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KBank 3 Mo. Money Seasoning Problem - Dont let this happen to you!

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On the aggregate summing in passbooks, you don't know it until it happens to you. Then you know. So for those with Kbank passbooks, you now have been warned. Otherwise, things like this happen. We aren't born knowing the technical policies of specific Thai banks

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Sounds like you need a better bank. I am with SCB and can go on my account through Internet, I can go on my account and get historical print outs for any month over a year,click December 2013 and up comes the full statement on all transactions.

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just made me think about this, I have 90 days now before renewing my retirement visa, and have a gsb bank account with more than the necessary in, but it has been in for a few months as a fixed 3.25%, I don't touch it obviously , but the date I put money in is over six months ago, so do I need to update this book as although it shows more than enough if it isn't updated it wouldn't show any withdrawals, or will the letter from bank just rectify this, because before I had a few accounts with money in and they wouldn't take these into account it all had to be in one account, I had loads in a mutual fund and they said that`s not money just numbers the cheeky gets, well I said you wouldn't mind those numbers in your account, he soon shut up,lol

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I would have asked to print a 6-months internet-statement of my account at the branch, using their computer and then asked a clerk to attest its authenticity - could this have been a solution in OP's case?

Edited by manarak
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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

just made me think about this, I have 90 days now before renewing my retirement visa, and have a gsb bank account with more than the necessary in, but it has been in for a few months as a fixed 3.25%, I don't touch it obviously , but the date I put money in is over six months ago, so do I need to update this book as although it shows more than enough if it isn't updated it wouldn't show any withdrawals, or will the letter from bank just rectify this, because before I had a few accounts with money in and they wouldn't take these into account it all had to be in one account, I had loads in a mutual fund and they said that`s not money just numbers the cheeky gets, well I said you wouldn't mind those numbers in your account, he soon shut up,lol

"They" were , in fact, correct .

A "mutual fund" is just numbers not cash which can be accessed today !

Popular in some countries, where I am told, huge financial institutions crash overnight leaving investors with "big numbers" with zero !

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There have been times when I haven't updated my SCB passbook for 5-6 months but any updating (I normally use the update machine outside the bank next to the ATM) includes every single transaction.

If K-Bank's system fails to update back to the last transaction (regardless of length of time) and/or if their online system doesn't allow you to print out statements for at least 6 months, I'd suggest you bank elsewhere. Both of those issues are reflective of a fairly worthless banking system.

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Oh dear I am in the same situation as OP. I too failed to update my passbook on bumping up the balance to satisfy the 800k/3mth rule and my renewal is due in a fortnight.

I logged into Kbank internet banking was able to get the Dec2013 statement showing the date my account has fulfilled the 800k rule. I got a printout of this statement and if I get my local Kbank manager to sign it would Immigration accept that?

Anyway thanks to Exppenang for the heads up, I think I'd better request BKK branch to give me some hardcopies.

Should hopefully not be a problem- I always take printouts of the last three months statements from KBank online banking- and letter fom bank confirming present balance. They check through the statements quite carefully- but always accept. Never had anyone sign it from the bank.

Let's face it who bothers to constantly to update passbooks, I hardly ever use cash and shop with KBank card.

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That's right. It's a specific issue with Kbank. It hit me recently as well. I have other Thai bank accounts where it is not an issue. So, to be helpful, which OTHER Thai banks in addition to Kbank have this issue with limitations on updating passbooks?

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That's right. It's a specific issue with Kbank. It hit me recently as well. I have other Thai bank accounts where it is not an issue. So, to be helpful, which OTHER Thai banks in addition to Kbank have this issue with limitations on updating passbooks?

KTB have different wrinkles for passbook updating. Most of their update machines will not do the update, if it requires adding more than 5 entries; the updates are, however, individual and not aggregate. If you have more than 5 items, you must get the update done with a teller. The teller must select individual line items or the update will be printed as aggregate sums.

We always get our updates done by a customer service person, rather than a teller, who may not be aware of the non-default settings for update printing.

We learned this the hard way years ago when our accountant asked for some transaction verification from the bank - we got it ! Over 70 transactions summarized in three lines.

Edited by tigermonkey
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Oh dear I am in the same situation as OP. I too failed to update my passbook on bumping up the balance to satisfy the 800k/3mth rule and my renewal is due in a fortnight.

I logged into Kbank internet banking was able to get the Dec2013 statement showing the date my account has fulfilled the 800k rule. I got a printout of this statement and if I get my local Kbank manager to sign it would Immigration accept that?

