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thailand missing opportunities by No foreign ownership


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soutpeel I think your correct. Also the tax on vacant lots or rather non tax makes. It easy for weathly people to as it were sit on it. In Australia I purchased some single dwelling lots in port Douglas ,mission beach areas. Since I now live here on a retirement visa I have decided not to develop them. Thing is I pay $1780au on each block per annum rates. Not to mention council requires me to have them mowed each month. I'm notactually referring to bkk when iI mentioned possibility of land owner by foreigners here. I was talking about some of the provincial areas. For example I just spent a week in Kanchanaburi. I love Thailand but really the town like so many has so many derelict buildings/overgrown lots. Rubbish and basically rubbish tip. . I'm just asking is allowing some land to be owned by foreigners for perhaps single dwelling development ,in my opinion would be a win win. The farang will not make money out of this. It would be for other reasons such as having a Thai wife and looking for something long term.

And please don't talk about Russians owning London ,while this is very true it has no parallel here.

Investing in bkk condos for example ,while long term very safe and secure, it ain't a good investment for capital growth rate. Anyway my last post on this topic. Seems a lot of the "I have lived here for 10 years and I don't want change. Why don't you piss off back to AU"

Seems many think they own Thailand already.

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I have to agree with the parochial mind set of Thais. Look at the protest that just finished. They said they want Democracy but wanted to stop people from voting in the last election

If they don't like the results they start to protest rather than suck it up and wait 4 years like other democracies do.

This is the mentality of the Thais and it will not change . As said before No education on international affairs They want to keep the masses stupid

This is the problem.

If they went with both eyes open this would be the richest Asian country in the world ahead of Hong Kong and Singapore but they are squandering it .

Yet Farangs still flock here to live.

Of course you could always move to Hong Kong, Singapore or Tokyo. smile.png

So true. There are farangs in Thailand complaining that Thailand should be like HK, or Singapore, or Japan. Well why don't they just freakin move there and not have to keep preaching this crappola!

Even without Farangs being able to purchase land, land values have been soaring for the past five to ten years. Even in Issan country, 10 Rai ten years ago was around 200k baht per Rai if near a main road close to a larger town or city. Now it is approaching 2 million per Rai in these areas for 10 Rai plots.. I know this as my wifes brother is a developer, buys these hunks of land and then puts up houses on them. He is very sharp, very successful and hard working. It is not a problem to him to pay the higher price, as of course the price is added into the price of the homes, that have also gone through the roof in the past ten years.

I hate to say it but I think the Thais have it right and have every right to keep "their" country in whatever state they desire. To state that they could be like Hong Kong or Singapore, well, maybe they do not want to be like Hong Kong or Singapore. I sure as hell do not want Thailand to turn into either of those areas. I also sure as hell do not think that having their cost of living go up 500-1,000% is going to be of much use to the typical Thai family either.

Yeah, I would love to buy some land myself. Then design and throw up a house. Flat out love to. But, as noted, I do not think it is going to happen and I am OK with that. Still think that it is a great place to live. Rent is cheap in fact every time I do the math, cheaper than buying, so not a lot to complain about.

Having stated all the above, sometime I may opt for the same as the original post. Meaning Buy wife the land, buy me the house. The #1 rule of life in Thailand though is never invest any money that you cannot afford to lose. I have several friends that have married, bought, lost house to the wife within two years....................................... I value their honesty and value their insight. Sadly, one of them is now broke, as he had invested his retirement funds into the house and land, the other, while remarried, is renting and has no plans to buy again.

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Above post is spot on. Correct in many ways. Better off renting. I said this from the outset. Also never suggested in turning place into a hong Kong etc. I think I might be better advocating a better way for farang to obtain a home on land for himself and yes means having it in Thai wife of gf name but easy way to protect all the money that one puts into this. And befor you all tell me that this CAN be done with present rules. That is true but its a mine field.

Interesting forum on on this site..."importance of making a will " not just in this but like above post heard many of stories of farang losing big bucks. Should be made at very least moresimple

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Many foreigners abused this right in the past. Your not being able to buy property under your name is punishment for all the sins of those farangs before you who profited from land deals and left the country with their money. The Thai government got wise and has since then prohibited foreign males married to Thai women from owning land. The only way you can own land is by letting your wife become the owner of the land. Now if you don't trust your wife - you can whine all you want but it won't change anything.

