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Hey everybody!

Well, my initial intention was to upgrade and build a new computer, instead I chose to buy a new mobile. After long hours of research I decided to go with the Samsung Galaxy s4. I figured since I'm barely home these days, a new smartphone would have been a much better option...

My question:

I generally only use my phone for Facebook browsing, photo uploads (not many unless I'm connected to WIFI), Line App and a few other App/Games (some which require online use). My promotion is only 500mg at the moment, but I want to purchase a better packaged. The unlimited Internet package is 1,000bht monthly, but I feel this isn't necessary since I already have WIFI at school. but at home during the evenings I use it frequently.

The package rates I think are

Pre paid package deals:

275 bht, 500mg (which I'm on now)
399 bht, 1gb
699 bht, 2gb
899 bht, 3gb

1699 bht, 5gb

1.5 bht per minute to any network..


999 bht, Postpaid monthly package which most already know what this means!!!

From the information I've given... What is the most viable package you think is best suitable for my everyday use? When it comes to gb/mb I have no clue how to make a comparison between how much memory I use approximately in order to determine what package is most substantial for me lols...

BECAUSE we all know when AIS, TRUE, DTAC - will make you purchase the most expensive package if you have no clue...


Hi! :)

From the info you gave, I guess the best option is 500mb / 1000mb.

My guess is given the fact you use applications that doesn't use a lot of data. But be careful, if you begin to upload/download pics at high resolutions, apps and streaming those packages will become definitely tight!

My suggestion is to start with the package you are on now, and after one month, you will be able to see how you consumed the package, then take a decision by consequence.

By the way: where are you located? If you stay at most in Bangkok there is i-mobile 3gx that has a smartphone package that gives you for only 299thb + Vat: 2 Gb monthly + 100 min. call free + 100 min. VDO call free. It's the one I use and works like a charm!


Hi! smile.png

From the info you gave, I guess the best option is 500mb / 1000mb.

My guess is given the fact you use applications that doesn't use a lot of data. But be careful, if you begin to upload/download pics at high resolutions, apps and streaming those packages will become definitely tight!

My suggestion is to start with the package you are on now, and after one month, you will be able to see how you consumed the package, then take a decision by consequence.

By the way: where are you located? If you stay at most in Bangkok there is i-mobile 3gx that has a smartphone package that gives you for only 299thb + Vat: 2 Gb monthly + 100 min. call free + 100 min. VDO call free. It's the one I use and works like a charm!

Tell me more about this i-mobile 3gx package...Where in Bangkok is the store located? This package seems perfect for my everyday use... And the price is VERY reasonable... I'm guessing it's Post Paid and have to sign a 6x month contract right?


I would stick with AIS, DTAC or TrueMove H. iMobile (TOT 3G MVNO) is not necessarily the best option.

You should first determine which provider has the best 3G coverage in those areas which you frequent. You can talk with friends, neighbors, colleagues or experiment with a SIM (~ 50 baht) and a 49 baht daily plan or a 199 baht weekly plan.

One you've identified a satisfactory provider simply subscribe to the plan which meets your requirements.

After that, based on your stated usage, I'd say 1 GB might be enough. That should be ~ 400 baht/month. Most have a 1 baht/min voice tariff to all networks.



(note that DTAC's 399 baht plan gives 1.5 GB)


There are also bundled voice and data plans, but at your level they may not represent a significant value/discount?


Can I ‘piggy-back’ onto this?

My daughter is coming to stay for 2 weeks from The UK and for the 1st week she will be with her mother in Bang Saen where is no internet in the house.

She needs to check her emails and keep up on her social networking sites and I have suggested that she can buy a local sim with a prepaid 3G package.

So she only needs it for one week, (as after that she will be with me and can access my wifi), but I have no idea what the best package would be for her as I don’t know how much usage is entailed in checking emails etc.

She has a Samsung smart phone.

Any advice from experts would be appreciated.



It really depends on which providers have coverage there. Can you speak with anyone who might know?

Can you share any details on the make/model of her device? We need to know this in order to point to the most compatible provider.

Without any additional details, and assuming her Samsung phone is unlocked, can accept a SIM and is 850 MHz/3G compatible, I might recommend TrueMove H - through their partner CAT they have the most coverage and the fewest customers - and a Net 249/7 day package or a Net 399/30 day package.



To the OP, sorry I missed the obvious fact - evident in the title no less - that you already have AIS.

Try the 1 GB/399 baht plan and see how it works for you - be sure to disable Play Store/Apps/System updates over 3G, maybe enable these for WiFi only - for the first month. You can always cancel the plan, and subscribe to a different one if you need more volume. Note that the 1 GB/399 baht plan has a fair-use sped limit of 64 Kbps once you reach 1 GB (upload and download), which may be frustrating to use.


