, she was following orders from the puppet master

3. It's not fair...They caught her after only 21 days... poor Poo hasn't had the same time as Abhisit passifier.gif

4. She wasn't at any of the meetings that she was supposed to chair when some bad people agreed to do bad things.

5. She was too busy to attend, as she was shopping / Facebooking / hiding...

COME ON! You've left a trail of corruption, incompetence and malfeisance that bloodhound with sinusitis could follow coffee1.gif

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"I would love to see the National Anti-Corruption Commission [NACC] launch a strict examination against everybody, without any prejudice and in accordance with the rule of law with no hidden political agenda.

She wouldn't love that at all. The only reason she says it is because it will never happen.

She would, Yunla, but under the circumstances she mentioned, in particular, the WITHOUT PREJUDICE part. Edited by fab4
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"I would love to see the National Anti-Corruption Commission [NACC] launch a strict examination against everybody, without any prejudice and in accordance with the rule of law with no hidden political agenda.

She wouldn't love that at all. The only reason she says it is because it will never happen.

She would, Yunla, but under the circumstances she mentioned, in particular, the WITHOUT PREJUDICE part.


(at least it would be her way out of the ever-deepening hole ....)

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Good, about time she started talking tough.

Next, face to face confrontation with Suthep.

Sent from my i-mobile IQ 2 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

she hasn't got the sack for that.

On a side note: How incredibly pathetic is it that all these "Leaders of Government" make their political "Stances and Announcements" on their FaceBook page instead of publicly. whistling.gifgiggle.gif

And non government...

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"I would love to see the National Anti-Corruption Commission [NACC] launch a strict examination against everybody, without any prejudice and in accordance with the rule of law with no hidden political agenda.

She wouldn't love that at all. The only reason she says it is because it will never happen.

She would, Yunla, but under the circumstances she mentioned, in particular, the WITHOUT PREJUDICE part.

Prejudice doesn't come into it. Even for a sock-puppet decorating a bloodstained hand of a massmurdering grand-larcenist, she hasn't got the conkers to stand infront of a serious legal grilling, especially given the facts of the last few years. The rice-pledging speaks for itself, it is a disaster and it is Yingluck's pet disaster that has gone rampaging around the nation like Godzilla biting farmers in half. She can't dodge that particular bullet and that is only the first shot of a veritable leaden rainstorm that she would be facing if she ever encountered a truly thorough investigation. I can think of six things I would expect to see her charged with in relation to her failed duty as PM in the incidents of recent years, but I can't be bothered typing them all out right now. Maybe after a few sherries.

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Yingluk should be very direct with the facts. She should call them out BEFORE the NACC takes action. Call them out not only to thai citizens but to the Intl community. Why cant the UN or other independent authorities be there to have impartial observation of the law/ procedures. Put the pressure back on the NACC.

If she feels so strongly that they are wrong, she should go before her accusers on 27 February and face them directly. Will she? NO!

There is no pressure on the NACC; they have sufficient evidence, she needs to refute the evidence or face the consequences...!!

Why would a sitting PM appear before a politically biased group that was appointed by the previous Military dictatorship & Democrat administration?

She has just sent a wake up call to her political opponents and those in the PTP that have burdened her with their personal vested interests. This action is a long time coming and I hope she keeps doing it. She needs to go Ninja on her detractors.

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So now she wants the antu graft to fire someone because they dont support the current gov. She wants every group within the gov to be a PTP member so she can do what she wants and now she wants the group that does the checks and balances to all be her supporters. Me thinks she worres that someone has some hidden fears about getting caught. Good that the anti graft committee ignored her requests to fire him.

Sent from my GT-S5310 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Look into the facts of the investigation by the NACC only came to a decision after removing a member that other member said held up their Strictly by the book, indepth, 21 day legal investigation!

Me thinks you thinks wrong, look up the fact ,I Know you will disregard them,but look it up so you know the truth!