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I am not whinging. If laws in the past were open to abuse, thatjust means they were inept laws.Doesn't stop a country from reviewing their errors and learning from them. Just because land ownership was abused in past simply means get better rules. Won't list them here but they are not hard to make law and protect interests of Thailand.

My point is that Thailand can benefit from farang building a home for their use is a positive thing. The money comes from places like Australia UK or where ever . In itself this is not inflationary. If anything the opposite. Governments print money to cover their deficits

. Not good. Ask USA.

This money comes from wealth outside Thailand. OK tax shit out o any future sale or whatever. Many ways to avoid a foreign cash grab.

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I am not whinging. If laws in the past were open to abuse, thatjust means they were inept laws.Doesn't stop a country from reviewing their errors and learning from them. Just because land ownership was abused in past simply means get better rules. Won't list them here but they are not hard to make law and protect interests of Thailand.

My point is that Thailand can benefit from farang building a home for their use is a positive thing. The money comes from places like Australia UK or where ever . In itself this is not inflationary. If anything the opposite. Governments print money to cover their deficits

. Not good. Ask USA.

This money comes from wealth outside Thailand. OK tax shit out o any future sale or whatever. Many ways to avoid a foreign cash grab.

You are whinging.

Thailand has its settings right where they want to be on this one. Multi billion dollar investments result in BOI privledges which allow ownership of land by companies investing in Thailand. Foreign ownership is allowed in condo's so long as the money is bought in from overseas.

For a politican to sell anymore would be electoral suicide, so they won't. To fail to understand this as a genuine blockage to further reform is pure ignorance.

Do I have a problems with foreginers owning land? Personally no. But many do.

The easiest route to ownership then is either setting up a BOI company, or, becoming a Thai citizen. None of these are insurmountable challenges, though I know plenty of people here will they think they are, mainly cause they require making some sort of contribution to Thailand which goes above and beyond just simply turning up.

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Land prices are Crazy in Thailand, in Wong Amat, North Pattaya a 5 Rai plot has just been sold for .......wait for it....200 Million Baht, they're going to erect a 52 storey Condo on the land !

The condos will start at 175,000 per square metre, they must know something I don't !!! blink.png

Edited by Banzai99
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Article here in the Sydney morning herald saying there are 63 million chinese wealthy enough to buy property overseas.

Australia is starting to get worried


And here is the rebuttal in crikey outlining why that article is a crock of <deleted>


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I think the reason there is no foreign ownership in thailand is because the elites who own the vast majority of the land don't believe they would get a good ROI if they sold it to foreigners, they are probably masking more money out of the land right now

As we know in Thailand money is everything and if they powers that be thought they could make significant amounts of money by flogging land to foreigners without upsetting the peasants I am sure the law would be changed in a heart beat

I think not only the peasants but the whole population would be very strongly against any change in this.

But as for the true elite that own the best land - I think the most significant factor would be the fear that foreigners would make more profit than them. Not from a money POV but as always losing face is the real loss they fear.

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The world's primary feudal landowner is Queen Elizabeth II. She is Queen of 32 countries, head of a Commonwealth of 54 countries in which a quarter of the world's population lives, and legal owner of about 6.6 billion acres of land, one-sixth of the earth's land surface.


good qualifier from yahoo answers

Sort of.

She has private lands that she owns, including estates/houses. However, as the living symbol of the "Crown" in 16 different countries, she can be said to own Crown Lands in these countries.

E.g., Canada, being the 2nd largest country on the planet, still has about 85% of it's lands owned by the Crown. As Elizabeth II is Queen of Canada, her Canadian Crown owns 85% of Canada. The Crown, but, not hers personally. She is also Queen of Australia, and New Zealand. Australia is a pretty big place, and also has a lot of Crown land, so, as Queen of Australia, she technically owns this land as well. As she does for Crown land in New Zealand, and so on.

Now, this is Crown land, and she is the symbol for the Crown in each place, but, it is not her personal land. It is administered, technically on her behalf, by the governments of each country. So, in effect, it is government land, or even public land, even if it technically is hers.

In addition, in Canada at least (and, presumably other countries), ALL lands are held from the Crown. Your deed does not give you exclusive ownership; it just gives you a set of specific rights to "your" land. So, in a purely legal sense, the Queen owns all of Canada (ever "private" lands). But, again, as the Crown.

