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thailand missing opportunities by No foreign ownership


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Since when has ownership facilitated education ?

The education and training for methods or techniques of construction dont require ownership.

Yes you are correct. I was meaning that ownership would need to also allow some sort of work permit capacity. For example perhaps supervisor capacity without actual sub contractor work. Yes may be far fetched but it brings in money from overseas, provides jobs,. Also if the foreign individual has skills and is allowed to work in some way brings training.

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Since when has ownership facilitated education ?

The education and training for methods or techniques of construction dont require ownership.

Yes you are correct. I was meaning that ownership would need to also allow some sort of work permit capacity. For example perhaps supervisor capacity without actual sub contractor work. Yes may be far fetched but it brings in money from overseas, provides jobs,. Also if the foreign individual has skills and is allowed to work in some way brings training.
There is a work permit capicity for architectural, advisory or consultancy basis. People with such skills can also be employed as teachers or trainers. Still dont need ownership to do it.

Whats required is education and the willingness of the Thais to accept and adopt those techniques, now thats a whole new discussion.

Edited by CharlieH
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Not medieval -- 1954 as in Land Code Act B.E. 2497 (1954) as further amended.

I was being a little sarcastic. I was referring to Thai methods of construction. From foundations to the pillar/infill walls. I'm suggesting is when you allow people from overseas to work and own such things as real estate, you untap so many skills and techniques.

Australia did this post WW2 and has ripped the rewards from Europe and other areas. A closed country falls behind quickly in the long run.

Great -- why not take your suggestions down to Parliament and look for this --


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I have to agree with the parochial mind set of Thais. Look at the protest that just finished. They said they want Democracy but wanted to stop people from voting in the last election

If they don't like the results they start to protest rather than suck it up and wait 4 years like other democracies do.

This is the mentality of the Thais and it will not change . As said before No education on international affairs They want to keep the masses stupid

This is the problem.

If they went with both eyes open this would be the richest Asian country in the world ahead of Hong Kong and Singapore but they are squandering it .

Yet Farangs still flock here to live.

Of course you could always move to Hong Kong, Singapore or Tokyo. smile.png

So true. There are farangs in Thailand complaining that Thailand should be like HK, or Singapore, or Japan. Well why don't they just freakin move there and not have to keep preaching this crappola!

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I have to agree with the parochial mind set of Thais. Look at the protest that just finished. They said they want Democracy but wanted to stop people from voting in the last election

If they don't like the results they start to protest rather than suck it up and wait 4 years like other democracies do.

This is the mentality of the Thais and it will not change . As said before No education on international affairs They want to keep the masses stupid

This is the problem.

If they went with both eyes open this would be the richest Asian country in the world ahead of Hong Kong and Singapore but they are squandering it .

Yet Farangs still flock here to live.

Of course you could always move to Hong Kong, Singapore or Tokyo. smile.png

So true. There are farangs in Thailand complaining that Thailand should be like HK, or Singapore, or Japan. Well why don't they just freakin move there and not have to keep preaching this crappola!

Because they can't afford it, and they would be lonely.

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I had a letter published in Bangkok Post back in '98 explaining to the Thais that there would be no "Asian Financial Crisis" if they would sell land to foreigners. It obviously would have been a great financial boom. I can't imagine how crowded this place would be and how high the prices would be if they would change that policy. The great rift in wealth differences would be even more apparent.

In a way, I'm glad they don't allow it. This country has become way to globalized/westernized in the past 25 years.

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Your all missing the point.

Foreign ownership for INDIVIDUALS would not push up prices. I give up. . Clearly no one here understands wealth creation for Thai people, not farang. I never suggested company players or foreign condo development. This joint is stuffed for Thai people because there is very low tax on land and the rich sit on it. And the not rich cannot sell it or use it. The land is owned by Thai people, broaden the purchaser based market and they make money. Very subjective that a farang will make much. Would be better investing in AU. . They would do it as they want to live here.

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Great -- So you are suggesting revisions to the Thai Foreign Business Act, The Thai Immigration Act, the Thai Land Code Act, the Civil Code of Thailand, etc.

Yes that will do for a start. And the bloke who posted about Germans over taking Austria beaches. <deleted> you mean Pattaya is lovely. Most beaches are stuffed here with uncontrolled development. Also AGAIN I suggested ownership by INDIVIDUALS
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Give me a break . Australia puts in per head of capita to help indigenous Australians more than any country. And you go sideways with this rubbish. Shall we talk about Indians in USA and Canada. Come on

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Great -- So you are suggesting revisions to the Thai Foreign Business Act, The Thai Immigration Act, the Thai Land Code Act, the Civil Code of Thailand, etc.

Yes that will do for a start. And the bloke who posted about Germans over taking Austria beaches. <deleted> you mean Pattaya is lovely. Most beaches are stuffed here with uncontrolled development. Also AGAIN I suggested ownership by INDIVIDUALS

Yes that will do for a start. So you're really not serious about any of this.

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It would double, triple the prices for the locals

Sorry. Disagree completely. Money comes from overseas. As land currently owned by Thai, it turns nothing plots into rentable properties. Actually buts more supply also an injection in realoney terms to Thailand. Win win

Austria had to restrict ownership of Germans...I recall it, nice lakes couldn't accessed anymore by locals because the land around was complete closed with foreign houses.

Same would happen with Thailand, all nice beaches would be full with Farang owned houses.

That is impossible : You have thousands and - thousands again - empty miles of beaches in Thailand. If you just start to investigate how much empty land there is around the Thai Kingdom you´d be surprised....

(And so would the Thai people....)

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