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We favour a democratic Lanna republic, Chiang Mai group says

Lite Beer

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Ironically enough one of the reform ideas proposed by the PDRC was to make the provinces more accountable locally, by having provincial governors directly elected instead of appointed by Bangkok. Seems the red-shirts and the PDRC might actually have something they could agree on.

Yes, some kind of semi-autonomous status for Lanna and Isaan - and even the South - starts to make sense.

Indeed, Lanna was semi-autonomous till 1939; it retained its own Kings and Princes but paid tribute to then Siam.

To understand some of the secessionist rhetoric, it is necessary to have a historical perspective on how the current regions of Lanna and Isaan were created, and later assimilated into Thai-land. Same with the problems in the South, which have a different history.

Join with Isaan and take advantage of the friendship bridges and the mekong for some trade outlet. That's been a pattern of economic growth interest for a while regardless. can't replace the port but it alleviates the landlock issue

in any case, a big war will happen before anybody gets to secede successfuly, most likely. Thailand is still interdependent even if they don't want to admit it. The bigs still need their lower classes to shit on in order to feel good about themselves and won't let them slip through their fingers that easily

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Do you think that the law of Thailand agrees to separatism or to people that want to split up the country? In most countries it's a very serious offence.


Take a look at the legal and serious progress to devolve Scotland from the UK.

How about the Flemings and the Walloons?

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Hmmm….landlocked country with hostile neighbour controlling all the trade and transport links. Yep, that'll work.

It worked well for Switzerland for all of the 20th century.

And why would the central region be a "hostile neighbour" ?? The north controls the rivers and if it wanted could flood the entire central region.

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No doubt they would bring Thaksin back as their democratic elected leader for life, succeeded by his son.

They would have their red army, red schools, red law for the masses with leaders exempt and anyone who didn't agree with them would be banned, like the singers.

BUT where will these IDIOTS get their money? I for one will move mine OUT and fast as I have told the Board of Investment to use my application as their bosses toilet paper. they were shocked! then told me 3 business a week in their area of the north are doing the same.

ANS I will be but one foreigner leaving with my partner and I am sure HUNDREDS if not thousands will feel unsafe to keep money here in the North under these fools.

I am BUT ONE SINGLE FOREIGNER but I employ 10 Thai's and that is at least 10 Thai families relying one me.

they understand and sympathise with the things going on around them and fully understand that if this nonsense does not stop I will have to leave as I need a safe haven to run a businss. Sure a few issues here and there are ok anywhere but setting up a new state with f...wits running the show? My bank account will not be big enough to support their corruption. I would rather pay in Cambodia or Vietnam than the red fools here.

I dont care of their politics but to announce a split makes me and others very wary - not afraid but WARY.

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Hmmm….landlocked country with hostile neighbour controlling all the trade and transport links. Yep, that'll work.

It worked well for Switzerland for all of the 20th century.

And why would the central region be a "hostile neighbour" ?? The north controls the rivers and if it wanted could flood the entire central region.

How many international banks will they open or attract just like Switzerland? Landlocked Like prosperous Laos, ALL goods shipped in from China, Laos and Burma, no exports as well. Governed by China. Control the rivers!? You have go to be kidding! Lanna is not in the Central region.

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If this people are "dumb" and "can not vote". educate them instead of barring them of a basic constitutional right.

Tell Yingluck's Education ministry which has squandered Billions of Baht from their budget on worthless tablets. There's no easier sign to observe that the CM Elite are not interested in educating the populace.

Wasn't Thaksin the Education minister for 5 years? What progress was made during that time?

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If they imagine their economic life will improve in a land-locked, manufacturing moribund, " Lanna Republic",

beholden to Myanmar or Laos and Cambodia or the China hinterlands for access to markets, distribution and supply,

then they have seriously be drinking the cool aid Thaksin has been selling with it's special reality warping ingredient.

Lysergic Acid dieThaksinamide

Calling it 'A Republic',

but imagining that does NOT mean it is actually a separate state, is not bright or thoughtful thinking,

or at least shows little understanding of the terms being bandied about.

If you as a group of individuals allow yourself to be led by the nose, by a demagogue,

then being labeled a less than thoughtful draft animal with ring in nose, is not a stretch.

Silly me!!! I always thought that a Republic was a nation replacing the monarchy with an elected head of state. They claim to want a republic whilst maintaining a monarchy - totally bemusing and a strong indication as to their intelligence levels!! w00t.gif

There is a Republic of Texas, but it is still a separate state within USA. It kept it's name after joining USA.

But there never was a King Of Texas, except maybe in some movie.

Why would a republic have a king when it is a republic?

It used to be part of Mexico (and was claimed although never colonised by Spain), it became an independent republic and was then fought over by the USA and Mexico before becoming part of the USA.

Don't exactly see what this has to do with the Thailand situation though!!!.

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If this people are "dumb" and "can not vote". educate them instead of barring them of a basic constitutional right.