Let's not leave out the Knights of Malta

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Unfortunately keeping people ignorant means you can buy their vote more easily. That's why the laws are archaic.

Marcusd. Via tapatalk

It would double, triple the prices for the locals

Keeping people down only works until the people begin to understand - the internet changes understanding.

Singapore was once parochial and Thailand was the richest country in South East Asia. Singapore changed the rules and has become, BY FAR, the richest country in South East Asia. Thailand continues to fall farther and farther behind, because of their parochial rules.

If Thailand wants wealth, the government will change the rules. If they want slavery they will not.

As for being lonely - Asian women are famous for desiring security over beauty. This has been true for centuries. Thus an older, established man who is not searching for a dollar, is much more desirable than a young handsome, but poor man.

My son corresponds with women all over Asia, who have the same question - where to find older foreign men.

The Internet for Thai's changes nothing, and does not increase their education of anything other than Farmville and silly Icon's to send eachother via instant message and facebook,

face it,

the Thai's are not interested in bettering themselves through education, as, it won;t improve their job prospects, unless and until, there is real job growth, and not in sex factories or places pirating movies and clothing,

I maintain,

Thailand has no future, and the Chinese just reported a MASSIVE drop in exports,


if China pulls back, Thailand has no foreign sponsor, and a person like myself, retired since 40, (14 years) with discretionary income to spare, has decided I have had enough as there is no real potential for growth, and the female population is damaged by their upbringing, tribe mentality, no fathers, no guidance, and unless you are willing to sell used rags (now called vintage clothing), stolen merchandise or seconds or chickens, where is the commerce?

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Land prices are Crazy in Thailand, in Wong Amat, North Pattaya a 5 Rai plot has just been sold for .......wait for it....200 Million Baht, they're going to erect a 52 storey Condo on the land !

The condos will start at 175,000 per square metre, they must know something I don't !!! blink.png

they must know something I don't !!!

Sure they do. They know the real price they paid and what they gonna build and sell at what price, instead of the rumors you heard from the guy on the barstool next to you.

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Unfortunately keeping people ignorant means you can buy their vote more easily. That's why the laws are archaic.

Marcusd. Via tapatalk

It would double, triple the prices for the locals

Keeping people down only works until the people begin to understand - the internet changes understanding.

Singapore was once parochial and Thailand was the richest country in South East Asia. Singapore changed the rules and has become, BY FAR, the richest country in South East Asia. Thailand continues to fall farther and farther behind, because of their parochial rules.

If Thailand wants wealth, the government will change the rules. If they want slavery they will not.

As for being lonely - Asian women are famous for desiring security over beauty. This has been true for centuries. Thus an older, established man who is not searching for a dollar, is much more desirable than a young handsome, but poor man.

My son corresponds with women all over Asia, who have the same question - where to find older foreign men.

The Internet for Thai's changes nothing, and does not increase their education of anything other than Farmville and silly Icon's to send eachother via instant message and facebook,

face it,

the Thai's are not interested in bettering themselves through education, as, it won;t improve their job prospects, unless and until, there is real job growth, and not in sex factories or places pirating movies and clothing,

I maintain,

Thailand has no future, and the Chinese just reported a MASSIVE drop in exports,


if China pulls back, Thailand has no foreign sponsor, and a person like myself, retired since 40, (14 years) with discretionary income to spare, has decided I have had enough as there is no real potential for growth, and the female population is damaged by their upbringing, tribe mentality, no fathers, no guidance, and unless you are willing to sell used rags (now called vintage clothing), stolen merchandise or seconds or chickens, where is the commerce?

Ain't we generalising just a wee bit ? Dear boy

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The world's primary feudal landowner is Queen Elizabeth II. She is Queen of 32 countries, head of a Commonwealth of 54 countries in which a quarter of the world's population lives, and legal owner of about 6.6 billion acres of land, one-sixth of the earth's land surface.


good qualifier from yahoo answers

Sort of.

She has private lands that she owns, including estates/houses. However, as the living symbol of the "Crown" in 16 different countries, she can be said to own Crown Lands in these countries.

