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Two prospects now for Thailand, and neither is any good


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News is suppose to be about "new" issues of which we do not know. This article was only a rehash of what has already been known for some time. More like a history lesson rather than news. Suggest The Nation attempt to find somebody who can write news or an editorial with insightful suggestions as to solutions and not the same-same of old news.

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There is only one turn of events that will serve to reduce tensions and put Thailand on a path towards reconciliation. This would be the return of Thaksin to Thailand and his serving at least a portion of his sentence. It is unfathomable to me that a convicted criminal and fugitive from justice runs the Thai government by proxy. Those who say that the charges against him were "politically motivated" do not know the true Thaksin.

He has been involved in shady and outright fraudulent business deals at least since 1987 when he defrauded American businessman William Monson out of $1 million worth of cable TV equipment. His "rake" off the construction of The Suvarnabhumi Airport had to run into the hundreds of millions of dollars. The scam that he perpetrated to sell AIS to The Singaporeans was patently illegal-until he had the law changed by his minion MP's so he could rake off a $2 billion profit and pay no cap gains tax on it. Ad on Ad nauseum.

Mr. T needs to do some time and stay out of politics, period. That said, the people of Issan need to be properly represented in the National government, which they never were until Thaksin came along and molded them into the majority that elected him. For this, they were rewarded duly and things have gotten a lot better for the folks of Issan as a result (I know, I have lived in a Surin rice farming village for the last nine years). And for this, they love Thaksin.

What we need is someone with Thaksin's considerable political skills with out the T-man's prodigious greed. I am not holding my breath until such a character surfaces but it sure as hell is not Suthep, who is simply a proxy for the old-line Bangkok power elite who want their shot at the gold back where they think it belongs i. e. with them.

William Monson Files breach of contract charges[edit]

In 1995, he and four other plaintiffs filed breach of contract charges against Thaksin and 16 other defendants, the plaintiffs demanding 4.13 billion baht in compensation. In 2002, a court threw out the breach of contract charges after finding that the contract between Monson and Thaksin had never taken effect. The court ruled that the contract between Monson and CTVC of Hawaii (USA), on one side, and Thaksin, his wife, and Shinawatra Computer, on the other side, to set up Video Link Co Ltd was void from the beginning; Monson's resignation from Video Link's board of directors voided the contract. The court ordered Monson and the plaintiffs to pay nearly 2 million baht in lawyers' fees for the defendants.[1]

Files perjury charges[edit]

Monson also filed a lawsuit claiming that Thaksin lied to a civil court during a trial on 22 July 1996 and demanded 6 billion baht in compensation. In September 2006, the court ruled that Monson had failed to bring Thaksin to court within the statute of limitations after filing the lawsuit. Monson defended his case by noting that "We never got to argue or look at the facts of the case. We lost this round based on a legal technicality."[2] A second charge of perjury against Thaksin was also dismissed.[3] Both cases are on appeal. Monson has won a civil case over ownership of equipment in two lower courts and are awaiting a Supreme Court decision following resolution of the criminal charges against Thaksin et al.

In addition Monson has filed a complaint with the Special Investigator looking into contracts involving MCOT and IBC.

Kindly link to the The Suvarnabhum Rakeoff facts... Thanks Cheers

Edited by DirtFarmer
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Just another characterization of current events promoting the chaotic and ungovernable circumstances the coup-mongers and their friends are self-servingly trying to foster.

Most of these accounts conveniently ignore the millions of voters whose choice is being challenged. Trying instead to paint all this Opposition noise as being against some small clique type of cabal they call the Govt......That is not reality.......The reality is the millions of voters...those are the ones who are being challenged.

It is not rocket science to understand why these Anti-democrats need to squelch the current election and prevent its' completion and tabulation...They are deathly afraid of it, as it gives voice to those millions referenced above.

That voice needs to be silenced, ignored and not mentioned, if they are to make any progress.

I REALIZE it's been stated before, but I will give it another go. The Shin family has been buying the votes of the farmers for as long as Thaksin has been involved in politics, agree or not that makes those millions of votes ilegitamate, if the new elections are held with out correction of the voting fraud there will be millions more invalid votes, same as before. This would again result in an invalid election so what is the point of elections before the corruption ( vote buying ) problems are sorted. Do you people who insists Suthep is trying to oust a democratically elected govt. really think there is any thing about this govt.. Howmaney billions more baht of the peoples money will be squandered on an election that won't bring about a democratic govt.

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Rather dull writing and he told us nothing we did not already know.

Funny sitting in Singapore talking about democracy. I did not know you had any idea what it was.


The United States of America had an election.

The South refused to vote for Lincoln but did vote because they knew that Lincoln needed NO SUCH thing as a certain percentage not voting to stop him.

So let me get this straight Thailand.

if a certain percentage does not vote than the election is void?

So the Reds can simply refuse to vote to stop your yellows from ever winning as well.

But this story is dull.

Ghandi and Mandellah knew how to take down a ruling class. Just simply shut the economy down.

Nothing rich people hate more than losing money.

and what amazing examples of the democratic princples of fairness for all do we see in South Africa and India today .......................

The "ruling classes" are those who rule.

In most countries those who rule tend to be those with the advantage of a better education.

Agree that the Article is shallow and offers no fresh insight.

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While Thaksin still attempts to run the country in his personal interest the troubles will continue. This much is better understood.

I agree with this, but what is the alternative? For vested interests from the other side to do the same? As has been traditional in Thai politics, just swapping from one self serving group to another.

I think most people agree that reform should take place, but the devil is in the detail of how and who can carry this out, which for me is the main reason why I just cannot get my head around supporting the movement. (notwithstanding my distrust of the real motives of the some of the core leaders and their backers)

It seems that very few Government institutions, law makers etc are beyond influence and politicization so finding a group of people with neutrality, who cannot and will not be influenced by either party/friends/military to carry out these needed reforms. The fact that the PDRC or the Government or anyone really has put forward any names for these people to carry out the reforms makes me question whether this is the real desire of the powers that be.

If Yingluck resigned today? What would happen?

Nothing happens but the next Shinawatra family goon steps up to run the family Thailand personal business.

It is not only the puppet that's needs to resign but also Pheu Thai as the Dems have done. Then they all should report on their knees and bellies to the One who's decision does matter. Then they can all hand themselves over to the Army for immediate first lessons on Democracy 101 and kindy playing in the sandpit. During that time the Army is also tasked to get relevant groups to nominate the best in their fields for short term management while politicians are being educated. Army is facilitator and judicatory but also not leader.

Okay so you have no sensible suggestion to the valid questions i asked other than being 'funny;.

This sums up the reason that many like myself who don't trust the current Govt cannot support the PDRC as there are simply to many unanswered questions.

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While Thaksin still attempts to run the country in his personal interest the troubles will continue. This much is better understood.

I agree with this, but what is the alternative? For vested interests from the other side to do the same?

No. The alternative is electoral reform.

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While Thaksin still attempts to run the country in his personal interest the troubles will continue. This much is better understood.

I agree with this, but what is the alternative? For vested interests from the other side to do the same?

No. The alternative is electoral reform.

And who can be trusted to do this openly and fairly for the good of the country?

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