How about games like Farm ville and Hay day, which require updates regularly and need to connect to FB in order to play? Do those game drain memory hard?

I know it sounds a little childish but when I'm bored it kills time lols..


Driving all around Bangkok and nearby provinces, I can certify imobile 3GX coverage in the area is almost total.

Outside Bangkok the situation is clearly different as I stated in my first post.

I tried True Move H and AIS with great differences between center Bkk and peripheral areas, with problems of coverage, roaming, speed consistence.

Never had a glitch with imobile 3gx, and I have been using them since January 2012.


How about games like Farm ville and Hay day, which require updates regularly and need to connect to FB in order to play? Do those game drain memory hard?

I know it sounds a little childish but when I'm bored it kills time lols..

That actually should not require too much data :)

But if you use it like 10 times a day, you can think just that could cost you 300 Mb a month in data. (1.5 Mb a session for Candy Crush saga, calculated by my phone).


How about games like Farm ville and Hay day, which require updates regularly and need to connect to FB in order to play? Do those game drain memory hard?

I know it sounds a little childish but when I'm bored it kills time lols..

That actually should not require too much data smile.png

But if you use it like 10 times a day, you can think just that could cost you 300 Mb a month in data. (1.5 Mb a session for Candy Crush saga, calculated by my phone).

Great! Sounds perfect. But I've read Candy Crush has many bugs, and once updated u lose your lives. I barely play games tbh, just every now and again I like to test new Apps.


How about games like Farm ville and Hay day, which require updates regularly and need to connect to FB in order to play? Do those game drain memory hard?

I know it sounds a little childish but when I'm bored it kills time lols..

That actually should not require too much data smile.png

But if you use it like 10 times a day, you can think just that could cost you 300 Mb a month in data. (1.5 Mb a session for Candy Crush saga, calculated by my phone).

Great! Sounds perfect. But I've read Candy Crush has many bugs, and once updated u lose your lives. I barely play games tbh, just every now and again I like to test new Apps.

Careful 'bout apps too. They can consume lots of band, nowadays apps size can reach easily 20-30 mb! :)


If you can limit your more bandwidth-intensive activities (phone system updates, application downloads/updates, Youtube, data synching to the cloud) to when you are attached via WiFi then 1 GB of mobile data may be satisfactory. But there really is no way for any of us to know. Try 1 GB and if reach your cap before the renewal date simply cancel and subscribe to a higher-volume plan. As you move up the food-chain the FuP speed typically increases, where something like 384 Kbps might be 'livable" for a few days at the end of each billing period.

You can manage/check your data usage: Settings, Data usage, or with a third-party app (DroidStats is but one), or with the AIS eService Android app, or via *139# send.

Again, I would steer clear of iMobile/TOT. Their network is a bit old in the tooth, and they have been struggling forever. They were set to do a big roaming deal with AIS this week - which AIS needs - but the political issues (boycott) nixed that deal. And TOT is looking for an "exit strategy" and/or money to maintain/expand their network. iMobile (Samart) is pretty much TOT's only channel.

TOT to find co-investors/partners in its 2nd phase 3G project

BANGKOK, 25 Feb 2014 (NNT) - TOT Public Company Limited (TOT) has admitted that the firm has faced a loss in its first phase of 3G implementation and is looking for partners before pushing ahead with its second phase.
The company’s president, Mr. Yongyuth Wattanasin, explained that the TOT invested 2 billion baht in the first 3G phase but has managed to gain only 300 million baht in profit so far. He added the firm needs approximately 3 billion baht in investment in the next phase, and hence needs partners to jointly invest in the project. The company is in the process of negotiating with Loxley Public Company Limited and Advanced Info Service Public Company Limited (AIS) on the investment plans.
Mr. Yongyuth attributed the TOT’s unsuccessful 3G run to its several limitations such as slow installation process, low number of signal stations, and weak marketing plans. He said the company is now looking for an exit strategy by letting potential partners carry out both investment and business operations on its behalf.
He estimated the TOT would face a loss of another 5 billion baht this year, but optimistically stated the company would be in the black next year when its 3 major investments are implemented.

I only download Apps if I have wifi connection, don't worry. Some games like Iron man 3 take 1gb, which I obviously didn't download. I just bought this fone not long ago, still learning it's function/capabilities. So many Apps and cool features I'm never bored with this thing, it's actually starting to take over my life.... Once the glamour wears off, I'll probably stop playing it so much..


Data Usage, option is very handy. With this I can tell how much memory I use daily.

I also use WIFI which comes free with my package. Having said that am I able to change the data record option, so it ONLY records memory when I use 3g, since my memory is limited with this service, although free for WIFI..

Make sense??

Or have I confused you 555


A few things:

(1) Make sure the package you use carries on with reduced speed at no extra charge once you've used your allocated bandwidth; the alternative is they charge you a hefty premium for every megabyte! You can actually keep tabs on Data usage on the S4 itself, it's in the Settings menu.

