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Chalerm says Yingluck still caretaker prime minister


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I thought I was meant to be Pipkins?

It doesn't matter who you 'should' be.

It's just so strange that new members like you keep popping up on TV and that they always seem to be here to support Thaksin...

I'm a supporter of the rule of law and of abiding by election results (even if the party I support loses) - not Thaksin (although I do think Yingluck is rather attractive).

Perhaps the growing number of "Reds" here is reflective of the growing support of the way one side has behaved compared to how the other side has misbehaved in recent times.

What is it you desire TV to be - a little bubble of Yellow sycophancy immune from the outside world and the thoughts and opinions of anyone who dares to hold a different view or opinion and worse actually presents facts that support their opposing views??

How do you expect to learn and grow and test your thoughts if you only hear one side of an issue?

There are Red supporters on here already. Your very vocal (& very recent) Pro Government posts just ring alarm bells for me and lead me to wonder why you have suddenly become such a strident and frequent poster. If you are genuine, then I apologise, but I think I have every right to draw attention to these facts so that anybody reading can decide how much notice to take of your, apparent, views.

Edited by thaifoolishness
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What was stopping the payments in October. After parliament was dissolved the constitution prevented payments. How is any of that any one else fault but the PTP?

Yeah.The rice scheme ran into some minor difficulties that could have been quickly and easily remedied had the Democrats not acted as they did. Instead of being a constructive parliamentary force the Democrats instead chose to do all they could to sabotage the scheme and actively worked to prevent payments being made to farmers for the selfish purpose of trying to destroy the elected government so that they could again try to steal power.

If the Democrats were so eager to help the farmers could they not have delayed their mass quitting of parliament and taking to the streets until the farmers had been paid? Yes they could of but they didn't because they wanted to exploit the farmers misery for their own selfish ends. The more the farmers suffered the better they thought it was for them - unfortunately it didn't work out that way and they have lost big time on this issue. If you'll notice the amount of press on the rice scheme has dwindled and the focus is now on the northern secession threats - why? - because the rice scheme debate has been won by the good guys and the Yellows need another red herring issue to try and justify their illegal activities.

'Minor difficulties'? Hahahahaha!

Those two words destroy everything else in your post. Do you live in Laa Laa Land?

Or perhaps you're using those two words to ignore every other detail in the post because you are unable to refute or disprove them.

He already did. Read above. And get out of the house some, get some friends, get laid.

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He's been pretty quiet of late, so we were due some Chalerm nonsense.

No need to make too much of a scene when your'e so clearly winning.

No need to highlight or rub in the utter rout over the street mob

It's called being a gracious victor

Chalerm gracious??? That's a new one!

Sent from my Nexus 5 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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The living standards of the rural northerners and the poor in general has improved dramatically since Thaksin lead or backed parties burst onto the scene - that's a fact.

They've committed far more graft than previous administration, you know that- or you just arrived here to unpack your bags. Look into the rice scheme, the billions, the loss in money for flood aid, the 1st time car/home buyer. We're talking billions upon billions just in a few years; let alone, the epidemic corruption leading up to 2006 under square face. Can't reinvent the facts on a forum consisting of primarily long time expats.

No it's not.

Fact - Shinawatra lead governments (yes, yes yingluck is the PM) have put 1.5 trillion baht into rice schemes over 14 years yet the farmers they purport to help miss one payment…I will reinforce that by repeating it, they missed ONE payment from the government and some farmers are committing suicide while the rest travel to Bangkok to protest. Doesn't sound like they are prospering.

According to the latest report by the Thailand Development Research Institute (TDRI), the richest 20 per cent of rice farmers produce 42 per cent of the total rice supply in the market. Meanwhile, the poorest 2.59 million rice-growing households do not produce enough grain to join the programme.

 That means the richest 20 percent are MORE prosperous. The poorest are still the same. So does that mean you are happy that the rich are getting richer while the poor are stagnant?

