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Deputy govt spokeswoman Sunisa detained by PDRC


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" PDRC core figures such as Suthep Thaugsuban and Sathit Wongnongtoei were reportedly alarmed by the detaining, announcing on stage that guards and protesters must refrain from using violence. Reporters said Mr. Suthep was visibly upset by the development. "

It was wrong and it was corrected.

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"....The best thing for PDRC is to hand those guards over to the appropriate authority for criminal prosecution, as this will show that the leadership within PDRC is actually capable of understanding and adhering to the rule of law..."

Unfortunately I have to agree, this will be the correct action to take should there be repercussions from this incident. It seems that the PDRC protesters were a little hasty, which is understandable given the mob rule situation. In need, there should be a genuine attempt by the leaders of the PDRC to prevent accusations of violence and unlawful kidnapping. It is the right thing to do, and will also garner respect. wai.gif

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This must have been most distressing and alarming for this young lady; mob rule is very ghastly.

Do you know who she is and what she wants for Thailand? Being detained is nothing. Many have been detained here in Thailand. Detained has nothing to do with 'kidnapping' and is not the same thing!

Beautiful use of semantics sir.

Sent from my GT-S7562 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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poor judgement happens when tensions are high - she was released unharmed so hardly a biggie, at least she wasn't gunned down in a hail of bullets like the red murderers call justice

I honestly think im in a playground reading these responses.

Sent from my GT-S7562 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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What a game!!

The lady has pulled a stunt and the drama queens here on TV are biting...lol


As if Sunisa didn't know this would happen. I guess she did a good job looking at all the kids jumping here on TV. Thaksin will be proud of here. Some badly needed PR for the guys that support the killing of innocent people.

Edited by Nickymaster
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poor judgement happens when tensions are high - she was released unharmed so hardly a biggie, at least she wasn't gunned down in a hail of bullets like the red murderers call justice

I honestly think im in a playground reading these responses.

Sent from my GT-S7562 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

you'd almost think the red muderers were throwing grenades into playgrounds after reading news headlines these last few days

Edited by smedly
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Amsterdam managed to send a twitter tweet at almost the exact time she was "detained "

That guy must NEVER sleep or rest.

He's busy praying for Ukraine " Praying for Ukaine today. We can only hope these sacrifices will one day be afforded justice " and doing work for Kim dotcom

Sent from my XT1032 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Amsterdam is a mercenary, he'll go wherever for money. I'm surprised he's not consulting for Mugabe as well.

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Amsterdam managed to send a twitter tweet at almost the exact time she was "detained "

That guy must NEVER sleep or rest.

He's busy praying for Ukraine " Praying for Ukaine today. We can only hope these sacrifices will one day be afforded justice " and doing work for Kim dotcom

Sent from my XT1032 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Amsterdam is a mercenary, he'll go wherever for money. I'm surprised he's not consulting for Mugabe as well

He's a lawyer. Chasing the money is what (most) lawyers do.

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The lady has pulled a stunt and the drama queens here on TV are biting...lol


By "pulled a stunt", are you implying that she did this on purpose, rather than just trying to run her errands?

Well, if this were to happen to you (power-drunk guards mistaking you for a Govt-friendly foreign reporter (say) and detaining you without warrant for over an hour without you being able to use your phone to call anyone), I hope you will be as understanding.

Spin = guards detaining her for her safety (from protesters, who are reportedly non-violent) - they should have let her go within 10 minutes, not after 1 hour. It was only when Suthep heard about this that he ordered the guards to release her.

Yesterday a convoy of ~100 guards in 10 pick-up trucks rolled past me on Sukhumvit, and (up close) they looked really frightening ... so I can empathise with a frail Thai woman in their hands behind closed doors for 60 minutes ...

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What a game!!

The lady has pulled a stunt and the drama queens here on TV are biting...lol


As if Sunisa didn't know this would happen. I guess she did a good job looking at all the kids jumping here on TV. Thaksin will be proud of here. Some badly needed PR for the guys that support the killing of innocent people.

I will count myself among the "kids and drama queens" you are referring to.

You are suggesting she intentionally went to a protest, fully expecting to be assaulted. She put herself in harm's way for political points. She is not Wonder Woman, she is just another political player like all the others, who are famously cowards and would not risk serious injury just for some media sympathy.