Methinks that if you have "Facts" that we should be aware of, you should be prepared to share them with us...!!

Cheers to you mate as well. Butbefore you go making assumptions and critcizing other post you should READ the bloody article. I believe you will find where YL states she asks for this man to be removed because he doesn't suppose the gov. You should find it easily enough if you can see it through your bloody red blinders

Sent from my GT-S5310 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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So now she wants the antu graft to fire someone because they dont support the current gov. She wants every group within the gov to be a PTP member so she can do what she wants and now she wants the group that does the checks and balances to all be her supporters. Me thinks she worres that someone has some hidden fears about getting caught. Good that the anti graft committee ignored her requests to fire him.

Sent from my GT-S5310 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Look into the facts of the investigation by the NACC only came to a decision after removing a member that other member said held up their Strictly by the book, indepth, 21 day legal investigation!

Me thinks you thinks wrong, look up the fact ,I Know you will disregard them,but look it up so you know the truth!


The commission, he added, has turned down the prime minister’s reservation against commissioner Vicha Mahakhun claiming his bias against her as not reasonable enough...

Is that the proof you were talking about. Because it is clear as day in the article NACC defends the probe against PM is fair and not done in rush

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She is the chairwoman of the rice committee.
In this position she has taken on the responsibility for one of the most important economic industries of the country.
Under her leadership, a new daring subsidy scheme was introduced.
Many international organizations have warned.
But having no idea, no knowledge and acting stupid, it does not obviate the responsibility.
Her results:
- 800 Billion burned without positive significant economic impacts.
- 130 Billion outstanding debts.
- Since October over one million unpaid Farmers.
- 18 million tons of rice mountain, hard to sell and in parts even rots.
- Many, many small farmers in need and now in the debt trap.
- Farmers commit suicide.

- International competitiveness ruined.

- Lost top spot as a rice exporter.
- No clean accounting and no accountability reports.
- Ridiculous statements, which this scheme allegedly should be corruption free.
- Brought the country into chaos.
- State Budget sucked empty.
- Now they try to sell the county reserve assets.
- And this idiotic scheme continues.
In other countries they arrest such incompetent people and imprison them.
The damage to the country is enormous and Thailand will still have to suffer for years to come.

Yeah, but.... no, but ... it wasn't her fault though. She was only following orders.

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Yingluk should be very direct with the facts. She should call them out BEFORE the NACC takes action. Call them out not only to thai citizens but to the Intl community. Why cant the UN or other independent authorities be there to have impartial observation of the law/ procedures. Put the pressure back on the NACC.

If she feels so strongly that they are wrong, she should go before her accusers on 27 February and face them directly. Will she? NO!

There is no pressure on the NACC; they have sufficient evidence, she needs to refute the evidence or face the consequences...!!

Why would a sitting PM appear before a politically biased group that was appointed by the previous Military dictatorship & Democrat administration?

She has just sent a wake up call to her political opponents and those in the PTP that have burdened her with their personal vested interests. This action is a long time coming and I hope she keeps doing it. She needs to go Ninja on her detractors.

Ah the.. it is all political defense.\

No sir nothing wrong with the rice program.. no corruption.. no destruction of the markets for years to come.. no hardship for the farmers as they will have to compete with the government for rice sales in future.. no rotting rice.. everything is fine sir.

If they have proof of corruption they can get her.. and i hope they do this puppet government has done so much damage its unbelievable.

- Rice rotting (yes there is proof of it and anyone thinking all storage is up to spec is crazy))

- Future stock will have to be sold at a huge loss and in direct competition with farmers result even lower prices and more pain for farmers

- G2G deals that never were (or sold at lower prices at Taksin allies and sold back into the programs bingo !!!)

- Rice imported from neighboring countries by Taksin allies sold into the system bingo !!!