The extended family live about 100km out of KK. They grow rice. 3 years after the PTP scheme was implemented they still don't own a car. Rain still leaks in through the roof of their house. The husband has a 2nd job. They fear they will loose the harvest. I asked if they know about higher yields through improving water management, better seed selection, alternate pesticides, more efficient harvesting methods and soil analysis. Their eyes glazed up while staring over the 18" black and white TV they saved up for. The only thing sustainable about this scheme is the votes it generates.

Through research and development the Vietnamese, who live only a few hundred km from Thailand, have a sustainable industry that produce 810kg of rice per rai compared to Thailand's 250kg per rai. They need no hand outs, they produce bumper crops and they don't life in dilapidated houses. 1.5 trillion baht could have allowed Thai farmers to mirror the efficiency of the Vietnamese, but then the PTP would no longer gets votes. They need them poor and on hand outs to keep that carrot dangled in front of them.

If the government's real intention was to help farmers, it should have spent tax money on things that would assist the sector towards sustainability, such as research and development, irrigation, transportation, financial management, cooperatives and agriculture education. These efforts have multiplier effects that have the power to eventually lift poor farmers out of poverty. Funding for these longer-term measures should have been accompanied by several sensible short-term measures to alleviate the farmers' debt burden.

Wow, you typed all that to deny a fact.

The only way Thaksin has any power in this country is through the support of the rural poor, as long as his policies continue to improve their lives he will command a majority of the electorate, the minute he fails in this task he will lose their support and cease to have any sort of power. The rural folk are a bit more clever than your mob give them credit for and are certainly smart enough to vote policies that benefit them. Thaksin makes their lives better than the other mob would so they vote for him, pretty simple really.

You truly are a pigeon.


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I thought I was meant to be Pipkins?

It doesn't matter who you 'should' be.

It's just so strange that new members like you keep popping up on TV and that they always seem to be here to support Thaksin...

I'm a supporter of the rule of law and of abiding by election results (even if the party I support loses) - not Thaksin (although I do think Yingluck is rather attractive).

Perhaps the growing number of "Reds" here is reflective of the growing support of the way one side has behaved compared to how the other side has misbehaved in recent times.

What is it you desire TV to be - a little bubble of Yellow sycophancy immune from the outside world and the thoughts and opinions of anyone who dares to hold a different view or opinion and worse actually presents facts that support their opposing views??

How do you expect to learn and grow and test your thoughts if you only hear one side of an issue?

If you truly support the rule of law then you would surely agree that Jatuporn, Nattawut, Kwanchai and similar ilk belongs behind the bars. Those individuals are nothing but common thugs and terrorists. Same rule applies to guys who occupied the airport. Also if you are a law abiding citizen as you claim to be then you would be more than happy to see a convicted criminal and a fugitive jailed, wouldn't you?

Furthermore, how do you expect to learn and grow when in the rural areas under red shirt control anyone who thinks differenty is immedieately physically intimidated and hand grenade ends up in their backyard. Or the most recent parade in Phayao resembling National Socialists parades in 1930's Germany. All those uniforms, all those flag waving....Village volunteers. Get a grip. You're as one sided as it gets.

Edited by Mackie
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The living standards of the rural northerners and the poor in general has improved dramatically since Thaksin lead or backed parties burst onto the scene - that's a fact.

They've committed far more graft than previous administration, you know that- or you just arrived here to unpack your bags. Look into the rice scheme, the billions, the loss in money for flood aid, the 1st time car/home buyer. We're talking billions upon billions just in a few years; let alone, the epidemic corruption leading up to 2006 under square face. Can't reinvent the facts on a forum consisting of primarily long time expats.

No it's not.

Fact - Shinawatra lead governments (yes, yes yingluck is the PM) have put 1.5 trillion baht into rice schemes over 14 years yet the farmers they purport to help miss one payment…I will reinforce that by repeating it, they missed ONE payment from the government and some farmers are committing suicide while the rest travel to Bangkok to protest. Doesn't sound like they are prospering.

According to the latest report by the Thailand Development Research Institute (TDRI), the richest 20 per cent of rice farmers produce 42 per cent of the total rice supply in the market. Meanwhile, the poorest 2.59 million rice-growing households do not produce enough grain to join the programme.