(2) You can use Wifi virtually everywhere so as not to use your Mobile data.

(3) At a push you can use Portable Wifi Hotspot to make your Mobile data accessible via Wifi to someone else. But of course that means two people will be eating away at your precious 1Gb or whatever you've purchased.


If you can limit your more bandwidth-intensive activities (phone system updates, application downloads/updates, Youtube, data synching to the cloud) to when you are attached via WiFi then 1 GB of mobile data may be satisfactory. But there really is no way for any of us to know. Try 1 GB and if reach your cap before the renewal date simply cancel and subscribe to a higher-volume plan. As you move up the food-chain the FuP speed typically increases, where something like 384 Kbps might be 'livable" for a few days at the end of each billing period.

You can manage/check your data usage: Settings, Data usage, or with a third-party app (DroidStats is but one), or with the AIS eService Android app, or via *139# send.

Again, I would steer clear of iMobile/TOT. Their network is a bit old in the tooth, and they have been struggling forever. They were set to do a big roaming deal with AIS this week - which AIS needs - but the political issues (boycott) nixed that deal. And TOT is looking for an "exit strategy" and/or money to maintain/expand their network. iMobile (Samart) is pretty much TOT's only channel.

TOT to find co-investors/partners in its 2nd phase 3G project

BANGKOK, 25 Feb 2014 (NNT) - TOT Public Company Limited (TOT) has admitted that the firm has faced a loss in its first phase of 3G implementation and is looking for partners before pushing ahead with its second phase.
The company’s president, Mr. Yongyuth Wattanasin, explained that the TOT invested 2 billion baht in the first 3G phase but has managed to gain only 300 million baht in profit so far. He added the firm needs approximately 3 billion baht in investment in the next phase, and hence needs partners to jointly invest in the project. The company is in the process of negotiating with Loxley Public Company Limited and Advanced Info Service Public Company Limited (AIS) on the investment plans.
Mr. Yongyuth attributed the TOT’s unsuccessful 3G run to its several limitations such as slow installation process, low number of signal stations, and weak marketing plans. He said the company is now looking for an exit strategy by letting potential partners carry out both investment and business operations on its behalf.
He estimated the TOT would face a loss of another 5 billion baht this year, but optimistically stated the company would be in the black next year when its 3 major investments are implemented.

Thanks for your detailed report. I was talking anyway about practical use, and in 2 years I did not have a single problem using i-mobile 3GX. No struggling, high speed, no lags.

I instead had lots of problems with True, and some sporadic problem with AIS.

And having to use mobile internet to reply often to business emails, skype calls I guess my opinion is quite fair and reliable.

Said that, I respect your opinion as well, hoping the bad prospect you gave to TOT won't become true. I'd feel not happy at all to turn back to the ridiculous reliability of True, and the inconsistent speed drops I experienced in some areas with AIS.

Data Usage, ... am I able to change the data record option, so it ONLY records memory when I use 3g

Yes. In Settings, Data usage, simply enter the sub-menu (press on the three dots in the upper right-hand corner), and un-tick "Show WiFi usage", and only 3G data usage will be displayed. You can also adjust the time-periods viewed, press/drag the vertical white lines which represent the time axis - and this will be summarized directly below, and you can set the time period to match your current billing cycle. And you can set warning and limit levels of your own choosing, which match that of your plan.


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I pay 699 for Dtac postpaid package , it includes everything. If you use more than 3 gb, the speed will go down to 384kb but still fast enough for most stuff online.

Sent from my SM-P601 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app


That's odd, this model doesn't have the 3 dots in the upper right corner. I navigate all the advanced data options by pressing the button right side next to the home one. Either way I worked it out :)


I pay 699 for Dtac postpaid package , it includes everything. If you use more than 3 gb, the speed will go down to 384kb but still fast enough for most stuff online.

Sent from my SM-P601 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

I'm told DTAC 3g packages are slightly more cheaper than AIS. I'm really considering making the switch next month. AIS is a little expensive for me....... I know it's only 300bht difference, but my teaching salary doesn't pay enough 555+


Every brand/model/Android ver. is different. I have a Nexus 4/Android 4.4.2.

I think the sub-menu on the SGS4 is accessed via the bottom-most, left "soft" key; it should light up with a sort of three-sided square with two horizontal lines.

You can review the pricing in the links provided. For the most part prices/packages from the leading service providers are very similar. If you do plan to switch just make sure that provider offers adequate 3G coverage in your frequented locations.

The one 'differentiator' for the DTAC 399 baht package is that is does have a 1.5 GB, albeit with a FuP of 64 Kbps, while other 399 plans offer 1 GB. TrueMove and DTAC do offer "power-up" options whereby you can buy an additional 1 GB for 150 baht to see you through your current billing period.




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