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Chinese Martyrs' Brigade group claims responsibility for flight MH370: Missing MAS


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Until this plane is found, every tom dick and abdhulla will claim responsibility. What a sad sad world we live in.

Unfortunately it will be "until proven beyond doubt" what or who caused this tragedy...

And even then...

Edited by Basil B
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Until this plane is found, every tom dick and abdhulla will claim responsibility. What a sad sad world we live in.

Unfortunately it will be "until proven beyond doubt" what or who caused this tragedy...

And even then...

As it should be. If you try, find guilty and execute the wrong people the original criminals are still on the loose.

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Chinese are good at making spaghetti, dumplings and firecrackers, not sophisticated destructive devices. Hell, they can barely get off the ground!

This might get you more up to date on their capabilities.... Perhaps you are still reading some old Marco Polo manuscripts!


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Chinese are good at making spaghetti, dumplings and firecrackers, not sophisticated destructive devices. Hell, they can barely get off the ground!

This might get you more up to date on their capabilities.... Perhaps you are still reading some old Marco Polo manuscripts!


Not far down, the headline: "China's Moon Rover Already in Trouble". Haha! Spending all that ¥¥¥ on ridiculous pissing contests, while most of the population doesn't have access to clean water, food, air. Maybe not so funny after all.

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