 That means the richest 20 percent are MORE prosperous. The poorest are still the same. So does that mean you are happy that the rich are getting richer while the poor are stagnant?

The extended family live about 100km out of KK. They grow rice. 3 years after the PTP scheme was implemented they still don't own a car. Rain still leaks in through the roof of their house. The husband has a 2nd job. They fear they will loose the harvest. I asked if they know about higher yields through improving water management, better seed selection, alternate pesticides, more efficient harvesting methods and soil analysis. Their eyes glazed up while staring over the 18" black and white TV they saved up for. The only thing sustainable about this scheme is the votes it generates.

Through research and development the Vietnamese, who live only a few hundred km from Thailand, have a sustainable industry that produce 810kg of rice per rai compared to Thailand's 250kg per rai. They need no hand outs, they produce bumper crops and they don't life in dilapidated houses. 1.5 trillion baht could have allowed Thai farmers to mirror the efficiency of the Vietnamese, but then the PTP would no longer gets votes. They need them poor and on hand outs to keep that carrot dangled in front of them.

If the government's real intention was to help farmers, it should have spent tax money on things that would assist the sector towards sustainability, such as research and development, irrigation, transportation, financial management, cooperatives and agriculture education. These efforts have multiplier effects that have the power to eventually lift poor farmers out of poverty. Funding for these longer-term measures should have been accompanied by several sensible short-term measures to alleviate the farmers' debt burden.

Wow, you typed all that to deny a fact.

The only way Thaksin has any power in this country is through the support of the rural poor, as long as his policies continue to improve their lives he will command a majority of the electorate, the minute he fails in this task he will lose their support and cease to have any sort of power. The rural folk are a bit more clever than your mob give them credit for and are certainly smart enough to vote policies that benefit them. Thaksin makes their lives better than the other mob would so they vote for him, pretty simple really.

You truly are a pigeon.

"Knock over the pieces, crap on the board and strut around like it's victorious". This is by far the best summation of Suthep that I have come across. Thank you.

Can't win an election, tosses out the rule book and illegally takes to the streets, fails dismally and is forced to "consolidate" to Lumpini Park with his 6 wheelchair grannies. There is only one side here who wont fight fair (because they always lose), that's why unlike other current demonstrations occurring elsewhere in the world - the current Thai mob has absolutely ZERO international support. ZZZEEERRROOO!!!

It's a losing cause that has been lost, only a deluded few are maintaining the rage, but in reality, it all ends for you in less than a fortnight.


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What was stopping the payments in October. After parliament was dissolved the constitution prevented payments. How is any of that any one else fault but the PTP?

Yeah.The rice scheme ran into some minor difficulties that could have been quickly and easily remedied had the Democrats not acted as they did. Instead of being a constructive parliamentary force the Democrats instead chose to do all they could to sabotage the scheme and actively worked to prevent payments being made to farmers for the selfish purpose of trying to destroy the elected government so that they could again try to steal power.

If the Democrats were so eager to help the farmers could they not have delayed their mass quitting of parliament and taking to the streets until the farmers had been paid? Yes they could of but they didn't because they wanted to exploit the farmers misery for their own selfish ends. The more the farmers suffered the better they thought it was for them - unfortunately it didn't work out that way and they have lost big time on this issue. If you'll notice the amount of press on the rice scheme has dwindled and the focus is now on the northern secession threats - why? - because the rice scheme debate has been won by the good guys and the Yellows need another red herring issue to try and justify their illegal activities.

Sorry for interrupting you all.

I thought a lot of money have been scammed off from the rice scheme BEFORE the protest started?

Who got those cash? If there are no corruption cases involved, no scamming, all the hard cash are in the original place,

the farmers should have receive their rice payment isn't it? All the current problems will not even exist.

Or do i miss something?

The rice scheme ran into some minor difficulties that could have been quickly and easily remedied。

Ran into some minor difficulties? Billions of baht are lost out of nowhere is considered minor difficulties?

