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Wtf Is Wrong With Us!


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From each according to his ability, to each according to his need.

Well, we all saw how well that worked out, didn't we.

I don't have a problem with people buying toys or handbags. It's their money, and it is up to themselves to decide if the bag or toy will buy them happiness or not. The question is not about what other people do, the question is, what can I do? What kind of person do I want to be? What kind of person can I live with myself being? When we answer those questions, we decide to help others or not.

Remember some other words that have proved fitting, more often than not:

Judge not, lest ye be judged.

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Personally... I know that there are always going to be those that have and those that have not. I was raised to believe that you work for what you get. I don't hold success against a successful person. I also won't pretend to know the proper way that they should spend their wealth. If they want to spend their money on what we think of as frivolous items, they can and thank goodness they can do it without asking me for the money.

That said... I too have a soft heart. I feel for all the poor and afflicted people I see. I give to every legitimately needy person that I can. I even give to the point that my parents number one concern in life is that I'll wind up with nothing after being the highest paid relative in the family. What has that done for world poverty? nothing! local poverty? nothing! What has it got me? Poorer! Will I stop, no, I don't know any other way to be. We can pick on the "Rich" and say that they should give up their money to feed the charity of our choice, shame on us. If we want to see more money go to the poor and needy, we should be out there struggling and giving it ourselves. I'm fighting myself to keep more for me and my family and losing.

Don't begrudge someone the right to buy whatever nonsense they want to buy, it's their money, they earned it. Know that the money that they're spending is going back into the economy in some form or fashion and others benefit from it. All the way from the upscale market selling it, down to the poor laborer working on the farm or in the textile mill producing the raw materials. We should be thankful that it's not sitting stagnant in some mason jar or buried in someone's back yard. It's in the system where it can do some good. Capitalism is good in it's purest form. The bottom line is, "get off your A$$ and work". Anyone can pass out money to poor people and feel good, but does that really help them. If you give them $5 today, they'll be hungry tomorrow and still in need. Give them a job and a way to earn long term money, and you'll feed them indefinitely. The answer to the poor's woes doesn't come from the "waste" of money on extravagant items, it comes from a lack of opportunity to earn a living. There are those that are disabled and can't work, that's where charity rightfully comes into place; not giving miniscule amounts of money, giving that money from the purse isn't going to help anyone long term.

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Yup..pretty disgusting. The real shame is it will sell.

Everyone trying to make a the "point" that this handbag thing is in any way similar to buying a wrist watch or going out now and then is completely missing the boat. Weak analogy.

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I dunno..........at least a bag doesn't pollute, use up too many fossil fuels or constitute a hazard on the roads. Personally, I find conspicuous spending on fancy cars far more distasteful than some Khunying wannabe blowing a million on a bag.

Have ye seen some of them imported Ferraris and Porsches on the streets of Bangkok lately? :o

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Yup..pretty disgusting. The real shame is it will sell.

Everyone trying to make a the "point" that this handbag thing is in any way similar to buying a wrist watch or going out now and then is completely missing the boat. Weak analogy.

How about this analogy then... What kind of car do you drive or prefer? If it is a Mercedes, BMW or anything but a pair of shoes, how dare you or I or anyone else to buy one, when there are so many starving people? The answer is, because it's yours, mine or whoevers right to spend out money that we've earned the way we see fit. The dollars spent on that purse or the auto wouldn't be a drop in the bucket towards an end to world poverty and hunger. For that person to SPEND that item on whatever they choose puts the money back into the system where it benefits society, rather than hoarding it and not benefitting anyone.

