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Marriage Refusal!

Guest Froggy

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Guest Froggy


Is there someone who knows if someone from Canada can be refused to Marry a Thai Lady if He never been Married before?

What can be the reasons?

Do we need a specific range of salary even if we don't wanna stay in Thailand after the Marriage registration?

Can we get Married on a Tourist Visa?

Can they refuse to register the Marriage if the person have a old criminal record in another country?

Thanks if someone can answer!


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No foreigner is permitted to register a marriage without a letter from their respective Embassy attesting to their fitness to marry (what Thai often call a "good person" letter). Your Embassy sets the rules as to what they require.

You normally get married on a tourist visa.

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When I did mine, I was the one who had to attest to any reason why I could not get married..... The question the embassy asked, is there any reason why you can not be married?

I am not sure of the embassy letters are standard or not, but the Australian one asks for the name of your intended wife. So make sure you:

1. Know it

2. Can spell it


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Look at your Embassasies homepage. The US Embassy had some mention of marriage paperwork. It cost 2000 baht and I needed my passport and two references back in the US. Once you get it, remember that you will need to have it translated into Thai by a certified translator.

The Thai's will call the paperwork a "single certificate" and you wife will need one from her local Amphur too!

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Did it really cost you Bt2000 for the embassy paper? The Australian version is only Bt500 but we are a poor country so maybe that is why it is cheaper. :o

Th etranslation also needs to be certified as correct and true and as far as I am aware it has to be done at the Department OF Foreign Affars in Bangkok. You can mail the papaerwork to them and get it mailed back but it involves a fee. From memory the certification was about Bt200. I took mine there myself and had them mail the return which took about 2 days. But for extra Bt's you can get a while you wait service.

Also, we didn't need any single paper for the thai gf, just her ID and tabian baan (house paper). Not sure if we were just lucky or not!! TIT

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Did it really cost you Bt2000 for the embassy paper? The Australian version is only Bt500 but we are a poor country so maybe that is why it is cheaper.

But if the A$ keeps climbing you won't be able to plead that case much longer. :o

Believe notary service is about US$30 now so that would have had to be paid.

Thai ID card provides marriage status and there is a central computer list in Bangkok they can check.

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Your proof of being in single is your word on a statutory declaration (stat dec) at th econsular section of the embassy.

You fill in the form (there is an example on the table) stating you are single and there is no reason you know of why you can not marry ........ Here you fill in your gf's name.

You also need a copy of your passport (although if you are nice to the lady behind the counter she will copy it for you), pay your money, she signs it, stamps it and then you have your english version of authority to marry a thai.

See my other posting about foreign affairs translation

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Does anyone know what is required in the way of "proof of being single" and ID for a Thai person to marry an Australian citizen in Australia?

You must file intention to marry at least 30 days in advance and she must show passport and any divorce decree. Official site for Canberra is:

Marriage requirements

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Is there someone who knows if someone from Canada can be refused to Marry a Thai Lady if He never been Married before?

What can be the reasons?

Do we need a specific range of salary even if we don't wanna stay in Thailand after the Marriage registration?

Can we get Married on a Tourist Visa?

Can they refuse to register the Marriage if the person have a old criminal record in another country?

Thanks if someone can answer!


Froggy...It's a very simple process.

Go to the Canadian embassy in Bangkok.

Give them $20CDN (I think)

They make you swear an oath that you are not currently married, stamp a document and that's it.

Go get it translated into thai.


I actually had registry searches done in all provinces I had lived in but as it turns out, swearing the oath was all I needed.

Congrats and good luck. :o


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You must file intention to marry at least 30 days in advance and she must show passport and any divorce decree. Official site for Canberra is:

Lopburi3, this is only relevant in Aust yes?

I went to BKK, filled out the stat dec and was married all in the same day, with help from the translation agency of course. From beginning to end, as an Aussie it only took about 5 hours to get married.

Contact [email protected] he is very obliging and I am sure will help with all your Aussie marriage questions. I actually have all the instructions in english and in phasa Thai, but do not know how to post it here...

As for the Canadian problem, well I wouldn't imagine it is too different from the Aussie one.

Best of luck to all concerned

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I got married at an amphur in BKK and the only thing they seemed suspicious

of was if i was married before in the US. They asked me 3 times. Finally angrily I shouted "Do

you think i am crazy enough to marry a lady falang!! " The whole room

errupted in laughter and 10 mins we were married.

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firstly I opologise for my last posting. I misread the question and thought they wanted to get married in Thailand. Lack of sleep from new born baby is my excuse.

Secondly, that website you posted seems to be for US citizens getting married in Australia. I am not so sure it is the same for every nationality. We don't do things as an "everyone will do it this way".

In that respect we are a little like Thailand. Depending where you come from and what our relationship with your country is will determine how we treat you and what rules you need to follow today.


What can I say, we are a land developed from outcasts and criminals and too far away from the rest of the world to care too much about changing.......

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Legal requirements for marriage in Australia

Marriage Act 1961

4.29. Under the Marriage Act 1961,

Marriages may be celebrated by a minister of religion registered as an authorised celebrant, by a State Registrar, or by other persons authorised by the Attorney-General.

Notice of the intended marriage must be given to the celebrant at least one month but not more than six months before the marriage.

Did not intend to be viewed as Oz was somehow wrong, just that I didn't know the reason not being from there. It appears that this is the law for all marriages in Oz so my guess it is just a "cooling down" period as many states have in the USA; although a little longer.

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