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Why Wont My Thai Gf Tell Me Which Political Party She Supports?


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I would suggest that she is wiser than you on this. You knowing what party she supports could lead to a difference of opinion and conflict. It used to be an unwritten law in British pubs that religion and politics were not to be discussed. Good advice I think. Certainly with Thais. They seem to be of the George Bush mentality, with his "You are either with us, or against us". No room for debate in a sensible and reasoned fashion. Even an exclamation from myself of 'Bloody Hell', while watching the political shenanigins on Thai TV can lead to a ten minute lecture from my wife on the merits or demerits of the topic.STEER CLEAR!whistling.gif.pagespeed.ce.FVjgnKnWS1.pn

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My wife is a teacher too. She has made it clear that she needs to be careful what she says and who she says it to. She has told me that certain voiced opinions could cause her to lose her job or just disappear. She has told me that both yellow and red shirts are "bad people". So I guess that means she does not have a side. She hates the corruption and what it does to her country. When she finishes this last school year she will have her 25 years in for her pension and join me in Farang Land. So maybe your gal does not have a side because she knows neither one will make Thailand what it ought to be.

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rolleyes.gif Many Thais are truely convinced that ALL Thai politicians are worthless .... all of them simply out for what they can steal in their time in power.

Therefore many Thais are simply unwillimg to talk about politics .... it just isn't relevant to their everyday lives.

My Thai G's son is a Tuk Tuk driver.

He has clearly told his mom that he is not interested in politics .... please don't try to talk to him about that subject as all politicians are nothing but crooks and he has no time for any of them.

He votes for the "No Vote" party in all elections.

That is his opinion of Thai "democracy" .... it's all for show anyhow and meaningless to his life.

I think you will find many working class Thais feel exactly the same way.

They are to interested in trying to make a living ..... they don't really care which set of theives is in power or want to be in power.

As her son says .... either way he is going to get scr-wed anyway.... so who cares.

Edited by IMA_FARANG
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She may feel her political beliefs are HERS and really none of your business.

What kind of a relationship is that? Not one built on trust, that's for sure.

Many people in relationships, even marriages choose to keep their own political

beliefs to themselves. Your Gf probably knows you don't understand Thai politics

and she may feel it's her country and her government. Nothing to do with trust in

a relationship, it just prevents lots of problems.

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Many Thai ladies are ashamed to admit they will vote for whoever pays,the chaps are more shamelss and my mother in la takes money from all sides and spoils paper


U have told the world that all parties pay fopr votes not just reds,thank u very much for letting the ill informed know.

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Back a long long time ago when I was married my wife and I were clearly on the opposite sides of the political spectrum but I was smart and didn't talk much about it. Before voting day arrived knowing our votes would just cancel each other out, I would constantly tell her I would not vote for any of the candidates and finally she would agree to do the same. Then when voting day arrived I would sneak off to the polls and vote for the candidate of my choice and chalk one up for the home team tongue.pngcheesy.gifclap2.gif

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My wife is a teacher too. She has made it clear that she needs to be careful what she says and who she says it to. She has told me that certain voiced opinions could cause her to lose her job or just disappear. She has told me that both yellow and red shirts are "bad people". So I guess that means she does not have a side. She hates the corruption and what it does to her country. When she finishes this last school year she will have her 25 years in for her pension and join me in Farang Land. So maybe your gal does not have a side because she knows neither one will make Thailand what it ought to be.

Good points

Farangs seem to want to talk about politics more than thais,and they cannot vote.Too many billy bullshitters on here pretending to know about thai politics,when most dont know jack shxx.The farangs who want to start arguaments on here must have very boring lives, and no doubt they do this in their home country.

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they dont understand the existance of politics,dont know what the word means.

This is because they were forbidden to think about this in the school,it is (was) seen as unpolite to ask questions to the teacher!

In the classroom only the teacher opens his mouth,children are prepared to be marionets,they learn the everything by memorization

through repitition.They dont understand grammar rules,relation between words......If you miss 1 tone they dont have a clue what you are talking about,

their mind is not flexible,yoo cann reet tis bu tey cant!

