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US urges probe into Thailand attacks


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I knew John Kerry way back when he was VVAW, his agenda became apparent then (politics for himself) and I was one of the instigators forcing him to resign from VVAW at the Kansas City Steering Committee Meeting. He did NOT lie about his service in Vietnam, the paid 'swift boot' liars did. On behalf of John, his testimony before Congress was outstanding, too bad he didn't remain true to his ideals at the time. The US should follow it's own advice. Witness the violent, illegal and un-Constitutional crackdown on OWS protesters orchestrated by the gestapo, oops homeland security, fumbling bureau of idiots and other initials. Witness the spying and infiltration by COINTELPRO types in legitimate non-violent organizations that want Amerika to become America. Amerika has no business preaching to the world, it needs to get it's own house in order first. Keep GitMo open for those that really belong there, starting with cheney/shrub et al.

Wow! Do you keep your passport in a lead lined box? Just saying.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Let me see if I understand---people are complaining because the U.S. Secretary of State criticized attacks that killed children and urged an investigation. Is that correct?

Of course the complainers are the type that would never criticize what they see in Thailand or propose solutions.

Any port in a storm for this lot. They have a ready stash of facts, figures and internet links at the ready to hi-jack any thread mentioning the US.

There are people, a lot seem to be from Europe, who you would think care deeply about America and its citizens, especially children, that they go on and on about the gun death problem. They don't actually care, a fair number have never even visited the US much less lived there and been subject to the issue they purport to be so passionate about. They are narcissists who attach themselves to a main stream issue of the day so they can be right about something.

I know, I generally ignore them, superficial thinkers with too much free time who find the illusion of importance by moralizing and criticizing--I call them the couch potato idealists. But I sometimes like to pull their chain. I think I'll do it again:

I bet lots of countries condemned the killings and called for action, but nobody paid attention to them. I wonder why that is?

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As an American I'm sick and tired of hearing this administration telling other countries what to do.

Whether it's Ukraine, Thailand, Egypt or Syria.

I ask Mr. Kerry what would happen if an armed group of thousands tried to overtake the White house by force?

Would this administration implore the UN or NATO to help?

No, sir. There would be heaps of bodies strewn about on the White house lawn. Shut your face and make some more ketchup Mr. Heinz/Kerry.

Attention Walmart shopper (on a cart?):

If you're really an American, you have a vote. Use it.

Yes, I was really born in America - Colorado to be precise.

And I knew someone of your viewpoint would use the "you have a vote, so use it and everything should be alright" theory.

Its just that - a theory and an empty theory as well.

The people of Thailand used THEIR vote. Where did that get them? Hmmm?

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For your edification I refer you to this article: http://thiscantbehappening.net/print/2165 . The Corporate Police State of Amerika says "do as I say, not as I do".

Not a very well researched or proof-read piece:

"Even in Thailand where, unlike in Venezuela or Ukraine, the US is backing the government against protesters seeking new elections, with State Department spokeswoman Marie Harf still insisted that the US supports:

“...a democratic process to resolve the ongoing political tensions in Thailand...We also continue to urge all sides to refrain from violence, exercise restraint and respect the rule of law...and we do, I would note, applaud the restraint shown thus far by government authorities in this regard.""

The protesters were doing everything they could to prevent elections.

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While I disagree with blocking real elections, there is no 'real' election in Thailand. Thaksin is a pal of the criminal bush family, and a favorite of the plutocrats, neocons and neoliberals. Equate the red shirts with kock bros bought and paid for teabaggers. The article was much too brief, but true to the facts. I don't give a damn about proof read, if spell check doesn't catch it too bad. Check out the voting machines all owned by repugthuglicans and gerrymandering in Amerika, think there are real elections there? Think cheney/shrub et al were really elected? Give me a break.

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While I disagree with blocking real elections, there is no 'real' election in Thailand. Thaksin is a pal of the criminal bush family, and a favorite of the plutocrats, neocons and neoliberals. Equate the red shirts with kock bros bought and paid for teabaggers. The article was much too brief, but true to the facts. I don't give a dam_n about proof read, if spell check doesn't catch it too bad. Check out the voting machines all owned by repugthuglicans and gerrymandering in Amerika, think there are real elections there? Think cheney/shrub et al were really elected? Give me a break.

Just to be clear; even though the article was factually wrong, stating that protesters wanted elections when they were actively obstructing the election, that doesn't matter because, according to you, the election would not have been real. So even though the article was factually in error, it was true to the facts. Is that how you see it?

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Seems everyone is missing probably the most important line of his statement. The rest is just what is expected.

