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not very important ...

just a bit strange  :o


Francois, you sound strange. So let George check it out.

BTW, the board was down this afternoon for a while.


Topic starter "The Judge"

Name "What do you think of this"

I suspect that the Judge was trying (successfully) to upset a forum VIP The topic and about 30 replies were exterminated.


well ...

Francois, you sound strange.
no Axel .. don't worry I'm not, first I thought ... I must have missed it, looked twice, but the topic was gone.

As it was about a piece of "missplaced wrong-judgment, I was wondering ..what's that?

It would be a little long to explain ... and I won't put on the subject again as it is not woth at all ...

Topic starter "The Judge"

Name "What do you think of this"

I suspect that the Judge was trying (successfully) to upset a forum VIP The topic and about 30 replies were exterminated.

this is it ...

as I said it's not this important, and I'm ready to accept this as a "bad-slide" ...

just one thing, if this text was authentic, why the author, or the supposed one did not say

anything ... but that's history.

"we" in Chiang Mai are quite cool, far from words fights ...

it was a bit surprising to see such griefs appearing in a text, we did not even know where from ...

I quite did not like it :o

but, I have to say this : it gave me the idea to start a new topic ... so :D

I do think, let's turn the page and forget this bad episode ...


ps; I still have the text ...

Topic starter "The Judge"

Name "What do you think of this"

I suspect that the Judge was trying (successfully) to upset a forum VIP The topic and about 30 replies were exterminated.

Awwwww ######....a good fight and I must have missed it :o Oh well....there will another

Topic starter "The Judge"

Name "What do you think of this"

I suspect that The Judge was trying (successfully) to upset a forum VIP The topic and about 30 replies were exterminated.

What does this mean, "I suspect that The Judge was trying (successfully) to upset a forum VIP "? Which VIP (on this forum) was he trying to upset? An administrator?

My take on the subject was that The Judge, or whoever wrote the text, was saying that many Farangs here are not as worthwhile as the writer, because they were spending a lot of time in bars, or not doing socially conscious work.

I was surprised how many people disagreed with the writer, although I disagreed with him also. Leave the guys in the bars alone. They will get over it, when they get over it!

Topic starter "The Judge"

Name "What do you think of this"

I suspect that The Judge was trying (successfully) to upset a forum VIP The topic and about 30 replies were exterminated.

What does this mean, "I suspect that The Judge was trying (successfully) to upset a forum VIP "? Which VIP (on this forum) was he trying to upset? An administrator?

My take on the subject was that The Judge, or whoever wrote the text, was saying that many Farangs here are not as worthwhile as the writer, because they were spending a lot of time in bars, or not doing socially conscious work.

I was surprised how many people disagreed with the writer, although I disagreed with him also. Leave the guys in the bars alone. They will get over it, when they get over it!

Was the Roman Ulysses into wild speculation too ?

Guest The Judge

Maybe this one go too. OMG.

Guest IT Manager

Long ago in the mist of time past, an old man used to get quite drunk.

Foolishly he used to post then, but it was before he knew of the "forum VIP'. He was just a lonely man, kicked senseless by a Loi Kroh drunk.

One day he got sober and sensible.

But the original story was still there on the Internet.

One day, another member found it and posted because he knew what the drunk meant, because he saw it happen to a friend of his, so he Judged it should be discussed.

The writer was very cross about the posting, and discussed the posters Judgment in posting it.

They arrived at a determination that it should quietly disappear.

The man who wrote it was able to convince the other person that he would be judged inaccurately if what had been written was shared. In fact the writer was correct, and he asked me to deal with it.

I did.

Now get over it.

Topic starter "The Judge"

Name "What do you think of this"

I suspect that The Judge was trying (successfully) to upset a forum VIP The topic and about 30 replies were exterminated.

What does this mean, "I suspect that The Judge was trying (successfully) to upset a forum VIP "? Which VIP (on this forum) was he trying to upset? An administrator?

My take on the subject was that The Judge, or whoever wrote the text, was saying that many Farangs here are not as worthwhile as the writer, because they were spending a lot of time in bars, or not doing socially conscious work.

I was surprised how many people disagreed with the writer, although I disagreed with him also. Leave the guys in the bars alone. They will get over it, when they get over it!

Was the Roman Ulysses into wild speculation too ?

The Roman Ulysses was a lot cagier than me. He would have just said, "I am Noman", and The Judge and the Forum VIP would have given him the real low down voluntarily.

As it is, I think that it is time to forget why this posting was here!

Guest The Judge

Shut up Georgie-Porgie.

See you on Makkha Buccha Day at the Mango Tree

Guest IT Manager

Someone not suspended


I deny any insinuations about past lives, secret identities, etc.. I am a son of the South. I was named Ulysses S. Grant as a child, and I am still fond of using my birth name at each and every opportunity!


A son of the South and named after Grant? What, your parents didn't like you? Or was it akin to that J. Cash song, "A boy named Sue"? They did it just to toughen you up for life? What if they could have named you Sherman or Butler or some other really well appreciated Northern general. You'd be super tough by now, provided you survived the experience.

I suppose they thought you'd be lost in the crowd of Bobby Lee's or Stoney Jackon's. Or, possibly, there is that off chance that you were born in one of the few, but existant, southern areas that remained loyal to the North during that no so very distant conflict.

Still, Grant, for all his failings was an admirable fellow. The stain of corruption that infected parts of his administration during his presidency did not tarnish him. And when he was bankrupted by a junior partner in business aftewards, he turned over all of his medals, swords, and presents received over the years as a general and the President to pay off his debts. He was at the very least, an honest and able man.