It is slowly going to approve, the more thai-farang children in a classroom the quicker it will change.

They speak at least 2 or tree languages when they are 5 y old, they took airplanes ,fast trains ,taxis.....can swimm from 2 y old..wear shoes that cost more than 300 bht ,they saw an other continent ....all things even their teacher never saw nor will see in his life. They talk about it with the friends .....

Later it will be a big bonus to find a good job,perfectly writing and reading and speaking thai ,english and his fathers language (mine is flemish and french)

Never send your children to an english school unless you want them to have the same handicap as you have yourself here in thailand.(unless you can read and write and speak thai perfectly)

It is easy to find out which political party any Thai supports and they all support one or the other. The great majority of Thais who would know a Farang also will have a face book page. Look at his or her facebook page as they are political manifestos. To say, "they dont understand the existance of politics,dont know what the word means" is nonsense as the airport closure or the Bangkok killings and burnings and explosions will attest to. The Thais have been in the streets frequently ever since their popular candidate was exiled.

It would be nice if you were correct and much less worrisome but the truth is 180 degrees away from what you have written.

Edited by thailiketoo
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You stated that she is employed as a teacher, so she is wise to keep quiet about politics as anything she says could hurt her career depending upon who ends up in power. And it appears that she is smart enough to be concerned that her falang boyfriend might inadvertently blurt out, "Well, my girlfriend says that..." at exactly the wrong moment.

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She might have a problem to tell you the truth. Most Thai teachers are so RED that the youngsters who start later have to agree with their point of political view.

That all dates back to a time where Mr. T. had made a new law, as most teachers were in deep <deleted>..eahh dept.

None had to pay up to millions back. Mr. T.'s way to have the well educated class ( sorry had a laugh attack) and a new law was made.

At my school are 99% red. They don't even have a problem to give little kids flyers with an older woman, who looks like Mr. T's sister, on it. -wai2.gif

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She's a teacher ( as is my missus). It's wiser for teachers to keep their political opinions to themselves. My missus has confided which party she sides with to me, but she won't even discuss it with anyone else.

Easy to brows through 162,432 people who put their politics out there for anyone to see.

My point is Thais are very political and very open about it.


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Easy to brows through 162,432 people who put their politics out there for anyone to see.

My point is Thais are very political and very open about it.

Your figures are wrong. Thus far the Messiah has amassed 1,621,397 likes

You're right though about Thais being political. They're the same in this respect as people in most other countries.

If you're unable to discuss politics with your wife or girlfriend, it may be due to communication problems.

Discussing the monarchy is a bit different: you may find Thais reluctant to discuss succession issues. The name Vajiralongkhorn is generally whispered rather than spoken.

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Easy to brows through 162,432 people who put their politics out there for anyone to see.

My point is Thais are very political and very open about it.

Your figures are wrong. Thus far the Messiah has amassed 1,621,397 likes

You're right though about Thais being political. They're the same in this respect as people in most other countries.

If you're unable to discuss politics with your wife or girlfriend, it may be due to communication problems.

My figures are correct you didn't look at the link! Ah habiggrin.png

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Like at a dinner party, politics and religion should be taboo topics in a relationship. I don't know why the OP was silly enough to ask in the first place. It will only lead to incessant talking, and in the end you will have to agree.

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Easy to brows through 162,432 people who put their politics out there for anyone to see.

My point is Thais are very political and very open about it.

Your figures are wrong. Thus far the Messiah has amassed 1,621,397 likes

You're right though about Thais being political. They're the same in this respect as people in most other countries.

If you're unable to discuss politics with your wife or girlfriend, it may be due to communication problems.

My figures are correct you didn't look at the link! Ah habiggrin.png

I looked at the link but I don't see your point.

Sure, one of the Messiah's Facebook posts has got over 160,000 likes, but the FB page itself has about ten times as many.

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