Tell Yingluck's Education ministry which has squandered Billions of Baht from their budget on worthless tablets. There's no easier sign to observe that the CM Elite are not interested in educating the populace.

Wasn't Thaksin the Education minister for 5 years? What progress was made during that time?

He implemented Thaksinist brain-washing techniques into the Northern 'red' schools of Thailand's teaching curriculums.

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democratic republic of taksin shinawatra buffaloes? The reality is nothing is made up there and everything would need to be imported from Thailand, including rice. Then they would become a land locked poor country like Laos. It would be economic suicide. Also all the people around Chiang Mai are from different ethnic groups and are not one people, so its not true you could have a united Lanna kingdom. idiotic thinking?

Come on. They might have to import a lot but certainly not rice. They have more land under rice cultivation than Isaan yet only a third of the population. And do not forget there are many many products produced in the factory area of Lamphun.

I wonder if Lanna would continue the Thai government's policy of discriminating against minority races like hill tribes people by denying them citizen rights and forcing them to stay within their own districts.

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Petchawat Wattanapongsirikul and his Chiang mai friends will be arrested for les majesté very soon.



Because becoming a republic means doing away with the monarchy, that's why!!

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Hmmm….landlocked country with hostile neighbour controlling all the trade and transport links. Yep, that'll work.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

It would not be land locked, would control much of the raw product Bangkok needs to function water, labor, electrical power, rice etc.

You must have not understood what was stated, if Bangkok wanted an "appointed dictatorship", which most of democratic Thailand will not agree to!


Do you know what landlocked means Kikkoman?

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Hmmm….landlocked country with hostile neighbour controlling all the trade and transport links. Yep, that'll work.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

It would not be land locked, would control much of the raw product Bangkok needs to function water, labor, electrical power, rice etc.

You must have not understood what was stated, if Bangkok wanted an "appointed dictatorship", which most of democratic Thailand will not agree to!


Do you know what landlocked means Kikkoman?

Don't be hard on him - its a big word, you know (double digit in letters). He can check that out as it is only 10 letters ie: exactly 2 hands worth!!!

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...for the umpteenth time........

....look up the definition of TREASON......

Forgot about Treason Just came back from Church where I prayed for Peace and Love all over the World

We need more pray in this world

or even prayer.

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Thais would not be looking to split the country in two, if there vote was to count!

Relegating the poor to a substandard education.

The yellow shirts have never wanted a population of citizens capable of critical thinking.

They don't want educated well informed voters.
They want workers.

Until you change the education system here, its going to be ground hog day for a very long time to come.

Meanwhile the yellow shirts have got what they wished for.
An uneducated people to control.
They just didn't bank on it being a red shirt controlling them.
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If this people are "dumb" and "can not vote". educate them instead of barring them of a basic constitutional right.

Tell Yingluck's Education ministry which has squandered Billions of Baht from their budget on worthless tablets. There's no easier sign to observe that the CM Elite are not interested in educating the populace.

Wasn't Thaksin the Education minister for 5 years? What progress was made during that time?

He implemented Thaksinist brain-washing techniques into the Northern 'red' schools of Thailand's teaching curriculums.

A lot of the hilltribe childern in the north became doctors, lawers and engineers.
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Thais would not be looking to split the country in two, if there vote was to count!

Relegating the poor to a substandard education.

The yellow shirts have never wanted a population of citizens capable of critical thinking.

They don't want educated well informed voters.
They want workers.

Until you change the education system here, its going to be ground hog day for a very long time to come.

Meanwhile the yellow shirts have got what they wished for.
An uneducated people to control.
They just didn't bank on it being a red shirt controlling them.

How have the Thaksin proxy parties improved education in the 10 or so years they've been in power since 2001?

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So in this new Democratic Lanna Republic people will be free to establish a Democrats Party or a Yellow Shirt party and contest the elections. Right?

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

No need. It will be like the People's Democratic Republic of Laos next door. Elections will be a formality with only candidates from one party permitted.

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Thais would not be looking to split the country in two, if there vote was to count!

Relegating the poor to a substandard education.

The yellow shirts have never wanted a population of citizens capable of critical thinking.

They don't want educated well informed voters.
They want workers.

Until you change the education system here, its going to be ground hog day for a very long time to come.

Meanwhile the yellow shirts have got what they wished for.
An uneducated people to control.
They just didn't bank on it being a red shirt controlling them.

How have the Thaksin proxy parties improved education in the 10 or so years they've been in power since 2001?

By giving cheap tablets to primary school children.

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Most of us know this will not happen. Even as appealing as it maybe.

What shocks me is how many right wingers are actually terrified by this prospect.

Who's terrified of this happening? Most people just think it's stupid.

If it happened, it couldn't happen without a major civil war, and THAT is terrifying. I don't see a scenario where a radical Northern minority says, yes we want to do this, and the rest of the country says, sure thing OK!

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