A son of the South and named after Grant? What, your parents didn't like you? Or was it akin to that J. Cash song, "A boy named Sue"? They did it just to toughen you up for life? What if they could have named you Sherman or Butler or some other really well appreciated Northern general. You'd be super tough by now, provided you survived the experience.

I suppose they thought you'd be lost in the crowd of Bobby Lee's or Stoney Jackon's. Or, possibly, there is that off chance that you were born in one of the few, but existant, southern areas that remained loyal to the North during that no so very distant conflict.

Still, Grant, for all his failings was an admirable fellow. The stain of corruption that infected parts of his administration during his presidency did not tarnish him. And when he was bankrupted by a junior partner in business aftewards, he turned over all of his medals, swords, and presents received over the years as a general and the President to pay off his debts. He was at the very least, an honest and able man.


:o and too honest to be a member of this forum. Would Dubya do the same ?


I like to think that my parents somehow sensed that someday I would join the Thaivisa.com forum crew, and within only days, be receiving veiled threats from counterfeit "peaceniks" who have "tracked me down" and wish to silence me simply for being truthful in a polite manner..

Mom and Pops somehow knew that with a name like Ulysses S. Grant, and coming from the deep South, I would have already had so many death threats from the KKK, The Aryan Brotherhood and assorted other redneck organizations, that a bunch of Internet lunatics wouldn't even ruffle my feathers.

By the way, Doctor, I am proud to say that, I think that George W. would act in a simular manner. :o


Ulysses G~

I can understand your disdain for the threats of the KKK, the Grand Association of Aryan Dunces, and those red necked peckerwoods that drool on their email before sending it.

But I shudder to think of the deprivation you must have experienced as young man when surrounded by the sweetest flowers of the south, those delicious daughters of the confederacy. What a dilemma, when chatting with a southern belle and she asks your name. "Ulysses," you reply, "named after that wandering hero of The Odyssey." Oh, maybe in a fit of pique you might have told her "Ulysses, named after a reluctant student at West Point." But I doubt it.

None the less, a proud moniker, and a hearty welcome (if somewhat belated) to the Thai Visa forum. I fear I am one of the peaceniks, since I generally prefer peace to war. Not at any cost, mind you. I wasn't named after Neville Chamberlain. [Note to the Brits: sorry there, I have owned to admiring Churchill elsewhere.]


Ulysses G~

I can understand your disdain for the threats of the KKK, the Grand Association of Aryan Dunces, and those red necked peckerwoods that drool on their email before sending it. 

But I shudder to think of the deprivation you must have experienced as young man when surrounded by the sweetest flowers of the south, those delicious daughters of the confederacy.  What a dilemma, when chatting with a southern belle and she asks your name.  "Ulysses," you reply, "named after that wandering hero of The Odyssey."  Oh, maybe in a fit of pique you might have told her "Ulysses, named after a reluctant student at West Point."  But I doubt it.

None the less, a proud moniker, and a hearty welcome (if somewhat belated) to the Thai Visa forum.  I fear I am one of the peaceniks, since I generally prefer peace to war.  Not at any cost, mind you.  I wasn't named after Neville Chamberlain.  [Note to the Brits: sorry there, I have owned to admiring Churchill elsewhere.]


Thank you for the welcome Jeepz, but don't worry too much about how I was treated by the Southern Belles. My Southern Belles didn't mind my name at all; I am African American you see.

Also, do not fret about being a man of peace. This is also my natural inclination, but when one is being chased by rednecks from any country or of any variety, sometimes it is necessary to protect one's country, one's home, one's good name or one's family.

A Colt 45 works wonders in such a situation!

Guest IT Manager

Common sense prevents application of the word I feel is appropriate, but the man holding the caber is about to T++s it. Does that make him the to++er?


Ulysses G~

Hey, you got me! Cool, I hadn't thought of race in the equation, and I can see how Ulysses would be a fine choice. Pardon me if any of my previous posts were untoward.

I think your choice of a Colt .45 (semiauto) is a very judicious one. I much prefer it to the current issue Beretta 9mm, even though Beretta makes quite fine firearms as well. It is more a matter of caliber, though the Colt does have a long and illustrious history for functioning in all sorts of conditions.

If, however, you were referring to the Colt .45 popularly known as the ".45 Long Colt", a revolver cartridge, that works too, but limits your fire power and slows down your reloads considerably. I much prefer that cartridge in a Ruger Blackhawk, or rather, I used to be back in the days I was fond of things that went bang.



######, I think that it makes him the "toooer", however, it seems to elude me when browsing the dictionary (I found caber though).

Jeepz, I prefer the semi-auto, and I see that, you realize that, although peace is the ideal, sometimes a man has to be prepared for varmints that just don't think the way that we do.

Common sense prevents application of the word I feel is appropriate, but the man holding the caber is about to T++s it. Does that make him the to++er?

This is better:

Common sense prevents application of the word I feel is appropriate, but the man holding the caber is about to To++ it. Does that make him the to++er?

Common sense prevents application of the word I feel is appropriate, but the man holding the caber is about to T++s it. Does that make him the to++er?

This is better:

Common sense prevents application of the word I feel is appropriate, but the man holding the caber is about to To++ it. Does that make him the to++er?

Did I miss something here ? :o


Dr PP~

Hey, I even pm'd IT asking what the reference was too, but never got a response back. I don't know if he's viewing my references to southern beauties or USG's name as sort of lame "to++er" stuff or what.

Perplexed, but sometimes that is the way it goes.


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