But he highlighted US concern about "the employment of other tactics that undermine Thailand's democratic values and processes, inhibit compromise, and further exacerbate political tensions."

Indeed, and suthep and the so called independant bodies of NACC, EC , etc felt it right in the short and curlies.

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A signal in my opinion from the US that it knows the Shins are on their way out, because any investigation into this is only going to land the responsibility for the bombings on the Red side. If the US thought the Shins were safely ensconced, it would not want any investigation to further embarrass and destabilize them. In effect: the US is dumping its Shin allies.

The dem's pdrc/pcad are putting the children in dangers - Children at risk


Want more pictures?

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No, the article was not wrong but it did not go into enough depth about the actual election and the reasons for boycott. They have never said they did not want elections, they didn't want the last one because it was just a scam. It is my belief that the anti-Thaksin government protesters want elections, they want elections without the Thaksin clan. That is the only way elections can be truly representative. They want elections where the politicians are representative of the people, not Thaksin. On the face of things it would appear that the people elected who they thought were best for the job. Appearances are often deceiving. And as is the case in Amerika, with enough money and propaganda you can actually fool some of the people all the time so that they actually vote against their own interests. That, along with voter manipulation, is the only reason teabag repugthuglicans are ever elected to anything.

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No, the article was not wrong but it did not go into enough depth about the actual election and the reasons for boycott. They have never said they did not want elections, they didn't want the last one because it was just a scam. It is my belief that the anti-Thaksin government protesters want elections, they want elections without the Thaksin clan. That is the only way elections can be truly representative. They want elections where the politicians are representative of the people, not Thaksin. On the face of things it would appear that the people elected who they thought were best for the job. Appearances are often deceiving. And as is the case in Amerika, with enough money and propaganda you can actually fool some of the people all the time so that they actually vote against their own interests. That, along with voter manipulation, is the only reason teabag repugthuglicans are ever elected to anything.

Not even Suthep's people believe that. From the December 9, 2013 Economist, "Has Yingluck played her ace?": 'Indeed, when pressed, one of Mr Suthep’s main advisers admitted to me that despite all the alleged vote-buying (which he produced no evidence for) the result was still “legitimate”.'

Suthep wanted to reform an election process that gave legitimate results. I wonder why?

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No, the article was not wrong but it did not go into enough depth about the actual election and the reasons for boycott. They have never said they did not want elections, they didn't want the last one because it was just a scam. It is my belief that the anti-Thaksin government protesters want elections, they want elections without the Thaksin clan. That is the only way elections can be truly representative. They want elections where the politicians are representative of the people, not Thaksin. On the face of things it would appear that the people elected who they thought were best for the job. Appearances are often deceiving. And as is the case in Amerika, with enough money and propaganda you can actually fool some of the people all the time so that they actually vote against their own interests. That, along with voter manipulation, is the only reason teabag repugthuglicans are ever elected to anything.

Elections where it 'forcibly' excludes any eligible person is not constitutional and undemocratic. It is a violation of rights. The dem boycotted because they have no confidence in their policies and their ability to run the country with the 'Thaksin influence' or the emerging power of the people around. Unlike PTP and other political parties, despite not having the advantages of military and powerful businesses influence, they join the democratic process.

To ensure free and fair election is the duty and responsibility of EC and relevant agencies, not the Dem. The dem wants power, but they do not want to have it through legitimate, legal, democratic process. They are afraid of the people's mandate.

The argument that "They want elections where the politicians are representative of the people, not Thaksin." is a very poor one. Thaksin and his TRT was the first party in Thai political history that fulfilled all its election promises. It was the first political party in Thai history to complete full term and went on to win elections. The people can always vote politicians out if they don't represent them.

BTW, the topic is

US urges probe into Thailand attacks

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Yep, getting a bit off topic, sorry 'bout that, shouldn't turn this into a pissing contest. Just to say, people can't always vote politicians out, lots of reasons and ignorance is one. Thaksin and his red shirts (think kock brothers and their teabagers) are not as popular up here in Issan as some think. Back to topic, read my original post, basically the US says one thing and does the opposite in it's own country to it's own citizens. The US would not tolerate demonstrations such as occured in Bangkok. If the sheeple in Amerika found their hind feet and did what the Thai people have done the streets would run red in blood. Witness the violence, intimidation, entrapment against OWS protesters, XL pipeline protesters, anti-war protesters and the labeling of them as 'terrorists'. John Kerry has no room to talk anymore. He did when I knew him and he spoke truth to the power, not now.

