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Three killed, 25 injured at concert explosion in Roi Et

Lite Beer

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When this sort of thing starts to happen too often, people start to shrug it off. And there is almost that feeling to this story, as we get hit with one after another bombing stories. It can become a "norm." I've seen it before in other places. Things can go to pieces easily and quickly. I'm not going to make a partisan comment. But the glue that holds society together has begun to disintegrate in Thailand.

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Begin of a guerilla war?

Why? Tragic and worrying but not political.

But we don't know if it wasn't political, maybe not rival gangs normally take knives and actually fight at these Lao Dancing gigs.

Roi Et what party is controlling there ???

More police at road blocks than at temple gates.

Not first time I've read about a tragic incident like this at one of these concerts. The OP's report is entirely believable. . I'll wait on further reports before jumping to alarmist conclusions that wonder if this the start of guerrilla warfare. Edited by Bluespunk
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Begin of a guerilla war?

Why? Tragic and worrying but not political.

But we don't know if it wasn't political, maybe not rival gangs normally take knives and actually fight at these Lao Dancing gigs.

Roi Et what party is controlling there ???

More police at road blocks than at temple gates.

Not first time I've read about a tragic incident like this at one of these concerts. The OP's report is entirely believable. . I'll wait on further reports before jumping to alarmist conclusions that wonder if this the start of guerrilla warfare.

If there are many more incidents similar there will have to be warnings for people not to congregate at gigs etc.

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For those who may not know, alcohol fuelled inter-village conflicts are the "norm" at Esaan concerts. Sad to say that sometimes these turn into stabbings and shootings. I have travelled to many concerts with my wife who is a singer. At concerts the men are frisked but the girls bags are not searched, although many concerts are totally uncontrolled. I agree with a poster that the use of a grenade(which has featured so prominently in the news of late) is of great concern. I hear the company performing last nights concert will now ensure everyone is searched before entry. p.s. A farang going to a concert should stay at the rear of the crowd (never go near the stage) and disappear at the first sign of trouble.

I rather enjoy the Mow-lam concerts which saturate the Isaan landscape year-round. We have several each year which come to our little sattelite city--a stone's throw from a larger Isaan city.

However, along with the energetic music, and "glam," there is a dark underbelly of drunkenness and gang rivalry which can use the venues to its/their advantage. The quoted poster's advice in the last column is good advice for personal safety, and to which I have unconsciously adhered to over the years. it could almost apply to any overcrowded Bangkok night club/dance club!

Edited by Fookhaht
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Temple bomb kills 3, hurts 28 in Roi Et

Three people were killed and 28 wounded, two of them seriously, by a bomb explosion in front of a stage for a traditional mor lam performance in Suwannaphum district of Roi Et province early on Tuesday, reports said.

Permanent health secretary Dr Narong Sahamethapat said the explosion occurred about 3.40am while a large number of people were watching the mor lam performance celebrating a new temple building at Wat Ban Talaew in tambon Na Yai of Suwannaphum district.

The explosion killed three civilians and wounded 28 others. Medical teams were dispatched from the provincial head office to provide treatment at the scene.

Ten of the wounded, five men and five women, were admitted to the provincial hospital. Of the ten, two men, aged 32 and 35, were in a serious condition.

Source: http://www.bangkokpost.com/breakingnews/396895/explosion-at-mor-lam-performance-kills-3-injures-28

-- Bangkok Post 2014-02-25

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sad.png This starts to feel like there are people who really wish to start a civil war. When these news are no longer breaking news, there are very few smiles left on this country. Reconstruction of trust in the country will take years or decades.

How can we start reminding the opponents all the good things they have done together. For example how Thais were helping each others during the tsunami.

Edit: Might be that this is "just" an gang war, but what the youngsters will learn what adults are doing to this country.

You also must remember how many millions of dollars came up missing, and could not be accounted for. No arrest, rumored to have police involvement. You can be sure some politicians got their share also.

...and within one hour of the opening post, the thread descends into political posturing.