- Enormous storage fees to make the program even more expensive

- Farmers with debts and liquidity problems as they did not get paid because government did not secure loans before

- Totally no transparency never any prices disclosed as they did not want to show the real losses

- People who warned before (civil servants) were replaced right away as you cant say a bad thing about this government

- Because the program did not look at rice quality it was quantity over quality destroying Thai rice reputation.

- Because of dumping worries they loose support from other governments

- The poorest farmers.. did not get money as they did not sell rice they eat their own rice (direct support would have helped)

Everyone warned them about it.. but they still did it.. that is not only stupid its criminal. All this so they could steal from the program.

A direct payment to farmers based on land (sliding scale so not to help the real big farmers like has been done now) would have been lots cheaper.. but initially more expensive in the books so they could not use the budget money for other things they wanted so much. So they claimed this program was budget neutral or would even make money. So only loans had to be secured for it almost no budget allocated.

It was one big scam from day one.. now its time to pay the piper.

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Yingluk should be very direct with the facts. She should call them out BEFORE the NACC takes action. Call them out not only to thai citizens but to the Intl community. Why cant the UN or other independent authorities be there to have impartial observation of the law/ procedures. Put the pressure back on the NACC.

If she feels so strongly that they are wrong, she should go before her accusers on 27 February and face them directly. Will she? NO!

There is no pressure on the NACC; they have sufficient evidence, she needs to refute the evidence or face the consequences...!!

Why would a sitting PM appear before a politically biased group that was appointed by the previous Military dictatorship & Democrat administration?

She has just sent a wake up call to her political opponents and those in the PTP that have burdened her with their personal vested interests. This action is a long time coming and I hope she keeps doing it. She needs to go Ninja on her detractors.

Ah the.. it is all political defense.\

No sir nothing wrong with the rice program.. no corruption.. no destruction of the markets for years to come.. no hardship for the farmers as they will have to compete with the government for rice sales in future.. no rotting rice.. everything is fine sir.

If they have proof of corruption they can get her.. and i hope they do this puppet government has done so much damage its unbelievable.

- Rice rotting (yes there is proof of it and anyone thinking all storage is up to spec is crazy))

- Future stock will have to be sold at a huge loss and in direct competition with farmers result even lower prices and more pain for farmers

- G2G deals that never were (or sold at lower prices at Taksin allies and sold back into the programs bingo !!!)

- Rice imported from neighboring countries by Taksin allies sold into the system bingo !!!

- Enormous storage fees to make the program even more expensive

- Farmers with debts and liquidity problems as they did not get paid because government did not secure loans before

- Totally no transparency never any prices disclosed as they did not want to show the real losses

- People who warned before (civil servants) were replaced right away as you cant say a bad thing about this government

- Because the program did not look at rice quality it was quantity over quality destroying Thai rice reputation.

- Because of dumping worries they loose support from other governments

- The poorest farmers.. did not get money as they did not sell rice they eat their own rice (direct support would have helped)

Everyone warned them about it.. but they still did it.. that is not only stupid its criminal. All this so they could steal from the program.

A direct payment to farmers based on land (sliding scale so not to help the real big farmers like has been done now) would have been lots cheaper.. but initially more expensive in the books so they could not use the budget money for other things they wanted so much. So they claimed this program was budget neutral or would even make money. So only loans had to be secured for it almost no budget allocated.

It was one big scam from day one.. now its time to pay the piper.

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What a brave darling of Issan she is, taking the offensive from a keyboard. Show some leadership and call a press conference and make these claims in person and back them up by answering the hard questions. After all Poo has the ice-cream gang and her caddy backing her up.

"What a brave darling of Issan she is,.taking the offensive from a keyboard"

And Mr Waza what exactly are you then? Aren't you a keyboard warrior'?

In case it had escaped your attention, Mr Waza isn't running the country.

Mind you, neither is YL

You are 100% correct.Thaksin the convicted criminal- on- the -run is controlling the country, YL and her minions.

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Nice move by Yingluck in making the NACC the centre of the accountability argument.

Just why has abisits case not moved for years but she is suddenly fast tracked to the top of the agenda.

