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Bkk Bank Info & Warning

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This is part rant part Info and part warning for others who may bank with Bangkok Bank and use their M-banking / Online Banking.

I recently changed my phone number, and in the process it was necessary to change the details with the bank in order to use their mobile and online services.

Now I understand that ultimately its in the interest of the customer and for security etc, but Geez ! what a load of sh*t you have to go through to get something as simple as a phone number changed.

I noticed from online banking that in order to change the telephone number for OTP ("one time password" for those not familiar) it was necessary to visit the branch and complete a form.

So off I go to the branch, ask for the form to change the OTP ? No was the reply not needed you can do ATM, No I said it clearly states via a form at the branch, No, ATM can do. I said Ok, you show me, so after messing at the ATM for 5 minutes they say, OK done. I open the app on my phone and there it states the old number all they had done was in fact changed the number for the SMS notification service, NOT the OTP, so they scratch their heads, another 15 minutes playing with the ATM. Next another member of staff comes, whole story repeated, he tries, only SMS again, then finally a little girl pops up and says........"you need fill in form send to Bangkok ! " <deleted> !!! That's what I told them at the beginning !

So, off they go get the form, fill it in, copy of bank passbook needed, copy of Passport needed,

So nearly an hour has passed by now, forms filled out and all other parts duly copied and countersigned.

This is the killer part, after all that, I am then informed it will take 15 days !!!!! for them to change my number in the system because it all has to be sent to Bangkok and processed there.

So, any of you out there thinking of changing your telephone number remember whats involved and the time its going to take to do it.

If you thought it was going to be a 10 minute thing before you perhaps you fly out to go to the home country or perhaps before you go on holiday or something think again.

Unbelievable! given we are in 2014, you can use the ATM to empty the account, You can use your passport and passbook to empty the account at the counter.

BUT if you want to change a telephone number it takes 15 days !!

I am just pleased I had the sense to have another account in Thailand that can be used whilst I wait for the changes to be implemented.

Dont have all your eggs in one basket guys and whatever you do dont lose your phone or change your number without allowing for this crap !

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Suspect they may have initially believed you just wanted to set up account for internet access (which can be done at ATM for non joint accounts). And yes it is a serious issue for a new phone number. You should always keep that number and phone secure as it would be like giving your atm card to someone. The check that you are indeed authorizing a new account for transfer of funds is dependent on that SMS and input of that information so it needs high protection (and not something a local office employee would have any access to). So it is a time consuming process handled at hqs.

You can still use your account - it is only new internet activity that would require a password that is restricted AFAIK.

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Banking in Thailand can be frustrating sometimes based on the requirement to physically visit your branch (not just any branch but the branch the account was opened at) sometimes to make certain changes/updates (i.e., like updating your passport number)....and those visits often end up in the submission of some paperwork, possibly to HQ Bangkok Bank in Bangkok, for the paperwork to be processed. Other Thai banks pretty much do the same type thing due to Thai banking laws and Bank of Thailand regulations....plus the country is not as automated yet as some western countries.

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Changed the phone number associated with my OTP at Bangkok Bank.

Achieved quickly within the branch via the computer system once the staff were happy with my identity !

For some reason it seems many people manage to cope with most things in Thailand with minimal exertion and for others everything is a major chore ... probably not just in Thailand. Banking, Immigrations, shopping ... it's all just a series of ever more challenging hurdles for some.

Edited by Suradit69
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Yes but this is not always the customers fault. If the seller/bank employee does not fully understand your question they will often reply in a general negative manner rather than seeking clarification and then it is almost imposable to get further without a loss of face which they will protect at all costs. So unless you are very good at knowing there may be misunderstanding, and able to make it blameless, there is likely to be a very negative experience for everyone. So yes, in that respect, it is more likely to happen in Thailand than elsewhere.

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