Could have been quickly and easily remedied? By taking money from the intended 2.2trillion baht loan to cover it?

Huge cash keep missing and using more huge money to cover it?

hmm…. seems like a great idea.


You thought (read hoped) a lot of money had been scammed before the protests started. As yet no evidence presented and no convictions obtained.

What you guys continue to spout in nothing more than unfounded propaganda that the majority of the Thai electorate has rejected, that's why your movement is currently fading away into nothingness. I'd give it a week, maybe two, until it's all over

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I thought I was meant to be Pipkins?

It doesn't matter who you 'should' be.

It's just so strange that new members like you keep popping up on TV and that they always seem to be here to support Thaksin...

I'm a supporter of the rule of law and of abiding by election results (even if the party I support loses) - not Thaksin (although I do think Yingluck is rather attractive).

Perhaps the growing number of "Reds" here is reflective of the growing support of the way one side has behaved compared to how the other side has misbehaved in recent times.

What is it you desire TV to be - a little bubble of Yellow sycophancy immune from the outside world and the thoughts and opinions of anyone who dares to hold a different view or opinion and worse actually presents facts that support their opposing views??

How do you expect to learn and grow and test your thoughts if you only hear one side of an issue?

If you truly support the rule of law then you would surely agree that Jatuporn, Nattawut, Kwanchai and similar ilk belongs behind the bars. Those individuals are nothing but common thugs and terrorists. Same rule applies to guys who occupied the airport. Also if you are a law abiding citizen as you claim to be then you would be more than happy to see a convicted criminal and a fugitive jailed, wouldn't you?

Furthermore, how do you expect to learn and grow when in the rural areas under red shirt control anyone who thinks differenty is immedieately physically intimidated and hand grenade ends up in their backyard. Or the most recent parade in Phayao resembling National Socialists parades in 1930's Germany. All those uniforms, all those flag waving....Village volunteers. Get a grip. You're as one sided as it gets.

If they are guilty of a crime, absolutely.

No need to call them names, bit childish.

Airport guys have been free for a long time now, same thing for them - trial and if convicted jail.

Thaksins' conviction, I would favour a retrial as the waters were muddied with politics last time, that said - trial and if convicted jail.

Rural Thais have been used and abused for decades, this place needs a good dose of populist policies to lift their living (and education) standards - the Democrats aren't the solution to this problem - they are the cause.

The parades up north - just a bit of theatre to let the southerners know there is serious opposition to their repeated illegal overthrowing of elected governments. Storm in a teacup if ever there was one - expect the Yellows to play it up as much as they can as they currently haven't a leg to stand on.

How'd I go? 10 out of 10 I would suspect.

Edited by ManofReason
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What was stopping the payments in October. After parliament was dissolved the constitution prevented payments. How is any of that any one else fault but the PTP?

Yeah.The rice scheme ran into some minor difficulties that could have been quickly and easily remedied had the Democrats not acted as they did. Instead of being a constructive parliamentary force the Democrats instead chose to do all they could to sabotage the scheme and actively worked to prevent payments being made to farmers for the selfish purpose of trying to destroy the elected government so that they could again try to steal power.

If the Democrats were so eager to help the farmers could they not have delayed their mass quitting of parliament and taking to the streets until the farmers had been paid? Yes they could of but they didn't because they wanted to exploit the farmers misery for their own selfish ends. The more the farmers suffered the better they thought it was for them - unfortunately it didn't work out that way and they have lost big time on this issue. If you'll notice the amount of press on the rice scheme has dwindled and the focus is now on the northern secession threats - why? - because the rice scheme debate has been won by the good guys and the Yellows need another red herring issue to try and justify their illegal activities.

Sorry for interrupting you all.

I thought a lot of money have been scammed off from the rice scheme BEFORE the protest started?

Who got those cash? If there are no corruption cases involved, no scamming, all the hard cash are in the original place,

the farmers should have receive their rice payment isn't it? All the current problems will not even exist.

Or do i miss something?