Answers please NACC members, International community awaiting

Different case, different agency, different process, different court and the international community does not care. Foreign governments are not moved by cheesy propaganda, they are capable of preparing their own assessments of what is really going on.

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Good, about time she started talking tough.

Next, face to face confrontation with Suthep.

Sent from my i-mobile IQ 2 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

About time to take off the gloves and enough of these protestors. Time to get this country back to a semblance of normalcy with the economy going down the toilet, tourism along with it, local businesses affected negatively, etc. etc. Protests, whether peaceful or not, have their limits. Points made, now time to move on in life. If Thailand does not have the Thaksin corruption it will have the Suthep corruption or some other politicians. Same pie, another flavor.

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Allright, now for some alternative perspectives for your consideration. Living in a sea of UDD/RS's, often some mainstream media accounts stand out for their extreme differences. The following quotes jumped out as such:

>"...she appeared to show no regrets for the failure of the project and her policy"

This presumes total failure as a matter-of-fact, and the total absence of success. One cannot debate that weaknesses have come forward with respect to this non-profit financial redistribution program....But it must also be considered that the Elites are opposed to such re-distribution. One often hears their mantra of demonizing 'programs and policies for ordinary people' as being populist.

The Elitists share a responsibility for any failures in this non-profit agricultural price support program that they like to gloss over. Trying to lay all blame at the feet of the Govt. and their millions of electoral supporters. The Elitist active obstruction of payments to farmers is the main factor leading to its deficiencies. Preventing the Govt. from making payments and their coup-monger interruption's everywhere has a negative impact, which they self-servingly foist onto the Govt. and their millions of voter support.

>"She also drew comparisons with a similar case filed against former prime minister Abhisit Vejjajiva in 2009"

Self-explanatory and shows the cynical duplicity of these double-standard Amart elements.

>"At this point, it will be interesting to see if Yingluck's offensive ignites the sentiment of her red-shirt supporters against these two independent agencies, because, after all, she is accusing both agencies of having double standards"

No ignition needed...In fact this statement is back-asswards...It is the Red Shirt supporters who have finally ignited Yingluck, about these Agencies the self-serving Elites are desperately trying to characterize as non-political.

>" hosting a gathering of more than 4,000 supporters in the northeastern province of Nakhon Ratchasima tomorrow to launch a crusade against the anti-government crowd"

The intention is not to 'launch a crusade against the anti-Govt. crowd"...It is just another gathering of the ongoing preparedness for if and when coup-mongers and all their shadowy supporters, including the judiciary, succeed in their anti-Democracy drive....They are simply insuring that Yingluck receives the support she needs and does not cave in the face of these anti-democratic forces the way Samak and Somchai did. There is no chance Suthep and his friends can be succesful. Nor the judiciary for that matter. There would be proverbial "hell to pay" let me assure you. The Korat gathering tomorrow is simply another step in the ongoing process of planning for all eventualities. Not a beginning of anything.

If there was any launching of anything, that happened Post-2006. The coup-makers generated an unintended consequence that haunts their current re-incarnation to this day, and has prevented them for instigating another coup. The creation of a huge politicized swath of the electorate that will never sit around again as they did in 2006, or accept another power grab by unlectables

The rice scheme is total failure. It has smashed Thailand's rice exports, generated multi-billion dollar losses, created a monstrous and degrading stockpile, been subject to an unknown but apparently massive level of corruption, is completely opaque, and left farmers without an income for up to six months. It was implemented despite public warnings from mainstream institutions and economists at every level.

If there is some way not to view the rice scheme as a disaster I would like to hear it.

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On stage on Thursday evening Suthep was thanking the Thailand Association of the Blind for their efforts in blocking AIS's call centre all day long with endless questions about AIS promotions.

Thaksin was reported to have sold his family's controlling stake in the group in 2006 but, given his history of assets concealment, the blind are just playing safe in case he has made another 'honest mistake'.

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