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Many Farang Smoke In Thailand.

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Only idiots smoke.

Have you seen the 1000 poisons in cigarette. Bleach, anti rats, anti insect , anti everything.... Yes I repeat, only a dumb idiot smoke cigarette.

It s like getting to a store, get all these anti insect product and eat them

Will you? Of course not. So why do you smoke? Because you are an idiot.

Then idiots at USA government say Marijuana is illegal. When in fact it s 100% natural.

Why Russian ladies smoke so much ?

Ah hello sticky rice,i would presume sir, from the quality of your posts that you too are a smoker.

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Only idiots smoke.

Have you seen the 1000 poisons in cigarette. Bleach, anti rats, anti insect , anti everything.... Yes I repeat, only a dumb idiot smoke cigarette.

It s like getting to a store, get all these anti insect product and eat them

Will you? Of course not. So why do you smoke? Because you are an idiot.

Then idiots at USA government say Marijuana is illegal. When in fact it s 100% natural.

Why Russian ladies smoke so much ?

Ah hello sticky rice,i would presume sir, from the quality of your posts that you too are a smoker.

What do you presume? Tell me?

50% of people die from cigarette

Even playing Russian roulette is safer. 1 to 6.

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Only idiots smoke.

Have you seen the 1000 poisons in cigarette. Bleach, anti rats, anti insect , anti everything.... Yes I repeat, only a dumb idiot smoke cigarette.

It s like getting to a store, get all these anti insect product and eat them

Will you? Of course not. So why do you smoke? Because you are an idiot.

Then idiots at USA government say Marijuana is illegal. When in fact it s 100% natural.

Why Russian ladies smoke so much ?

Ah hello sticky rice,i would presume sir, from the quality of your posts that you too are a smoker.

What do you presume? Tell me?

50% of people die from cigarette

Even playing Russian roulette is safer. 1 to 6.

would that be playing Russian roulette with a russian lady smoker?

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Only idiots smoke.

Have you seen the 1000 poisons in cigarette. Bleach, anti rats, anti insect , anti everything.... Yes I repeat, only a dumb idiot smoke cigarette.

It s like getting to a store, get all these anti insect product and eat them

Will you? Of course not. So why do you smoke? Because you are an idiot.

Then idiots at USA government say Marijuana is illegal. When in fact it s 100% natural.

Why Russian ladies smoke so much ?

Ah hello sticky rice,i would presume sir, from the quality of your posts that you too are a smoker.

What do you presume? Tell me?

50% of people die from cigarette

Even playing Russian roulette is safer. 1 to 6.

would that be playing Russian roulette with a russian lady smoker?

I am hoping you are an avid player of Russian roulette,good luck with your gaming sir,if succsesful we may find out indeed why they call you sticky rice or was it kee neow.Best of luck with your hobby.

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Only idiots smoke.

Have you seen the 1000 poisons in cigarette. Bleach, anti rats, anti insect , anti everything.... Yes I repeat, only a dumb idiot smoke cigarette.

It s like getting to a store, get all these anti insect product and eat them

Will you? Of course not. So why do you smoke? Because you are an idiot.

Then idiots at USA government say Marijuana is illegal. When in fact it s 100% natural.

Why Russian ladies smoke so much ?

Ah hello sticky rice,i would presume sir, from the quality of your posts that you too are a smoker.

What do you presume? Tell me?

50% of people die from cigarette

Even playing Russian roulette is safer. 1 to 6.

would that be playing Russian roulette with a russian lady smoker?

I am hoping you are an avid player of Russian roulette,good luck with your gaming sir,if succsesful we may find out indeed why they call you sticky rice or was it kee neow.Best of luck with your hobby.

Give me only one good reason to smoke. And I will become a smoker forever. :-)

Edited by Idontpaytaxsowhat
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More likely a reflection of the type of Thais you associate with.

Good girls would never dream of smoking, nor touching alcohol.

By my definition anyway, definitely even one whiff of either's a total deal-breaker for me.

Good girls are over rated.

It seems that you think if someone enjoys nightlife they're down Pat Pong or Nana Plaza.

Good girls smoke and drink. To suggest otherwise is ridiculous. Do you sisters or mother drink?

Perhaps you are applying some definition of "good girl" such as one that is not promiscuous? Or one that doesn't use her youth and beauty to make money? Or perhaps even one that isn't an explicit sex worker?

None of those meet my criteria for a "good girl". Note the following has to do only with myself and my preferences, obviously YMMV.

By that term "good girl" personally I mean a girl that is sincere and honest. Personally I am absolutely OK with her being promiscuous or even a sex worker. I am also perfectly OK with a girl using her youth and beauty to improve her lot in life, as long as that is done openly and honestly.

The problem of course is how do you tell if a person is sincere and honest when you first meet them? Personally I'd say, you can't. So from a practical POV, it becomes a matter of reducing the odds that she is a lying scammer.