The rice scheme ran into some minor difficulties that could have been quickly and easily remedied。

Ran into some minor difficulties? Billions of baht are lost out of nowhere is considered minor difficulties?

Could have been quickly and easily remedied? By taking money from the intended 2.2trillion baht loan to cover it?

Huge cash keep missing and using more huge money to cover it?

hmm…. seems like a great idea.


You thought (read hoped) a lot of money had been scammed before the protests started. As yet no evidence presented and no convictions obtained.

What you guys continue to spout in nothing more than unfounded propaganda that the majority of the Thai electorate has rejected, that's why your movement is currently fading away into nothingness. I'd give it a week, maybe two, until it's all over

Blah, Blah, Blah.

When there are convictions you will either be long gone or claiming Judicial Coup.

Keeping repeated the same old line doesn't make it true.

We'll see what happens shall we?

Oh and BTW there is ONE conviction we shouldn't forget (or didn't they tell you about it?) - Thaksin. He decided to go to the Olympics instead.

If they did tell you about it (& before you start spouting the same old lines about it) please be aware that where were & are many other, & more serious, charges pending.

Giveusajob, it would be much more believable if somebody who'd been on here a while was doing all this on Thaksin's behalf. Maybe we can make a deal? Thank you 3 times...

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If the government's real intention was to help farmers, it should have spent tax money on things that would assist the sector towards sustainability, such as research and development, irrigation, transportation, financial management, cooperatives and agriculture education. These efforts have multiplier effects that have the power to eventually lift poor farmers out of poverty. Funding for these longer-term measures should have been accompanied by several sensible short-term measures to alleviate the farmers' debt burden.

Wow, you typed all that to deny a fact.

The only way Thaksin has any power in this country is through the support of the rural poor, as long as his policies continue to improve their lives he will command a majority of the electorate, the minute he fails in this task he will lose their support and cease to have any sort of power. The rural folk are a bit more clever than your mob give them credit for and are certainly smart enough to vote policies that benefit them. Thaksin makes their lives better than the other mob would so they vote for him, pretty simple really.

You truly are a pigeon.

"Knock over the pieces, crap on the board and strut around like it's victorious". This is by far the best summation of Suthep that I have come across. Thank you.

Can't win an election, tosses out the rule book and illegally takes to the streets, fails dismally and is forced to "consolidate" to Lumpini Park with his 6 wheelchair grannies. There is only one side here who wont fight fair (because they always lose), that's why unlike other current demonstrations occurring elsewhere in the world - the current Thai mob has absolutely ZERO international support. ZZZEEERRROOO!!!

It's a losing cause that has been lost, only a deluded few are maintaining the rage, but in reality, it all ends for you in less than a fortnight.


Sorry, I stand corrected. A pigeon that likes to change the subject to divert attention away from the failings of his beloved regime.

PTP are corrupt. Well Suthep stopped elections.

PTP do not represent the voice of the majority as can be shown with the amnesty vote of 307 -0 when 60% of the population didn't want an amnesty. Well Suthep stopped elections.

PTP hold the minority in contempt. Well Suthep stopped elections.

The deputy PM called voters garbage because they didn't agree with him. Well Suthep stopped elections.

What are the principles of democracy? Ask Suthep, he stopped elections.

State facts all day long. Forget the facts, Suthep stopped elections

UDD wanted to separate Thailand. No they don't. Suthep does.

My arm hurts. That's Suthep's fault.

A "fanatic" is intense and eager but also irrational in their enthusiasm. Fanatics suggest extreme devotion and a willingness to go to any length to maintain or carry out one's beliefs. Within those parameters in mind I am a fanatic. I love snow boarding and I have hired a helicopter to reach inaccessible peaks to enjoy the untouched powder.

We also have a "bigot" and they cause the most trouble. They exhibit obstinate and often a blind devotion to their beliefs and opinions. In contrast to fanatics, the bigot shows intolerance and contempt for those who do not agree. They also project blame onto the opposition and always compare their failings to that of the opposition.