Interesting, Mahasarakham Province had an almost identical grenade attack about a year ago at a concert in Prathat Na Dun where a policeman was killed + many injured. It hardly made national news, let alone spark dire pronouncements of which politician is at fault or profited.

Let's grow up, and stop using EVERY incident to stoke the political fire, OK? It would be great if particularly Thailand's expat community were a force for peace rather than part of the problem.

Yes, I am afraid that grenade attacks at concerts and other public gatherings are not a new phenomenon in Isaan by any means. 24 years ago I used to know a college teacher who had some nasty scars on his face and arms. Asked him how he got them and was told a morlam concert at the Khon Kaen Silk Fair - apparently some idiot lobbed a grenade into the crowd on a whim - or perhaps like this incident in Roi-Et seems to be - rival gangs of teenagers. Who knows, perhaps their dad's are cops or soldiers and see the devices kicking around at home? sad.png

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Village rivalry goes on all over the country, and they are almost untouchable as there parents are rich or are connected to people who are and have influence. Police usually do little to control them. The idiots slipped up at a local wedding, the groom was a soldier, and his army mates were there. The fighting started the police sat on their <deleted>, and the soldiers stopped the fights, with a few broken bones. However grenades is upping the stakes a lot.

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But we don't know if it wasn't political, maybe not rival gangs normally take knives and actually fight at these Lao Dancing gigs.

Roi Et what party is controlling there ???

More police at road blocks than at temple gates.

Not first time I've read about a tragic incident like this at one of these concerts. The OP's report is entirely believable. . I'll wait on further reports before jumping to alarmist conclusions that wonder if this the start of guerrilla warfare.

If there are many more incidents similar there will have to be warnings for people not to congregate at gigs etc.

Let's just hope there aren't any further incidents.

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Not first time I've read about a tragic incident like this at one of these concerts. The OP's report is entirely believable. . I'll wait on further reports before jumping to alarmist conclusions that wonder if this the start of guerrilla warfare.

If there are many more incidents similar there will have to be warnings for people not to congregate at gigs etc.

Let's just hope there aren't any further incidents.

Sure ,we have to live in hope. Difficult sometimes when the ball starts to roll it collects it picks up an awful lot of scum.

For a nation with nearly zero unemployment where do these people work to have the time for all this SH##, OK it was out of working hours, what was it 3 am.

starts at 9pm approx. midnight ought to be a cut off point. everywhere from say 7pm -midnight 5 hours should be long enough for any venue.

problem here they are still in bed at noon some of them---enjoy but get bleeding working some of you.

Another point, 1 mile away after midnight how the hell can people sleep. but who cares how many decibels spew out.--

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Lobbing grenades at concerts is crossing a clear line from teenage hooliganism to insane. I never would have come to this country if it was like this 10 years ago. I am afraid civility has dropped to a new low here.if it wasn't for my wife and kid, I would leave now. I pity this countries future.

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3 die, Two 16 year olds and a 40 year old, from a rival gang ??? how many females ??? from rival gangs---doesn't sound right to me.

Police should have been there, they cannot stop a grenade being thrown but they can find it at the temple gate on entry. or no search maybe. no money in it.

I'm sorry but there is something lacking in this whole picture here in Thailand, The policing. navy guarding-army guarding private guards guarding,

my god if I had a chance I would shake this franchise up once and for all.

I know no one can just stop all this, BUT the lack of law enforcement and clean leadership is all too apparent.

Most of the best people are not in positions in government if they were we would see things run normal.

There are concerts tonight in UDON THANI, I am informing all I know to be careful and try to avoid mass crowds.

Imagine enjoying dancing with friends and a bloody grenade takes of your arm and leg. <deleted> Government bow out please. lets have some peace, So sad for friends and family, and Thailand.