Other criteria - again, for me personally - are that she is be very poor even by Thai standards, and also from upcountry, and not have any exposure to the bar scene, foreigners or the sex industry.

Not speaking any English at all other than the ABC most learn in school, in fact she most likely had to leave school anyway at 12-13. Little experience with computers or the internet, so far little usage of smartphone tech, just voice and SMS.

She certainly doesn't need to be a virgin, but I prefer that she not have children, and I've found generally speaking the less experience - as in fewer partners - the better. Ideally she's still living in the family shack out in the middle of the fields of Nakon Nowhere.

OK, now given the above specs, can you see why I'd avoid a girl who smoke or drank?

Yes of course I also hate the smells associated, but just like fancy clothes and shoes, a tattoo or the use of hair color or makeup, more importantly all these things are just co-indicators of her being less likely to fit my definition of "a good girl". Plus I don't want to have to subsidize such expensive and destructive habits - I'd prefer the money she gets from me to go toward improving her lot in life, giving her a chance for a genuinely better future.

Edited by wym
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in australia there is heavy media against smoking. companies can barely even advertise at all, and have even been forced to have plain packaging or gross pictures on the front.

there are also severe smoking bans in establishments making it difficult to smoke anywhere.

on top of all that, you also have crippling taxes that are being raised every year.


compare that with thailand.

no serious media campaign against smoking

no problem displaying smokes or advertising

you can smoke pretty much anywhere.

smokes are cheap as fuc_k.


the ecigs are fantastic. they are significantly cheaper than smoking, you can use them inside, and they are healthier. i've managed to get some of my smoking friends to adapt to ecigs. they never stop thanking me for it.

This isn't entirely true - go in to 7-11, where are the cigarettes? Hidden in a metal box behind the counter, opened only to restock and when someone asks for a box. Each box is covered in warnings and grizzly photos of decaying flesh and rotten teeth. Smokers on TV are blurred out. No cigarette advertising on bill boards or TV.

Years back, there used to be people walking up and down the streets selling boxes of cigarettes - or even individuals - now they are not seen.

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Only idiots smoke.

Have you seen the 1000 poisons in cigarette. Bleach, anti rats, anti insect , anti everything.... Yes I repeat, only a dumb idiot smoke cigarette.

It s like getting to a store, get all these anti insect product and eat them

Will you? Of course not. So why do you smoke? Because you are an idiot.

Then idiots at USA government say Marijuana is illegal. When in fact it s 100% natural.

Why Russian ladies smoke so much ?

Ah hello sticky rice,i would presume sir, from the quality of your posts that you too are a smoker.

What do you presume? Tell me?

50% of people die from cigarette

Even playing Russian roulette is safer. 1 to 6.

Quote: "50% of people die from cigarette"

Wait a minute: Does that mean, the other 50 % die of something else ?


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What do you presume? Tell me?

50% of people die from cigarette

Even playing Russian roulette is safer. 1 to 6.

Do you mean that "Smoking kills 50% of smokers"? That's the Tobacco Control soundbite, I believe.

I'll let you into a little secret sunshine. 100% of smokers die.

Another little secret. 100% of non-smokers die, too.

That's pretty frightening stuff, what?

I'll let you into another little secret (I'm feeling generous today). The anti-smoking fanatics lie through their teeth.

I know that because I've spent the last few years checking their statements to see what the original research is, what the results were, who funded it and how it was conducted. The normal modus operandum for the Tobacco Control organisations (who are swimming in cash from the pharmaceutical companies, who have a vested interest in smoking bans) is to ask for researchers to pitch for a research project, say for instance 'third-hand smoke', offering a substantial grant for the research. The putative researchers know, of course, what results will be expected of them and pitch for the business on that basis. The Tobacco Control organisation then chooses the researcher who they think will give them the answer they want. Neither science nor reality comes into the equation. It's the propaganda value they want. They don't care if it's an outright lie. their motto is 'the end justifies the means'.

For example:

Back in 2010, California's Tobacco-Related Disease Research Program (TRDRP) - an organisation which despises tobacco, as the name suggests - decided that a new lie was required, so dangled 3.75 million carrots in front of junk scientists everywhere.
Of course, junk scientists will say anything you like for $3.75 million (eh, Anna?), and it was clear what results the TRDRP were looking for, so prospective grantees had to be equally clear about what the TRDRP would get for its money.

One such lucky winner - as I reported at the time - was University of California Riverside.

So, Manuela already knew what her report was going to say before she embarked upon it. It's kind of a prerequisite in tobacco control; if your study is impartial it might come up with the wrong results, you see, and would have to be buried. And what a waste of TRDRP's money that would be!

Read the whole article here:


This is just one small example. There are many many more.

