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Malaysia's Anwar Ibrahim guilty of sodomy, gets five years jail


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Section 377 of the penal code in 42 former British colonies criminalizes anal sex between men and other homosexual acts.

The provision was introduced by British colonial authorities in the British Raj as section 377 of the Indian Penal Code, and was used as the model for sodomy laws in many other British colonies, in many cases with the same section number.

The prohibition of homosexual acts is provided for in section 377 of the penal codes of India, Malaysia, Singapore (see Section 377A of the Penal Code of Singapore), Pakistan, Bangladesh, Burma, Maldives and Jamaica. It is the model for similar laws that remain in force in Bhutan, Brunei, Kiribati, Marshall Islands, Nauru, Papua New Guinea, Tonga, Tuvalu, Samoa, Malawi, Mauritius, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Somalia, Sudan, Solomon Islands, Sri Lanka, Ghana, The Gambia, Botswana, Kenya, Nigeria, Tanzania, Uganda and Zambia. It was the model for since-repealed laws in Australia, Fiji, Hong Kong, and New Zealand.

Sharia... my butt! whistling.gif

31 August 1963. Malaysia becomes independent. The Bhumiputra have had 50 years to change the law if they felt it was wrong. The penal code was updated multiple times since 1963. It is a cop out to blame the former British colonial government. The law was a reflection of the era when it was put into place in the 1800's. Time moves on and we no longer consider lobotomies or electric shock as a bonafide treatment for mental illness. We also don't offer radium as a cure all and we no longer put people with physical deformities on display in "freak shows". We also do not physically assault kids for masturbating. Malaysians are 100% responsible for the current law.

nobody says that the Malaysians are not responsible for any of their current laws and nobody blames the Brits for introducing them. mentioning that the Brits were the "origin" of these kind of laws was done because of silly statements "Sharia" and "Saudi oil".

utmost silly and arrogant are also your, and the demands of others, that an independent nation changes its laws because you and others feel they are outdated.

silly would be also any Saudi demand to close Scottish whisky distilleries or destroy French vineyards because drinking alcohol is outdated and forbidden since 1435 years.

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C'mon now, outlawing that sort of thing in Malaysia is like banning alcohol in UK.

It is of course selectively enforced, otherwise they would need a lot more prisons.

Anyone who doesn't see political implications here is missing something. For decades it was a one-party democracy (an oxymoron), and they manage to find reason to continually lock up the the strongest opposition politician.

Edited by bendejo
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and they manage to find reason to continually lock up the the strongest opposition politician.

maybe its because most politicians are bent ? and im not talking sexually :D

they can find some dirt on everyone if they look hard enough, i doubt any of them got to the top

without taking a sneaky bribe or a backhander in the previous 20 yrs etc

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I quoted the Bible to show the ignorant that there is not just an Islamic prohibition against homosexuality, but a Christian and Jewish one as well.

Yes, but, because of separation of church and state, Western countries do not put anyone in jail for it.

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Not any more; but many did within living memory.

Indeed, as the quote in my previous shows, some states in the USA still do!

Although those jailed are later released without trial due to the US Supreme Court ruling; but that ruling was only 10 years ago!

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Not any more

And no one in Western countries is stoning gays to death either.

Its an exception, but a Christian in the US stoned to death a gay man in 2011.


Ultra conservatives in both Christian and Islamic communities/countries. In recent years very harsh anti gay legislation has been enacted by Christian politicians in some African countries. Killings of gays, by stoning, have occured in the past few years in Christian communities in Nigeria and Kenya and the acts have been congratulated by a few Christian pastors.

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