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Kerry should interview a certain person about this on his next visit to the US on the government's special visa program with international criminals wanted in their home countries. He is such a micro manager, one can imagine him giving the order to the shooter by Skype when he heard two kids were in the cross hairs. Just the thing to raise tensions to the right level for negotiations and they probably would have grown up to be yellow shirt nuisances anyway. Anyway, if the rice scheme is anything to go by his micro management seems to hit the spot better than his macro management.

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Yep, getting a bit off topic, sorry 'bout that, shouldn't turn this into a pissing contest. Just to say, people can't always vote politicians out, lots of reasons and ignorance is one. Thaksin and his red shirts (think kock brothers and their teabagers) are not as popular up here in Issan as some think. Back to topic, read my original post, basically the US says one thing and does the opposite in it's own country to it's own citizens. The US would not tolerate demonstrations such as occured in Bangkok. If the sheeple in Amerika found their hind feet and did what the Thai people have done the streets would run red in blood. Witness the violence, intimidation, entrapment against OWS protesters, XL pipeline protesters, anti-war protesters and the labeling of them as 'terrorists'. John Kerry has no room to talk anymore. He did when I knew him and he spoke truth to the power, not now.

Are you saying you have uncovered a trend in the US' cycle of pre-conflict, conflict, post-conflict?

All by yourself, or did you have a little help from Youtube during all those idle hours in Issan?

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Sorry, no Youtube and it isn't a trend. It's been there for a long time. I do try to read real news, not US main stream corporate news and certainly not the propaganda from faux. While I no longer involve myself (obviously-I'm in Thailand)I stay in touch with people in the states. I know first hand what COINTELPRO was. I know first hand about intimidation, threats, government lies, snitches, provocateurs and violence of behalf of the government. Supreme Court (we had one then) Justice William O. Douglas ordered my release after I was jailed for opposing the Vietnam War and speaking truth to the power during the tricky dick nixon regime. My phone was not only tapped, the fumbling bureau of idiots payed the bill when I couldn't so they could listen, my residence was staked out, police pilots would waggle their wings when they flew over my residence and I shot them the bird. No my knowledge is first hand, not based on Youtube junk and especially not faux right wing wing lies. And now if you don't mind, I'll open a San Miguel Lite with a slice of lime donated from my neighbors tree, enjoy the afternoon and head into town a bit later for some friendly conversation and cold beer. Like I said in the beginning, John Kerry no longer has the moral right to speak, he lost it long ago.

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Sorry, no Youtube and it isn't a trend. It's been there for a long time. I do try to read real news, not US main stream corporate news and certainly not the propaganda from faux. While I no longer involve myself (obviously-I'm in Thailand)I stay in touch with people in the states. I know first hand what COINTELPRO was. I know first hand about intimidation, threats, government lies, snitches, provocateurs and violence of behalf of the government. Supreme Court (we had one then) Justice William O. Douglas ordered my release after I was jailed for opposing the Vietnam War and speaking truth to the power during the tricky dick nixon regime. My phone was not only tapped, the fumbling bureau of idiots payed the bill when I couldn't so they could listen, my residence was staked out, police pilots would waggle their wings when they flew over my residence and I shot them the bird. No my knowledge is first hand, not based on Youtube junk and especially not faux right wing wing lies. And now if you don't mind, I'll open a San Miguel Lite with a slice of lime donated from my neighbors tree, enjoy the afternoon and head into town a bit later for some friendly conversation and cold beer. Like I said in the beginning, John Kerry no longer has the moral right to speak, he lost it long ago.

What a relief.

Enjoy your beer(s).

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As an American I'm sick and tired of hearing this administration telling other countries what to do.

Whether it's Ukraine, Thailand, Egypt or Syria.

I ask Mr. Kerry what would happen if an armed group of thousands tried to overtake the White house by force?

Would this administration implore the UN or NATO to help?

No, sir. There would be heaps of bodies strewn about on the White house lawn. Shut your face and make some more ketchup Mr. Heinz/Kerry.

As an American I'm relieved that my country is relying more on diplomacy and less on armed intervention in dealing with the rest of the world.

I dislike both.

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As an American I'm sick and tired of hearing this administration telling other countries what to do.

Whether it's Ukraine, Thailand, Egypt or Syria.

I ask Mr. Kerry what would happen if an armed group of thousands tried to overtake the White house by force?

Would this administration implore the UN or NATO to help?

No, sir. There would be heaps of bodies strewn about on the White house lawn. Shut your face and make some more ketchup Mr. Heinz/Kerry.

If you are an American(which I really dought) maybe you should leave the USA and go to any of those other countries you are talking about and have fun with them. But I dont believe you are a REAL American.

What I "dought" is your ability to spell or to acquire a computer with the ability to check it for you.

Born and raised in America, and yes, I have been to "those other countries."

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