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I'm 2 months free of nicotine. I think that those who go on the e-cigs have very little chance of giving up for long as they're brainwasing themselves into thinking they need nicotine. It's a crap, useless drug.

I've never been a smoker, but, from talking to people who were, it seems like the only thing pleasurable about it is feeding the addiction, once you are hooked. At least other addictive drugs get you high. I can understand why people smoked before I was born. It was fashionable and the dangers were not known. However, it mystifies me why anyone would take it up today.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Only idiots smoke.

Have you seen the 1000 poisons in cigarette. Bleach, anti rats, anti insect , anti everything.... Yes I repeat, only a dumb idiot smoke cigarette.

It s like getting to a store, get all these anti insect product and eat them

Will you? Of course not. So why do you smoke? Because you are an idiot.

Then idiots at USA government say Marijuana is illegal. When in fact it s 100% natural.

Why Russian ladies smoke so much ?

Ah hello sticky rice,i would presume sir, from the quality of your posts that you too are a smoker.

What do you presume? Tell me?

50% of people die from cigarette

Even playing Russian roulette is safer. 1 to 6.

would that be playing Russian roulette with a russian lady smoker?

I am hoping you are an avid player of Russian roulette,good luck with your gaming sir,if succsesful we may find out indeed why they call you sticky rice or was it kee neow.Best of luck with your hobby.

Give me only one good reason to smoke. And I will become a smoker forever. :-)

maybe it would give you a sense of humor,or is that dangerous too,sticky rice.

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I have not smoked for over 40 years end of subject only idiots smoke

I have smoked for over 42 years end of subject only idiots smoke

Back to the OP: I noticed that over the years most of the Thai people

in my environment have stopped smoking. - No opinion concerning

Farang smokers in Thailand. - Don't know/meet enough people to judge.

Those people I meet are non-smokers with only one exception.

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Only idiots smoke.

Have you seen the 1000 poisons in cigarette. Bleach, anti rats, anti insect , anti everything.... Yes I repeat, only a dumb idiot smoke cigarette.

It s like getting to a store, get all these anti insect product and eat them

Will you? Of course not. So why do you smoke? Because you are an idiot.

Then idiots at USA government say Marijuana is illegal. When in fact it s 100% natural.

Why Russian ladies smoke so much ?

Ah hello sticky rice,i would presume sir, from the quality of your posts that you too are a smoker.

What do you presume? Tell me?

50% of people die from cigarette

Even playing Russian roulette is safer. 1 to 6.

would that be playing Russian roulette with a russian lady smoker?

I am hoping you are an avid player of Russian roulette,good luck with your gaming sir,if succsesful we may find out indeed why they call you sticky rice or was it kee neow.Best of luck with your hobby.

Give me only one good reason to smoke. And I will become a smoker forever. :-)

Tobacco farmers use the same pesticides as as any other farmer. Also, if you look up the original study on smoking that anti-smoking advocates cite as as their prime source, the results are inconclusive. You have to look at the abstract. Look, some people hate smoking for no reason than they hate smoking. My advice; stay away from smokers. It's your hatred, not theirs. And, don't give me the garbage about the cost to society, you wanted the nanny state, now you got it. You pay for it.

We all die. Get used to it and get over it.

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social acceptance as well as convenience

it was banned in all public places and also cost 600 thb a pack less people would smoke here

if you couldnt sit and relax smoking with your beer at your table with your friends etc and had to

get up and go somewhere else it would redyce smoking numbers

nearly all the poor people smoke ,offer a smoke to a taxi driver ,security guard or construction worker

and they will rarely refuse

rich people are more likely in general to refuse a smoke ive noticed but maybe thats just down to education

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Only non smokers complain about smoking.

They are obliviously miserable about all of the smokers.

Why are they not smart enough to realize that all they need to do is start smoking to avoid their misery?

The rest of us would no longer need to listen to them whine, snivel and complain.

It's a win, win situation!

Shut up and start smoking!

It's cool!post-147745-0-68573600-1393814388_thumb.

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Not so fast:

The findings of the study will likely be questioned by Cancer Research UK however, who state on their website that "second-hand smoke can increase a non-smoker's risk of getting lung cancer by a quarter, and may also increase the risk of cancers of the larynx (voice box) and pharynx (upper throat)."

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Whether the myth is busted or not, one myth that isn't busted are that if a smoker smokes in my face, covering me in their putrid ash, that person is not only a bloody idiot but the most selfish one as well.

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Not so fast:

The findings of the study will likely be questioned by Cancer Research UK however, who state on their website that "second-hand smoke can increase a non-smoker's risk of getting lung cancer by a quarter, and may also increase the risk of cancers of the larynx (voice box) and pharynx (upper throat)."

Of course they do, they belong to the anti-smoking lobby and are dependent on government grants.

