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My Costs for 26 days in LOS


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Normally if I come for 20 days or so it works out to be 1700 Baht per day for two people, this does not include accommodation, but includes meals out, petrol for the car, Xmas gifts for the close family and going on benders in Sukhumvit. Over many years it has averaged out at this amount, if I lived here it would probably be half of that.

My mother used to say that, "if you drink or smoke, you will never have any money". and I think she was right.

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A guy posts his recent experience in the ongoing debate about "how much does it cost to live in LOS", and is greeted by howls of derision from the TV regulars.

TV has become a nasty and vindictive place recently.

Yeah, some of the Johnny come latelys think they know it all and woe betide anyone who has a more balanced or informative opinion.

As to the OP's situation, he hasn't budgeted for health insurance yet as far as I can see. For decent provision, that is probably 10k a month, less for somewhat meaningless Thai coverage levels.

Car / truck ? No, then perhaps roll the dice living with a bike. Not for me.

If on darkside, grabbing a grand for a night out in a local taverna with no playing around is easily achievable. Having a decent house (big enough) and comfortable enough means you can stay in / want to stay in. Rent a rabbit hutch as a false economy and you'll forever be wanting to go out - spending in the process.

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When you live here you will spend a lot less than you would if you were on holiday.

I live on the dark side and can manage easily on 35,000 per month, i dont pay rent.

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goiing to the land of smiles on sunday 9th march. staying for 21 nights will blow 5,000 - 7,000 euro.

That's some blowing going on. I'm guessing you play a lot of golf; on expensive courses?? If I spent that much in 3 weeks I'd end up in a wooden overcoat.

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OP, Thanks for letting us know your expenses. I believe you will spend much less when you move. Will not need to catch up with your mates and have big nights out so often.

Good luck and enjoy.

Edited by rhodie
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