You can pick out a bigot on a sinking ship (which represents the rice scheme). They are the ones neck deep in water saying the ship is not sinking. Prove it to me. Come on prove it. Yingluck said the ship is not sinking so I believe her.

If you dismiss facts and overlook evidence that contradicts your "BELIEF" based simply on the fact that yingluck said it, then support the PTP. You deserve each other.



Edited by djjamie
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What was stopping the payments in October. After parliament was dissolved the constitution prevented payments. How is any of that any one else fault but the PTP?

Yeah.The rice scheme ran into some minor difficulties

Just toooooo funny.

Like the Black Knight claiming it's just a flesh wound.


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Yes you can, It's up to the Constitutional Court to rule on the issue, and former-DPM caretaker-Labour Minister Chalerm is not part of the court, is he ?

So "Mr Chalerm’s confirmation of Ms Yingluck’s status" means diddly-squat, until the Court agrees or disagrees, it's only his personal opinion. wink.png

Not that he's biased, in any way, or also affected by the decision himself ! facepalm.gif

The Constitution Court will never rule on this issue! The Reds will make sure of this!

they will rule - PTP will ignore the ruling - and the army will be on the streets

again caused by PTP/Thaksin refusing to respect the law and the constitution clap2.gif

The reds will not be on the streets as they have lost support whistling.gif

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When ur finished with your current employer, give me a buzz, it's nearly that time of year when I need to put horse manure on my garden beds. From your work here I can see you have no shortage of experience in the field.

I was going yo quote your relevant work but it's already been repeated on here so many time, so much quoting, BUT the bits about the rice scheme experiencing minor difficulties and the other law and order stuff >>>>>> it's just too much. Do you keep a straight face while posting this stuff OR is it just more Trolling. Keep in mind you've already admitted to trolling to me on another thread.

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The only way Thaksin has any power in this country is through the support of the rural poor, as long as his policies continue to improve their lives he will command a majority of the electorate, the minute he fails in this task he will lose their support and cease to have any sort of power. The rural folk are a bit more clever than your mob give them credit for and are certainly smart enough to vote policies that benefit them. Thaksin makes their lives better than the other mob would so they vote for him, pretty simple really.

Nope, they vote for who the Poo Yai tells them to, or else. Ours is regularly on the village tannoy system at 6am to remind them of this fact.

In mine and the neighbours houses that I visit, when the television isn't showing a 'drama' it is tuned in to Red TV.

But they voted for Newin's team, funny that, they must have spent several milliseconds wondering who to vote for.

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Sorry, I stand corrected. A pigeon that likes to change the subject to divert attention away from the failings of his beloved regime.

PTP are corrupt. Well Suthep stopped elections.

PTP do not represent the voice of the majority as can be shown with the amnesty vote of 307 -0 when 60% of the population didn't want an amnesty. Well Suthep stopped elections.

PTP hold the minority in contempt. Well Suthep stopped elections.

The deputy PM called voters garbage because they didn't agree with him. Well Suthep stopped elections.

What are the principles of democracy? Ask Suthep, he stopped elections.

State facts all day long. Forget the facts, Suthep stopped elections

UDD wanted to separate Thailand. No they don't. Suthep does.

My arm hurts. That's Suthep's fault.

A "fanatic" is intense and eager but also irrational in their enthusiasm. Fanatics suggest extreme devotion and a willingness to go to any length to maintain or carry out one's beliefs. Within those parameters in mind I am a fanatic. I love snow boarding and I have hired a helicopter to reach inaccessible peaks to enjoy the untouched powder.

We also have a "bigot" and they cause the most trouble. They exhibit obstinate and often a blind devotion to their beliefs and opinions. In contrast to fanatics, the bigot shows intolerance and contempt for those who do not agree. They also project blame onto the opposition and always compare their failings to that of the opposition.

You can pick out a bigot on a sinking ship (which represents the rice scheme). They are the ones neck deep in water saying the ship is not sinking. Prove it to me. Come on prove it. Yingluck said the ship is not sinking so I believe her.

If you dismiss facts and overlook evidence that contradicts your "BELIEF" based simply on the fact that yingluck said it, then support the PTP. You deserve each other.