A Automobile is a collection of parts that are tooled, manufactured, supplied and combined to form a functional machine. There are a plethora of people that benefit from a single machine. From the lowly minor that digs the ore to the mill that refines it, to the manufacturer that mills the part to the ulitmate seller. The same goes for that handbag. It may be too expensive by your standards and mine, but it's not for us to decide, it doesn't come from our budget, thank goodness. If the feelings are that strong about that sum of money going for a handbag... do something healthy, don't complain about that hand bag, go out and give that amount to the charity of your choice, or divy it out to every panhandler you see on the street and feel good about your contribution to society. Then sit down with your calculator and figure out exactly to what degree you eliminated world hunger and poverty by your lone act of kindness. good luck!!! :o

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I know a girl in Bangkok who has over 300 expensive handbags.

She is a very nice, intelligent Chula student. She has lots of cash due to her father owning many big businesses, including Tipco, the fruit juice.

If she likes fashionable, well made handbags, that's her business.

If I had her kind of cash, I'd buy a snooker table/room for 1 million baht - would that be allowed?

1 million baht is nothing for some people.

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Yeah 1 mil baht for a bag seems like abit much, comparing it to a car is not a good example.

Cars do different things and have many different options, motors, luxury items etc.

A bag doesnt really do anything but just hold stuff.

My fiancee has like 40 pairs of shoes, I have no idea why, she says they match different outfits or something along those lines, maybe this bag is one of those female things where us men just dont understand.

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The point wasn't to equate the value, the point was to equate the right to choose what to spend your money on and the benefit to society when people spend their money. Many people are too quick to say that something is an extravagance and a waste of money. Those are opinions based on their standards and the size of their bank accounts. No matter what the money is spent on, it's still going back into the economy and it's still working in society. Those same people that complain about the price or money spent on that extravagance never take into consideration that the frivolous amount spent wouldn't be a drop in the bucket towards championing their cause.

Instead of griping about someone buying an expensive handbag, they should be out there raising money for the poor people that they're crying for.

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Yup..pretty disgusting. The real shame is it will sell.

Everyone trying to make a the "point" that this handbag thing is in any way similar to buying a wrist watch or going out now and then is completely missing the boat. Weak analogy.

You'll need to explain yourself further then, coz I seem to be missing it. Everyone has a right to choose what they want to spend their own money on.

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I think the point here is not the fact that people should cast off all material wealth and live like monks.

The fact is that you could buy a perfectly good handbag for 1000 Baht that will do the job and look snappy at the same time. No one should feel guilty about having a night out, or having a mobile that works, a watch that keeps time or clothes that meet their requirements.

The whole problem is that we have moved over towards excess. There are a lot of problems in this world that could be solved if we all lived within our means and remembered those less fortunate. Is it wrong to buy a handbag for so much? Yes, IMHO it is. What happiness can be gained by owning such a thing? Could it match the happiness gained by buying a bag for a tenth of the price matched with the knowleadge that you put two kids through school and gave them a future? I think not. Nothing could make me feel better about myself. Everytime I saw that handbag I would remember the good that I had done.

When I see people touting excess wealth, I don't feel envy. More I feel sorry for them that they feel the need to be measured by what they have as opposed to what they are. Sure people get rich, and they often deserve to enjoy the fruits of their labours. Its just a sad reflection on todays world that it means helping yourself with all your money as opposed to helping others.

As for saying that the hadbag company might use that money to help others, well that is most unlikely. All large companies give to charity. Is that because they are morally sound or is it because it is tax deductable and good for PR? Charity like this is based on 'what can I get from doing this?' as opposed to some instinctive goodness. Question is, would you want to be remembered as the rich man 'who gave it all away helping others' or 'who died with a shedload in the back whilst people around him suffered?' Companies first concern is always their shareholders.

So don't feel bad about buying things you need. We all have to survive so that we can help others. But just think before you buy. Try this out: Go out and buy something you don't need, and then give it to someone who does need it. Example. Buy some Pad thai on your way home from work and give it to someone living on the street. Thats only 20 baht we are talking about, imagine what you could do with 1,099,000?

"Be the change you want to see in the world."

-- Gandhi.

well said!!