I personally don't want to live in a world where militant gangs control shopping centres, and any famous person visiting that place is accused of doing so in the hopes of being abducted or beaten up for propaganda. That is no kind of world, and also it goes against the cowardly nature of politicians who would never risk get beaten up for some sympathy from the voters. And she's a woman, like me, there are some things that can happen to women when they are abducted and no woman would risk it under any circumstances. Why can't you accept the common-sense fact that she was browsing face-whitening creams or some other junk and she was abducted for an hour against her will.

Again I repeat that it is a dangerous precedent if shopping centres are controlled by angry mobs, and are considered to be places you only visit if you are immensely brave or looking for trouble. This is not the direction Thailand should be heading.


Edited by Yunla
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The beauty clinic confirmed yesterday that this woman has never been their customer.


They said they checked with all branches in Bangkok if she's ever been to any of their clinics and found that she's never visited any of them.

They have proof that she's a customer of a beauty clinic in Pathumwan, however that clinic is not nearby the protest site.

Lastly, they confirmed there was no violence being witnessed by their employees. They suggested Matichon newspaper might get confused with the clinic name. LOL this is a big slab in the face for Matichon. laugh.png

This woman is nothing but a kind of media whore. She just loves to be in the news. One of Thaksin's lap dog indeed. This news mean nothing to Thai people because they know her very well. However this government really LOVES to portrait the anti government protesters negatively to the world community.

You know Thaksin's thugs just bombed and murdered many young children, they will have to make up something to balance the negative news, like PDRC detaining this helpless little woman. Fortunately more and more Thai people are getting used to his tactics and they won't repeat the same mistakes. Thaksin's lies and his love for violence will open more people eyes. If you live in Thailand long enough you will see through this.

Now Thaksin is going full blown on terrorism. He will get his red militant to go after the courts for potentially jailing Yingluck on the rice scheme, the flood recovery corruption, etc. Thaksin is the mastermind of all recent violence in Thailand. Go ahead if you want to support him clap2.gif . This man cares nothing about human being lives. He would kill his supporters too if he can get the benefit from it, like what happened in 2010.

So she threw the beauty at herself and it bounced back?

It's funny, you kidnap a person off the streets in a public shopping area, you make a story up, shoot down your own story down, then declare Thaksin a terrorist. It's just sad.

First Lieutenant Sunisa was spotted by PDRC protesters who were camped at the Pathumwan rally site when she was in front of a Nittiphon Clinic branch in Siam Square. The protesters then started blowing their whistles and PDRC guards moved in to apprehend her. She was taken to the back of the Bangkok Cultural Center building, near the stage of the Pathumwan rally site, and kept there. Press members were kept from taking photographs of the detainment of the deputy government spokesperson.

It's the same with Issara and the policemen, he put them through a medical check, not because they were kidnapped for a medical check, but because he needed a positive photo to rescue the situation.

It's like you can't face the truth of what you are, so you live a fantasy instead.

Edited by BlueNoseCodger
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poor judgement happens when tensions are high - she was released unharmed so hardly a biggie, at least she wasn't gunned down in a hail of bullets like the red murderers call justice

I honestly think im in a playground reading these responses.

Sent from my GT-S7562 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

you'd almost think the red muderers were throwing grenades into playgrounds after reading news headlines these last few days

People have died from both sides haven't they. This is what i don't like from either camp, point scoring. Grow up.

Sent from my GT-S7562 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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What a game!!

The lady has pulled a stunt and the drama queens here on TV are biting...lol


As if Sunisa didn't know this would happen. I guess she did a good job looking at all the kids jumping here on TV. Thaksin will be proud of here. Some badly needed PR for the guys that support the killing of innocent people.

I will count myself among the "kids and drama queens" you are referring to.

You are suggesting she intentionally went to a protest, fully expecting to be assaulted. She put herself in harm's way for political points. She is not Wonder Woman, she is just another political player like all the others, who are famously cowards and would not risk serious injury just for some media sympathy.

I personally don't want to live in a world where militant gangs control shopping centres, and any famous person visiting that place is accused of doing so in the hopes of being abducted or beaten up for propaganda. That is no kind of world, and also it goes against the cowardly nature of politicians who would never risk get beaten up for some sympathy from the voters. And she's a woman, like me, there are some things that can happen to women when they are abducted and no woman would risk it under any circumstances. Why can't you accept the common-sense fact that she was browsing face-whitening creams or some other junk and she was abducted for an hour against her will.