Anyway thanks to Exppenang for the heads up, I think I'd better request BKK branch to give me some hardcopies.


If it was as easy as printing out my online computer statements that would be great.

My understanding, however, is that it must be a hard copy printed on bank letterhead paper, and then each page chopped (stamped) at the branch where you pick it up. It is so easy these days to alter an online statement and print right at home. On that same visit, also ask for the letter from the branch confirming your particulars and balance on that day. If you are using a copy of your passbook instead of the official bank statements, there must be an entry three months or longer showing the money in the account. Be sure and bring along the actual passbook, and not just the copies.

With KBank it is very easy to suffer the 'aggregate summing' update, which omits individual transactions and dates on your passbook. You will only know if you have been 'aggregate summed' after you have updated your passbook, and checked the entries. Once the lines are printed, the 'damage' is done, and cannot be undone. If this happens, and the deposits/dates needed do not show, you will need the official statement hard copies, where Immigration can see every transaction and the entries marked 'No Book'. This is the way you can prove the statements are correct, and the passbook has missing records, where entries are clearly marked 'No Book'.

At KBank, they quoted 10 Business Days turnaround time, so plan accordingly. Some have stated they come in 3 or 4 days, but if they tell you 10 business days, very difficult to hold them to anything earlier than that.

Hope this helps.

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Oh dear I am in the same situation as OP. I too failed to update my passbook on bumping up the balance to satisfy the 800k/3mth rule and my renewal is due in a fortnight.

I logged into Kbank internet banking was able to get the Dec2013 statement showing the date my account has fulfilled the 800k rule. I got a printout of this statement and if I get my local Kbank manager to sign it would Immigration accept that?

Anyway thanks to Exppenang for the heads up, I think I'd better request BKK branch to give me some hardcopies.


If it was as easy as printing out my online computer statements that would be great.

My understanding, however, is that it must be a hard copy printed on bank letterhead paper, and then each page chopped (stamped) at the branch where you pick it up. It is so easy these days to alter an online statement and print right at home. On that same visit, also ask for the letter from the branch confirming your particulars and balance on that day. If you are using a copy of your passbook instead of the official bank statements, there must be an entry three months or longer showing the money in the account. Be sure and bring along the actual passbook, and not just the copies.

With KBank it is very easy to suffer the 'aggregate summing' update, which omits individual transactions and dates on your passbook. You will only know if you have been 'aggregate summed' after you have updated your passbook, and checked the entries. Once the lines are printed, the 'damage' is done, and cannot be undone. If this happens, and the deposits/dates needed do not show, you will need the official statement hard copies, where Immigration can see every transaction and the entries marked 'No Book'. This is the way you can prove the statements are correct, and the passbook has missing records, where entries are clearly marked 'No Book'.

At KBank, they quoted 10 Business Days turnaround time, so plan accordingly. Some have stated they come in 3 or 4 days, but if they tell you 10 business days, very difficult to hold them to anything earlier than that.

Hope this helps.


I'll go request the statements tomorrow and hope they arrive in less than 10 business days. As for the bank letter, shouldn't that be issued not more than a day prior to doing the extension?

What does this 'bank letter' actually say. I've never found out since everything went smoothly twice before.

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I have an account with SCB (and two others) and this is the best Bank I have dealt with, even comparing my own country.

This bank has the best Internet banking system and in the OP's situation he would have been able to print his statements back at lease 5 years.

I think his bank would have been able to VERIFY in some way that these statements were "true and correct"

SCB is also the oldest bank (first bank in Thailand) and also has the largest number of branches in Thailand.

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From past personal experience:

About 5 years ago, immigration told me to do the following - just in case I was ever asked (I have never been asked, but I dio it anyway, repeat just in case.).

You can check with your immigration office to see if they will accdept the folloowing method in case your passbook is not up to date:y

- After you use an ATM to get a cash advance, make a deposit in a CDM.

- When you get home, get a blank sheet of paper, then glue or staple the ATM cash advance slips and the CDM deposit slips to the sheet of paper.

- On each slip write clearly in ink the date, amount and last 4 digits of the credit/debit card (to avoid the ink fade, or make copies of the slips first and have both ready to show immigration). .

- Make sure you update your passbook after every deposit. Then you can shoiw immigration that you took cash advances and deposited the same amount in your bank account on the same day.