I wish people here and elsewhere would stop making excuses for those who through mostly luck, flash their cash around so ostentatiously..., they really should be shown the value of money, and what you can, given the will, actually do with it. And no I don't want anyone to tell me what to do with my little bit, but thats not really the point is it, its the huge disparity between the have and have nots.

"I'm alright Jack"... I think I should get T-shirts made and sell them at a huge profit to numptys with more money than sense.

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I think the point here is not the fact that people should cast off all material wealth and live like monks.

The fact is that you could buy a perfectly good handbag for 1000 Baht that will do the job and look snappy at the same time. No one should feel guilty about having a night out, or having a mobile that works, a watch that keeps time or clothes that meet their requirements.

The whole problem is that we have moved over towards excess. There are a lot of problems in this world that could be solved if we all lived within our means and remembered those less fortunate. Is it wrong to buy a handbag for so much? Yes, IMHO it is. What happiness can be gained by owning such a thing? Could it match the happiness gained by buying a bag for a tenth of the price matched with the knowleadge that you put two kids through school and gave them a future? I think not. Nothing could make me feel better about myself. Everytime I saw that handbag I would remember the good that I had done.

When I see people touting excess wealth, I don't feel envy. More I feel sorry for them that they feel the need to be measured by what they have as opposed to what they are. Sure people get rich, and they often deserve to enjoy the fruits of their labours. Its just a sad reflection on todays world that it means helping yourself with all your money as opposed to helping others.

As for saying that the hadbag company might use that money to help others, well that is most unlikely. All large companies give to charity. Is that because they are morally sound or is it because it is tax deductable and good for PR? Charity like this is based on 'what can I get from doing this?' as opposed to some instinctive goodness. Question is, would you want to be remembered as the rich man 'who gave it all away helping others' or 'who died with a shedload in the back whilst people around him suffered?' Companies first concern is always their shareholders.

So don't feel bad about buying things you need. We all have to survive so that we can help others. But just think before you buy. Try this out: Go out and buy something you don't need, and then give it to someone who does need it. Example. Buy some Pad thai on your way home from work and give it to someone living on the street. Thats only 20 baht we are talking about, imagine what you could do with 1,099,000?

"Be the change you want to see in the world."

-- Gandhi.

well said!!

I wish people here and elsewhere would stop making excuses for those who through mostly luck, flash their cash around so ostentatiously..., they really should be shown the value of money, and what you can, given the will, actually do with it. And no I don't want anyone to tell me what to do with my little bit, but thats not really the point is it, its the huge disparity between the have and have nots.

"I'm alright Jack"... I think I should get T-shirts made and sell them at a huge profit to numptys with more money than sense.

True enough. I have a friend who has just spent the past year and a half helping people out after the tsunami. He gave everything he had to create futures for those who had nothing. Now his wife is expecting a baby and he can't afford the hospital bill. Who, if anyone, is going to help them?

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Has anybody every watched Christies Auction? Somebody spending $27,500 on a bag is actually kinda small, no?

The amount of people that walk into L.V. bag shops must not think to much about the money they spend on bags.

Yes it blows my mind how they could spend 30 grand on a bag but it blows my friends mind how i could spend B1000 on some bird down the road. relevent? Yes I think it is, My mate thinks i am mad for spending so much money on somthing that could be better used, this lady bought an overpriced hand bag that she could have spent on somthing better.

The previous posts on where the money should be spent i do aggree, there are enough people out there with nothing and B1.1M would last them and their familys for mabey many generations, but i can't hel but think the $20 I spent on beer last night could have provided a less unfortunate kid with more then a months food, school, etc,etc,etc.

Yes i agree life/people are mabey heading in the wrong direction but isn't that the way we have developed to where we are today??


Ling Noi

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I am always amazed at how people are so willing to condemn others over such petty issues. Calling someone soulless over a hand bag is just going to far. The Holocaust was soulless, the Rape of Nanking was soulless, this is a handbag people. Get a grip.