To think that the gov not bowing out has any relevance to what happened in 101 is akin to the actual problem--fantasizing unsubstantive scenarios, which happens in the schools when they teach kids songs and fantasies about Thais being the supreme race. Then kids get old enough to see glimpses of the first world and the cruel reality of their equivalent of Santa Claus comes home to roost, especially with the spread of 3G and the Internet. Having a large part of your self esteem and national identity co-opted by institutionalized lies certainly could create bitterness and hostility with the realization that you are closer to the bottom than the top. With no educational support for critical thinking and even less work ethic, that leaves the awakening citizenry, especially the youth, with no way up and, in the absence of any institutionalized values for achievement, the short-cut path of least resistance leads the shattered dreamers to bribes, colusion, lawlessness, disrespect, violence, and xenophobia in an effort to, in their minds, push anybody they can below them because that looks like progress in a cultural house of cards.

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Cripes. Are they carrying grenades at the local department stores these days? How easy is it to buy a grenade???

These Mexican grenades are often available at supermarkets for a reasonable price.


Yeah, but if you get them in Tops or Tesco, the likelihood of them being duds is about 40%. Especially if you don't eat them that day or the next, regardless of how green and hard they are. And, two-plus bucks a pop for an avocado doesn't seem all that reasonable, even when it isn't rotting inside its agri-crafted green skin.

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Almost refreshing to see them returning to the usual senseless violence and loss of life, not the recent political mayhem. Return to normalcy I reckon. Those grenades are a hot item on the card tables set up to sell instruments of violence, and to block sidewalks. What's next: RPGs?

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This is a tragedy - yet another tragedy in a series of tragedies, and more lives senselessly wasted. The Thai people deserve so much better than this.

Are you sure about that...on what basis to you make such a statement? These kids are the fruit of the society that produced them. When you teach them rote learning, a stifling respect for authority figures, never to question elders, and that there is only one correct "Thai" point of view on all things you get people who can't work out differences in a rational manner.

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i think like other people in this thread, this incident is not liking to protest in Bangkok, a lot of young gang carry weapons.

One of this tragedy take place two years ago where 2 schools gang gunfight in Bangkok........

One of problem in Thailand that a lot of weapon circulates freely

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Starting to look like a sustained, country wide reaching attack. Surely there is just one that would benefit from such acts.

Seems more child victims are the order of the day for the monster behind this movement. bah.gif

Mischevious post.

Sent from my GT-S7562 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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RIP, my prayers are with the injured and the families of all involved.

This sounds like gang violence, like many places around the world including more 'advanced' nations like the US where gang violence claims so many lives. Many gangs are just violent cults, young people get brainwashed and peer-pressured into committing terrible acts which destroy their own future lives as well as the lives of their victims, and all for no reason. Very sad to read this story.

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i think like other people in this thread, this incident is not liking to protest in Bangkok, a lot of young gang carry weapons.

One of this tragedy take place two years ago where 2 schools gang gunfight in Bangkok........

One of problem in Thailand that a lot of weapon circulates freely

Any problems young drunk Thais will have a go---whether they be against protests or bad government.

Anarchy is rife now, and if young thugs get the feeling they will get away with it they will be out in force. Even in the UK we have seen it.

No law enforcement or little of it is the problem. Most village kids are armed when they go out drinking.

I had a karaoke bar in a village when the kids came they hid the large knives in bushes outside. Sung a few songs got drunk and off on M/cycles to find trouble.

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These so called "Mor lam" shows are always, always a scene of fighting, as people are as drunk as can be, specially young guys. Then there is one getting too close to someone's girlfriend or makes an insulting comment and there it goes.... I stopped visiting these family gatherings (that's what it's supposed to be) long time ago.

Now to safety. At all of the Mor Lam I have been there was a security search team checking on weapons (knives) but also alcohol, as inside the venue no lao khao or sangsom, just beer and sometimes not even that. Is not important as the drunks are already drunk before entering, some have whisky in a water bottle, some vendors mix sangsom with coke, so invisible...

Having said that it is a complete mystery how someone can smuggle in a grenade, unless security was not on post or not doing their job. Security is mostly volunteers from the village or town, police is always present, mostly with an armored bus to put fighters in until the end of the show.

It is a huge breach of security that this could happen. Gangs are gangs and drunks are drunks, but throwing grenades is really insane. I guess the dead were innocent spectators, as often happens. RIP

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