Again I repeat that it is a dangerous precedent if shopping centres are controlled by angry mobs, and are considered to be places you only visit if you are immensely brave or looking for trouble. This is not the direction Thailand should be heading.


I don't believe that she was just there to buy cream. Sorry.

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I don't believe that she was just there to buy cream. Sorry.

No, you said it was a "stunt" and she "knew this would happen."

You are implying she risked getting abducted or beaten by a mob, as a publicity stunt.

I don't believe that at all. Sorry.

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I think if the guards had not detained her a lot worse could of happened.

Was she on a spying mission?

Spying on the sales at Siam. Jesus wept.

There is a village missing its...

Not at all, she was just informing how the sale of her books "Thaksin, where are you" and it's sequel were developing.

BTW wasn't she dismissed from the army when she went AWOL to London in 2006/2007?

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What a game!!

The lady has pulled a stunt and the drama queens here on TV are biting...lol


As if Sunisa didn't know this would happen. I guess she did a good job looking at all the kids jumping here on TV. Thaksin will be proud of here. Some badly needed PR for the guys that support the killing of innocent people.

I will count myself among the "kids and drama queens" you are referring to.

You are suggesting she intentionally went to a protest, fully expecting to be assaulted. She put herself in harm's way for political points. She is not Wonder Woman, she is just another political player like all the others, who are famously cowards and would not risk serious injury just for some media sympathy.

I personally don't want to live in a world where militant gangs control shopping centres, and any famous person visiting that place is accused of doing so in the hopes of being abducted or beaten up for propaganda. That is no kind of world, and also it goes against the cowardly nature of politicians who would never risk get beaten up for some sympathy from the voters. And she's a woman, like me, there are some things that can happen to women when they are abducted and no woman would risk it under any circumstances. Why can't you accept the common-sense fact that she was browsing face-whitening creams or some other junk and she was abducted for an hour against her will.

Again I repeat that it is a dangerous precedent if shopping centres are controlled by angry mobs, and are considered to be places you only visit if you are immensely brave or looking for trouble. This is not the direction Thailand should be heading.


You lose credit when you say 'expecting to be assaulted' as she wasn't, obviously, expecting anything that extreme. Point is, its foolish of her to go in an area where she is known and disliked- a matter of common sense, which among red shirts, isn't so common.

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Only one word for it............Kidnapping.

Sunisa should make a formal complaint to the police to have the protest leaders arrested.

No it's not. It's false imprisonment under UK law, but as it was only an hour (in which she was probably scared witless) nothing will be done here, and I suspect it would only be a caution to the perps in the UK.

I don't know the Thai law in detaining someone against their will , even for a short time, but it's certainly not kidnapping. In the UK she could probably sue for damages for false imprisonment, but it would cost her more then she'd get in damages as it was such a short time.

It's reprehensible, certainly, and I think Suthep should formally apologise, and also make those responsible buy her a <deleted>-off bunch of flowers and make a formal apology, at the very least.

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You lose credit when you say 'expecting to be assaulted' as she wasn't, obviously, expecting anything that extreme. Point is, its foolish of her to go in an area where she is known and disliked- a matter of common sense, which among red shirts, isn't so common.

Not really, I was replying to the poster's statement that [paraphrased] "she knew this would happen and it was a stunt."

If we believe the official story that the guards protected her from protestors, which I will accept, then we also accept that the protestors would have beaten her up. To then say she knew it would happen and was using this assault as a publicity stunt, is the point I was taking issue with. It doesn't chime on any rational level. Unless she is somebody fearless who considers taking a beating for her political team's public standing.

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I don't believe that she was just there to buy cream. Sorry.

No, you said it was a "stunt" and she "knew this would happen."

You are implying she risked getting abducted or beaten by a mob, as a publicity stunt.

I don't believe that at all. Sorry.

Please leave the post intact..... Don't just pick and use. Very misleading

Again, you said she was there to buy cream and I said I don't believe that story. Yes, I STILL think it was a stunt.

By the way, which politician has been abducted or beaten by the PRDC guards since they started the protest some 3 months ago? What is your reference for thinking something could have happened to her.

Well, it seemingly worked what Sunisa tried to achieve looking at your reply.

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