If a person has the means it's not anybodies business or concern how they choose to spend it. The only time I would feel the need to comment on such a purchase is if that person has kids that aren't being fed and clothed yet they are buying LV and Gold watches. If the person has six million in the bank and the family's needs and desires are taking care of, it's there business, f off.

I would now question why a person would wish to abuse the consumer in this case. Jealous, what? To be bitter over a handbag speaks of little else.

So let me get this straight. If you had 6 million in the bank and all your families needs were taken care of then the rest of the world can just, quote 'f off'? I don't need six mil to tell someone to fck off. :D My point was that if the money spent on a luxury item was needed for a necessity than there is a problem. If the money spent on a luxury item was extra funds thus not needed for more important issues, there is no problem and said person has done nothing wrong, morally, ethically. The holocaust and Nanking were more than soulless, they were evil.

You want to slipt hairs over soulless and evil? :o

Soulless is where someone is lacking in warmth, sensitivity, or feeling for others. Murdering 6 million people doesn't quite fit into that category. That's not soulless?!! :DThe nazis will be glad to hear this. Ignoring the plight of others whilst you are in a position greater than 'secure' is pretty soulless if you ask me. Well, I am not and that's a pretty fked view. My in-laws who have taken care of their family and who help my mother-in-laws 6 younger brothers and sisters into better positions in life and look after those they employ like family must some of the most soulless bastards on the planet because they don't hand out all the hard earned money they have to strangers, and it must make then even worse because they want that money saved for their children and grandchildren to help ensure good health and good chances in the world. Yeah, sick they must be!! :D

Maybe some here are jealous, and they need to look again at themselves.

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I am always amazed at how people are so willing to condemn others over such petty issues. Calling someone soulless over a hand bag is just going to far. The Holocaust was soulless, the Rape of Nanking was soulless, this is a handbag people. Get a grip.

If a person has the means it's not anybodies business or concern how they choose to spend it. The only time I would feel the need to comment on such a purchase is if that person has kids that aren't being fed and clothed yet they are buying LV and Gold watches. If the person has six million in the bank and the family's needs and desires are taking care of, it's there business, f off.

I would now question why a person would wish to abuse the consumer in this case. Jealous, what? To be bitter over a handbag speaks of little else.

So let me get this straight. If you had 6 million in the bank and all your families needs were taken care of then the rest of the world can just, quote 'f off'? I don't need six mil to tell someone to fck off. :D My point was that if the money spent on a luxury item was needed for a necessity than there is a problem. If the money spent on a luxury item was extra funds thus not needed for more important issues, there is no problem and said person has done nothing wrong, morally, ethically. The holocaust and Nanking were more than soulless, they were evil.

You want to slipt hairs over soulless and evil? :D

Soulless is where someone is lacking in warmth, sensitivity, or feeling for others. Murdering 6 million people doesn't quite fit into that category. That's not soulless?!! :DThe nazis will be glad to hear this. Ignoring the plight of others whilst you are in a position greater than 'secure' is pretty soulless if you ask me. Well, I am not and that's a pretty fked view. My in-laws who have taken care of their family and who help my mother-in-laws 6 younger brothers and sisters into better positions in life and look after those they employ like family must some of the most soulless bastards on the planet because they don't hand out all the hard earned money they have to strangers, and it must make then even worse because they want that money saved for their children and grandchildren to help ensure good health and good chances in the world. Yeah, sick they must be!! :D

Maybe some here are jealous, and they need to look again at themselves.

Wow Mr BeBop, I really seem to have touched a nerve there! Appologies if I made you spill your coffee.

I guess what I was trying to say is that I know plenty of rich people, and people who are well off and some of them share their wealth whilst others do not. I by no means want people to give away all of their hard earned cash, far from it. But we can all help in our own little way.

I guess I was splitting hairs between 'soulless' and 'evil'. I didn't use the term in the first place and I would agree that it is a bit too strong for these circumstances. What the Nazis did was all of the above and then some. I bet those t**sers were walking around with some pretty pukka handbags whilst on their murdering sprees.