I see the Essendon avatar which leads me to believe you're an Aussie.

You are an embarrassment to our education system.

Maybe you've been on the peptides and it's affecting your wiring, who knows.

At least your consistent, both your political cause and football team are cheaters.

(A little off topic I know, but what can one say in response to such drivel?)

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Yes,it could be that they're ripping them off. But if they are you can be sure that they're doing far, far less thievery than the elites were doing for the decades prior to the advent of the Red Shirt movement. Why do you think the Reds have so much support?

They've committed far more graft than previous administration, you know that- or you just arrived here to unpack your bags. Look into the rice scheme, the billions, the loss in money for flood aid, the 1st time car/home buyer. We're talking billions upon billions just in a few years; let alone, the epidemic corruption leading up to 2006 under square face. Can't reinvent the facts on a forum consisting of primarily long time expats.

They've been accused of committing extreme levels of graft. As yet they haven't been CONVICTED of anything. I could accuse you of being a pedophile - does that automatically mean you are? Of course not. The living standards of the rural northerners and the poor in general has improved dramatically since Thaksin lead or backed parties burst onto the scene - that's a fact. I am always amused how it's not enough to just accuse the Reds of being corrupt, the accusation has to be so wildly extreme and over the top. It's as if those making the claims don't realise it would be absolutely impossible to hide graft on such a scale, so how on earth could Thaksin and co. get away with it for nearly a decade? The Democrats would have to be the most incompetent opposition in the history of mankind as they have still have not been able to put together enough evidence to legally bring down this government even though they (wishfully) believe that they have stolen literally "truck loads" of cash.

In any normal society when and MP or government or PM is charged with a crime THEY STEP DOWN - at that point there is no CONVICTION

also we have already CONVICTED MP's serving in PTP right now when they should be in jail - go figure

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Yes you can, It's up to the Constitutional Court to rule on the issue, and former-DPM caretaker-Labour Minister Chalerm is not part of the court, is he ?

So "Mr Chalerm’s confirmation of Ms Yingluck’s status" means diddly-squat, until the Court agrees or disagrees, it's only his personal opinion. wink.png

Not that he's biased, in any way, or also affected by the decision himself ! facepalm.gif

Now don't be hasty, young master Ricky.

Don't forget Pol. Captain Chalerm has studied law ans is said to have written at least two new versions of the Constitution.

Mind you, maybe he was referring to his own version rather than the current 2007 version rolleyes.gif

no he keeps altering his own constitution with a bottle lobotomy

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What's wrong with his face? It gets rounder every day, wait a minute...did he eat all the missing rice?

his ears are being sucked into a (political) vacuum - give it a week or so he'll look like something from a star wars pub scene

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Yes,it could be that they're ripping them off. But if they are you can be sure that they're doing far, far less thievery than the elites were doing for the decades prior to the advent of the Red Shirt movement. Why do you think the Reds have so much support?

They've committed far more graft than previous administration, you know that- or you just arrived here to unpack your bags. Look into the rice scheme, the billions, the loss in money for flood aid, the 1st time car/home buyer. We're talking billions upon billions just in a few years; let alone, the epidemic corruption leading up to 2006 under square face. Can't reinvent the facts on a forum consisting of primarily long time expats.

They've been accused of committing extreme levels of graft. As yet they haven't been CONVICTED of anything. I could accuse you of being a pedophile - does that automatically mean you are? Of course not. The living standards of the rural northerners and the poor in general has improved dramatically since Thaksin lead or backed parties burst onto the scene - that's a fact. I am always amused how it's not enough to just accuse the Reds of being corrupt, the accusation has to be so wildly extreme and over the top. It's as if those making the claims don't realise it would be absolutely impossible to hide graft on such a scale, so how on earth could Thaksin and co. get away with it for nearly a decade? The Democrats would have to be the most incompetent opposition in the history of mankind as they have still have not been able to put together enough evidence to legally bring down this government even though they (wishfully) believe that they have stolen literally "truck loads" of cash.