E.g., Canada, being the 2nd largest country on the planet, still has about 85% of it's lands owned by the Crown. As Elizabeth II is Queen of Canada, her Canadian Crown owns 85% of Canada. The Crown, but, not hers personally. She is also Queen of Australia, and New Zealand. Australia is a pretty big place, and also has a lot of Crown land, so, as Queen of Australia, she technically owns this land as well. As she does for Crown land in New Zealand, and so on.

Now, this is Crown land, and she is the symbol for the Crown in each place, but, it is not her personal land. It is administered, technically on her behalf, by the governments of each country. So, in effect, it is government land, or even public land, even if it technically is hers.

In addition, in Canada at least (and, presumably other countries), ALL lands are held from the Crown. Your deed does not give you exclusive ownership; it just gives you a set of specific rights to "your" land. So, in a purely legal sense, the Queen owns all of Canada (ever "private" lands). But, again, as the Crown.

Let's not leave out the Knights of Malta

How about the Templar's and the illuminarti ?

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wasting your time because Thais don't care at all. They have the primitive belief that by keeping foreigners out of control that this will benefit them (the common people) but they only need to look at the state of their country, their crippling infrastructure, lack of rules, transparency, thousands killed each year by lacklustre attitudes at all levels. You got money to invest? buy a property in your own country and live off the rent in Thailand.

These rules however only benefit the numerous billionaires who recently made the Forbes rich list as they keep 100% market share in the hands of the elite and by using nationalism and combined with low education this trend will continue. Keep them poor, uneducated, don't question the elite and all will continue as it is today.

You don't sound particularly bright. On top of that, you've got a serious chip on your shoulder. Ok, so you've got no money, got no prospects, and your ex-hooker wife doesn't respect you. Is this how you're going to get back at the Thais? Don't think you're going to get anywhere.

He seems a bit brighter than you, because he didn't mention any of the points you accuse him from.

Edited by JesseFrank
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Land prices are Crazy in Thailand, in Wong Amat, North Pattaya a 5 Rai plot has just been sold for .......wait for it....200 Million Baht, they're going to erect a 52 storey Condo on the land !

The condos will start at 175,000 per square metre, they must know something I don't !!! blink.png

they must know something I don't !!!

Sure they do. They know the real price they paid and what they gonna build and sell at what price, instead of the rumors you heard from the guy on the barstool next to you.

One things for sure, you know nothing, I happen to have a condo right opposite that land that has just been sold, it's not rumours, it's fact, and its a fact they paid 200 Million for 5 Rai, and a fact they are building a 52 storey condo, Mustique WongAmat Beach.

I wish it was barstool crap, it's gonna be built right in front of my condo.

Wanna question that, PM me, come round and see for yourself. ( assuming you live here that is )

True these are reports from locals, and they could be stretching the truth, I am not sure, but unfortunately that condo is going to be built, they have started to drill test holes for the foundations ;(

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wasting your time because Thais don't care at all. They have the primitive belief that by keeping foreigners out of control that this will benefit them (the common people) but they only need to look at the state of their country, their crippling infrastructure, lack of rules, transparency, thousands killed each year by lacklustre attitudes at all levels. You got money to invest? buy a property in your own country and live off the rent in Thailand.

These rules however only benefit the numerous billionaires who recently made the Forbes rich list as they keep 100% market share in the hands of the elite and by using nationalism and combined with low education this trend will continue. Keep them poor, uneducated, don't question the elite and all will continue as it is today.

You don't sound particularly bright. On top of that, you've got a serious chip on your shoulder. Ok, so you've got no money, got no prospects, and your ex-hooker wife doesn't respect you. Is this how you're going to get back at the Thais? Don't think you're going to get anywhere.

He seems a bit brighter than you, because he didn't mention any of the points you accuse him from.

So why do these poor downtrodden people stay in Thailand, why don't they find somewhere new, If I was unhappy here, I'd be out of here in a heartbeat, It's the million dollar question, WHY DO YOU STAY ?

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Let's not leave out the Knights of Malta

How about the Templar's and the illuminarti ?

Found the original piece, Kevin Cahill seems to be a reputable journalist. But yes, his claims are quickly picked up by the conspiracy buffs:



To the point where you get above the Rothschilds - shape-shifting alien lizards. Someone already mentioned David Icke?

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Land prices are Crazy in Thailand, in Wong Amat, North Pattaya a 5 Rai plot has just been sold for .......wait for it....200 Million Baht, they're going to erect a 52 storey Condo on the land !