Anyway each person decides for himself what he wants to believe, and that decision is most likely influenced by his own preferences.

Yermanee wai.gif

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Not so fast:

The findings of the study will likely be questioned by Cancer Research UK however, who state on their website that "second-hand smoke can increase a non-smoker's risk of getting lung cancer by a quarter, and may also increase the risk of cancers of the larynx (voice box) and pharynx (upper throat)."

Of course they do, they belong to the anti-smoking lobby and are dependent on government grants.

Anyway each person decides for himself what he wants to believe, and that decision is most likely influenced by his own preferences.

Yermanee wai.gif

Indeed. CRUK are a rabidly anti-smoking outfit, and they also fund ASH, the fake charity whose main role is to lobby government for yet more and more smoking restrictions. I think that people who donate money to CRUK would be a lot less inclined to do so if they realised that their money was not being used for cancer research, but was being given to a prohibitionist organisation who pay their director, Deborah Arnott, more than £80,000 per annum plus expenses. ASH get virtually nothing in the way of public donations - all their money comes from government grants and CRUK.

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Besides the fact it's smelly dirty and disgusting to be anywhere near a smoker.

Work in a health care institutional setting with the elderly for a while and talk to health professionals about what they see every day directly resulting from the nasty habit.

I completely understand current addicts being defensive - it's harder to kick nicotine than crack and heroin - but I think it's worth spending whatever it takes to try to discourage the next generations from taking it up.

Most especially in a developing nation where most will end up having to choose between their ciggies and better food for their family.

"Besides the fact it's smelly dirty and disgusting to be anywhere near a smoker."

You've obviously been paying close attention to the propaganda. Before the zealots started with their campaigns, nobody even noticed smoke or smokers. Well done - consider yourself successfully indoctrinated. The zealots would be proud of you.

"Work in a health care institutional setting with the elderly for a while and talk to health professionals about what they see every day directly resulting from the nasty habit."

Evidence please?

I think you'll find that the majority of elderly in health care are there for reasons completely unrelated to smoking. This is just more baseless propaganda that you've swallowed hook, line and sinker.

"I completely understand current addicts being defensive - it's harder to kick nicotine than crack and heroin - but I think it's worth spending whatever it takes to try to discourage the next generations from taking it up."

Smoking was redefined as an 'addiction quite recently by the anti-smoking fanatics because they knew that the connotations would engender repulsion in many. Again, all part of the propaganda drive.

In fact smoking is no more addictive than coffee. If it were more addictive than crack or heroin, how on earth would smokers manage long-haul flights? How would so many smokers give up? Utter tosh. Smoking is a habit, no more, no less. It's like saying someone is addicted to chocolate.

puce-32883.gif Usually, when a chemist isolates an active molecule from an addictive plant, drug addicts get hold of it quickly (morphine from opium, cocaine from coca leaves, tetrahydrocannabinol from cannabis, etc).
- We have known nicotine for a century and a half. It has been extracted, synthesized, used as an insecticide, yet we have no observation of its use for addictive purposes.
- During wars, when tobacco was rare and its availability limited, we had no reports of addition of nicotine to various dried leaves, wormwood, walnut and so on used as tobacco substitutes.
- Under the same conditions, no smuggling or any kind of traffic of nicotine has ever been reported.
- The pure nicotine can be obtained from chemical companies (Fluka) at a price of €440 per liter, which for 1 euro would make up 143 packs of 20 cigarettes. No "drug" is available at such a low price.


"Most especially in a developing nation where most will end up having to choose between their ciggies and better food for their family."

It is highly unlikely that anyone in Thailand "will end up having to choose between their ciggies and better food for their family", and if they do, the reason is the criminally punitive taxes levied on tobacco products which fall disproportionately on the poor.

You obviously don't get it at all, Wym.

People smoke because they enjoy smoking. It has many benefits. It is both a stimulant and a relaxant, and yet does not diminish any faculties. It gives greater endurance and better concentration. It aids the thinking process. And it is enjoyable.


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More likely a reflection of the type of Thais you associate with.

Good girls would never dream of smoking, nor touching alcohol.

By my definition anyway, definitely even one whiff of either's a total deal-breaker for me.

Sorry, utter <deleted>.

My company recruits about 150 to 200 graduates a year from the top Thai universities ( Chula, Thammasat, Kasetsart etc), you should see the girls go for it on the Company outing.

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I'm not claiming there is a connection between girls who smoke and prostitution, as I've said very clearly


I don't use the term "good girl" to imply anything about her sexual preferences.

I am stating that I would never take a girl who smoked, nor stay more than a few minutes within a few meters of any smoker.

And just as an aside large numbers of university girls - worldwide, not just in Thailand, but certainly not least here either - make good money on the side as part-time sex workers. And nothing wrong with that either, just sayin'.

Edited by wym
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