As for your in-laws, it sounds like their staff are onto a good thing. If only all employers could be the same. No they should not give away everything, they are doing good already.

I do feel sad that in a world where there is so much poverty that someone would even want to walk around using a piece of sewn material to hold stuff in priced at a value that could buy someone a new kidney or help in some way.

So, if I got your back up I appologise. I was once cut off in Egypt for 4 days with absolutely no money. I lived on the street, drank from a well and starved. I remember watching a cruise boat sail past on the Nile. On the top deck they were having a full 'bib 'n tucker' do with food piled to the rafters. I felt so hungry I was sick. It made me realise what it would be like to see the have's when you are a have not.

Sorry for the late reply. My rolex told me it was time to go and get the porsche. It was in for repairs you see, I spilt paint on it when I was fixing my yacht.


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whats next?? someone will buy a pair of socks for $100,000.00

This reminds me of someone in that bought a nutragrain (cereal) that looked like ET for like $10,000.00

Donz. Mate. I gotta say it. Cos no one else will. You sound like a yobbo in a public bar. Get informed before you open your mouth. You may make a few more friends. :o

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whats next?? someone will buy a pair of socks for $100,000.00

This reminds me of someone in that bought a nutragrain (cereal) that looked like ET for like $10,000.00

Donz. Mate. I gotta say it. Cos no one else will. You sound like a yobbo in a public bar. Get informed before you open your mouth. You may make a few more friends. :o

Whats wrong with being a yobbo?? Your not the first person who has called me one.


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Red Eyes,I am with you 200 per cent on this one.Keep telling it like it is,brother.FIGHT THE POWER!The wifes cousin used to be skint until she latched on to a farang with means;now for some reason her do do does not stink anymore.Money money money is all I ever <deleted> hear.What makes it worse is when people originally come from the streets,and suddenly think they have a right to preach at the rest of us.Really makes me want to puke.

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Red Eyes,I am with you 200 per cent on this one.Keep telling it like it is,brother.FIGHT THE POWER!The wifes cousin used to be skint until she latched on to a farang with means;now for some reason her do do does not stink anymore.Money money money is all I ever <deleted> hear.What makes it worse is when people originally come from the streets,and suddenly think they have a right to preach at the rest of us.Really makes me want to puke.

Donz and Baboon sittin' a bar...... :D:o

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One thing that hasen't been mentioned as far as I can see is the obseen wealth many people have these day's, with bank account's bursting at the seem's the money ( wasted ) as I see it is nothing to them, Their a different breed but their on the increase, Amused to death.

Edited by pop3
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One thing that hasen't been mentioned as far as I can see is the obseen wealth many people have these day's, with bank account's bursting at the seem's the money ( wasted ) as I see it is nothing to them, Their a different breed but their on the increase, Amused to death.

I see this 'obscene' wealth daily while living on Phuket. It's not just the foreigner's who have the means to display it but the wealthy Thais also. I see an enormous gap between the 'haves & have-not' here. A microcosm of the macrocosm one might say! It's disturbing... since this is the perfect model to share and show the world what true capitalism could achieve. :o

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Just a thought. I have seen hundreds of people drink their lives away and it wasn't always cheap. What a waste of life and money? Guess I am one to be talking when the drink-o-meter informs me my level of consumptions is equal to a good Oliver Reed day. Seen drunks and straights spend big gringo bucks on horses, lotto, cards, table sports, etc... :D

I've also seen a woman buy a new handbag which I would have never bought just because of taste let alone price ( very expensive and pink). The very same bag brought home a contract worth millions and created jobs and injected cash in the local economy. Looks good to her and a small reward for the successful of a $$$$$$$$$$ contract. :D

Always consider that money is an instrument used to show and enjoy reward when purchasing outside essentials not to create jealousy among educated human beings. :D



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