The condos will start at 175,000 per square metre, they must know something I don't !!! blink.png

they must know something I don't !!!

Sure they do. They know the real price they paid and what they gonna build and sell at what price, instead of the rumors you heard from the guy on the barstool next to you.

One things for sure, you know nothing, I happen to have a condo right opposite that land that has just been sold, it's not rumours, it's fact, and its a fact they paid 200 Million for 5 Rai, and a fact they are building a 52 storey condo, Mustique WongAmat Beach.

I wish it was barstool crap, it's gonna be built right in front of my condo.

Wanna question that, PM me, come round and see for yourself. ( assuming you live here that is )

True these are reports from locals, and they could be stretching the truth, I am not sure, but unfortunately that condo is going to be built, they have started to drill test holes for the foundations ;(

Suan Sawarn, The Park, Ocean 1, The Sails, and about 20 others from which the name slips my memory now, are also gonna be builtcoffee1.gif .

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Yeah, why do you stay in Thailand? Tell me!

Go home to UK and make British babies!

In your British passport it s written on first page that Queen of commonwealth will protect you.

Don't be jealous of Thailand.

God bless UK and her queen!

Now raise your Union jack and sing our lovely anthem... :-D

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Dear dear me. I love the way the OP gets sidetracked by a slow spiral sideways. . Everyone talking about condo development. Read my post. It was about single dwelling development by individuals.

In AU where I did smaller scale property development I.e domestic stuff. The government down to local council had so many town planning guidelines and what we call IV

OVERLAYS .The development can be controlled rigorously . Anyway over it .made suggestion for a country being left behind, that would not impact prices and just give Thailand a free ride on my money and knowhow and in the main the existing expats on a good wicket what status quo so they can have cheap food and shags.

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Dear dear me. I love the way the OP gets sidetracked by a slow spiral sideways. . Everyone talking about condo development. Read my post. It was about single dwelling development by individuals.

In AU where I did smaller scale property development I.e domestic stuff. The government down to local council had so many town planning guidelines and what we call IV

OVERLAYS .The development can be controlled rigorously . Anyway over it .made suggestion for a country being left behind, that would not impact prices and just give Thailand a free ride on my money and knowhow and in the main the existing expats on a good wicket what status quo so they can have cheap food and shags.

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Let's not leave out the Knights of Malta

How about the Templar's and the illuminarti ?

Found the original piece, Kevin Cahill seems to be a reputable journalist. But yes, his claims are quickly picked up by the conspiracy buffs:



To the point where you get above the Rothschilds - shape-shifting alien lizards. Someone already mentioned David Icke?

David Icke is a punk. I called him on a retard comment he made on Facebook and he blocked me, refusing to answer a non threatening question, unless of course, being shown to be posting false and misleading statements may have affected his book sales.

There is no need to delve into the Rothschilds, as they are well known,

the Knights Templar on the other hand, owners of Many US and global corporations now have the upper hand on the Pope and their ages old wars continue,

I do see McDonalds is all over Thailand now, that is one of their companies as is Esso, aka. Exxon in America, another Templar company

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Let's not leave out the Knights of Malta

How about the Templar's and the illuminarti ?

Found the original piece, Kevin Cahill seems to be a reputable journalist. But yes, his claims are quickly picked up by the conspiracy buffs:



To the point where you get above the Rothschilds - shape-shifting alien lizards. Someone already mentioned David Icke?

David Icke is a punk. I called him on a retard comment he made on Facebook and he blocked me, refusing to answer a non threatening question, unless of course, being shown to be posting false and misleading statements may have affected his book sales.

There is no need to delve into the Rothschilds, as they are well known,

the Knights Templar on the other hand, owners of Many US and global corporations now have the upper hand on the Pope and their ages old wars continue,

I do see McDonalds is all over Thailand now, that is one of their companies as is Esso, aka. Exxon in America, another Templar company

Tin foil hat time me thinks

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When it comes to owning land etc. I fully understand Thailand. They need to protect themselves as good as they can, like other countries also do.

To me the biggest problem in Thailand is their political system in general, which is clearly really messed up. The loss of opportunity lies there, because everything is uncertain. As things are now, nobody knows that is going to happen. The laws might totally change overnight and that holds back many investments in this country.

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