In any normal society when and MP or government or PM is charged with a crime THEY STEP DOWN - at that point there is no CONVICTION

also we have already CONVICTED MP's serving in PTP right now when they should be in jail - go figure

That occurs in countries that have independent judiciaries that don't open frivolous cases for political purposes.

Were they convicted of rorting the rice scheme? Of course not.

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Yes you can, It's up to the Constitutional Court to rule on the issue, and former-DPM caretaker-Labour Minister Chalerm is not part of the court, is he ?

So "Mr Chalerm’s confirmation of Ms Yingluck’s status" means diddly-squat, until the Court agrees or disagrees, it's only his personal opinion. wink.png

Not that he's biased, in any way, or also affected by the decision himself ! facepalm.gif

Rule on what?

The constitution states that the election must be completed within 180 days of parliament being dissolved and the PM must be elected within 30 days of the new parliament sitting. Looks like it's Yinglucks'show until July - enjoy.

The farmers are going to be overjoyed to hear that!

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Lets be real, the only reason dates are not yet met are due to illegal acts by the Dems. Constitution is not setup to assume 101 illegal acts, is it. Any reasonable person would agree w Chalerms position on the matter. Certainly one cant say that Yingluk is to blame for the delays!

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The battle of the constitutional articles begins. Chalerm - unsurprisingly - does not refer to Article 7 or Article 108, and he dismisses Article 172. He doesn't give due weight to the dates by which parliament is expected to convene, and the process by which - as per Article 7 - the political vacuum is filled. Clearly, the duty of the Constitutional Court will be to find accommodation for all articles in the constitution. They are, however, unlikely to adopt Chalerm's idea of articles simply cancelling each other out ! This is an unprecedented situation. Parliament is indeed supposed to be convened today. And tomorrow, the caretakers status is stripped in the wake of that vacuum. Any court would have to find accommodation for all articles. They cannot afford to take Chalerm's lead in simply ignoring the ones he doesn't like ! But at the end of the day, the Yingluck administration is holding on by a constitutional hair. And with an election involving closed or incomplete Bangkok constituencies, and another election with the 28 candidate-less constituencies - which hasn't even been scheduled yet - and an administration that has no authority to delegate monies and effectively govern, and that is under an impeachment investigation from the NACC - it is hard to imagine a more tenuous situation for the administration. In the meantime ...

" Citing Article 172 of the Constitution which stipulates that the prime minister must be chosen within 30 days of the convening of the House, Mr Chalerm said that the 30-day timeline for the election of the prime minister is yet to start because the House is still unable to convene and, hence, the prime minister will continue to serve in the office. "

If Chalerm was a lawyer, he'd note that he is talking in circles on this one. Article 172 stipulates a 30 day convening of parliament. In Chalerm's reasoning " Yes, I know, but we are unable to do that " ( In other words, Article 172 only comes into effect if parliament is unopened as a matter of conscious choice ! )

Edited by Scamper
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What was stopping the payments in October. After parliament was dissolved the constitution prevented payments. How is any of that any one else fault but the PTP?

Yeah.The rice scheme ran into some minor difficulties that could have been quickly and easily remedied had the Democrats not acted as they did. Instead of being a constructive parliamentary force the Democrats instead chose to do all they could to sabotage the scheme and actively worked to prevent payments being made to farmers for the selfish purpose of trying to destroy the elected government so that they could again try to steal power.

If the Democrats were so eager to help the farmers could they not have delayed their mass quitting of parliament and taking to the streets until the farmers had been paid? Yes they could of but they didn't because they wanted to exploit the farmers misery for their own selfish ends. The more the farmers suffered the better they thought it was for them - unfortunately it didn't work out that way and they have lost big time on this issue. If you'll notice the amount of press on the rice scheme has dwindled and the focus is now on the northern secession threats - why? - because the rice scheme debate has been won by the good guys and the Yellows need another red herring issue to try and justify their illegal activities.

With all the secrecy surrounding the rice scheme did ANYONE (other than the government) know that there was such a huge problem with overdue payments ?

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