No guarantee that this will work at every immigration office, and no guarantee that you will even be asked to show the papers. It might not substitute for an up-to-date passbook either, but it might be a good way to remember to update the deposit book.

At any rate I don't understand why you are blaming the bank for the failure to do a passbook update.

Edited by caughtintheact
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Oh dear I am in the same situation as OP. I too failed to update my passbook on bumping up the balance to satisfy the 800k/3mth rule and my renewal is due in a fortnight.

I logged into Kbank internet banking was able to get the Dec2013 statement showing the date my account has fulfilled the 800k rule. I got a printout of this statement and if I get my local Kbank manager to sign it would Immigration accept that?

Anyway thanks to Exppenang for the heads up, I think I'd better request BKK branch to give me some hardcopies.


If it was as easy as printing out my online computer statements that would be great.

My understanding, however, is that it must be a hard copy printed on bank letterhead paper, and then each page chopped (stamped) at the branch where you pick it up. It is so easy these days to alter an online statement and print right at home. On that same visit, also ask for the letter from the branch confirming your particulars and balance on that day. If you are using a copy of your passbook instead of the official bank statements, there must be an entry three months or longer showing the money in the account. Be sure and bring along the actual passbook, and not just the copies.

With KBank it is very easy to suffer the 'aggregate summing' update, which omits individual transactions and dates on your passbook. You will only know if you have been 'aggregate summed' after you have updated your passbook, and checked the entries. Once the lines are printed, the 'damage' is done, and cannot be undone. If this happens, and the deposits/dates needed do not show, you will need the official statement hard copies, where Immigration can see every transaction and the entries marked 'No Book'. This is the way you can prove the statements are correct, and the passbook has missing records, where entries are clearly marked 'No Book'.

At KBank, they quoted 10 Business Days turnaround time, so plan accordingly. Some have stated they come in 3 or 4 days, but if they tell you 10 business days, very difficult to hold them to anything earlier than that.

Hope this helps.


I'll go request the statements tomorrow and hope they arrive in less than 10 business days. As for the bank letter, shouldn't that be issued not more than a day prior to doing the extension?

What does this 'bank letter' actually say. I've never found out since everything went smoothly twice before.


My advice is to get the letter from the bank on the same day you pick up the statements from the branch. The letter (in Thai) states your name, bank account number, and balance on the day it was printed. Also, it might be helpful to update your passbook on that same day. If you make a small cash deposit on that day, you can then update your passbook and the date of the last update and balance in your passbook will match the letter.

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I find the responses odd here. If the branch told the OP the further back records need to be sent from Bangkok and they are willing to get them from Bangkok but there is normally a delay to have that happen, why is that so hard to believe? I believe it. I see no logical reason why they wouldn't supply the records locally if they could and make up a lie about needing to contact Bangkok. Now if they told you it was impossible to ever get the records in any way, I would suspect a lie just to avoid work.

You have been here how long..??

Face involves any situation whaere a person feels they may appear inferior; lack of knowledge, obvious lie, new to the job, wrong tie color, etc.

Whenever a Thai is backed into such a corner, they can save face by asking for money - i.e. flirting with a woman where you eventually begin to take her clothes off. If you pay her then she always had control. If you don't pay her, then she loses face.

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Went into my local Kbank this morning and got my passbook updated by a customer agent (not the external update machine) and thankfully the entries include the date my balance met the requirements. I am not sure if the update machine would have omitted anything older than 60days but I have what I need now and won't be needing the statements after all.

And for some reason, the bank manager told me the "Bank Letter" would be issued on the day I intend to visit immigration and not any sooner. Not a problem but thought I'd just mention that.

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Different offices have different rules on how fresh the bank letter needs to be. Apparently possibly from same day (seems extreme) to a week (Jomtien). The letter and passbook balance entry must match exactly and should be the same date.

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I do not know about your bank,I am with SCB,but from exoerience if you deal with a small branch then they do not have a clue.Once you establish yourself at a local branch (best you have your account there,then they can be more helpfull ).Thai's are not trained to think out of the box,it is no good trying to tell them because you will come up against Thainess.They have all your transaction's on computer,so you must insist they print them for you and offer to pay.They can do it,but when they tell you no,it is a loss of face.Good luck.

I see you at least got a bank account with SCB,I couldn't even do that.I have two other accounts in town.I WILL get one somewhere and will gladly go back to this bank,and seek out this manager for service.What a joke,just said mai dai.Kasikorn and especially Bangkok bank go out of their way to help.

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